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Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Inverse inc.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
This file is part of SOGo.
SOGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
SOGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
#import <NGObjWeb/SoObject+SoDAV.h>
2012-10-22 16:09:13 +02:00
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext+SoObjects.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSString+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSURL+misc.h>
2012-10-22 16:09:13 +02:00
#import <NGImap4/NGImap4Connection.h>
#import <NGImap4/NGImap4Client.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoCache.h>
2012-10-22 16:09:13 +02:00
#import <SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import <SOGo/WORequest+SOGo.h>
#import "SOGoMailAccount.h"
#import "SOGoMailManager.h"
@implementation SOGoMailBaseObject
2016-06-23 14:58:25 +02:00
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init]))
NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
// With this to YES, imap4Connection will raise exception if a working
// connection cannot be provided
imap4ExceptionsEnabled = [ud boolForKey:@"SoIMAP4ExceptionsEnabled"];
return self;
- (id) initWithImap4URL: (NSURL *) _url
inContainer: (id) _container
NSString *n;
2016-06-23 14:58:25 +02:00
n = [[_url path] lastPathComponent];
if ((self = [self initWithName: n inContainer:_container]))
imap4URL = [_url retain];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[imap4URL release];
[imap4 release];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) isFolderish
return YES;
/* hierarchy */
- (SOGoMailAccount *) mailAccountFolder
SOGoMailAccount *folder;
if ([container respondsToSelector: _cmd])
folder = [container mailAccountFolder];
[self warnWithFormat: @"weird container of mailfolder: %@",
folder = nil;
return folder;
- (SOGoMailAccounts *) mailAccountsFolder
id o;
SOGoMailAccounts *folder;
Class folderClass;
folder = nil;
folderClass = NSClassFromString (@"SOGoMailAccounts");
o = container;
while (!folder && [o isNotNull])
if ([o isKindOfClass: folderClass])
folder = o;
o = [o container];
return o;
- (BOOL) isInDraftsFolder
return [container isInDraftsFolder];
/* IMAP4 */
- (NGImap4ConnectionManager *) mailManager
return [NGImap4ConnectionManager defaultConnectionManager];
- (NGImap4Connection *) _createIMAP4Connection
NGImap4ConnectionManager *manager;
NSString *password;
NGImap4Connection *newConnection;
[self imap4URL];
manager = [self mailManager];
password = [self imap4PasswordRenewed: NO];
if (password)
newConnection = [manager connectionForURL: imap4URL
password: password];
if (!newConnection)
[self logWithFormat: @"renewing imap4 password"];
password = [self imap4PasswordRenewed: YES];
if (password)
newConnection = [manager connectionForURL: imap4URL
password: password];
newConnection = nil;
if (!newConnection)
newConnection = (NGImap4Connection *) [NSNull null];
2016-06-23 14:58:25 +02:00
if (imap4ExceptionsEnabled)
[NSException raise: @"IOException" format: @"IMAP connection failed"];
[self errorWithFormat:@"Could not connect IMAP4"];
2013-07-18 17:46:49 +02:00
// If the server has the ID capability (RFC 2971), we set the x-originating-ip
// accordingly for the IMAP connection.
NSString *remoteHost;
remoteHost = [[context request] headerForKey: @"x-webobjects-remote-host"];
if (remoteHost)
if ([[[[newConnection client] capability] objectForKey: @"capability"] containsObject: @"id"])
[[newConnection client] processCommand: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"ID (\"x-originating-ip\" \"%@\")", remoteHost]];
return newConnection;
- (NGImap4Connection *) imap4Connection
NSString *cacheKey, *login;
SOGoCache *sogoCache;
if (!imap4)
sogoCache = [SOGoCache sharedCache];
// The cacheKey *MUST* be prefixed by the username here as
// the cache is shared across OpenChange users and not necessarily
// flushed between requests. This could lead us to using the wrong
// IMAP connection.
// We also have a HACK in case self's context doesn't exist, we
// use the container's one.
login = [[[self context] activeUser] login];
if (!login)
login = [[[[self container] context] activeUser] login];
cacheKey = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@+%@",
[[self mailAccountFolder] nameInContainer]];
imap4 = [sogoCache imap4ConnectionForKey: cacheKey];
if (!imap4)
imap4 = [self _createIMAP4Connection];
[sogoCache registerIMAP4Connection: imap4
forKey: cacheKey];
[imap4 retain];
2016-06-23 14:58:25 +02:00
// Connection broken, try to reconnect
if (![imap4 isKindOfClass: [NSNull class]] && ![[[imap4 client] isConnected] boolValue])
[self warnWithFormat: @"IMAP connection is broken, trying to reconnect..."];
[[imap4 client] reconnect];
// Still broken, give up
if (![[[imap4 client] isConnected] boolValue])
if (imap4ExceptionsEnabled)
[NSException raise: @"IOException" format: @"IMAP connection failed"];
[self errorWithFormat: @"Could not get a valid IMAP connection"];
return [imap4 isKindOfClass: [NSNull class]] ? nil : imap4;
- (NSString *) relativeImap4Name
[self subclassResponsibility: _cmd];
return nil;
- (NSURL *) baseImap4URL
NSURL *url;
if ([container respondsToSelector: @selector(imap4URL)])
url = [container imap4URL];
[self warnWithFormat:@"container does not implement -imap4URL!"];
url = nil;
return url;
- (NSMutableString *) imap4URLString
NSMutableString *urlString;
NSString *imap4Name;
urlString = [container imap4URLString];
imap4Name = [[self relativeImap4Name] stringByEscapingURL];
[urlString appendFormat: @"%@", imap4Name];
return urlString;
- (NSURL *) imap4URL
SOGoMailAccount *account;
NSString *urlString;
/* this could probably be handled better from NSURL but it's buggy in
GNUstep */
if (!imap4URL)
account = [self mailAccountFolder];
if ([[account encryption] isEqualToString: @"tls"])
urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@?tls=YES",
[self imap4URLString]];
urlString = [self imap4URLString];
imap4URL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString: urlString];
return imap4URL;
- (NSString *) imap4PasswordRenewed: (BOOL) renewed
return [[self mailAccountFolder] imap4PasswordRenewed: renewed];
- (NSMutableString *) traversalFromMailAccount
NSMutableString *currentTraversal;
currentTraversal = [container traversalFromMailAccount];
if ([container isKindOfClass: [SOGoMailAccount class]])
[currentTraversal appendString: [self relativeImap4Name]];
[currentTraversal appendFormat: @"/%@", [self relativeImap4Name]];
return currentTraversal;
- (void)flushMailCaches {
[[self mailManager] flushCachesForURL:[self imap4URL]];
/* IMAP4 names */
#warning we could improve this by simply testing if the reference is the filename of an attachment or if the body part mentionned actually exists in the list of body parts. Another way is to use a prefix such as "attachment-*" to declare attachments.
- (BOOL) isBodyPartKey: (NSString *) key
NSString *trimmedKey;
trimmedKey = [key stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet]];
return (![trimmedKey length]);
- (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid
return nil;
- (int) IMAP4IDFromAppendResult: (NSDictionary *) result
NSDictionary *results;
NSString *flag, *newIdString;
results = [[result objectForKey: @"RawResponse"]
objectForKey: @"ResponseResult"];
flag = [results objectForKey: @"flag"];
newIdString = [[flag componentsSeparatedByString: @" "] objectAtIndex: 2];
return [newIdString intValue];
@end /* SOGoMailBaseObject */