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Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
This file is part of
OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
#include "AgenorUserManager.h"
#include "AgenorUserDefaults.h"
#include <NGExtensions/NGExtensions.h>
#include <NGLdap/NGLdap.h>
#include <NGCards/NGCards.h>
#include "SOGoLRUCache.h"
#warning we should rely on the LDAP sources instead...
#define qualifierFormat @"uid = %@"
@interface AgenorUserManager (PrivateAPI)
- (NGLdapConnection *) ldapConnection;
- (void) _cacheCN: (NSString *) cn forUID: (NSString *) uid;
- (NSString *) _cachedCNForUID: (NSString *) uid;
- (void) _cacheServer: (NSString *) server forUID: (NSString *) uid;
- (NSString *) _cachedServerForUID: (NSString *) uid;
- (void) _cacheEmail: (NSString *) email forUID: (NSString *) uid;
- (NSString *) _cachedEmailForUID: (NSString *) uid;
- (void) _cacheUID: (NSString *) uid forEmail: (NSString *) email;
- (NSString *) _cachedUIDForEmail: (NSString *) email;
- (BOOL) primaryIsUserAllowedToChangeSOGoInternetAccess: (NSString *) uid;
- (BOOL) primaryIsInternetAutoresponderEnabledForUser: (NSString *) uid;
- (BOOL) primaryIsIntranetAutoresponderEnabledForUser: (NSString *) uid;
- (NGLdapAttribute *) primaryGetMailAutoresponderAttribute: (NSString *) uid;
- (BOOL) isAutoresponderEnabledForAttribute: (NGLdapAttribute *) attr
matchingPrefix: (NSString *) prefix;
// TODO: add a timer to flush LRU caches every some hours
@implementation AgenorUserManager
static BOOL debugOn = NO;
static BOOL useLDAP = NO;
static NSString *ldapHost = nil;
static NSString *ldapBaseDN = nil;
static NSNull *sharedNull = nil;
static NSString *fallbackIMAP4Server = nil;
static NSString *defaultMailDomain = nil;
static NSString *shareLDAPClass = @"mineqMelBoite";
static NSString *shareLoginSeparator = @".-.";
static NSString *mailEmissionAttrName = @"mineqMelmailEmission";
static NSString *changeInternetAccessAttrName = @"mineqOgoAccesInternet";
static NSString *mailAutoresponderAttrName = @"mineqMelReponse"; /* sic! */
static NSURL *AgenorProfileURL = nil;
static NSArray *fromEMailAttrs = nil;
static unsigned PoolScanInterval = 5 * 60 /* every five minutes */;
+ (void) initialize
static BOOL didInit = NO;
NSUserDefaults *ud;
NSString *tmp;
if (didInit) return;
didInit = YES;
ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
debugOn = [ud boolForKey: @"SOGoUserManagerDebugEnabled"];
useLDAP = [ud boolForKey: @"SOGoUserManagerUsesLDAP"];
if (useLDAP) {
ldapHost = [[ud stringForKey: @"LDAPHost"] copy];
ldapBaseDN = [[ud stringForKey: @"LDAPRootDN"] copy];
NSLog(@"Note: using LDAP host to manage accounts: %@", ldapHost) ;
NSLog(@"Note: LDAP access is disabled.") ;
fallbackIMAP4Server = [[ud stringForKey: @"SOGoFallbackIMAP4Server"] copy];
if ([fallbackIMAP4Server length] > 0)
NSLog(@"Note: using fallback IMAP4 server: '%@'", fallbackIMAP4Server) ;
if (fallbackIMAP4Server)
[fallbackIMAP4Server release];
fallbackIMAP4Server = nil;
defaultMailDomain = [[ud stringForKey: @"SOGoDefaultMailDomain"] copy];
if ([defaultMailDomain length] == 0)
if (defaultMailDomain)
[defaultMailDomain release];
defaultMailDomain = nil;
NSLog(@"WARNING: no default mail domain (please specify"
" 'SOGoDefaultMailDomain' in the user default db)");
fromEMailAttrs =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: mailEmissionAttrName, nil];
sharedNull = [[NSNull null] retain];
/* profile database URL */
if ((tmp = [ud stringForKey: @"AgenorProfileURL"]) == nil)
NSLog(@"ERROR: no 'AgenorProfileURL' database URL configured!") ;
else if ((AgenorProfileURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString: tmp]) == nil)
NSLog(@"ERROR: could not parse AgenorProfileURL: '%@'", tmp) ;
NSLog(@"Note: using profile at: %@", [AgenorProfileURL absoluteString]) ;
if ((tmp = [ud stringForKey: @"SOGoDefaultMailDomain"]))
defaultMailDomain = [tmp copy];
PoolScanInterval = [[ud objectForKey: @"AgenorCacheCheckInterval"] intValue];
if (PoolScanInterval == 0)
PoolScanInterval = 60 * 60 /* every hour */;
NSLog(@"AgenorUserManager: flushing caches every %d minutes "
@"(AgenorCacheCheckInterval) ",
PoolScanInterval / 60);
+ (id) sharedUserManager {
static AgenorUserManager *mgr = nil;
if (mgr == nil)
mgr = [[self alloc] init];
return mgr;
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if(self) {
serverCache =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 10000];
cnCache =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 10000];
uidCache =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 10000];
emailCache =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 10000];
shareStoreCache =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 10000];
shareEMailCache =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 10000];
changeInternetAccessCache =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 10000];
internetAutoresponderFlagCache =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 10000];
intranetAutoresponderFlagCache =
[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 10000];
gcTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:
target: self selector: @selector(_garbageCollect: )
userInfo: nil repeats: YES] retain];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
if (gcTimer) [gcTimer invalidate];
[serverCache release];
[cnCache release];
[uidCache release];
[emailCache release];
[shareStoreCache release];
[shareEMailCache release];
[changeInternetAccessCache release];
[internetAutoresponderFlagCache release];
[intranetAutoresponderFlagCache release];
[gcTimer release];
[super dealloc];
/* cache */
- (void) flush
[cnCache removeAllObjects];
[serverCache removeAllObjects];
[uidCache removeAllObjects];
[emailCache removeAllObjects];
[shareStoreCache removeAllObjects];
[shareEMailCache removeAllObjects];
[changeInternetAccessCache removeAllObjects];
[internetAutoresponderFlagCache removeAllObjects];
[intranetAutoresponderFlagCache removeAllObjects];
- (void) _garbageCollect: (NSTimer *) timer
[self debugWithFormat: @"flushing caches."];
[self flush];
/* LDAP */
- (NGLdapConnection *) ldapConnection
static NGLdapConnection *ldapConnection = nil;
if(!ldapConnection) {
ldapConnection = [[NGLdapConnection alloc] initWithHostName: ldapHost];
#if 0
[ldapConnection setUseCache: YES];
return ldapConnection;
/* private cache helpers */
// TODO: this is really unnecessary, no?
- (void) _cacheCN: (NSString *) cn forUID: (NSString *) uid
if (cn == nil) return;
[cnCache setObject: cn forKey: uid];
- (NSString *) _cachedCNForUID: (NSString *) uid
return [cnCache objectForKey: uid];
- (void) _cacheServer: (NSString *) server forUID: (NSString *) uid
if (server == nil) return;
[serverCache setObject: server forKey: uid];
- (NSString *) _cachedServerForUID: (NSString *) uid
return [serverCache objectForKey: uid];
- (void) _cacheEmail: (NSString *) email forUID: (NSString *) uid
if (email == nil) return;
[emailCache setObject: email forKey: uid];
- (NSString *) _cachedEmailForUID: (NSString *) uid
return [emailCache objectForKey: uid];
- (void) _cacheUID: (NSString *) uid forEmail: (NSString *) email
if (uid == nil) return;
[uidCache setObject: uid forKey: email];
- (NSString *) _cachedUIDForEmail: (NSString *) email
return [uidCache objectForKey: email];
/* uid <-> email mapping */
UPDATE: the email excerpt below has been marked by Maxime as being
wrong. This algorithm can not be expected to work, thus
the mapping has been replaced with an LDAP query.
--- snip ---
The uid field is in bijection this the email adress :
this field can be construct from the email. Email are uniques.
So, we can use email adresse from identifier.
The field is made like this :
_ if the email is then the login
is the part before the @
for example : fisrtName.lastName
_ if the email is not then the login
is the full email adress where @ is change to . (dot)
for example : fisrtName.lastName.subDomain.domain.tld
--- snap ---
NOTE: mapping email -> uid is easy, but can also generate uid's not known
to the system (i.e. for private addressbook entries, obvious) .
The reverse mapping can work _only_ if "firstName.lastname." is
guaranteed, because the second dot would be mapped to '@'. This
is probably error prone.
Only LDAP fetches would guarantee correctness in both cases.
- (NSString *) primaryGetAgenorUIDForEmail: (NSString *) email
static NSArray *uidAttrs = nil;
NGLdapConnection *conn;
EOQualifier *q;
NSEnumerator *resultEnum;
NGLdapEntry *entry;
NGLdapAttribute *uidAttr;
NSString *uid;
if (uidAttrs == nil)
uidAttrs = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"uid", nil];
q = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: @"mail = %@", email];
conn = [self ldapConnection];
resultEnum = [conn deepSearchAtBaseDN: ldapBaseDN
qualifier: q
attributes: uidAttrs];
entry = [resultEnum nextObject];
if (entry == nil) {
if(debugOn) {
[self logWithFormat: @"%s Didn't find LDAP entry for email '%@'!",
return nil;
uidAttr = [entry attributeWithName: @"uid"];
if (!uidAttr)
return nil; /* can happen, not unlikely */
uid = [uidAttr stringValueAtIndex: 0];
return uid;
- (NSString *) getUIDForEmail: (NSString *) email
NSString *uid;
NSRange r;
NSString *domain;
uid = nil;
if ([email length] > 0)
uid = [self _cachedUIDForEmail: email];
if (!uid)
if (useLDAP)
uid = [self primaryGetAgenorUIDForEmail: email];
if (!uid)
r = [email rangeOfString: @"@"];
if (r.length == 0)
return nil;
domain = [email substringFromIndex: NSMaxRange(r) ];
if (![domain isEqualToString: defaultMailDomain])
uid = email;
uid = [email substringToIndex: r.location];
if (uid)
[self _cacheUID: uid forEmail: email];
return uid;
#warning big ugly hack. LDAP lookup should be fixed
- (NSString *) getUIDForICalPerson: (iCalPerson *) person
NSString *domainString, *email, *uid;
domainString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"@%@", defaultMailDomain];
email = [person rfc822Email];
if ([email hasSuffix: domainString])
uid = [person cn];
uid = [self getUIDForEmail: email];
return uid;
/* may insert NSNulls into returned array */
- (NSArray *) getUIDsForICalPersons: (NSArray *) persons
applyStrictMapping: (BOOL) mapStrictly
NSMutableArray *ma;
unsigned i, count;
count = [persons count];
ma = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: count] autorelease];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
iCalPerson *p;
id uid;
p = [persons objectAtIndex: i];
uid = [self getUIDForICalPerson: p];
if (uid != nil)
[ma addObject: uid];
else if (uid == nil && mapStrictly)
[ma addObject: sharedNull];
return ma;
- (NSString *) primaryGetEmailForAgenorUID: (NSString *) uid
NGLdapConnection *conn;
EOQualifier *q;
NSEnumerator *resultEnum;
NGLdapEntry *entry;
NGLdapAttribute *emailAttr;
NSString *email;
unsigned count;
q = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qualifierFormat, uid];
conn = [self ldapConnection];
resultEnum = [conn deepSearchAtBaseDN: ldapBaseDN
qualifier: q
attributes: fromEMailAttrs];
entry = [resultEnum nextObject];
if (entry == nil) {
if(debugOn) {
[self logWithFormat: @"%s Didn't find LDAP entry for uid '%@'!",
return nil;
emailAttr = [entry attributeWithName: mailEmissionAttrName];
if (emailAttr == nil)
return nil; /* shit happens */
email = nil;
count = [emailAttr count];
#if 0 // TODO: explain why this is commented out!
if (count > 1) {
unsigned i;
/* in case there are multiple email addresses, select the first
which doesn't have '' in it */
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NSString *candidate;
candidate = [emailAttr stringValueAtIndex: i];
if (![candidate hasSuffix: defaultMailDomain]) {
// TODO: also check for '@'
email = candidate;
if (email == nil && count > 0)
email = [emailAttr stringValueAtIndex: 0];
return email;
- (NSString *) getEmailForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSString *email;
NSRange r;
email = nil;
if ([uid length] > 0)
email = [self _cachedEmailForUID: uid];
if (!email)
if (useLDAP)
email = [self primaryGetEmailForAgenorUID: uid];
if (!email)
r = [uid rangeOfString: @"@"];
email = ((r.length > 0)
? uid
: [self getSystemEMailForUID: uid]);
if (email)
[self _cacheEmail: email forUID: uid];
return email;
- (NSString *) getSystemEMailForUID: (NSString *) uid
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@", uid, defaultMailDomain];
/* CN */
- (NSString *) primaryGetCNForAgenorUID: (NSString *) uid
static NSArray *cnAttrs = nil;
NGLdapConnection *conn;
EOQualifier *q;
NSEnumerator *resultEnum;
NGLdapEntry *entry;
NGLdapAttribute *cnAttr;
NSString *cn;
if (cnAttrs == nil)
cnAttrs = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"cn", nil];
q = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qualifierFormat, uid];
conn = [self ldapConnection];
resultEnum = [conn deepSearchAtBaseDN: ldapBaseDN
qualifier: q
attributes: cnAttrs];
entry = [resultEnum nextObject];
if (entry == nil) {
if(debugOn) {
[self logWithFormat: @"%s Didn't find LDAP entry for uid '%@'!",
return nil;
cnAttr = [entry attributeWithName: @"cn"];
if(cnAttr == nil && debugOn) {
[self logWithFormat: @"%s LDAP entry for uid '%@' has no common name?",
return nil; /* nothing we can do about it */
cn = [cnAttr stringValueAtIndex: 0];
return cn;
- (NSString *) getCNForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSString *cn;
if ((cn = [self _cachedCNForUID: uid]) != nil)
return cn;
if (useLDAP) {
cn = [self primaryGetCNForAgenorUID: uid];
else {
NSString *s;
NSRange r;
s = uid;
if ([s length] < 10)
return s;
// TODO: algorithm might be inappropriate, depends on the actual UID
r = [s rangeOfString: @"."];
if (r.length == 0)
cn = s;
cn = [s substringToIndex: r.location];
[self _cacheCN: cn forUID: uid];
return cn;
/* Servers, IMAP */
- (NSString *) getIMAPAccountStringForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSString *server;
server = [self getServerForUID: uid];
if (server == nil)
return nil;
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@", uid, server];
- (NSArray *) mailServerDiscoveryAttributes
static NSArray *attrs = nil;
if (attrs == nil) {
attrs = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
@"uid", /* required for shares */
return attrs;
- (NGLdapEntry *) _fetchEntryForAgenorUID: (NSString *) uid
// TODO: badly named, this fetches the mail server discovery attributes
/* called by -primaryGetServerForAgenorUID: */
NGLdapConnection *conn;
EOQualifier *q;
NSEnumerator *resultEnum;
NGLdapEntry *entry;
q = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qualifierFormat, uid];
conn = [self ldapConnection];
resultEnum = [conn deepSearchAtBaseDN: ldapBaseDN
qualifier: q
attributes: [self mailServerDiscoveryAttributes]];
/* we just expect one entry, thus drop the rest */
entry = [resultEnum nextObject];
if (entry == nil) {
if(debugOn) {
NSLog(@"%s Didn't find LDAP entry for uid '%@'!",
return nil;
return entry;
- (NSArray *) serverCandidatesForMineqMelRoutage: (NGLdapAttribute *) attr
NSMutableArray *serverCandidates;
unsigned i, count;
count = [attr count];
serverCandidates = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NSRange r;
NSString *route;
unsigned length;
unsigned start;
NSRange serverNameRange;
NSString *serverName;
route = [attr stringValueAtIndex: i];
/* check for melanie suffix and ignore other entries */
r = [route rangeOfString: @".melanie2.i2" options: NSBackwardsSearch];
if (r.length == 0) {
#if 0
[self logWithFormat: @"found no melanie in route: '%@'", route];
/* check for @ inside the string, searching backwards (ignoring suffix) */
// be clever: TODO: in what way is this clever?
length = [route length];
r = NSMakeRange(0, length - r.length) ; /* cut of suffix (.melanie2.i2) */
r = [route rangeOfString: @"@" options: NSBackwardsSearch range: r];
if (r.length == 0) {
#if 0
[self logWithFormat: @"found no @ in route: '%@'", route];
/* check for percent sign */
start = NSMaxRange(r) ; /* start behind the @ */
/* this range covers everything after @: '' */
serverNameRange = NSMakeRange(start, length - start) ;
/* and this range covers everything to the @ */
r = NSMakeRange(0, start - 1) ;
r = [route rangeOfString: @"%" options: NSBackwardsSearch range: r];
if (r.length == 0) {
#if 0
[self logWithFormat: @"found no %% in route: '%@' / '%@'",
route, [route substringWithRange: NSMakeRange(0, length - start) ]];
serverName = [route substringWithRange: serverNameRange];
[serverCandidates addObject: serverName];
return serverCandidates;
- (NSString *) serverFromEntry: (NGLdapEntry *) entry
NSString *server;
NGLdapAttribute *attr;
server = nil;
attr = [entry attributeWithName: @"mineqMelRoutage"];
if (attr != nil) {
NSArray *serverCandidates;
serverCandidates = [self serverCandidatesForMineqMelRoutage: attr];
if ([serverCandidates count] > 0)
server = [serverCandidates objectAtIndex: 0];
if ([serverCandidates count] > 1) {
[self logWithFormat:
@"WARNING: more than one value for 'mineqMelRoutage': %@",
else {
[self debugWithFormat:
@"%s LDAP entry '%@' has no mineqMelRoutage entry?",
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [entry dn]];
/* last resort */
if (server == nil) {
attr = [entry attributeWithName: @"mineqMelServeurPrincipal"];
if ([attr count] > 0)
server = [attr stringValueAtIndex: 0];
return server;
- (NSString *) primaryGetServerForAgenorUID: (NSString *) uid
First of all : for a particular user IMAP and SMTP are served on the same
The name of the machine is determined by applying a regex on every values of
the mineqMelRoutage LDAP attribute.
The regex is : .*%.*@(.*\.melanie2\.i2$)
It extracts the substring that follows '@', ends with 'melanie2', on
adresses which have a '%' before the '@'
-> servername1.melanie2.i2
If only one server name is found by applying the regex on every value of the
attribute, then this name is the IMAP/SMTP server for that user.
Note that this is the case when we got a unique (well formed) value for the
If the regex finds more than one servername when applied to the differents
values, then the IMAP/SMTP server name is to be found in the
mineqMelServeurPrincipal attribute of the user.
NSString *server;
NGLdapEntry *entry;
if ((entry = [self _fetchEntryForAgenorUID: uid]) == nil)
return nil;
if ((server = [self serverFromEntry: entry]) != nil)
return server;
[self debugWithFormat:
@"%s no chance of getting at server info for user '%@', "
@"tried everything. Sorry.",
return nil;
- (NSString *) getServerForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSString *server;
if (uid == nil || [uid length] == 0)
return nil;
if ((server = [self _cachedServerForUID: uid]) != nil)
return server;
if (useLDAP)
server = [self primaryGetServerForAgenorUID: uid];
else if (fallbackIMAP4Server != nil)
server = fallbackIMAP4Server;
else {
[self logWithFormat: @"ERROR: could not get server for uid '%@', "
@"neither LDAP (SOGoUserManagerUsesLDAP) nor "
@"a fallback (SOGoFallbackIMAP4Server) is configured.",
server = nil;
[self _cacheServer: server forUID: uid];
return server;
/* shared mailboxes */
- (NSArray *) getSharedMailboxAccountStringsForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSArray *k;
k = [[self getSharedMailboxesAndEMailsForUID: uid] allKeys];
/* ensure that ordering is always the same */
return [k sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(compare: ) ];
- (NSString *) emissionEMailFromEntry: (NGLdapEntry *) entry
id emissionAttr;
emissionAttr = [entry attributeWithName: mailEmissionAttrName];
if ([emissionAttr count] == 0) {
[self logWithFormat: @"WARNING: share has no %@ attr: %@",
mailEmissionAttrName, [entry dn]];
return nil;
if ([emissionAttr count] > 1) {
[self logWithFormat:
@"WARNING: share has more than one value in %@ attr: %@",
mailEmissionAttrName, [entry dn]];
return nil;
return [emissionAttr stringValueAtIndex: 0];
- (NSArray *) getSharedMailboxEMailsForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSMutableArray *shares = nil;
NGLdapConnection *conn;
EOQualifier *q;
NSString *gPattern, *cPattern;
NSEnumerator *resultEnum;
NGLdapEntry *entry;
if ([uid length] == 0)
return nil;
if (!useLDAP) {
[self logWithFormat:
@"Note: LDAP access is disabled, returning no shared froms."];
return nil;
/* check cache */
if ((shares = [shareEMailCache objectForKey: uid]) != nil)
return shares;
/* G and C mean "emission access" */
gPattern = [uid stringByAppendingString: @": G"];
cPattern = [uid stringByAppendingString: @": C"];
q = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat:
@"((mineqMelPartages = %@) OR (mineqMelPartages = %@) ) "
@"AND (objectclass = %@) ",
gPattern, cPattern, shareLDAPClass];
conn = [self ldapConnection];
resultEnum = [conn deepSearchAtBaseDN: ldapBaseDN
qualifier: q
attributes: fromEMailAttrs];
while ((entry = [resultEnum nextObject]) != nil) {
NSString *emissionAttr;
if ((emissionAttr = [self emissionEMailFromEntry: entry]) == nil)
if (shares == nil) shares = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 4];
[shares addObject: emissionAttr];
/* ensure that ordering is always the same */
[shares sortUsingSelector: @selector(compare: ) ];
/* cache */
shares = (shares == nil) ? [NSArray array] : [[shares copy] autorelease];
[shareEMailCache setObject: shares forKey: uid];
return shares;
/* identities */
- (BOOL) hasUser: (NSString *) uid partageAccess: (char *) rightset
inEntry: (NGLdapEntry *) entry
NGLdapAttribute *attr;
unsigned i, count;
attr = [entry attributeWithName: @"mineqMelPartages"];
if ((count = [attr count]) == 0) {
[self logWithFormat: @"WARNING: share has no 'mineqMelPartages' attr: %@",
[entry dn]];
return NO;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NSString *p;
NSRange r;
unichar c;
register unsigned j;
p = [attr stringValueAtIndex: i];
r = [p rangeOfString: @": "];
if (r.length == 0) {
[self errorWithFormat: @"Invalid mineqMelPartages value: '%@'", p];
/* check whether prefix matches, eg: "helian.h: G" */
if (r.location != [uid length]) /* check length */
if (![p hasPrefix: uid])
c = [p characterAtIndex: (r.location + r.length) ];
/* check whether permissions match */
for (j = 0; rightset[j] != '\0'; j++) {
if (c == rightset[j])
return YES;
return NO;
- (NSDictionary *) getSharedMailboxesAndEMailsForUID: (NSString *) uid
"(&(mineqMelPartages=guizmo.g: *)(objectclass=mineqMelBoite)) "
"guizmo.g" is the uid of the user
(uid + ".-." + share-uid)
Note: shared mailboxes can be on different hosts!
This returns a dictionary where the keys are the IMAP4 connect strings
while the values are the emitter addresses for the box or NSNull if the
uid is not allowed to emit for this box.
NSMutableDictionary *shares = nil;
NGLdapConnection *conn;
EOQualifier *q;
NSString *sharePattern;
NSEnumerator *resultEnum;
NGLdapEntry *entry;
if ([uid length] == 0)
return nil;
if (!useLDAP) {
[self logWithFormat:
@"Note: LDAP access is disabled, returning no shared accounts."];
return nil;
/* check cache */
if ((shares = [shareStoreCache objectForKey: uid]) != nil)
return shares;
sharePattern = [uid stringByAppendingString: @": *"];
q = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat:
@"(mineqMelPartages = %@) AND (objectclass = %@) ",
sharePattern, shareLDAPClass];
conn = [self ldapConnection];
resultEnum = [conn deepSearchAtBaseDN: ldapBaseDN
qualifier: q
attributes: [self mailServerDiscoveryAttributes]];
while ((entry = [resultEnum nextObject]) != nil) {
NSString *server, *shareLogin;
id shareUid, emitterAddress;
/* calculate server connect string */
if ([(server = [self serverFromEntry: entry]) length] == 0) {
[self errorWithFormat: @"found no mail server host for share: %@",
[entry dn]];
shareUid = [entry attributeWithName: @"uid"];
if ([shareUid count] < 1) {
[self errorWithFormat: @"found no 'uid' for share: %@", [entry dn]];
shareUid = [shareUid stringValueAtIndex: 0];
shareLogin = [uid stringByAppendingString: shareLoginSeparator];
shareLogin = [shareLogin stringByAppendingString: shareUid];
if (shares == nil)
shares = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 4];
shareLogin = [shareLogin stringByAppendingString: @"@"];
shareLogin = [shareLogin stringByAppendingString: server];
/* calculate emitter address (check for proper access right) */
if ([self hasUser: uid partageAccess: "GC" inEntry: entry])
emitterAddress = [self emissionEMailFromEntry: entry];
emitterAddress = [NSNull null];
/* set value */
[shares setObject: emitterAddress
forKey: shareLogin];
/* cache */
shares = (shares == nil)
? [NSDictionary dictionary]
: [[shares copy] autorelease];
[shareStoreCache setObject: shares forKey: uid];
return shares;
/* free busy */
- (NSURL *) getFreeBusyURLForUID: (NSString *) uid
[self logWithFormat: @"TODO(%s): implement", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__];
return nil;
/* defaults */
- (NSUserDefaults *) _getUserDefaultsForUID: (NSString *) uid
fieldName: (NSString *) fieldName
id defaults;
if (AgenorProfileURL)
/* Note: do not cache, otherwise updates can be quite tricky */
defaults = [[AgenorUserDefaults alloc] initWithTableURL: AgenorProfileURL
uid: uid fieldName: fieldName];
[defaults autorelease];
[self warnWithFormat:
@"no profile configured, cannot retrieve defaults for user: '%@'",
return defaults = nil;
return defaults;
- (NSUserDefaults *) getUserDefaultsForUID: (NSString *) uid
return [self _getUserDefaultsForUID: uid fieldName: @"defaults"];
- (NSUserDefaults *) getUserSettingsForUID: (NSString *) uid
return [self _getUserDefaultsForUID: uid fieldName: @"settings"];
/* internet access lock */
- (BOOL) isUserAllowedToChangeSOGoInternetAccess: (NSString *) uid
NSNumber *bv;
bv = [changeInternetAccessCache objectForKey: uid];
if (!bv) {
BOOL value;
value = [self primaryIsUserAllowedToChangeSOGoInternetAccess: uid];
bv = [NSNumber numberWithBool: value];
[changeInternetAccessCache setObject: bv forKey: uid];
return [bv boolValue];
- (BOOL) primaryIsUserAllowedToChangeSOGoInternetAccess: (NSString *) uid
static NSArray *attrs = nil;
NGLdapConnection *conn;
EOQualifier *q;
NSEnumerator *resultEnum;
NGLdapEntry *entry;
NGLdapAttribute *attr;
NSString *value;
if (attrs == nil)
attrs = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: changeInternetAccessAttrName, nil];
q = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qualifierFormat, uid];
conn = [self ldapConnection];
resultEnum = [conn deepSearchAtBaseDN: ldapBaseDN
qualifier: q
attributes: attrs];
entry = [resultEnum nextObject];
if (entry == nil) {
if(debugOn) {
[self logWithFormat: @"%s Didn't find LDAP entry for uid '%@'!",
return NO;
attr = [entry attributeWithName: changeInternetAccessAttrName];
if(attr == nil && debugOn) {
[self logWithFormat: @"%s LDAP entry for uid '%@' "
@"has no mineqOgoAccesInternet attribute?",
return NO; /* nothing we can do about it */
value = [attr stringValueAtIndex: 0];
return [value boolValue];
- (BOOL) isInternetAutoresponderEnabledForUser: (NSString *) uid
NSNumber *bv;
BOOL value;
bv = [internetAutoresponderFlagCache objectForKey: uid];
if (!bv) {
value = [self primaryIsInternetAutoresponderEnabledForUser: uid];
bv = [NSNumber numberWithBool: value];
[internetAutoresponderFlagCache setObject: bv forKey: uid];
return [bv boolValue];
- (BOOL) primaryIsInternetAutoresponderEnabledForUser: (NSString *) uid
NGLdapAttribute *attr;
attr = [self primaryGetMailAutoresponderAttribute: uid];
if (!attr) return NO;
return [self isAutoresponderEnabledForAttribute: attr
matchingPrefix: @"60~"];
- (BOOL) isIntranetAutoresponderEnabledForUser: (NSString *) uid
NSNumber *bv;
BOOL value;
bv = [intranetAutoresponderFlagCache objectForKey: uid];
if (!bv)
value = [self primaryIsIntranetAutoresponderEnabledForUser: uid];
bv = [NSNumber numberWithBool: value];
[intranetAutoresponderFlagCache setObject: bv forKey: uid];
return [bv boolValue];
- (BOOL) primaryIsIntranetAutoresponderEnabledForUser: (NSString *) uid
NGLdapAttribute *attr;
attr = [self primaryGetMailAutoresponderAttribute: uid];
if (!attr) return NO;
return [self isAutoresponderEnabledForAttribute: attr matchingPrefix: @"50~"];
- (BOOL) isAutoresponderEnabledForAttribute: (NGLdapAttribute *) attr
matchingPrefix: (NSString *) prefix
unsigned i, count;
count = [attr count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NSString *value;
value = [attr stringValueAtIndex: i];
if ([value hasPrefix: prefix]) {
if ([value rangeOfString: @"DFIN: 0"].length > 0)
return NO;
return YES;
return NO;
- (NGLdapAttribute *) primaryGetMailAutoresponderAttribute: (NSString *) uid
static NSArray *attrs = nil;
NGLdapConnection *conn;
EOQualifier *q;
NSEnumerator *resultEnum;
NGLdapEntry *entry;
NGLdapAttribute *attr;
if (attrs == nil)
attrs = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: mailAutoresponderAttrName, nil];
q = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: qualifierFormat, uid];
conn = [self ldapConnection];
resultEnum = [conn deepSearchAtBaseDN: ldapBaseDN
qualifier: q
attributes: attrs];
entry = [resultEnum nextObject];
if (entry == nil) {
if(debugOn) {
[self logWithFormat: @"%s Didn't find LDAP entry for uid '%@'!",
return nil;
attr = [entry attributeWithName: mailAutoresponderAttrName];
return attr;
- (iCalPerson *) iCalPersonWithUid: (NSString *) uid
iCalPerson *person;
person = [iCalPerson new];
[person autorelease];
[person setCn: [self getCNForUID: uid]];
[person setEmail: [self getEmailForUID: uid]];
return person;
/* debugging */
- (BOOL) isDebuggingEnabled
return debugOn;
@end /* AgenorUserManager */