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/* SOGoCacheGCSFolder.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Inverse inc.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSData.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSException.h>
#import <Foundation/NSPropertyList.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <Foundation/NSURL.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
#import <GDLAccess/EOAdaptorChannel.h>
#import <GDLContentStore/GCSChannelManager.h>
#import <SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoDomainDefaults.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import "EOQualifier+SOGoCacheObject.h"
#import "GCSSpecialQueries+SOGoCacheObject.h"
#import "SOGoCacheGCSFolder.h"
#undef DEBUG
//#include <stdbool.h>
//#include <talloc.h>
//#include <util/time.h>
//#include <mapistore/mapistore.h>
//#include <mapistore/mapistore_errors.h>
//#include <libmapiproxy.h>
//#include <param.h>
Class SOGoCacheGCSObjectK = Nil;
@implementation SOGoCacheGCSFolder
+ (void) initialize
SOGoCacheGCSObjectK = [SOGoCacheGCSObject class];
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
pathPrefix = nil;
return self;
- (id) initWithName: (NSString *) name inContainer: (id) newContainer
if ((self = [super initWithName: name inContainer: newContainer]))
objectType = MAPIFolderCacheObject;
aclMessage = [SOGoCacheGCSObject objectWithName: @"permissions"
inContainer: self];
[aclMessage setObjectType: MAPIInternalCacheObject];
[aclMessage retain];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[aclMessage release];
[pathPrefix release];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) isFolderish
return YES;
- (void) setPathPrefix: (NSString *) newPathPrefix
ASSIGN (pathPrefix, newPathPrefix);
- (NSMutableString *) pathForChild: (NSString *) childName
NSMutableString *path;
path = [self path];
[path appendFormat: @"/%@", childName];
return path;
- (NSMutableString *) path
NSMutableString *path;
path = [super path];
if (pathPrefix)
[path insertString: pathPrefix atIndex: 0];
return path;
// - (SOGoMAPIDBMessage *) newMessage
// {
// NSString *newFilename;
// newFilename = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.plist",
// [SOGoObject globallyUniqueObjectId]];
// return [SOGoMAPIDBMessage objectWithName: filename inContainer: self];
// }
- (NSArray *) childKeysOfType: (SOGoCacheObjectType) type
includeDeleted: (BOOL) includeDeleted
matchingQualifier: (EOQualifier *) qualifier
andSortOrderings: (NSArray *) sortOrderings
NSMutableArray *childKeys;
NSMutableString *sql// , *qualifierClause
NSString *childPathPrefix, *childPath, *childKey;
NSMutableArray *whereClause;
NSArray *records;
NSDictionary *record;
NSUInteger childPathPrefixLen, count, max;
SOGoCacheGCSObject *currentChild;
/* query construction */
sql = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 256];
[sql appendFormat: @"SELECT * FROM %@", [self tableName]];
whereClause = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 2];
[whereClause addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"c_parent_path = '%@'",
[self path]]];
[whereClause addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"c_type = %d", type]];
if (!includeDeleted)
[whereClause addObject: @"c_deleted = 0"];
[sql appendFormat: @" WHERE %@",
[whereClause componentsJoinedByString: @" AND "]];
childPathPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/", [self path]];
/* results */
records = [self performSQLQuery: sql];
if (records)
max = [records count];
childKeys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
childPathPrefixLen = [childPathPrefix length];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
record = [records objectAtIndex: count];
childPath = [record objectForKey: @"c_path"];
childKey = [childPath substringFromIndex: childPathPrefixLen];
if ([childKey rangeOfString: @"/"].location == NSNotFound)
if (qualifier)
currentChild = [SOGoCacheGCSObject objectWithName: childKey
inContainer: self];
[currentChild setupFromRecord: record];
if ([qualifier evaluateSOGoMAPIDBObject: currentChild])
[childKeys addObject: childKey];
[childKeys addObject: childKey];
childKeys = nil;
return childKeys;
- (NSArray *) toManyRelationshipKeys
return [self childKeysOfType: MAPIFolderCacheObject
includeDeleted: NO
matchingQualifier: nil
andSortOrderings: nil];
- (NSArray *) toOneRelationshipKeys
return [self childKeysOfType: MAPIMessageCacheObject
includeDeleted: NO
matchingQualifier: nil
andSortOrderings: nil];
- (void) setNameInContainer: (NSString *) newName
NSMutableString *sql;
NSString *oldPath, *newPath, *path, *parentPath;
NSMutableArray *queries;
NSArray *records;
NSDictionary *record;
NSUInteger count, max;
/* change the paths in children records */
if (nameInContainer)
oldPath = [self path];
[super setNameInContainer: newName];
if (nameInContainer)
newPath = [self path];
sql = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:
@"SELECT c_path, c_parent_path FROM %@"
@" WHERE c_path LIKE '%@/%%'",
[self tableName], oldPath];
records = [self performSQLQuery: sql];
max = [records count];
queries = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max + 1];
if (max > 0)
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
record = [records objectAtIndex: count];
path = [record objectForKey: @"c_path"];
sql = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: @"UPDATE %@"
@" SET c_path = '%@'",
[self tableName],
[path stringByReplacingPrefix: oldPath
withPrefix: newPath]];
parentPath = [record objectForKey: @"c_parent_path"];
if ([parentPath isNotNull])
[sql appendFormat: @", c_parent_path = '%@'",
[parentPath stringByReplacingPrefix: oldPath
withPrefix: newPath]];
[sql appendFormat: @" WHERE c_path = '%@'", path];
[queries addObject: sql];
[self performBatchSQLQueries: queries];
- (void) changePathTo: (NSString *) newPath
NSMutableString *sql// , *qualifierClause
NSString *oldPath, *oldPathAsPrefix, *path, *parentPath;
NSMutableArray *queries;
NSArray *records;
NSDictionary *record;
NSUInteger count, max;
/* change the paths in children records */
oldPath = [self path];
oldPathAsPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/", oldPath];
sql = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:
@"SELECT c_path, c_parent_path FROM %@"
@" WHERE c_path LIKE '%@%%'",
[self tableName], oldPathAsPrefix];
records = [self performSQLQuery: sql];
max = [records count];
queries = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max + 1];
if (max > 0)
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
record = [records objectAtIndex: count];
path = [record objectForKey: @"c_path"];
sql = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: @"UPDATE %@"
@" SET c_path = '%@'",
[self tableName],
[path stringByReplacingPrefix: oldPath
withPrefix: newPath]];
parentPath = [record objectForKey: @"c_parent_path"];
if ([parentPath isNotNull])
[sql appendFormat: @", c_parent_path = '%@'",
[parentPath stringByReplacingPrefix: oldPath
withPrefix: newPath]];
[sql appendFormat: @" WHERE c_path = '%@'", path];
[queries addObject: sql];
[self performBatchSQLQueries: queries];
/* change the path in this folder record */
[super changePathTo: newPath];
- (void) changePathTo: (NSString *) newPath intoNewContainer: (id) newContainer
[self changePathTo: newPath];
container = newContainer;
if ([self doesRetainContainer])
[container retain];
// - (NSArray *) toOneRelationshipKeysMatchingQualifier: (EOQualifier *) qualifier
// andSortOrderings: (NSArray *) sortOrderings
// {
// NSArray *allKeys;
// NSMutableArray *keys;
// NSUInteger count, max;
// NSString *messageKey;
// SOGoMAPIDBMessage *message;
// if (sortOrderings)
// [self warnWithFormat: @"sorting is not handled yet"];
// allKeys = [self toOneRelationshipKeys];
// if (qualifier)
// {
// [self logWithFormat: @"%s: getting restricted FAI keys", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__];
// max = [allKeys count];
// keys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
// for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
// {
// messageKey = [allKeys objectAtIndex: count];
// message = [self lookupName: messageKey
// inContext: nil
// acquire: NO];
// if ([qualifier evaluateMAPIVolatileMessage: message])
// [keys addObject: messageKey];
// }
// }
// else
// keys = (NSMutableArray *) allKeys;
// return keys;
// }
- (id) lookupName: (NSString *) childName
inContext: (WOContext *) woContext
acquire: (BOOL) acquire
id object;
Class objectClass;
NSString *childPath;
NSDictionary *record;
childPath = [self pathForChild: childName];
record = [self lookupRecord: childPath newerThanVersion: -1];
if (record)
if ([[record objectForKey: @"c_type"] intValue] == MAPIFolderCacheObject)
objectClass = isa;
objectClass = SOGoCacheGCSObjectK;
object = [objectClass objectWithName: childName
inContainer: self];
[object setupFromRecord: record];
object = nil;
return object;
- (id) lookupFolder: (NSString *) folderName
inContext: (WOContext *) woContext
id object;
object = [SOGoCacheGCSFolder objectWithName: folderName
inContainer: self];
[object reloadIfNeeded];
return object;
// - (id) _fileAttributeForKey: (NSString *) key
// {
// NSDictionary *attributes;
// attributes = [[NSFileManager defaultManager]
// fileAttributesAtPath: directory
// traverseLink: NO];
// return [attributes objectForKey: key];
// }
// - (NSCalendarDate *) creationTime
// {
// return [self _fileAttributeForKey: NSFileCreationDate];
// }
// - (NSCalendarDate *) lastModificationTime
// {
// return [self _fileAttributeForKey: NSFileModificationDate];
// }
/* acl */
- (NSString *) defaultUserID
return @"default";
- (NSMutableDictionary *) _aclEntries
NSMutableDictionary *aclEntries;
[aclMessage reloadIfNeeded];
aclEntries = [aclMessage properties];
if (![aclEntries objectForKey: @"users"])
[aclEntries setObject: [NSMutableArray array] forKey: @"users"];
if (![aclEntries objectForKey: @"entries"])
[aclEntries setObject: [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]
forKey: @"entries"];
return aclEntries;
- (void) addUserInAcls: (NSString *) user
NSMutableDictionary *acl;
NSMutableArray *users;
acl = [self _aclEntries];
users = [acl objectForKey: @"users"];
[users addObjectUniquely: user];
[aclMessage save];
- (void) removeAclsForUsers: (NSArray *) oldUsers
NSDictionary *acl;
NSMutableDictionary *entries;
NSMutableArray *users;
acl = [self _aclEntries];
entries = [acl objectForKey: @"entries"];
[entries removeObjectsForKeys: oldUsers];
users = [acl objectForKey: @"users"];
[users removeObjectsInArray: oldUsers];
[aclMessage save];
- (NSArray *) aclUsers
return [[self _aclEntries] objectForKey: @"users"];
- (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid
NSDictionary *entries;
entries = [[self _aclEntries] objectForKey: @"entries"];
return [entries objectForKey: uid];
- (void) setRoles: (NSArray *) roles
forUser: (NSString *) uid
NSMutableDictionary *acl;
NSMutableDictionary *entries;
acl = [self _aclEntries];
entries = [acl objectForKey: @"entries"];
[entries setObject: roles forKey: uid];
[aclMessage save];