
268 lines
8.3 KiB

// /**
// * File: PerfFile.cs
// * Author: haraldwolff
// *
// * This file and it's content is copyrighted by the Author and / or copyright holder.
// * Any use wihtout proper permission is illegal and may lead to legal actions.
// *
// *
// **/
using System;
using System.IO;
using ln.logging;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Text;
using ln.types.threads;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles;
using ln.types;
using System.Linq;
namespace ln.perfdb
* PerfFile Format Specification
* File Header:
* 0x0000 4 MAGIC
* 0x0004 4 Version
* 0x0008 4 nSections
* 0x000C 4 RESERVE
* 0x0010 16 Section specification #0
*[0x0020 16 Section specification #1]
* Section Data #0
*[Section Data #1]
* Section specification format:
* 0x0000 4 Flags
* 0x0004 4 nRecords
* 0x0008 4 tWindow
* 0x000C 4 Aggregation Method
public class NewPerfFile : IDisposable
public static bool DEBUG = false;
public readonly static ulong Magic1 = 0xBEAF8888BEAF8888L;
public readonly static ulong Magic2 = 0xBAD80000BAD90000L;
public readonly int SecondsPerHour = 3600;
public readonly int SecondsPerDay = 3600 * 24;
public readonly int SecondsPerWeek = 3600 * 24 * 7;
public String FileName { get; }
public FileStream FileStream { get; private set; }
public TimeWindow[] TimeWindows => twi.Select((arg) => arg.TimeWindow).ToArray();
TWImpl[] twi;
FileStream fileStream;
MemoryMappedFile mappedFile;
MemoryMappedViewAccessor mappedViewAccessor;
public NewPerfFile(String filename)
FileName = filename;
fileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
if ((fileStream.ReadULong() != Magic1) || (fileStream.ReadULong() != Magic2))
throw new FormatException();
twi = new TWImpl[fileStream.ReadInteger()];
for (int n=0;n<twi.Length;n++)
twi[n] = new TWImpl(this, new TimeWindow(fileStream.ReadInteger(), fileStream.ReadInteger()));
if (n > 0)
twi[n - 1].Next = twi[n];
mappedFile = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(filename);
mappedViewAccessor = mappedFile.CreateViewAccessor(4096, 0);
private void Scan()
foreach (TWImpl t in twi)
public static NewPerfFile Create(string filename, TimeWindow[] timeWindows)
if (timeWindows.Length > 32)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(timeWindows));
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.CreateNew))
long targetFileSize = 4096;
foreach (TimeWindow timeWindow in timeWindows)
targetFileSize += (timeWindow.NumRecords * 16);
fileStream.Position = targetFileSize - 1;
return new NewPerfFile(filename);
public void Write(double value) => Write(DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(), value);
public void Write(long timestamp,double value) => twi[0].WriteValue(timestamp, value);
public void Close()
mappedViewAccessor = null;
mappedFile = null;
public void Dispose()
class TWImpl
public TimeWindow TimeWindow;
public NewPerfFile PerfFile;
TWImpl next;
public TWImpl Next
get => next;
if (value != null)
int asize = value.TimeWindow.Interval / TimeWindow.Interval;
if ((asize * TimeWindow.Interval) != value.TimeWindow.Interval)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value.TimeWindow.Interval));
value.Offset = offset + TimeWindow.ByteSize;
aggregateSize = asize;
next = value;
long offset = 0;
public long Offset
get => offset;
offset = value;
if (next != null)
next.Offset = offset + TimeWindow.ByteSize;
int lastPosition = 0;
int aggregateSize = 1;
public TWImpl(NewPerfFile newPerfFile,TimeWindow timeWindow)
PerfFile = newPerfFile;
TimeWindow = timeWindow;
public void Scan()
long maxTimeStamp = 0;
for (int p = 0; p < TimeWindow.NumRecords; p++)
ReadPosition(p, out PerfValue perfValue);
if (perfValue.TimeStamp > maxTimeStamp)
lastPosition = (int)(perfValue.TimeStamp / TimeWindow.Interval);
maxTimeStamp = perfValue.TimeStamp;
public void ReadPosition(int position, out PerfValue perfValue)
position %= TimeWindow.NumRecords;
PerfFile.mappedViewAccessor.Read<PerfValue>(offset + (position * 16), out perfValue);
public void WritePosition(int position, PerfValue perfValue)
position %= TimeWindow.NumRecords;
PerfFile.mappedViewAccessor.Write<PerfValue>(offset + (position * 16), ref perfValue);
public void WriteValue(long timestamp,double value)
int position = (int)(timestamp / TimeWindow.Interval);
if (next != null)
// ToDo: Fix aggregation window
Aggregate(lastPosition, position);
public void Aggregate(int fromPosition,int toPosition)
if (fromPosition > toPosition)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(fromPosition));
int agStartIdx = fromPosition % aggregateSize;
int agStart = fromPosition - agStartIdx;
if (agStartIdx > 0)
agStart += aggregateSize;
int agEndIndex = toPosition % aggregateSize;
int agEnd = toPosition + aggregateSize - agEndIndex;
//int lastloop = Math.DivRem(fromPosition, TimeWindow.NumRecords, out int lastLoopIdx);
//int loop = Math.DivRem(toPosition, TimeWindow.NumRecords, out int loopIdx);
//int agStart = (lastLoopIdx + aggregateSize - 1) % aggregateSize;
//int agEnd = (loopIdx + aggregateSize - 1) & aggregateSize;
//int pos = timeWindows[0].GetValuePositionFromTimestamp(timestamp);
//if (pos < tws[0].lastPosition)
// return;
//PerfValue perfValue = new PerfValue(0, 0);
//for (int iPos = tws[0].lastPosition;iPos != pos;iPos = (iPos + 1) % timeWindows[0].NumRecords)
// mappedViewAccessor.Write<PerfValue>(tws[0].offset + (iPos * 16), ref perfValue);
//perfValue.TimeStamp = timestamp;
//perfValue.Value = value;
//mappedViewAccessor.Write<PerfValue>(tws[0].offset + (pos * 16), ref perfValue);