
136 lines
3.6 KiB

using System;
using BigInt;
using System.Text;
using sharp.extensions;
namespace Crypto.EC
public class EllipticCurve
public Integer a { get; private set; }
public Integer b { get; private set; }
public Integer n { get; private set; }
public int h { get; private set; }
public CurvePoint G { get; private set; }
public IntField Fp { get; private set; }
public EllipticCurve(Integer p,Integer a,Integer b,Integer xG,Integer yG,Integer n,int h)
this.Fp = new IntField(p);
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.n = n;
this.h = h;
this.G = new CurvePoint(this, xG, yG);
if (!isOnCurve(this.G)){
throw new ArgumentException("G is not part of the curve");
public Integer Y2(Integer x){
Integer yy = x;
//Console.WriteLine("Y(x): X = {0}",x.toHexString());
//Console.WriteLine("Y(x): x^2 = {0}",yy.Pow(2).toHexString());
yy = yy.Pow(3);
//Console.WriteLine("Y(x): x^3 = {0}",yy.toHexString());
yy += (a * x);
//Console.WriteLine("Y(x): x^3 + ax = {0}",yy.toHexString());
yy += b;
//Console.WriteLine("Y(x) x^3 + ax + b = {0}",yy.toHexString());
yy %= (Integer)this.Fp.FieldModulo;
//Console.WriteLine("Y(x) mod p = {0}",yy.toHexString());
return yy;
public bool isOnCurve(CurvePoint p){
Integer py2 = this.Fp.Fit(p.Y.Pow(2));
Integer pcy2 = Y2(p.X);
//Console.WriteLine("CHECK A: {0}",py2.toHexString());
//Console.WriteLine("CHECK B: {0}",pcy2.toHexString());
return (py2 == pcy2);
public CurvePoint Add(CurvePoint p1, CurvePoint p2)
if (((object)p1 == null) || ((object)p2 == null))
throw new ArgumentException("SignedCurvePoints to be added must not be null");
if (p1.Curve != p2.Curve)
throw new ArgumentException("SignedCurvePoints to be added must belong to the same curve!");
if ((p1 != p2) && (p1.X == p2.X)){
return CurvePoint.INFINITY;
Integer lambda,divlambda;
if (p1 == p2){
lambda = Fp.Fit(3 * p1.X.Pow(2) + a);
divlambda = Fp.Fit(2 * p1.Y);
} else {
lambda = Fp.Fit(p2.Y - p1.Y);
divlambda = Fp.Fit(p2.X - p1.X);
lambda = lambda * Euclid.inverse(divlambda, Fp.FieldModulo);
Integer xR = (lambda.Pow(2) - p1.X - p2.X);
Integer yR = (lambda * (p1.X - xR)) - p1.Y;
xR = Fp.Fit(xR);
yR = Fp.Fit(yR);
return new CurvePoint(this, xR, yR);
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("[EllipticCurve] Fp={0}\n",(Fp == null) ? "" : Fp.ToString());
sb.AppendFormat("[EllipticCurve] a={0}\n",a.toHexString());
sb.AppendFormat("[EllipticCurve] b={0}\n",b.toHexString());
sb.AppendFormat("[EllipticCurve] Gx={0}\n",G.X.toHexString());
sb.AppendFormat("[EllipticCurve] Gy={0}\n",G.Y.toHexString());
sb.AppendFormat("[EllipticCurve] G on curve? {0}",isOnCurve(G));
return sb.ToString();
public static EllipticCurve createSecp256k1(){
Integer p = (Integer.ONE << 256);
p -= Integer.ONE;
p -= (Integer.ONE << 32);
p -= (Integer.ONE << 9);
p -= (Integer.ONE << 8);
p -= (Integer.ONE << 7);
p -= (Integer.ONE << 6);
p -= (Integer.ONE << 4);
Integer xG = Integer.fromHexString("79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798");
Integer yG = Integer.fromHexString("483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8");
return new EllipticCurve(p, new Integer(0), new Integer(7), xG, yG, n, 1);