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Copyright (C) 2004-2007 SKYRIX Software AG
Copyright (C) 2007 Helge Hess
Copyright (C) 2010 Inverse inc.
This file is part of SOPE.
SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
#import <NGExtensions/NSCalendarDate+misc.h>
#import "iCalRecurrenceCalculator.h"
@interface iCalMonthlyRecurrenceCalculator : iCalRecurrenceCalculator
#import <NGExtensions/NGCalendarDateRange.h>
#import "iCalRecurrenceRule.h"
#import "iCalByDayMask.h"
#import "NSCalendarDate+ICal.h"
#import <string.h>
#import <math.h>
@interface iCalRecurrenceCalculator (PrivateAPI)
- (NSCalendarDate *) lastInstanceStartDate;
// #define HEAVY_DEBUG 1
@implementation iCalMonthlyRecurrenceCalculator
typedef BOOL NGMonthSet[12];
typedef BOOL NGMonthDaySet[32]; // 0 is unused
static void
NGMonthDaySet_clear (NGMonthDaySet *daySet)
register unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i <= 31; i++)
(*daySet)[i] = NO;
static void
NGMonthDaySet_copyOrUnion (NGMonthDaySet *base, NGMonthDaySet *new,
BOOL doCopy)
register unsigned i;
if (doCopy)
memcpy (base, new, sizeof (NGMonthDaySet));
for (i = 1; i <= 31; i++)
if (! (*new)[i])
(*base)[i] = NO;
* This method fills split the positions of the BYMONTHDAY constraints
* into two separate arrays: one for the positive positions and one for the
* negatives positions (converted to their absolute values).
static BOOL NGMonthDaySet_fillWithByMonthDay (NGMonthDaySet *positiveDaySet,
NGMonthDaySet *negativeDaySet,
NSArray *byMonthDay)
unsigned i, count;
BOOL ok;
NGMonthDaySet_clear (positiveDaySet);
NGMonthDaySet_clear (negativeDaySet);
for (i = 0, count = [byMonthDay count], ok = YES; i < count; i++)
int dayInMonth; /* -31..-1 and 1..31 */
if ((dayInMonth = [[byMonthDay objectAtIndex: i] intValue]) == 0)
ok = NO;
continue; /* invalid value */
if (dayInMonth > 31)
ok = NO;
continue; /* error, value to large */
if (dayInMonth < -31)
ok = NO;
continue; /* error, value to large */
/* adjust negative days */
if (dayInMonth < 0)
(*negativeDaySet)[abs(dayInMonth)] = YES;
(*positiveDaySet)[dayInMonth] = YES;
return ok;
static inline unsigned iCalDoWForNSDoW (int dow)
switch (dow)
case 0: return iCalWeekDaySunday;
case 1: return iCalWeekDayMonday;
case 2: return iCalWeekDayTuesday;
case 3: return iCalWeekDayWednesday;
case 4: return iCalWeekDayThursday;
case 5: return iCalWeekDayFriday;
case 6: return iCalWeekDaySaturday;
case 7: return iCalWeekDaySunday;
default: return 0;
- (BOOL) _addInstanceWithStartDate: (NSCalendarDate *)_startDate
limitDate: (NSCalendarDate *)_until
limitRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *)_r
toArray: (NSMutableArray *)_ranges
NGCalendarDateRange *r;
NSCalendarDate *end;
/* check whether we are still in the limits */
if (_until != nil)
/* Note: the 'until' in the rrule is inclusive as per spec */
if ([_until compare: _startDate] == NSOrderedAscending)
/* start after until */
return NO; /* Note: we assume that the algorithm is sequential */
/* create end date */
end = [_startDate addTimeInterval: [firstRange duration]];
[end setTimeZone: [_startDate timeZone]];
/* create range and check whether its in the requested range */
r = [[NGCalendarDateRange alloc] initWithStartDate: _startDate endDate: end];
if ([_r containsDateRange: r])
[_ranges addObject: r];
[r release];
r = nil;
return YES;
* TODO : Unsupported conditions for MONTHLY recurrences :
* There's no GUI to defined such conditions, so there's no
* problem for now.
- (NSArray *)
recurrenceRangesWithinCalendarDateRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) _r
// TODO: check whether this is OK for multiday-events!
NSMutableArray *ranges;
NSTimeZone *timeZone;
NSCalendarDate *eventStartDate, *rStart, *rEnd, *until, *referenceDate;
int eventDayOfMonth;
unsigned monthIdxInRange, numberOfMonthsInRange, interval, repeatCount;
int diff, count;
NGMonthSet byMonthList = {
// Enable all months of the year
NSArray *byMonth, *byMonthDay; // array of ints (-31..-1 and 1..31)
NGMonthDaySet byPositiveMonthDaySet, byNegativeMonthDaySet;
iCalByDayMask *byDayMask;
eventStartDate = [firstRange startDate];
eventDayOfMonth = [eventStartDate dayOfMonth];
timeZone = [eventStartDate timeZone];
rStart = [_r startDate];
rEnd = [_r endDate];
interval = [rrule repeatInterval];
until = nil;
repeatCount = [rrule repeatCount];
byMonth = [rrule byMonth];
byMonthDay = [rrule byMonthDay];
byDayMask = [rrule byDayMask];
diff = 0;
if (![rrule isInfinite])
if (repeatCount > 0 && ![rrule hasByMask])
// When there's no BYxxx mask, we can find the date of the last
// occurrence.
until = [eventStartDate dateByAddingYears: 0
months: (interval * (repeatCount - 1))
days: 0];
until = [rrule untilDate];
if (until != nil)
if ([until compare: rStart] == NSOrderedAscending)
// Range starts after last occurrence
return nil;
if ([until compare: rEnd] == NSOrderedDescending)
// Range ends after last occurence; adjust end date
rEnd = until;
if (byMonth && [byMonth count] > 0)
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= 12; i++)
byMonthList[i] = [byMonth containsObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%i", i + 1]];
/* precalculate month days */
if (byMonthDay)
NGMonthDaySet_fillWithByMonthDay (&byPositiveMonthDaySet, &byNegativeMonthDaySet, byMonthDay);
if (repeatCount > 0)
numberOfMonthsInRange = [eventStartDate monthsBetweenDate: rEnd] + 1;
diff = [eventStartDate monthsBetweenDate: rStart];
if ((diff != 0) && [rStart compare: eventStartDate] == NSOrderedAscending)
diff = -diff;
numberOfMonthsInRange = [rStart monthsBetweenDate: rEnd] + 1;
ranges = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: numberOfMonthsInRange];
// There's a bug in GNUstep in [NSCalendarDate dateByAddingYears:months:days:]
// that causes errors when adding subsequently a month. For this reason,
// we set the day of the reference date to 1.
referenceDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear: [eventStartDate yearOfCommonEra]
month: [eventStartDate monthOfYear]
day: 1
hour: [eventStartDate hourOfDay]
minute: [eventStartDate minuteOfHour]
second: 0
timeZone: [eventStartDate timeZone]];
for (monthIdxInRange = 0, count = 0;
monthIdxInRange < numberOfMonthsInRange;
NSCalendarDate *cursor;
unsigned numDaysInMonth;
int monthIdxInRecurrence, dom;
NGMonthDaySet monthDays;
BOOL didByFill, doCont;
monthIdxInRecurrence = diff + monthIdxInRange;
if (monthIdxInRecurrence < 0)
/* first check whether we are in the interval */
if ((monthIdxInRecurrence % interval) != 0)
cursor = [referenceDate dateByAddingYears: 0
months: monthIdxInRecurrence
days: 0];
[cursor setTimeZone: timeZone];
numDaysInMonth = [cursor numberOfDaysInMonth];
/* check whether we match the BYMONTH constraint */
if (!byMonthList[[cursor monthOfYear] - 1])
/* check whether we match the BYMONTHDAY and BYDAY constraints */
didByFill = NO;
if (byMonthDay)
// Initialize the monthDays array with the positive days positions
NGMonthDaySet_copyOrUnion (&monthDays, &byPositiveMonthDaySet, !didByFill);
// Add to the array the days matching the negative days positions
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= 31; i++)
if (byNegativeMonthDaySet[i])
monthDays[numDaysInMonth - i + 1] = YES;
didByFill = YES;
if (byDayMask)
unsigned int firstDoWInMonth, currentWeekDay;
unsigned int weekDaysCount[7], currentWeekDaysCount[7];
int i, positiveOrder, negativeOrder;
firstDoWInMonth = [[cursor firstDayOfMonth] dayOfWeek];
if (!didByFill)
NGMonthDaySet_clear (&monthDays);
// Fill weekDaysCount to handle negative positions
currentWeekDay = firstDoWInMonth;
memset(weekDaysCount, 0, 7 * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (i = 1; i <= numDaysInMonth; i++)
currentWeekDay = fmod (currentWeekDay, 7);
currentWeekDay = firstDoWInMonth;
memset(currentWeekDaysCount, 0, 7 * sizeof(unsigned int));
for (i = 1; i <= numDaysInMonth; i++)
if (!didByFill || monthDays[i])
positiveOrder = currentWeekDaysCount[currentWeekDay] + 1;
negativeOrder = currentWeekDaysCount[currentWeekDay] - weekDaysCount[currentWeekDay];
monthDays[i] = (([byDayMask occursOnDay: (iCalWeekDay)currentWeekDay
withWeekNumber: positiveOrder]) ||
([byDayMask occursOnDay: (iCalWeekDay)currentWeekDay
withWeekNumber: negativeOrder]));
currentWeekDay = fmod (currentWeekDay, 7);
didByFill = YES;
if (didByFill)
if (diff + monthIdxInRange == 0)
// When dealing with the month of the first occurence, remove days
// that occur before the first occurrence.
int i;
for (i = 1; i < eventDayOfMonth; i++)
monthDays[i] = NO;
// The first occurrence must always be included.
monthDays[i] = YES;
// No rules applied, take the dayOfMonth of the startDate
NGMonthDaySet_clear (&monthDays);
monthDays[eventDayOfMonth] = YES;
Next step is to create NSCalendarDate instances from our 'monthDays'
set. We walk over each day of the 'monthDays' set. If its flag isn't
set, we continue.
If its set, we add the date to the instance.
The 'cursor' is the *startdate* of the event (not necessarily a
component of the sequence!) plus the currently processed month.
startdate: 2007-01-30
cursor[1]: 2007-01-30
cursor[2]: 2007-02-28 <== Note: we have February!
for (dom = 1, doCont = YES; dom <= numDaysInMonth && doCont; dom++)
NSCalendarDate *start;
if (!monthDays[dom])
start = [cursor dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: (dom - 1)];
doCont = [self _addInstanceWithStartDate: start
limitDate: until
limitRange: _r
toArray: ranges];
//NSLog(@"*** MONTHLY [%i/%i] adding %@%@ (count = %i)", dom, numDaysInMonth, start, (doCont?@"":@" .. NOT!"), count);
if (repeatCount > 0)
//NSLog(@"MONTHLY count = %i/%i", count, repeatCount);
doCont = (count < repeatCount);
if (!doCont) break; /* reached some limit */
return ranges;
- (NSCalendarDate *) lastInstanceStartDate
NSCalendarDate *firStart, *lastInstanceStartDate;
NGCalendarDateRange *r;
NSArray *instances;
lastInstanceStartDate = nil;
if ([rrule repeatCount] > 0)
firStart = [firstRange startDate];
if ([rrule hasByMask])
// Must perform the complete calculation
r = [NGCalendarDateRange calendarDateRangeWithStartDate: firStart
endDate: [NSCalendarDate distantFuture]];
instances = [self recurrenceRangesWithinCalendarDateRange: r];
if ([instances count])
lastInstanceStartDate = [(NGCalendarDateRange *)[instances lastObject] startDate];
// No BYxxx mask
lastInstanceStartDate = [firStart dateByAddingYears: 0
months: ([rrule repeatInterval]
* ([rrule repeatCount] - 1))
days: 0];
lastInstanceStartDate = [super lastInstanceStartDate];
return lastInstanceStartDate;
@end /* iCalMonthlyRecurrenceCalculator */