
81 lines
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using System;
using OpenTK;
namespace org.budnhead.core
public static class Linear
static public bool Solve4x3(Vector3 X,Vector3 Y,Vector3 Z,Vector3 W,out Vector3 c)
Vector4[] rows = new Vector4[3];
rows[0] = new Vector4(X.X,Y.X,Z.X,W.X);
rows[1] = new Vector4(X.Y,Y.Y,Z.Y,W.Y);
rows[2] = new Vector4(X.Z,Y.Z,Z.Z,W.Z);
c = new Vector3();
Console.WriteLine("New Linear Equation System to solve:");
if (rows[0].Z == 0){
Vector4 t = rows[0];
rows[0] = rows[2];
rows[2] = t;
if (rows[0].Z == 0){
Vector4 t = rows[0];
rows[0] = rows[1];
rows[1] = t;
if (rows[0].Z == 0){
return false;
} else {
rows[1] -= rows[0] * (rows[1].Z / rows[0].Z);
rows[2] -= rows[0] * (rows[2].Z / rows[0].Z);
if (rows[1].Y == 0){
Vector4 t = rows[1];
rows[1] = rows[2];
rows[2] = t;
if (rows[1].Y == 0){
return false;
} else {
rows[2] -= rows[1] * (rows[2].Y / rows[1].Y);
rows[2] /= rows[2].X;
c.X = rows[2].W;
rows[1].W -= rows[1].X * c.X;
rows[1].X = 0;
rows[1] /= rows[1].Y;
c.Y = rows[1].W;
rows[0].W -= rows[0].X * c.X;
rows[0].X = 0;
rows[0].W -= rows[0].Y * c.Y;
rows[0].Y = 0;
rows[0] /= rows[0].Z;
c.Z = rows[0].W;
Console.WriteLine("Solved to {0}",c);
return true;
static void dumpLinearSystem(Vector4[] rows){
Console.WriteLine("Linear Equation System Dump:");
foreach (Vector4 v4 in rows){
Console.WriteLine(" {0}",v4);