
85 lines
2.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
(function() {
'use strict';
* sgCalendarMonthEvent - An event block to be displayed in a month
* @memberof SOGo.Common
* @restrict element
* @param {object} sgBlock - the event block definition
* @ngInject
* @example:
ng-repeat="block in blocks[day]"
function sgCalendarMonthEvent() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
block: '=sgBlock',
clickBlock: '&sgClick'
replace: true,
template: template,
link: link
function template(tElem, tAttrs) {
var p = _.has(tAttrs, 'sgCalendarGhost')? '' : '::';
return [
2015-11-20 19:30:26 +01:00
'<div class="sg-event"',
// Add a class while dragging
' ng-class="{\'sg-event--dragging\': block.dragging}"',
' ng-click="clickBlock({clickEvent: $event, clickComponent: block.component})">',
' <span class="secondary" ng-if="'+p+'!block.component.c_isallday">{{ '+p+'block.starthour }}</span>',
// Priority
' <span ng-show="'+p+'block.component.c_priority" class="sg-priority">{{'+p+'block.component.c_priority}}</span>',
// Summary
' {{ '+p+'block.component.summary }}',
' <span class="icons">',
// Component is reccurent
' <md-icon ng-if="'+p+'block.component.occurrenceId" class="material-icons icon-repeat"></md-icon>',
// Component has an alarm
' <md-icon ng-if="'+p+'block.component.c_nextalarm" class="material-icons icon-alarm"></md-icon>',
// Component is confidential
' <md-icon ng-if="'+p+'block.component.c_classification == 2" class="material-icons icon-visibility-off"></md-icon>',
// Component is private
' <md-icon ng-if="'+p+'block.component.c_classification == 1" class="material-icons icon-vpn-key"></md-icon>',
' </span>',
function link(scope, iElement, attrs) {
if (!_.has(attrs, 'sgCalendarGhost')) {
// Add class for user's participation state
if (scope.block.userState)
iElement.addClass('sg-event--' + scope.block.userState);
if (scope.block.component) {
// Set background color
iElement.addClass('bg-folder' +;
// Add class for transparency
if (scope.block.component.c_isopaque === 0)
// Add class for cancelled event
if (scope.block.component.c_status === 0)
.directive('sgCalendarMonthEvent', sgCalendarMonthEvent);