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/* SOGoContactLDIFEntry.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2006 Inverse inc.
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h>
#import <NGCards/NGVCard.h>
#import <NGCards/CardVersitRenderer.h>
#import "SOGoContactGCSEntry.h"
#import "SOGoContactLDIFEntry.h"
@implementation SOGoContactLDIFEntry
+ (SOGoContactLDIFEntry *) contactEntryWithName: (NSString *) newName
withLDIFEntry: (NSDictionary *) newEntry
inContainer: (id) newContainer
SOGoContactLDIFEntry *entry;
entry = [[self alloc] initWithName: newName
withLDIFEntry: newEntry
inContainer: newContainer];
[entry autorelease];
return entry;
- (id) initWithName: (NSString *) newName
withLDIFEntry: (NSDictionary *) newEntry
inContainer: (id) newContainer
self = [self init];
ASSIGN (name, newName);
ASSIGN (container, newContainer);
ASSIGN (ldifEntry, newEntry);
vcard = nil;
// [self dumpEntry: anEntry];
return self;
- (NSString *) nameInContainer
return name;
- (void) dealloc
[vcard release];
[ldifEntry release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *) contentAsString
return [[self vCard] versitString];
- (void) _setPhonesOfVCard: (NGVCard *) vCard
NSString *info;
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"telephoneNumber"];
if (info)
[vCard addTel: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"work", @"voice", @"pref", nil]];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"homePhone"];
if (info)
[vCard addTel: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"home", @"voice", nil]];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"fax"];
if (info)
[vCard addTel: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"work", @"fax", nil]];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"pager"];
if (info)
[vCard addTel: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"pager", nil]];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"mobile"];
if (info)
[vCard addTel: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"cell", @"voice", nil]];
// telephoneNumber: work phone
// homePhone: home phone
// fax: fax phone
// pager: page phone
// mobile: mobile phone
- (NGVCard *) vCard
NSString *info, *surname, *streetAddress, *location, *key;
CardElement *element;
unsigned int count;
if (!vcard)
vcard = [[NGVCard alloc] initWithUid: [self nameInContainer]];
[vcard setVClass: @"PUBLIC"];
[vcard setProdID: @"-//Inverse inc.//SOGo"];
[vcard setProfile: @"vCard"];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"displayName"];
if (!(info && [info length] > 0))
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"cn"];
[vcard setFn: info];
surname = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"sn"];
if (!surname)
surname = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"surname"];
[vcard setNWithFamily: surname
given: [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"givenName"]
additional: nil
prefixes: nil
suffixes: nil];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"title"];
if (info)
[vcard setTitle: info];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"mozillaNickname"];
if (info)
[vcard setNickname: info];
// If SOGoLDAPContactInfoAttribute is defined, we set it
// as the NOTE value in order for Thunderbird (or any other
// CardDAV client) to display it.
key = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
stringForKey: @"SOGoLDAPContactInfoAttribute"];
if (!key)
key = @"description";
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: key];
if (info)
[vcard setNote: info];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"mail"];
if (info)
[vcard addEmail: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"internet", @"pref", nil]];
[self _setPhonesOfVCard: vcard];
streetAddress = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"streetAddress"];
location = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"l"];
element = [CardElement elementWithTag: @"adr"
attributes: nil values: nil];
[element setValue: 0 ofAttribute: @"type" to: @"work"];
if (streetAddress)
[element setValue: 2 to: streetAddress];
if (location)
[element setValue: 3 to: location];
if (streetAddress || location)
[vcard addChild: element];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"calFBURL"];
if (info)
[vcard addChildWithTag: @"FBURL"
types: nil
singleValue: info];
for (count = 1; count < 5; count++)
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"mozillaCustom%d",
if (info)
[vcard addChildWithTag: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"CUSTOM%d",
types: nil
singleValue: info];
return vcard;
- (BOOL) isFolderish
return NO;
- (NSString *) davEntityTag
unsigned int hash;
// return [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"modifyTimeStamp"];
hash = [[self contentAsString] hash];
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"hash%u", hash];
- (NSString *) davContentType
return @"text/x-vcard";
- (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid
return nil;
- (void) save
/* DAV */
- (NSException *) copyToFolder: (SOGoGCSFolder *) newFolder
NGVCard *newCard;
NSString *newUID;
SOGoContactGCSEntry *newContact;
// Change the contact UID
newUID = [self globallyUniqueObjectId];
newCard = [self vCard];
[newCard setUid: newUID];
newContact = [SOGoContactGCSEntry objectWithName:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.vcf", newUID]
inContainer: newFolder];
return [newContact saveContentString: [newCard versitString]];
/* message type */
- (NSString *) outlookMessageClass
return @"IPM.Contact";