
177 lines
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/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngInject
CalendarsController.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$window', '$mdDialog', '$mdMedia', '$log', '$mdToast', 'sgConstant', 'Dialog', 'sgSettings', 'Preferences', 'Calendar'];
function CalendarsController($rootScope, $scope, $window, $mdDialog, $mdMedia, $log, $mdToast, sgConstant, Dialog, Settings, Preferences, Calendar) {
var vm = this;
this.activeUser = Settings.activeUser;
this.service = Calendar;
this.filter = { name: '' };
this.sortableMode = false;
this.sortableCalendars = {
2016-07-08 21:44:47 +02:00
scrollableContainer: '#sidenav-content',
containment: 'md-list',
orderChanged: _sortableEnd,
accept: _sortableAccept
this.$onInit = function() {
vm.categories =, function(name) {
return { id: name.asCSSIdentifier(),
name: name,
color: Preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors[name]
// Dispatch the event named 'calendars:list' when a calendar is activated or deactivated or
// when the color of a calendar is changed
function() {
return _.union($calendars, function(o) { return _.pick(o, ['id', 'active', 'color']); }),$subscriptions, function(o) { return _.pick(o, ['id', 'active', 'color']); }),$webcalendars, function(o) { return _.pick(o, ['id', 'active', 'color']); })
function(newList, oldList) {
var commonList, ids, promise;
// Identify which calendar has changed
commonList = _.intersectionBy(newList, oldList, 'id');
ids =, function(o) {
var oldObject = _.find(oldList, { id: });
return !_.isEqual(o, oldObject);
}), 'id');
promise = Calendar.$q.when();
if (ids.length > 0) {
$log.debug(ids.join(', ') + ' changed');
promise = Calendar.saveFoldersActivation(ids);
if (ids.length > 0 || commonList.length != newList.length || commonList.length != oldList.length)
promise.then(function() {
true // compare for object equality
* The center is always displayed on small screens.
this.centerIsClose = function (closed) {
return closed && $mdMedia(sgConstant['gt-xs']);
2016-07-08 21:44:47 +02:00
* Only allow to sort items within the same list.
function _sortableAccept(sourceItemHandleScope, destSortableScope, destItemScope) {
return sourceItemHandleScope.sortableScope.element[0] == destSortableScope.element[0];
2016-07-08 21:44:47 +02:00
function _sortableEnd() {
Calendar.saveFoldersOrder(_.flatMap(Calendar.$findAll(), 'id'));
this.toggleSortableMode = function () {
this.sortableMode = !vm.sortableMode; = '';
this.resetSort = function () {
this.newCalendar = function (ev) {
Dialog.prompt(l('New calendar'), l('Name of the Calendar'))
.then(function(name) {
var calendar = new Calendar(
name: name,
isEditable: true,
isRemote: false,
owner: UserLogin
2015-11-11 22:42:46 +01:00
calendar.$id().then(function() {
}).catch(_.noop); // error
this.addWebCalendar = function () {
Dialog.prompt(l('Subscribe to a web calendar...'), l('URL of the Calendar'), {inputType: 'url'})
.then(function(url) {
Calendar.$addWebCalendar(url).then(function(calendar) {
if (angular.isObject(calendar)) {
// Web calendar requires HTTP authentication
parent: angular.element(document.body),
clickOutsideToClose: true,
escapeToClose: true,
templateUrl: 'UIxWebCalendarAuthDialog',
controller: WebCalendarAuthDialogController,
controllerAs: '$WebCalendarAuthDialogController',
locals: {
url: url,
calendar: calendar
}).catch(_.noop); // error
}).catch(_.noop); // error
* @ngInject
WebCalendarAuthDialogController.$inject = ['scope', '$mdDialog', 'url', 'calendar'];
function WebCalendarAuthDialogController(scope, $mdDialog, url, calendar) {
var vm = this,
parts = url.split("/"),
hostname = parts[2];
vm.title = l("Please identify yourself to %{0}").formatted(hostname);
2018-02-07 21:36:24 +01:00
vm.url = url;
vm.authenticate = function(form) {
if (form.$valid || !form.$error.required) {
calendar.setCredentials(vm.username, vm.password).then(function(message) {
}, function(reason) {
form.password.$setValidity('credentials', false);
vm.cancel = function() {
// Callback of sgSubscribe directive
this.subscribeToFolder = function (calendarData) {
$log.debug('subscribeToFolder ' + calendarData.owner +;
Calendar.$subscribe(calendarData.owner, {
2016-01-13 18:48:20 +01:00
.content(l('Successfully subscribed to calendar'))
.position('top right')
.controller('CalendarsController', CalendarsController);