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/* NSString+Utilities.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Inverse inc.
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* Ludovic Marcotte <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSCharacterSet.h>
#import <Foundation/NSData.h>
#import <Foundation/NSEnumerator.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <EOControl/EOQualifier.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSDictionary+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGMime/NGMimeHeaderFieldGenerator.h>
#import <SBJson/SBJsonParser.h>
#import "NSArray+Utilities.h"
#import "NSDictionary+URL.h"
#import "NSString+Utilities.h"
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 1
#include <unistd.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
static NSMutableCharacterSet *urlNonEndingChars = nil;
static NSMutableCharacterSet *urlAfterEndingChars = nil;
static NSMutableCharacterSet *urlStartChars = nil;
static NSString **cssEscapingStrings = NULL;
static unichar *cssEscapingCharacters = NULL;
static int cssEscapingCount;
@implementation NSString (SOGoURLExtension)
- (NSString *) composeURLWithAction: (NSString *) action
parameters: (NSDictionary *) urlParameters
andHash: (BOOL) useHash
NSMutableString *completeURL;
completeURL = [NSMutableString new];
[completeURL autorelease];
[completeURL appendString: [self urlWithoutParameters]];
if (![completeURL hasSuffix: @"/"])
[completeURL appendString: @"/"];
[completeURL appendString: action];
if (urlParameters)
[completeURL appendString: [urlParameters asURLParameters]];
if (useHash)
[completeURL appendString: @"#"];
return completeURL;
- (NSString *) hostlessURL
NSString *newURL;
NSRange hostR, locationR;
if ([self hasPrefix: @"/"])
newURL = [self copy];
[newURL autorelease];
hostR = [self rangeOfString: @"://"];
locationR = [[self substringFromIndex: (hostR.location + hostR.length)]
rangeOfString: @"/"];
newURL = [self substringFromIndex: (hostR.location + hostR.length
+ locationR.location)];
return newURL;
- (NSString *) urlWithoutParameters;
NSRange r;
NSString *newUrl;
r = [self rangeOfString:@"?" options: NSBackwardsSearch];
if (r.length > 0)
newUrl = [self substringToIndex: NSMaxRange (r) - 1];
newUrl = self;
return newUrl;
- (NSRange) _rangeOfURLInRange: (NSRange) refRange
int start, length;
NSRange workRange;
// [urlNonEndingChars addCharactersInString: @">&=,.:;\t \r\n"];
// [urlAfterEndingChars addCharactersInString: @"()[]{}&;<\t \r\n"];
if (!urlNonEndingChars)
urlNonEndingChars = [NSMutableCharacterSet new];
[urlNonEndingChars addCharactersInString: @"=,.:;&()\t \r\n"];
if (!urlAfterEndingChars)
urlAfterEndingChars = [NSMutableCharacterSet new];
[urlAfterEndingChars addCharactersInString: @"()[]\t \r\n"];
start = refRange.location;
while (start > -1
&& ![urlAfterEndingChars characterIsMember:
[self characterAtIndex: start]])
length = [self length] - start;
workRange = NSMakeRange (start, length);
workRange = [self rangeOfCharacterFromSet: urlAfterEndingChars
options: NSLiteralSearch range: workRange];
if (workRange.location != NSNotFound)
length = workRange.location - start;
(length > 0
&& [urlNonEndingChars characterIsMember:
[self characterAtIndex: (start + length - 1)]])
return NSMakeRange (start, length);
- (void) _handleURLs: (NSMutableString *) selfCopy
textToMatch: (NSString *) match
prefix: (NSString *) prefix
inRanges: (NSMutableArray *) ranges
NSEnumerator *enumRanges;
NSMutableArray *newRanges;
NSRange matchRange, currentUrlRange, rest;
NSRange *rangePtr;
NSString *urlText, *newUrlText;
unsigned int length, matchLength, offset;
int startLocation;
if (!urlStartChars)
urlStartChars = [NSMutableCharacterSet new];
[urlStartChars addCharactersInString: @"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
newRanges = [NSMutableArray array];
matchLength = [match length];
rest.location = -1;
matchRange = [selfCopy rangeOfString: match];
while (matchRange.location != NSNotFound)
startLocation = matchRange.location;
while (startLocation > rest.location
&& [urlStartChars characterIsMember:
[selfCopy characterAtIndex: startLocation]])
matchRange.location = startLocation + 1;
currentUrlRange = [selfCopy _rangeOfURLInRange: matchRange];
if (![ranges hasRangeIntersection: currentUrlRange])
if (currentUrlRange.length > matchLength)
[newRanges addNonNSObject: &currentUrlRange
withSize: sizeof (NSRange)
copy: YES];
rest.location = NSMaxRange (currentUrlRange);
length = [selfCopy length];
rest.length = length - rest.location;
matchRange = [selfCopy rangeOfString: match
options: 0 range: rest];
// Make the substitutions, keep track of the new offset
offset = 0;
enumRanges = [newRanges objectEnumerator];
while ((rangePtr = [[enumRanges nextObject] pointerValue]))
rangePtr->location += offset;
urlText = [selfCopy substringFromRange: *rangePtr];
if ([urlText hasPrefix: prefix]) prefix = @"";
newUrlText = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<a href=\"%@%@\">%@</a>",
prefix, urlText, urlText];
[selfCopy replaceCharactersInRange: *rangePtr
withString: newUrlText];
offset += ([newUrlText length] - [urlText length]);
// Add range for further substitutions
currentUrlRange = NSMakeRange (rangePtr->location, [newUrlText length]);
[ranges addNonNSObject: &currentUrlRange
withSize: sizeof (NSRange)
copy: YES];
[newRanges freeNonNSObjects];
- (NSString *) stringByDetectingURLs
NSMutableString *selfCopy;
NSMutableArray *ranges;
ranges = [NSMutableArray array];
selfCopy = [NSMutableString stringWithString: self];
[self _handleURLs: selfCopy
textToMatch: @"://"
prefix: @""
inRanges: ranges];
[self _handleURLs: selfCopy
textToMatch: @"@"
prefix: @"mailto:"
inRanges: ranges];
[ranges freeNonNSObjects];
return selfCopy;
- (NSString *) doubleQuotedString
NSMutableString *representation;
representation = [NSMutableString stringWithString: self];
[representation replaceString: @"\\" withString: @"\\\\"];
[representation replaceString: @"\"" withString: @"\\\""];
[representation replaceString: @"/" withString: @"\\/"];
[representation replaceString: @"\b" withString: @"\\b"];
[representation replaceString: @"\f" withString: @"\\f"];
[representation replaceString: @"\n" withString: @"\\n"];
[representation replaceString: @"\r" withString: @"\\r"];
[representation replaceString: @"\t" withString: @"\\t"];
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\"%@\"", representation];
- (NSString *) jsonRepresentation
return [self doubleQuotedString];
- (void) _setupCSSEscaping
NSArray *strings, *characters;
int count;
strings = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"_U_", @"_D_", @"_H_", @"_A_", @"_S_",
@"_C_", @"_CO_", @"_SP_", @"_SQ_", @"_AM_", nil];
[strings retain];
cssEscapingStrings = [strings asPointersOfObjects];
characters = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"_", @".", @"#", @"@", @"*", @":",
@",", @" ", @"'", @"&", nil];
cssEscapingCount = [strings count];
cssEscapingCharacters = NSZoneMalloc (NULL,
(cssEscapingCount + 1)
* sizeof (unichar));
for (count = 0; count < cssEscapingCount; count++)
*(cssEscapingCharacters + count)
= [[characters objectAtIndex: count] characterAtIndex: 0];
*(cssEscapingCharacters + cssEscapingCount) = 0;
- (int) _cssCharacterIndex: (unichar) character
int idx, count;
idx = -1;
for (count = 0; idx == -1 && count < cssEscapingCount; count++)
if (*(cssEscapingCharacters + count) == character)
idx = count;
return idx;
- (NSString *) asCSSIdentifier
NSMutableString *cssIdentifier;
unichar currentChar;
int count, max, idx;
if (!cssEscapingStrings)
[self _setupCSSEscaping];
cssIdentifier = [NSMutableString string];
max = [self length];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
currentChar = [self characterAtIndex: count];
idx = [self _cssCharacterIndex: currentChar];
if (idx > -1)
[cssIdentifier appendString: cssEscapingStrings[idx]];
[cssIdentifier appendFormat: @"%C", currentChar];
return cssIdentifier;
- (int) _cssStringIndex: (NSString *) string
int idx, count;
idx = -1;
for (count = 0; idx == -1 && count < cssEscapingCount; count++)
if ([string hasPrefix: *(cssEscapingStrings + count)])
idx = count;
return idx;
- (NSString *) fromCSSIdentifier
NSMutableString *newString;
NSString *currentString;
int count, length, max, idx;
unichar currentChar;
if (!cssEscapingStrings)
[self _setupCSSEscaping];
newString = [NSMutableString string];
max = [self length];
for (count = 0; count < max - 2; count++)
currentChar = [self characterAtIndex: count];
if (currentChar == '_')
/* The difficulty here is that most escaping strings are 3 chars
long except one. Therefore we must juggle a little bit with the
lengths in order to avoid an overflow exception. */
length = 4;
if (count + length > max)
length = max - count;
currentString = [self substringFromRange: NSMakeRange (count, length)];
idx = [self _cssStringIndex: currentString];
if (idx > -1)
[newString appendFormat: @"%C", cssEscapingCharacters[idx]];
count += [cssEscapingStrings[idx] length] - 1;
[newString appendFormat: @"%C", currentChar];
[newString appendFormat: @"%C", currentChar];
currentString = [self substringFromRange: NSMakeRange (count, max - count)];
[newString appendString: currentString];
return newString;
- (NSString *) pureEMailAddress
NSString *pureAddress;
NSRange delimiter;
delimiter = [self rangeOfString: @"<"];
if (delimiter.location == NSNotFound)
pureAddress = self;
pureAddress = [self substringFromIndex: NSMaxRange (delimiter)];
delimiter = [pureAddress rangeOfString: @">"];
if (delimiter.location != NSNotFound)
pureAddress = [pureAddress substringToIndex: delimiter.location];
return pureAddress;
- (NSString *) asQPSubjectString: (NSString *) encoding
NSString *qpString, *subjectString;
NSData *subjectData, *destSubjectData;
NSUInteger length, destLength;
unsigned char *destString;
#warning "encoding" parameter is not useful
subjectData = [self dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
length = [subjectData length];
destLength = length * 3;
destString = calloc (destLength, sizeof (char));
NGEncodeQuotedPrintableMime ([subjectData bytes], length,
destString, destLength);
destSubjectData = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy: destString
length: strlen ((char *) destString)
freeWhenDone: YES];
qpString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: destSubjectData
encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];
[qpString autorelease];
if ([qpString length] > [self length])
qpString = [qpString stringByReplacingString: @" " withString: @"_"];
subjectString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"=?%@?q?%@?=",
encoding, qpString];
subjectString = self;
return subjectString;
- (BOOL) caseInsensitiveMatches: (NSString *) match
EOQualifier *sq;
NSString *format;
format = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"(description isCaseInsensitiveLike: '%@')",
sq = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: format];
return [(id<EOQualifierEvaluation>)sq evaluateWithObject: self];
- (BOOL) boolValue
return !([self isEqualToString: @"0"]
|| [self isEqualToString: @"NO"]);
- (int) timeValue
int i, time;
if ([self length] > 0)
i = [self rangeOfString: @":"].location;
if (i == NSNotFound)
time = [self intValue];
time = [[self substringToIndex: i] intValue];
time = -1;
return time;
static NSMutableCharacterSet *safeLDIFChars = nil;
static NSMutableCharacterSet *safeLDIFStartChars = nil;
- (void) _initSafeLDIFChars
safeLDIFChars = [NSMutableCharacterSet new];
[safeLDIFChars addCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (0x01, 9)];
[safeLDIFChars addCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (0x0b, 2)];
[safeLDIFChars addCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (0x0e, 114)];
safeLDIFStartChars = [safeLDIFChars mutableCopy];
[safeLDIFStartChars removeCharactersInString: @" :<"];
- (BOOL) _isLDIFSafe
int count, max;
BOOL rc;
if (!safeLDIFChars)
[self _initSafeLDIFChars];
rc = YES;
max = [self length];
if (max > 0)
if ([safeLDIFStartChars characterIsMember: [self characterAtIndex: 0]])
for (count = 1; rc && count < max; count++)
rc = [safeLDIFChars
characterIsMember: [self characterAtIndex: count]];
rc = NO;
return rc;
- (BOOL) isJSONString
NSDictionary *jsonData;
#warning this method is a quick and dirty way of detecting the file-format
jsonData = [self objectFromJSONString];
return (jsonData != nil);
- (id) objectFromJSONString
SBJsonParser *parser;
NSObject *object;
NSError *error;
object = nil;
if ([self length] > 0)
parser = [SBJsonParser new];
[parser autorelease];
error = nil;
object = [parser objectWithString: self
error: &error];
if (error)
[self errorWithFormat: @"json parser: %@", error];
[self errorWithFormat: @"original string is: %@", self];
object = nil;
return object;
- (NSString *) asCryptStringUsingSalt: (NSString *) theSalt
char *buf;
// The salt is weak here, but who cares anyway, crypt should not
// be used anymore
buf = (char *)crypt([self UTF8String], [theSalt UTF8String]);
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String: buf];
- (NSString *) asMD5String
unsigned char md[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
char buf[80];
int i;
memset(md, 0, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
memset(buf, 0, 80);
EVP_Digest((const void *) [self UTF8String], strlen([self UTF8String]), md, NULL, EVP_md5(), NULL);
for (i = 0; i < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)
sprintf(&(buf[i*2]), "%02x", md[i]);
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String: buf];
- (NSString *) asSHA1String
unsigned char sha[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
char buf[80];
int i;
memset(sha, 0, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
memset(buf, 0, 80);
SHA1((const void *)[self UTF8String], strlen([self UTF8String]), sha);
for (i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)
sprintf(&(buf[i*2]), "%02x", sha[i]);
return [NSString stringWithUTF8String: buf];