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/* SOGoUserManager.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Inverse inc.
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSEnumerator.h>
#import <Foundation/NSException.h>
#import <Foundation/NSLock.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSTimer.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import "NSArray+Utilities.h"
#import "NSString+Utilities.h"
#import "NSObject+Utilities.h"
#import "SOGoDomainDefaults.h"
#import "SOGoSource.h"
#import "SOGoSystemDefaults.h"
#import "SOGoUserManager.h"
#import "SOGoCache.h"
#import "SOGoConstants.h"
#import "SOGoSource.h"
@implementation SOGoUserManagerRegistry
+ (id) sharedRegistry
static id sharedRegistry = nil;
if (!sharedRegistry)
sharedRegistry = [self new];
return sharedRegistry;
- (NSString *) sourceClassForType: (NSString *) type
NSString *sourceClass;
if (type)
if ([type isEqualToString: @"ldap"])
sourceClass = @"LDAPSource";
else if ([type isEqualToString: @"sql"])
sourceClass = @"SQLSource";
[NSException raise: @"SOGoUserManagerRegistryException"
format: @"No class known for type '%@'", type];
sourceClass = @"LDAPSource";
return sourceClass;
@implementation SOGoUserManager
+ (id) sharedUserManager
static id sharedUserManager = nil;
if (!sharedUserManager)
sharedUserManager = [self new];
return sharedUserManager;
- (void) _registerSource: (NSDictionary *) udSource
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSString *sourceID, *value, *type;
NSMutableDictionary *metadata;
NSObject <SOGoSource> *sogoSource;
BOOL isAddressBook;
Class c;
sourceID = [udSource objectForKey: @"id"];
if ([sourceID length] > 0)
type = [[udSource objectForKey: @"type"] lowercaseString];
c = NSClassFromString([_registry sourceClassForType: type]);
sogoSource = [c sourceFromUDSource: udSource inDomain: domain];
if (sourceID)
[_sources setObject: sogoSource forKey: sourceID];
[self errorWithFormat: @"id field missing in an user source,"
@" check the SOGoUserSources defaults"];
metadata = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if (domain)
[metadata setObject: domain forKey: @"domain"];
value = [udSource objectForKey: @"canAuthenticate"];
if (value)
[metadata setObject: value forKey: @"canAuthenticate"];
value = [udSource objectForKey: @"isAddressBook"];
if (value)
[metadata setObject: value forKey: @"isAddressBook"];
isAddressBook = [value boolValue];
isAddressBook = NO;
value = [udSource objectForKey: @"displayName"];
if (value)
[metadata setObject: value forKey: @"displayName"];
if (isAddressBook)
[self errorWithFormat: @"addressbook source '%@' has"
@" no displayname", sourceID];
value = [udSource objectForKey: @"MailFieldNames"];
if (value)
[metadata setObject: value forKey: @"MailFieldNames"];
[_sourcesMetadata setObject: metadata forKey: sourceID];
[self errorWithFormat: @"attempted to register a contact/user source"
@" without id (skipped)"];
- (int) _registerSourcesInDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSArray *userSources;
unsigned int count, max;
SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
if (domain)
dd = [SOGoDomainDefaults defaultsForDomain: domain];
dd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
userSources = [dd userSources];
max = [userSources count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
[self _registerSource: [userSources objectAtIndex: count]
inDomain: domain];
return max;
- (void) _prepareSources
NSArray *domains;
unsigned int count, max, total;
_sources = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_sourcesMetadata = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
total = [self _registerSourcesInDomain: nil];
domains = [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] domainIds];
max = [domains count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
total += [self _registerSourcesInDomain: [domains objectAtIndex: count]];
if (!total)
[self errorWithFormat: @"No authentication sources defined - nobody will be able to login. Check your defaults."];
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
_sources = nil;
_sourcesMetadata = nil;
_registry = [NSClassFromString ([self registryClass]) sharedRegistry];
[self _prepareSources];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[_sources release];
[_sourcesMetadata release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *) registryClass
return @"SOGoUserManagerRegistry";
- (NSArray *) sourceIDsInDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSMutableArray *sourceIDs;
NSArray *keys;
int count, max;
NSString *currentID, *sourceDomain;
NSObject <SOGoSource> *currentSource;
keys = [_sources allKeys];
max = [keys count];
sourceIDs = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
currentID = [keys objectAtIndex: count];
currentSource = [_sources objectForKey: currentID];
sourceDomain = [currentSource domain];
if (![sourceDomain length] || [sourceDomain isEqualToString: domain])
[sourceIDs addObject: currentID];
return sourceIDs;
- (NSObject <SOGoSource> *) sourceWithID: (NSString *) sourceID
return [_sources objectForKey: sourceID];
- (NSDictionary *) metadataForSourceID: (NSString *) sourceID
return [_sourcesMetadata objectForKey: sourceID];
- (NSArray *) authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSMutableArray *sourceIDs;
NSEnumerator *allIDs;
NSString *currentID, *sourceDomain;
NSDictionary *metadata;
sourceIDs = [NSMutableArray array];
allIDs = [[_sources allKeys] objectEnumerator];
while ((currentID = [allIDs nextObject]))
sourceDomain = [[_sources objectForKey: currentID] domain];
if (![domain length] || [domain isEqualToString: sourceDomain])
metadata = [_sourcesMetadata objectForKey: currentID];
if ([[metadata objectForKey: @"canAuthenticate"] boolValue])
[sourceIDs addObject: currentID];
return sourceIDs;
- (NSArray *) addressBookSourceIDsInDomain: (NSString *) domain
NSMutableArray *sourceIDs;
NSEnumerator *allIDs;
NSString *currentID;
NSDictionary *metadata;
sourceIDs = [NSMutableArray array];
allIDs = [[self sourceIDsInDomain: domain] objectEnumerator];
while ((currentID = [allIDs nextObject]))
metadata = [_sourcesMetadata objectForKey: currentID];
if ([[metadata objectForKey: @"isAddressBook"] boolValue])
[sourceIDs addObject: currentID];
return sourceIDs;
- (NSString *) displayNameForSourceWithID: (NSString *) sourceID
NSDictionary *metadata;
metadata = [_sourcesMetadata objectForKey: sourceID];
return [metadata objectForKey: @"displayName"];
- (NSString *) getCNForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
// NSLog (@"getCNForUID: %@", uid);
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid];
return [contactInfos objectForKey: @"cn"];
- (NSString *) getEmailForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
// NSLog (@"getEmailForUID: %@", uid);
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid];
return [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_email"];
- (NSString *) getFullEmailForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
NSString *cn, *email, *fullEmail;
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid];
email = [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_email"];
cn = [contactInfos objectForKey: @"cn"];
if ([cn length] > 0)
if ([email length] > 0)
fullEmail = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ <%@>",
cn, email];
fullEmail = cn;
fullEmail = email;
return fullEmail;
- (NSString *) getImapLoginForUID: (NSString *) uid
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
NSString *domain;
SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: uid];
domain = [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_domain"];
if ([domain length])
dd = [SOGoDomainDefaults defaultsForDomain: domain];
dd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
return ([dd forceIMAPLoginWithEmail] ? [self getEmailForUID: uid] : uid);
- (NSString *) getUIDForEmail: (NSString *) email
NSDictionary *contactInfos;
contactInfos = [self contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: email];
return [contactInfos objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
- (BOOL) _sourceChangePasswordForLogin: (NSString *) login
oldPassword: (NSString *) oldPassword
newPassword: (NSString *) newPassword
perr: (SOGoPasswordPolicyError *) perr
NSObject <SOGoSource> *sogoSource;
NSEnumerator *authIDs;
NSString *currentID;
BOOL didChange;
didChange = NO;
authIDs = [[self authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: nil] objectEnumerator];
while (!didChange && (currentID = [authIDs nextObject]))
sogoSource = [_sources objectForKey: currentID];
didChange = [sogoSource changePasswordForLogin: login
oldPassword: oldPassword
newPassword: newPassword
perr: perr];
return didChange;
- (BOOL) _sourceCheckLogin: (NSString *) login
andPassword: (NSString *) password
perr: (SOGoPasswordPolicyError *) perr
expire: (int *) expire
grace: (int *) grace
NSObject <SOGoSource> *sogoSource;
NSEnumerator *authIDs;
NSString *currentID;
BOOL checkOK;
checkOK = NO;
authIDs = [[self authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: nil] objectEnumerator];
while (!checkOK && (currentID = [authIDs nextObject]))
sogoSource = [_sources objectForKey: currentID];
checkOK = [sogoSource checkLogin: login
password: password
perr: perr
expire: expire
grace: grace];
return checkOK;
- (BOOL) checkLogin: (NSString *) _login
password: (NSString *) _pwd
perr: (SOGoPasswordPolicyError *) _perr
expire: (int *) _expire
grace: (int *) _grace
NSString *dictPassword, *jsonUser;
NSMutableDictionary *currentUser;
BOOL checkOK;
jsonUser = [[SOGoCache sharedCache] userAttributesForLogin: _login];
currentUser = [jsonUser objectFromJSONString];
dictPassword = [currentUser objectForKey: @"password"];
if (currentUser && dictPassword)
checkOK = ([dictPassword isEqualToString: _pwd]);
else if ([self _sourceCheckLogin: _login
andPassword: _pwd
perr: _perr
expire: _expire
grace: _grace])
checkOK = YES;
if (!currentUser)
currentUser = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// It's important to cache the password here as we might have cached the
// user's entry in -contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: and if we don't
// set the password and recache the entry, the password would never be
// cached for the user unless its entry expires from memcached's
// internal cache.
[currentUser setObject: _pwd forKey: @"password"];
[[SOGoCache sharedCache]
setUserAttributes: [currentUser jsonRepresentation]
forLogin: _login];
checkOK = NO;
return checkOK;
- (BOOL) changePasswordForLogin: (NSString *) login
oldPassword: (NSString *) oldPassword
newPassword: (NSString *) newPassword
perr: (SOGoPasswordPolicyError *) perr
NSString *dictPassword, *jsonUser;
NSMutableDictionary *currentUser;
BOOL didChange;
jsonUser = [[SOGoCache sharedCache] userAttributesForLogin: login];
currentUser = [jsonUser objectFromJSONString];
dictPassword = [currentUser objectForKey: @"password"];
if ([self _sourceChangePasswordForLogin: login
oldPassword: oldPassword
newPassword: newPassword
perr: perr])
didChange = YES;
if (!currentUser)
currentUser = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// It's important to cache the password here as we might have cached the
// user's entry in -contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: and if we don't
// set the password and recache the entry, the password would never be
// cached for the user unless its entry expires from memcached's
// internal cache.
[currentUser setObject: newPassword forKey: @"password"];
[[SOGoCache sharedCache]
setUserAttributes: [currentUser jsonRepresentation]
forLogin: login];
didChange = NO;
return didChange;
- (void) _fillContactMailRecords: (NSMutableDictionary *) contact
NSString *uid, *domain, *systemEmail;
NSMutableArray *emails;
SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
domain = [contact objectForKey: @"c_domain"];
if ([domain length])
dd = [SOGoDomainDefaults defaultsForDomain: domain];
dd = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
emails = [contact objectForKey: @"emails"];
uid = [contact objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
if ([uid rangeOfString: @"@"].location == NSNotFound)
= [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@", uid, [dd mailDomain]];
systemEmail = uid;
[emails addObject: systemEmail];
[contact setObject: [emails objectAtIndex: 0] forKey: @"c_email"];
- (void) _fillContactInfosForUser: (NSMutableDictionary *) currentUser
withUIDorEmail: (NSString *) uid
NSMutableArray *emails;
NSDictionary *userEntry;
NSEnumerator *sogoSources;
NSObject <SOGoDNSource> *currentSource;
NSString *sourceID, *cn, *c_domain, *c_uid, *c_imaphostname;
NSArray *c_emails;
BOOL access;
emails = [NSMutableArray array];
cn = nil;
c_uid = nil;
c_domain = nil;
c_imaphostname = nil;
[currentUser setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES]
forKey: @"CalendarAccess"];
[currentUser setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES]
forKey: @"MailAccess"];
sogoSources = [[self authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: nil]
while ((sourceID = [sogoSources nextObject]))
currentSource = [_sources objectForKey: sourceID];
userEntry = [currentSource lookupContactEntryWithUIDorEmail: uid];
if (userEntry)
if (!cn)
cn = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_cn"];
if (!c_uid)
c_uid = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
if (!c_domain)
c_domain = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_domain"];
c_emails = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_emails"];
if ([c_emails count])
[emails addObjectsFromArray: c_emails];
if (!c_imaphostname)
c_imaphostname = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_imaphostname"];
access = [[userEntry objectForKey: @"CalendarAccess"] boolValue];
if (!access)
[currentUser setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: NO]
forKey: @"CalendarAccess"];
access = [[userEntry objectForKey: @"MailAccess"] boolValue];
if (!access)
[currentUser setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: NO]
forKey: @"MailAccess"];
if (!cn)
cn = @"";
if (!c_uid)
c_uid = @"";
if (!c_domain)
c_domain = @"";
if (c_imaphostname)
[currentUser setObject: c_imaphostname forKey: @"c_imaphostname"];
[currentUser setObject: emails forKey: @"emails"];
[currentUser setObject: cn forKey: @"cn"];
[currentUser setObject: c_uid forKey: @"c_uid"];
[currentUser setObject: c_domain forKey: @"c_domain"];
// If our LDAP queries gave us nothing, we add at least one default
// email address based on the default domain.
[self _fillContactMailRecords: currentUser];
// We cache here all identities, including those
// associated with email addresses.
- (void) _retainUser: (NSDictionary *) newUser
NSEnumerator *emails;
NSString *key;
key = [newUser objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
if (key)
[[SOGoCache sharedCache]
setUserAttributes: [newUser jsonRepresentation]
forLogin: key];
emails = [[newUser objectForKey: @"emails"] objectEnumerator];
while ((key = [emails nextObject]))
[[SOGoCache sharedCache]
setUserAttributes: [newUser jsonRepresentation]
forLogin: key];
- (NSMutableDictionary *) _contactInfosForAnonymous
static NSMutableDictionary *user = nil;
if (!user)
user = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 7];
[user setObject: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"anonymous"]
forKey: @"emails"];
[user setObject: @"Public User" forKey: @"cn"];
[user setObject: @"anonymous" forKey: @"c_uid"];
[user setObject: @"" forKey: @"c_domain"];
[user setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES]
forKey: @"CalendarAccess"];
[user setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: NO]
forKey: @"MailAccess"];
return user;
- (NSDictionary *) contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: (NSString *) uid
NSMutableDictionary *currentUser;
NSString *aUID, *jsonUser;
BOOL newUser;
if ([uid isEqualToString: @"anonymous"])
currentUser = [self _contactInfosForAnonymous];
else if ([uid length] > 0)
// Remove the "@" prefix used to identified groups in the ACL tables.
aUID = [uid hasPrefix: @"@"] ? [uid substringFromIndex: 1] : uid;
jsonUser = [[SOGoCache sharedCache] userAttributesForLogin: aUID];
currentUser = [jsonUser objectFromJSONString];
if (!([currentUser objectForKey: @"emails"]
&& [currentUser objectForKey: @"cn"]))
// We make sure that we either have no occurence of a cache entry or
// that we have an occurence with only a cached password. In the
// latter case, we update the entry with the remaining information
// and recache the value.
if (!currentUser || ([currentUser count] == 1 && [currentUser objectForKey: @"password"]))
newUser = YES;
if (!currentUser)
currentUser = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
newUser = NO;
[self _fillContactInfosForUser: currentUser
withUIDorEmail: aUID];
if (newUser)
if ([[currentUser objectForKey: @"c_uid"] length] > 0)
[self _retainUser: currentUser];
currentUser = nil;
currentUser = nil;
return currentUser;
- (NSArray *) _compactAndCompleteContacts: (NSEnumerator *) contacts
NSMutableDictionary *compactContacts, *returnContact;
NSDictionary *userEntry;
NSArray *newContacts;
NSMutableArray *emails;
NSString *uid, *email, *info;
compactContacts = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
while ((userEntry = [contacts nextObject]))
uid = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_uid"];
if ([uid length])
returnContact = [compactContacts objectForKey: uid];
if (!returnContact)
returnContact = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[returnContact setObject: uid forKey: @"c_uid"];
[compactContacts setObject: returnContact forKey: uid];
if (![[returnContact objectForKey: @"c_name"] length])
[returnContact setObject: [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_name"]
forKey: @"c_name"];
if (![[returnContact objectForKey: @"cn"] length])
[returnContact setObject: [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_cn"]
forKey: @"cn"];
emails = [returnContact objectForKey: @"emails"];
if (!emails)
emails = [NSMutableArray array];
[returnContact setObject: emails forKey: @"emails"];
email = [userEntry objectForKey: @"mail"];
if (email && ![emails containsObject: email])
[emails addObject: email];
email = [userEntry objectForKey: @"mozillasecondemail"];
if (email && ![emails containsObject: email])
[emails addObject: email];
email = [userEntry objectForKey: @"xmozillasecondemail"];
if (email && ![emails containsObject: email])
[emails addObject: email];
info = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_info"];
if ([info length] > 0
&& ![[returnContact objectForKey: @"c_info"] length])
[returnContact setObject: info forKey: @"c_info"];
[self _fillContactMailRecords: returnContact];
newContacts = [compactContacts allValues];
return newContacts;
- (NSArray *) _fetchEntriesInSources: (NSArray *) sourcesList
matching: (NSString *) filter
NSMutableArray *contacts;
NSEnumerator *sources;
NSString *sourceID;
id currentSource;
contacts = [NSMutableArray array];
sources = [sourcesList objectEnumerator];
while ((sourceID = [sources nextObject]))
currentSource = [_sources objectForKey: sourceID];
[contacts addObjectsFromArray:
[currentSource fetchContactsMatching: filter]];
return [self _compactAndCompleteContacts: [contacts objectEnumerator]];
- (NSArray *) fetchContactsMatching: (NSString *) filter
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
return [self
_fetchEntriesInSources: [self addressBookSourceIDsInDomain: domain]
matching: filter];
- (NSArray *) fetchUsersMatching: (NSString *) filter
inDomain: (NSString *) domain
return [self _fetchEntriesInSources:
[self authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: domain]
matching: filter];
- (NSString *) getLoginForDN: (NSString *) theDN
NSEnumerator *sources;
NSString *login;
NSObject <SOGoDNSource> *currentSource;
login = nil;
sources = [[_sources allValues] objectEnumerator];
while (!login && (currentSource = [sources nextObject]))
if ([currentSource conformsToProtocol: @protocol (SOGoDNSource)]
&& [theDN hasSuffix: [currentSource baseDN]])
login = [currentSource lookupLoginByDN: theDN];
return login;