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/* MAPIStoreMailFolder.m - this file is part of SOGo
2014-01-10 03:06:31 +01:00
* Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Inverse inc
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <talloc.h>
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSSet.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSURL.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext+SoObjects.h>
#import <EOControl/EOQualifier.h>
#import <EOControl/EOSortOrdering.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Values.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSString+misc.h>
#import <NGImap4/NGImap4Connection.h>
#import <NGImap4/NGImap4Client.h>
#import <NGImap4/NSString+Imap4.h>
#import <Mailer/SOGoDraftsFolder.h>
#import <Mailer/SOGoMailAccount.h>
#import <Mailer/SOGoMailAccounts.h>
#import <Mailer/SOGoMailFolder.h>
#import <Mailer/SOGoMailObject.h>
#import <Mailer/SOGoSentFolder.h>
#import <Mailer/SOGoTrashFolder.h>
#import <SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoPermissions.h>
#import "MAPIApplication.h"
#import "MAPIStoreAppointmentWrapper.h"
#import "MAPIStoreContext.h"
#import "MAPIStoreFAIMessage.h"
#import "MAPIStoreMailContext.h"
#import "MAPIStoreMailMessage.h"
#import "MAPIStoreMailMessageTable.h"
#import "MAPIStoreMapping.h"
#import "MAPIStoreTypes.h"
#import "MAPIStoreUserContext.h"
#import "NSData+MAPIStore.h"
#import "NSString+MAPIStore.h"
#import "SOGoMAPIDBMessage.h"
#import <SOGo/SOGoCacheGCSFolder.h>
#import "MAPIStoreMailVolatileMessage.h"
#import "MAPIStoreMailFolder.h"
static Class SOGoMailFolderK, MAPIStoreMailFolderK, MAPIStoreOutboxFolderK;
#undef DEBUG
#include <util/attr.h>
#include <libmapi/libmapi.h>
#include <libmapiproxy.h>
#include <mapistore/mapistore.h>
#include <mapistore/mapistore_errors.h>
@implementation MAPIStoreMailFolder
+ (void) initialize
SOGoMailFolderK = [SOGoMailFolder class];
MAPIStoreMailFolderK = [MAPIStoreMailFolder class];
MAPIStoreOutboxFolderK = [MAPIStoreOutboxFolder class];
[MAPIStoreAppointmentWrapper class];
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
versionsMessage = nil;
bodyData = [NSMutableDictionary new];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[versionsMessage release];
[bodyData release];
[super dealloc];
- (void) setupVersionsMessage
ASSIGN (versionsMessage,
[SOGoMAPIDBMessage objectWithName: @"versions.plist"
inContainer: dbFolder]);
[versionsMessage setObjectType: MAPIInternalCacheObject];
- (BOOL) ensureFolderExists
return [(SOGoMailFolder *) sogoObject exists] || [sogoObject create];
- (void) addProperties: (NSDictionary *) newProperties
NSString *newDisplayName, *newNameInContainer;
NSMutableDictionary *propsCopy;
NSNumber *key;
uint64_t fid;
newDisplayName = [newProperties objectForKey: key];
if (newDisplayName
&& ![self isKindOfClass: MAPIStoreOutboxFolderK]
&& ![[(SOGoMailFolder *) sogoObject displayName]
isEqualToString: newDisplayName])
fid = [self objectId];
[(SOGoMailFolder *) sogoObject renameTo: newDisplayName];
newNameInContainer = [sogoObject nameInContainer];
if (!container)
[(MAPIStoreMailContext *) context
updateURLWithFolderName: newNameInContainer];
[[self mapping] updateID: fid withURL: [self url]];
[dbFolder setNameInContainer: newNameInContainer];
[self cleanupCaches];
propsCopy = [newProperties mutableCopy];
[propsCopy removeObjectForKey: key];
[propsCopy autorelease];
newProperties = propsCopy;
[super addProperties: newProperties];
- (MAPIStoreMessageTable *) messageTable
[self synchroniseCache];
return [MAPIStoreMailMessageTable tableForContainer: self];
- (enum mapistore_error) createFolder: (struct SRow *) aRow
withFID: (uint64_t) newFID
andKey: (NSString **) newKeyP
enum mapistore_error rc;
NSString *folderName, *nameInContainer;
SOGoMailFolder *newFolder;
int i;
nameInContainer = nil;
2015-01-19 15:35:44 +01:00
folderName = nil;
for (i = 0; !folderName && i < aRow->cValues; i++)
if (aRow->lpProps[i].ulPropTag == PR_DISPLAY_NAME_UNICODE)
folderName = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: aRow->lpProps[i].value.lpszW];
else if (aRow->lpProps[i].ulPropTag == PR_DISPLAY_NAME)
folderName = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: aRow->lpProps[i].value.lpszA];
if (folderName)
nameInContainer = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"folder%@",
[[folderName stringByEncodingImap4FolderName] asCSSIdentifier]];
/* it may be the operation is interleaved with operations
from other users having cached information in the thread
with the other user, so it'd better activate the user again here... */
[[self userContext] activateWithUser: [[[self userContext] woContext] activeUser]];
newFolder = [SOGoMailFolderK objectWithName: nameInContainer
inContainer: sogoObject];
if ([newFolder create])
*newKeyP = nameInContainer;
else if ([newFolder exists])
return rc;
- (int) deleteFolder
int rc;
NSException *error;
NSString *name;
name = [self nameInContainer];
if ([name isEqualToString: @"folderINBOX"])
error = [(SOGoMailFolder *) sogoObject delete];
if (error)
if (![versionsMessage delete])
return (rc == MAPISTORE_SUCCESS) ? [super deleteFolder] : rc;
- (int) getPidTagContentUnreadCount: (void **) data
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
EOQualifier *searchQualifier;
uint32_t longValue;
= [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: @"flags = %@", @"unseen"];
longValue = [[sogoObject fetchUIDsMatchingQualifier: searchQualifier
sortOrdering: nil]
*data = MAPILongValue (memCtx, longValue);
- (int) getPidTagContainerClass: (void **) data
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
*data = [@"IPF.Note" asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx];
- (EOQualifier *) nonDeletedQualifier
static EOQualifier *nonDeletedQualifier = nil;
EOQualifier *deletedQualifier;
if (!nonDeletedQualifier)
= [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc]
initWithKey: @"FLAGS"
operatorSelector: EOQualifierOperatorContains
value: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"Deleted"]];
nonDeletedQualifier = [[EONotQualifier alloc]
initWithQualifier: deletedQualifier];
[deletedQualifier release];
return nonDeletedQualifier;
- (NSArray *) messageKeysMatchingQualifier: (EOQualifier *) qualifier
andSortOrderings: (NSArray *) sortOrderings
NSArray *uidKeys;
EOQualifier *fetchQualifier;
if ([self ensureFolderExists])
if (!sortOrderings)
sortOrderings = [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"ARRIVAL"];
if (qualifier)
= [[EOAndQualifier alloc] initWithQualifiers:
[self nonDeletedQualifier], qualifier,
[fetchQualifier autorelease];
fetchQualifier = [self nonDeletedQualifier];
uidKeys = [[sogoObject fetchUIDsMatchingQualifier: fetchQualifier
sortOrdering: sortOrderings]
stringsWithFormat: @"%@.eml"];
uidKeys = nil;
return uidKeys;
- (NSMutableString *) _imapFolderNameRepresentation: (NSString *) subfolderName
NSMutableString *representation;
NSString *nameInContainer, *strippedName;
nameInContainer = [self nameInContainer];
if (container)
representation = [(MAPIStoreMailFolder *) container
_imapFolderNameRepresentation: nameInContainer];
if (![nameInContainer hasPrefix: @"folder"])
abort ();
strippedName = [nameInContainer substringFromIndex: 6];
representation = [NSMutableString stringWithString: strippedName];
if (![subfolderName hasPrefix: @"folder"])
abort ();
strippedName = [[subfolderName substringFromIndex: 6] stringByDecodingImap4FolderName];
[representation appendFormat: @"/%@", strippedName];
return representation;
- (void) _cleanupSubfolderKeys: (NSMutableArray *) subfolderKeys
SOGoMailAccount *account;
NSString *draftsFolderName, *sentFolderName, *trashFolderName;
NSString *subfolderKey, *cmpString;
NSUInteger count, max;
NSMutableArray *keysToRemove;
account = [(SOGoMailFolder *) sogoObject mailAccountFolder];
draftsFolderName = [account draftsFolderNameInContext: nil];
sentFolderName = [account sentFolderNameInContext: nil];
trashFolderName = [account trashFolderNameInContext: nil];
max = [subfolderKeys count];
keysToRemove = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
subfolderKey = [subfolderKeys objectAtIndex: count];
cmpString = [self _imapFolderNameRepresentation: subfolderKey];
if ([cmpString isEqualToString: draftsFolderName]
|| [cmpString isEqualToString: sentFolderName]
|| [cmpString isEqualToString: trashFolderName])
[keysToRemove addObject: subfolderKey];
[subfolderKeys removeObjectsInArray: keysToRemove];
- (NSArray *) folderKeysMatchingQualifier: (EOQualifier *) qualifier
andSortOrderings: (NSArray *) sortOrderings
NSMutableArray *subfolderKeys;
if ([self ensureFolderExists])
if (qualifier)
[self errorWithFormat: @"qualifier is not used for folders"];
if (sortOrderings)
[self errorWithFormat: @"sort orderings are not used for folders"];
subfolderKeys = [[sogoObject toManyRelationshipKeys] mutableCopy];
[subfolderKeys autorelease];
[self _cleanupSubfolderKeys: subfolderKeys];
subfolderKeys = nil;
return subfolderKeys;
- (NSDate *) creationTime
return [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: 0x4dbb2dbe]; /* oc_version_time */
- (NSDate *) lastMessageModificationTime
NSNumber *ti;
NSDate *value = nil;
[self synchroniseCache];
ti = [[versionsMessage properties]
objectForKey: @"SyncLastSynchronisationDate"];
if (ti)
value = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: [ti doubleValue]];
value = [NSDate date];
//[self logWithFormat: @"lastMessageModificationTime: %@", value];
return value;
- (SOGoFolder *) aclFolder
return (SOGoFolder *) sogoObject;
- (NSArray *) permissionEntries
NSArray *permissionEntries;
if ([self ensureFolderExists])
permissionEntries = [super permissionEntries];
permissionEntries = nil;
return permissionEntries;
- (BOOL) supportsSubFolders
BOOL supportsSubFolders;
MAPIStoreUserContext *userContext;
if ([[self nameInContainer] isEqualToString: @"folderINBOX"])
userContext = [self userContext];
supportsSubFolders = ![userContext inboxHasNoInferiors];
supportsSubFolders = YES;
return supportsSubFolders;
/* synchronisation */
/* Tree:
SyncLastModseq = x;
SyncLastSynchronisationDate = x; ** not updated until something changed
Messages = {
MessageKey = {
Version = x;
Modseq = x;
Deleted = b;
VersionMapping = {
Version = MessageKey;
static NSComparisonResult
_compareFetchResultsByMODSEQ (id entry1, id entry2, void *data)
static NSNumber *zeroNumber = nil;
NSNumber *modseq1, *modseq2;
if (!zeroNumber)
zeroNumber = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: 0];
[zeroNumber retain];
modseq1 = [entry1 objectForKey: @"modseq"];
if (!modseq1)
modseq1 = zeroNumber;
modseq2 = [entry2 objectForKey: @"modseq"];
if (!modseq2)
modseq2 = zeroNumber;
return [modseq1 compare: modseq2];
- (void) _setChangeKey: (NSData *) changeKey
forMessageEntry: (NSMutableDictionary *) messageEntry
struct XID *xid;
NSString *guid;
NSData *globCnt;
NSDictionary *changeKeyDict;
NSMutableDictionary *changeList;
xid = [changeKey asXIDInMemCtx: NULL];
guid = [NSString stringWithGUID: &xid->GUID];
globCnt = [NSData dataWithBytes: xid->Data length: xid->Size];
talloc_free (xid);
/* 1. set change key association */
changeKeyDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
guid, @"GUID",
globCnt, @"LocalId",
[messageEntry setObject: changeKeyDict forKey: @"ChangeKey"];
/* 2. append/update predecessor change list */
changeList = [messageEntry objectForKey: @"PredecessorChangeList"];
if (!changeList)
changeList = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[messageEntry setObject: changeList
forKey: @"PredecessorChangeList"];
[changeList release];
[changeList setObject: globCnt forKey: guid];
- (BOOL) synchroniseCache
BOOL rc = YES;
uint64_t newChangeNum;
NSNumber *ti, *modseq, *initialLastModseq, *lastModseq,
NSString *changeNumber, *uid, *messageKey;
uint64_t lastModseqNbr;
EOQualifier *searchQualifier;
NSArray *uids, *changeNumbers;
NSUInteger count, max;
NSArray *fetchResults;
NSDictionary *result;
NSData *changeKey;
NSMutableArray *messageKeys;
NSMutableDictionary *currentProperties, *messages, *mapping, *messageEntry;
NSCalendarDate *now;
BOOL foundChange = NO;
/* NOTE: we are using NSString instance for "uid" and "changeNumber" because
NSNumber proved to give very bad performances when used as NSDictionary
keys with GNUstep 1.22.1. The bug seems to be solved with 1.24 but many
distros still ship an older version. */
now = [NSCalendarDate date];
[now setTimeZone: utcTZ];
[versionsMessage reloadIfNeeded];
currentProperties = [versionsMessage properties];
messages = [currentProperties objectForKey: @"Messages"];
if (!messages)
messages = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[currentProperties setObject: messages forKey: @"Messages"];
[messages release];
mapping = [currentProperties objectForKey: @"VersionMapping"];
if (!mapping)
mapping = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[currentProperties setObject: mapping forKey: @"VersionMapping"];
[mapping release];
lastModseq = [currentProperties objectForKey: @"SyncLastModseq"];
initialLastModseq = lastModseq;
if (lastModseq)
lastModseqNbr = [lastModseq unsignedLongLongValue];
nextModseq = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: lastModseqNbr + 1];
searchQualifier = [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc]
initWithKey: @"modseq"
operatorSelector: EOQualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo
value: nextModseq];
[searchQualifier autorelease];
lastModseqNbr = 0;
searchQualifier = [self nonDeletedQualifier];
/* 1. we fetch modified or added uids */
uids = [sogoObject fetchUIDsMatchingQualifier: searchQualifier
sortOrdering: nil];
max = [uids count];
if (max > 0)
messageKeys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
messageKey = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.eml",
[uids objectAtIndex: count]];
[messageKeys addObject: messageKey];
[self ensureIDsForChildKeys: messageKeys];
changeNumbers = [[self context] getNewChangeNumbers: max];
= [(NSDictionary *) [sogoObject fetchUIDs: uids
parts: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"modseq", @"flags", nil]]
objectForKey: @"fetch"];
/* NOTE: we sort items manually because Cyrus does not properly sort
entries with a MODSEQ of 0 */
= [fetchResults sortedArrayUsingFunction: _compareFetchResultsByMODSEQ
context: NULL];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
result = [fetchResults objectAtIndex: count];
uid = [[result objectForKey: @"uid"] stringValue];
modseq = [result objectForKey: @"modseq"];
newChangeNum = [[changeNumbers objectAtIndex: count]
changeNumber = [NSString stringWithUnsignedLongLong: newChangeNum];
messageEntry = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[messages setObject: messageEntry forKey: uid];
[messageEntry release];
[messageEntry setObject: modseq forKey: @"modseq"];
[messageEntry setObject: changeNumber forKey: @"version"];
//[self logWithFormat: @"added message entry for uid %@, modseq %@,"
// @" version %@", uid, modseq, changeNumber];
changeKey = [self getReplicaKeyFromGlobCnt: newChangeNum >> 16];
[self _setChangeKey: changeKey forMessageEntry: messageEntry];
[mapping setObject: modseq forKey: changeNumber];
if (!lastModseq
|| ([lastModseq compare: modseq] == NSOrderedAscending))
lastModseq = modseq;
if ([[result objectForKey: @"flags"] containsObject: @"deleted"])
[currentProperties setObject: changeNumber
forKey: @"SyncLastDeleteChangeNumber"];
[currentProperties setObject: lastModseq forKey: @"SyncLastModseq"];
foundChange = YES;
/* 2. we synchronise expunged UIDs */
if (initialLastModseq)
fetchResults = [(SOGoMailFolder *) sogoObject
fetchUIDsOfVanishedItems: lastModseqNbr];
max = [fetchResults count];
changeNumber = nil;
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
uid = [[fetchResults objectAtIndex: count] stringValue];
if ([messages objectForKey: uid])
if (!changeNumber)
newChangeNum = [[self context] getNewChangeNumber];
changeNumber = [NSString stringWithUnsignedLongLong: newChangeNum];
[messages removeObjectForKey: uid];
[self logWithFormat: @"Removed message entry for UID %@", uid];
[self logWithFormat:@"Message entry not found for UID %@", uid];
if (changeNumber)
[currentProperties setObject: changeNumber
forKey: @"SyncLastDeleteChangeNumber"];
[mapping setObject: lastModseq forKey: changeNumber];
foundChange = YES;
if (foundChange)
[self synchronizeUpdatedFolder: lastModseq
withMapping: mapping];
ti = [NSNumber numberWithDouble: [now timeIntervalSince1970]];
[currentProperties setObject: ti
forKey: @"SyncLastSynchronisationDate"];
[versionsMessage save];
return rc;
- (void) synchronizeUpdatedFolder: (NSNumber *) lastModseq
withMapping: (NSMutableDictionary *) mapping
/* This method should be called whenever something has changed on the folder.
Then we will perform two actions:
1 - Update the PidTagChangeNumber property of the root container.
2 - Store relationship PidTagChangenumber with lastModseq value on the
mapping given as parameter for this folder */
uint64_t *current_cn;
struct SRow row;
struct SPropValue prop;
uint64_t fid;
const char *username;
struct openchangedb_context *oc_ctx;
enum MAPISTATUS retval;
TALLOC_CTX *local_mem_ctx = NULL;
row.cValues = 1;
prop.ulPropTag = PidTagChangeNumber;
prop.value.d = 0; // It doesn't matter, it will be autogenerated
row.lpProps = &prop;
/* We are doing a "touch" operation to update change number of the root container.
We get the root container as it has the properties in the OpenChange DB */
username = [[self context] connectionInfo]->username;
oc_ctx = [[self context] connectionInfo]->oc_ctx;
fid = [[self rootContainer] objectId];
retval = openchangedb_set_folder_properties(oc_ctx, username, fid, &row);
if (retval != MAPI_E_SUCCESS)
[self errorWithFormat:@"%s: Error setting change number on %"PRIu64,
local_mem_ctx = talloc_named(NULL, 0, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (local_mem_ctx == NULL)
[self errorWithFormat:@"%s: Error with talloc_named, out of memory?",
retval = openchangedb_get_folder_property(local_mem_ctx, oc_ctx, username,
PidTagChangeNumber, fid,
(void **) &current_cn);
if (retval != MAPI_E_SUCCESS)
[self errorWithFormat:@"%s: Error getting change number on %"PRIu64,
[mapping setObject: lastModseq
forKey: [NSString stringWithUnsignedLongLong: *current_cn]];
- (BOOL) synchroniseCacheForUID: (NSString *) messageUID
/* Try to synchronise old UIDs in versions.plist cache using an
specific UID. It returns a boolean indicating if the
synchronisation were done.
It should be used as last resort, keeping synchroniseCache to main
sync entry point.
NSMutableDictionary *currentProperties, *messages, *messageEntry, *mapping;
NSArray *fetchResults;
uint64_t changeNumber;
NSDictionary *result;
NSNumber *modseq;
NSString *changeNumberStr;
NSData *changeKey;
[versionsMessage reloadIfNeeded];
currentProperties = [versionsMessage properties];
messages = [currentProperties objectForKey: @"Messages"];
messageEntry = [messages objectForKey: messageUID];
if (!messageEntry)
fetchResults = [(NSDictionary *) [sogoObject fetchUIDs: [NSArray arrayWithObject: messageUID]
parts: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"modseq", @"flags", nil]]
objectForKey: @"fetch"];
if ([fetchResults count] == 1)
result = [fetchResults objectAtIndex: 0];
modseq = [result objectForKey: @"modseq"];
changeNumber = [[self context] getNewChangeNumber];
changeNumberStr = [NSString stringWithUnsignedLongLong: changeNumber];
/* Create new message entry in Messages dict */
messageEntry = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[messages setObject: messageEntry forKey: messageUID];
[messageEntry release];
/* Store the modseq and change number */
[messageEntry setObject: modseq forKey: @"modseq"];
[messageEntry setObject: changeNumberStr forKey: @"version"];
/* Store the change key */
changeKey = [self getReplicaKeyFromGlobCnt: changeNumber >> 16];
[self _setChangeKey: changeKey forMessageEntry: messageEntry];
/* Store the changeNumber -> modseq mapping */
mapping = [currentProperties objectForKey: @"VersionMapping"];
[mapping setObject: modseq forKey: changeNumberStr];
/* Store the last deleted change number if it is soft-deleted */
if ([[result objectForKey: @"flags"] containsObject: @"deleted"])
[currentProperties setObject: changeNumberStr
forKey: @"SyncLastDeleteChangeNumber"];
/* Save the message */
[versionsMessage save];
return YES;
return NO;
/* If message entry exists, then synchroniseCache did its job */
return YES;
- (NSNumber *) modseqFromMessageChangeNumber: (NSString *) changeNum
NSDictionary *mapping;
NSNumber *modseq;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
id key;
uint64_t found, target, current, replica_id, current_cn;
NSString *closestChangeNum;
mapping = [[versionsMessage properties] objectForKey: @"VersionMapping"];
modseq = [mapping objectForKey: changeNum];
if (modseq) return modseq;
// Not found from stored change numbers for this folder.
// Get the closest modseq for the change number given.
// O(n) cost but will be unusual behaviour.
target = exchange_globcnt([changeNum unsignedLongLongValue] >> 16);
replica_id = [changeNum unsignedLongLongValue] & 0xFFFF;
found = 0;
enumerator = [mapping keyEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject]))
current_cn = [(NSString *)key unsignedLongLongValue];
if ((current_cn & 0xFFFF) != replica_id)
current = exchange_globcnt(current_cn >> 16);
if (current < target && current > found)
found = current;
if (found)
closestChangeNum = [NSString stringWithUnsignedLongLong:
(exchange_globcnt(found) << 16 | replica_id)];
modseq = [mapping objectForKey: closestChangeNum];
return modseq;
- (NSString *) messageUIDFromMessageKey: (NSString *) messageKey
NSString *messageUid;
NSRange dotRange;
dotRange = [messageKey rangeOfString: @".eml"];
if (dotRange.location != NSNotFound)
messageUid = [messageKey substringToIndex: dotRange.location];
messageUid = nil;
[self errorWithFormat:@"%s: Unexpected messageKey value [%@]",
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, messageKey];
return messageUid;
- (NSString *) changeNumberForMessageUID: (NSString *) messageUid
NSDictionary *messages;
NSString *changeNumber;
messages = [[versionsMessage properties] objectForKey: @"Messages"];
changeNumber = [[messages objectForKey: messageUid]
objectForKey: @"version"];
return changeNumber;
- (void) setChangeKey: (NSData *) changeKey
forMessageWithKey: (NSString *) messageKey
NSMutableDictionary *messages, *messageEntry;
NSString *messageUid;
BOOL synced;
messageUid = [self messageUIDFromMessageKey: messageKey];
messages = [[versionsMessage properties] objectForKey: @"Messages"];
messageEntry = [messages objectForKey: messageUid];
if (!messageEntry)
[self warnWithFormat: @"attempting to synchronise to set the change key for "
@"this message %@", messageKey];
synced = [self synchroniseCacheForUID: messageUid];
if (synced)
messageEntry = [[[versionsMessage properties] objectForKey: @"Messages"] objectForKey: messageUid];
if (!messageEntry)
[self errorWithFormat: @"still nothing. We crash!"];
abort ();
[self _setChangeKey: changeKey forMessageEntry: messageEntry];
[versionsMessage save];
- (NSData *) changeKeyForMessageWithKey: (NSString *) messageKey
NSDictionary *messages, *changeKeyDict;
NSString *guid, *messageUid;
NSData *globCnt, *changeKey = nil;
messageUid = [self messageUIDFromMessageKey: messageKey];
messages = [[versionsMessage properties] objectForKey: @"Messages"];
changeKeyDict = [[messages objectForKey: messageUid]
objectForKey: @"ChangeKey"];
if (changeKeyDict)
guid = [changeKeyDict objectForKey: @"GUID"];
globCnt = [changeKeyDict objectForKey: @"LocalId"];
changeKey = [NSData dataWithChangeKeyGUID: guid andCnt: globCnt];
return changeKey;
- (NSData *) predecessorChangeListForMessageWithKey: (NSString *) messageKey
NSMutableData *list = nil;
NSDictionary *messages, *changeListDict;
NSArray *keys;
NSMutableArray *changeKeys;
NSUInteger count, max;
NSData *changeKey;
NSString *guid, *messageUid;
NSData *globCnt;
messageUid = [self messageUIDFromMessageKey: messageKey];
messages = [[versionsMessage properties] objectForKey: @"Messages"];
changeListDict = [[messages objectForKey: messageUid]
objectForKey: @"PredecessorChangeList"];
if (changeListDict)
keys = [changeListDict allKeys];
max = [keys count];
changeKeys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
guid = [keys objectAtIndex: count];
globCnt = [changeListDict objectForKey: guid];
changeKey = [NSData dataWithChangeKeyGUID: guid andCnt: globCnt];
[changeKeys addObject: changeKey];
[changeKeys sortUsingFunction: MAPIChangeKeyGUIDCompare
context: nil];
list = [NSMutableData data];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
changeKey = [changeKeys objectAtIndex: count];
[list appendUInt8: [changeKey length]];
[list appendData: changeKey];
return list;
/* Management for extra properties once they already hit the IMAP server */
- (void) setExtraProperties: (NSDictionary *) props
forMessage: (NSString *) messageKey
NSMutableDictionary *extraProps, *currentProperties;
NSString *messageUid;
messageUid = [self messageUIDFromMessageKey: messageKey];
currentProperties = [versionsMessage properties];
extraProps = [currentProperties objectForKey: @"ExtraMessagesProperties"];
if (!extraProps)
extraProps = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[currentProperties setObject: extraProps forKey: @"ExtraMessagesProperties"];
[extraProps release];
[extraProps setObject: props
forKey: messageUid];
[versionsMessage save];
- (NSDictionary *) extraPropertiesForMessage: (NSString *) messageKey
NSString *messageUid;
messageUid = [self messageUIDFromMessageKey: messageKey];
return [[[versionsMessage properties] objectForKey: @"ExtraMessagesProperties"]
objectForKey: messageUid];
- (NSArray *) getDeletedKeysFromChangeNumber: (uint64_t) changeNum
andCN: (NSNumber **) cnNbr
inTableType: (uint8_t) tableType
NSArray *deletedKeys, *deletedUIDs;
NSString *changeNumber;
uint64_t modseq;
NSDictionary *versionProperties;
EOQualifier *deletedQualifier, *kvQualifier, *searchQualifier;
changeNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"0x%.16llx", changeNum];
modseq = [[self modseqFromMessageChangeNumber: changeNumber]
if (modseq > 0)
/* Hard deleted items */
deletedUIDs = [(SOGoMailFolder *) sogoObject
fetchUIDsOfVanishedItems: modseq];
/* Soft deleted items */
kvQualifier = [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc]
initWithKey: @"modseq"
operatorSelector: EOQualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo
value: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: modseq]];
= [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc]
initWithKey: @"FLAGS"
operatorSelector: EOQualifierOperatorContains
value: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"Deleted"]];
searchQualifier = [[EOAndQualifier alloc]
kvQualifier, deletedQualifier, nil];
deletedUIDs = [deletedUIDs arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:
[sogoObject fetchUIDsMatchingQualifier: searchQualifier
sortOrdering: nil]];
[deletedQualifier release];
[kvQualifier release];
[searchQualifier release];
deletedKeys = [deletedUIDs stringsWithFormat: @"%@.eml"];
if ([deletedUIDs count] > 0)
versionProperties = [versionsMessage properties];
changeNumber = [versionProperties
objectForKey: @"SyncLastDeleteChangeNumber"];
*cnNbr = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:
[changeNumber unsignedLongLongValue]];
[versionsMessage save];
deletedKeys = [NSArray array];
deletedKeys = [super getDeletedKeysFromChangeNumber: changeNum
andCN: cnNbr
inTableType: tableType];
return deletedKeys;
static void
_appendIMAPRange (NSMutableArray *UIDs, uint32_t low, uint32_t high)
uint32_t count;
for (count = low; count < high + 1; count++)
[UIDs addObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong: count]];
static NSUInteger
_parseUID (const unichar *uniString, uint32_t *newUidP)
NSUInteger count = 0;
uint32_t newUid = 0;
while (uniString[count] >= '0' && uniString[count] <= '9')
newUid = newUid * 10 + (uniString[count] - 48);
*newUidP = newUid;
return count;
static NSUInteger
_parseIMAPRange (const unichar *uniString, NSArray **UIDsP)
NSMutableArray *UIDs;
NSUInteger count = 0;
uint32_t currentUid, rangeMin;
BOOL done = NO, inRange = NO;
2015-01-19 15:35:44 +01:00
rangeMin = 0;
currentUid = 0;
UIDs = [NSMutableArray array];
while (!done)
count += _parseUID (uniString + count, &currentUid);
switch (uniString[count])
case ':':
inRange = YES;
rangeMin = currentUid;
case ' ':
case 0:
done = YES;
case ',':
if (inRange)
_appendIMAPRange (UIDs, rangeMin, currentUid);
inRange = NO;
[UIDs addObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong: currentUid]];
abort ();
*UIDsP = UIDs;
return count;
static void
_parseCOPYUID (NSString *line, NSArray **destUIDsP)
unichar *uniString;
NSUInteger count = 0, max;
// char state = 'i'; /* i = init, v = validity, s = source range, d = dest range */
/* sample: 1 OK [COPYUID 1311899334 1:3 11:13] Completed */
max = [line length];
uniString = NSZoneMalloc (NULL, sizeof (unichar) * (max + 1));
[line getCharacters: uniString];
uniString[max] = 0;
while (count < max && uniString[count] != ' ')
while (count < max && uniString[count] != ' ')
while (count < max && uniString[count] != ' ')
if (count < max)
count += _parseIMAPRange (uniString + count, destUIDsP);
NSZoneFree (NULL, uniString);
// Move (or eventually copy) the mails identified by
// "srcMids" from the source folder into this folder.
- (int) moveCopyMessagesWithMIDs: (uint64_t *) srcMids
andCount: (uint32_t) midCount
fromFolder: (MAPIStoreFolder *) sourceFolder
withMIDs: (uint64_t *) targetMids
andChangeKeys: (struct Binary_r **) targetChangeKeys
wantCopy: (uint8_t) wantCopy
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
NGImap4Connection *connection;
NGImap4Client *client;
NSString *sourceFolderName, *targetFolderName, *messageURL, *messageKey,
*uid, *v;
NSMutableArray *uids, *oldMessageURLs;
NSArray *destUIDs;
MAPIStoreMapping *mapping;
NSDictionary *result;
NSUInteger count;
NSArray *a;
NSData *changeKey;
if (![sourceFolder isKindOfClass: [MAPIStoreMailFolder class]])
return [super moveCopyMessagesWithMIDs: srcMids andCount: midCount
fromFolder: sourceFolder withMIDs: targetMids
andChangeKeys: targetChangeKeys
wantCopy: wantCopy
inMemCtx: memCtx];
/* Conversion of mids to IMAP uids */
mapping = [self mapping];
uids = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: midCount];
oldMessageURLs = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: midCount];
for (count = 0; count < midCount; count++)
messageURL = [mapping urlFromID: srcMids[count]];
if (messageURL)
uid = [self messageUIDFromMessageKey: [messageURL lastPathComponent]];
[uids addObject: uid];
[oldMessageURLs addObject: messageURL];
connection = [sogoObject imap4Connection];
sourceFolderName = [connection
imap4FolderNameForURL: [[sourceFolder sogoObject] imap4URL]];
targetFolderName = [connection
imap4FolderNameForURL: [sogoObject imap4URL]];
client = [connection client];
[client select: sourceFolderName];
result = [client copyUids: uids toFolder: targetFolderName];
if (![[result objectForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
/* "Move" treatment: Store \Deleted and unregister urls as soft-deleted */
if (!wantCopy)
[client storeFlags: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"Deleted"] forUIDs: uids
addOrRemove: YES];
for (count = 0; count < midCount; count++)
/* Using soft-deleted to make deleted fmids to return the
See [MAPIStoreFolder getDeletedFMIDs:andCN:fromChangeNumber:inTableType:inMemCtx]
for details */
[mapping unregisterURLWithID: srcMids[count]
/* Registration of target messages */
// We use the UIDPLUS IMAP extension here in order to speedup UID retrieval
// If supported by the server, we'll get something like: COPYUID 1315425789 1 8
// Sometimes COPYUID isn't returned at all by Cyrus or in case the server doesn't
// support the UIDPLUS IMAP extension, we fallback to a simple UID search.
v = [[[result objectForKey: @"RawResponse"] objectForKey: @"ResponseResult"] objectForKey: @"flag"];
if (v)
destUIDs = nil;
_parseCOPYUID (v, &destUIDs);
/* FIXME: this may fail if new messages are appended to the folder
between the COPY and SORT operations */
[client select: targetFolderName];
a = [[client sort: @"ARRIVAL" qualifier: nil encoding: @"UTF-8"]
objectForKey: @"sort"];
destUIDs = [[a sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector (compare:)]
subarrayWithRange: NSMakeRange ([a count] - midCount, midCount)];
for (count = 0; count < midCount; count++)
messageURL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@.eml",
[self url],
[destUIDs objectAtIndex: count]];
[mapping registerURL: messageURL withID: targetMids[count]];
/* Update the change keys */
if (targetChangeKeys)
[self synchroniseCache];
for (count = 0; count < midCount; count++)
changeKey = [NSData dataWithBinary: targetChangeKeys[count]];
messageKey = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.eml",
[destUIDs objectAtIndex: count]];
[self setChangeKey: changeKey
forMessageWithKey: messageKey];
[self postNotificationsForMoveCopyMessagesWithMIDs: srcMids
andMessageURLs: oldMessageURLs
andCount: midCount
fromFolder: sourceFolder
withMIDs: targetMids
wantCopy: wantCopy];
// We cleanup cache of our source and destination folders
[self cleanupCaches];
[sourceFolder cleanupCaches];
- (enum mapistore_error) moveCopyToFolder: (MAPIStoreFolder *) targetFolder
withNewName: (NSString *) newFolderName
isMove: (BOOL) isMove
isRecursive: (BOOL) isRecursive
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
enum mapistore_error rc;
NSURL *folderURL, *newFolderURL;
struct SRow folderRow;
struct SPropValue nameProperty;
MAPIStoreMailFolder *newFolder;
SOGoMailAccount *accountFolder;
SOGoMailFolder *targetSOGoFolder;
NSMutableArray *uids;
NSArray *childKeys;
NSUInteger count, max;
NGImap4Connection *connection;
NGImap4Client *client;
NSString *newURL, *parentDBFolderPath, *childKey, *folderIMAPName,
*urlNamePart, *newFolderIMAPName, *newFolderDBName;
NSException *error;
MAPIStoreMapping *mapping;
NSDictionary *result;
if ([targetFolder isKindOfClass: MAPIStoreMailFolderK] || (!targetFolder && isMove))
folderURL = [sogoObject imap4URL];
if (!newFolderName)
newFolderName = [sogoObject displayName];
targetSOGoFolder = [targetFolder sogoObject];
if (isMove)
newFolderDBName = [[newFolderName stringByEncodingImap4FolderName] asCSSIdentifier];
if (targetSOGoFolder)
/* Mimetise [SOGoMailFolderK imap4URLString] */
urlNamePart = [[newFolderName stringByEncodingImap4FolderName] stringByEscapingURL];
newFolderURL = [NSURL URLWithString: urlNamePart
relativeToURL: [targetSOGoFolder imap4URL]];
/* Mimetise what createRootSecondaryFolderWithFID does */
accountFolder = [[[self userContext] rootFolders] objectForKey: @"mail"];
targetSOGoFolder = [SOGoMailFolder objectWithName: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"folder%@",
inContainer: accountFolder];
newFolderURL = [targetSOGoFolder imap4URL];
error = [[sogoObject imap4Connection]
moveMailboxAtURL: folderURL
toURL: newFolderURL];
if (error)
mapping = [self mapping];
if (targetFolder)
newURL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@folder%@/",
[targetFolder url], newFolderDBName];
newURL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"sogo://%@:%@@mail/folder%@/",
[[self userContext] username], [[self userContext] username],
[mapping updateID: [self objectId] withURL: newURL];
if (targetFolder)
parentDBFolderPath = [[targetFolder dbFolder] path];
if (!parentDBFolderPath)
parentDBFolderPath = @"";
[dbFolder changePathTo: [NSString stringWithFormat:
intoNewContainer: [targetFolder dbFolder]];
[dbFolder changePathTo: [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"/mail/folder%@", newFolderDBName]
intoNewContainer: nil];
nameProperty.ulPropTag = PidTagDisplayName;
nameProperty.value.lpszW = [newFolderName UTF8String];
folderRow.lpProps = &nameProperty;
folderRow.cValues = 1;
rc = [targetFolder createFolder: &folderRow
withFID: -1
andKey: &childKey];
newFolder = [targetFolder lookupFolder: childKey];
connection = [sogoObject imap4Connection];
folderIMAPName = [connection
imap4FolderNameForURL: [sogoObject imap4URL]];
newFolderIMAPName = [connection
imap4FolderNameForURL: [[newFolder sogoObject] imap4URL]];
client = [connection client];
[client select: folderIMAPName];
childKeys = [self messageKeys];
max = [childKeys count];
uids = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
childKey = [childKeys objectAtIndex: count];
[uids addObject: [self messageUIDFromMessageKey: childKey]];
result = [client copyUids: uids
toFolder: newFolderIMAPName];
if ([[result objectForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
if (isRecursive)
childKeys = [self folderKeys];
max = [childKeys count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
childKey = [childKeys objectAtIndex: count];
[[self lookupFolder: childKey]
moveCopyToFolder: newFolder
withNewName: nil
isMove: NO
isRecursive: YES
inMemCtx: memCtx];
[targetFolder cleanupCaches];
rc = [super moveCopyToFolder: targetFolder withNewName: newFolderName
isMove: isMove
isRecursive: isRecursive
inMemCtx: memCtx];
return rc;
- (MAPIStoreMessage *) createMessage
SOGoCacheObject *childObject;
childObject = [SOGoCacheObject objectWithName: [SOGoCacheObject
inContainer: sogoObject];
return [MAPIStoreMailVolatileMessage
mapiStoreObjectWithSOGoObject: childObject
inContainer: self];
- (id) lookupMessage: (NSString *) messageKey
MAPIStoreMailMessage *message;
NSData *rawBodyData;
message = [super lookupMessage: messageKey];
if (message)
rawBodyData = [bodyData objectForKey: messageKey];
if (rawBodyData)
[message setBodyContentFromRawData: rawBodyData];
return message;
- (NSArray *) rolesForExchangeRights: (uint32_t) rights
NSMutableArray *roles;
roles = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 6];
if (rights & RoleOwner)
[roles addObject: SOGoMailRole_Administrator];
if (rights & RightsCreateItems)
[roles addObject: SOGoRole_ObjectCreator];
[roles addObject: SOGoMailRole_Writer];
[roles addObject: SOGoMailRole_Poster];
if (rights & RightsDeleteAll)
[roles addObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEraser];
[roles addObject: SOGoRole_FolderEraser];
[roles addObject: SOGoMailRole_Expunger];
if (rights & RightsEditAll)
[roles addObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEditor];
if (rights & RightsReadItems)
[roles addObject: SOGoRole_ObjectViewer];
if (rights & RightsCreateSubfolders)
[roles addObject: SOGoRole_FolderCreator];
// [self logWithFormat: @"roles for rights %.8x = (%@)", rights, roles];
return roles;
- (uint32_t) exchangeRightsForRoles: (NSArray *) roles
uint32_t rights = 0;
if ([roles containsObject: SOGoMailRole_Administrator])
rights |= (RoleOwner ^ RightsAll);
if ([roles containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectCreator])
rights |= RightsCreateItems;
if ([roles containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEraser]
&& [roles containsObject: SOGoRole_FolderEraser])
rights |= RightsDeleteAll;
if ([roles containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEditor])
rights |= RightsEditAll;
if ([roles containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectViewer])
rights |= RightsReadItems;
if ([roles containsObject: SOGoRole_FolderCreator])
rights |= RightsCreateSubfolders;
if (rights != 0)
rights |= RoleNone; /* actually "folder visible" */
// [self logWithFormat: @"rights for roles (%@) = %.8x", roles, rights];
return rights;
- (enum mapistore_error) preloadMessageBodiesWithKeys: (NSArray *) keys
ofTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType
MAPIStoreMailMessage *message;
NSMutableSet *bodyPartKeys;
NSMutableDictionary *keyAssoc;
NSDictionary *response;
NSUInteger count, max;
NSString *messageKey, *messageUid, *bodyPartKey;
NGImap4Client *client;
NSArray *fetch;
NSData *bodyContent;
[bodyData removeAllObjects];
max = [keys count];
if (max > 0)
bodyPartKeys = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity: max];
keyAssoc = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
messageKey = [keys objectAtIndex: count];
message = [self lookupMessage: messageKey];
if (message)
bodyPartKey = [message bodyContentPartKey];
if (bodyPartKey)
[bodyPartKeys addObject: bodyPartKey];
messageUid = [self messageUIDFromMessageKey: messageKey];
/* If the bodyPartKey include peek, remove it as it is not returned
as key in the IMAP server response.
IMAP conversation example:
* 1 FETCH (UID 1 BODY[TEXT] {1677}
bodyPartKey = [bodyPartKey stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"body.peek"
withString: @"body"];
[keyAssoc setObject: bodyPartKey forKey: messageUid];
client = [[(SOGoMailFolder *) sogoObject imap4Connection] client];
[client select: [sogoObject absoluteImap4Name]];
response = [client fetchUids: [keyAssoc allKeys]
parts: [bodyPartKeys allObjects]];
fetch = [response objectForKey: @"fetch"];
max = [fetch count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
response = [fetch objectAtIndex: count];
messageUid = [[response objectForKey: @"uid"] stringValue];
bodyPartKey = [keyAssoc objectForKey: messageUid];
if (bodyPartKey)
bodyContent = [[response objectForKey: bodyPartKey]
objectForKey: @"data"];
if (bodyContent)
messageKey = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.eml",
[bodyData setObject: bodyContent forKey: messageKey];
@implementation MAPIStoreOutboxFolder
- (int) getPidTagDisplayName: (void **) data
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
*data = [@"Outbox" asUnicodeInMemCtx: memCtx];