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Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
This file is part of
OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSEnumerator.h>
#import <Foundation/NSURL.h>
#import <Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h>
#import <Foundation/NSTask.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/NSException+HTTP.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext+SoObjects.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOResponse.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSURL+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSString+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSFileManager+Extensions.h>
#import <NGImap4/NGImap4Connection.h>
#import <NGImap4/NGImap4Client.h>
#import <SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoPermissions.h>
#import <SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import <SoObjects/SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import "SOGoMailObject.h"
#import "SOGoMailAccount.h"
#import "SOGoMailManager.h"
#import "SOGoMailFolder.h"
static NSString *defaultUserID = @"anyone";
#warning this could be detected from the capabilities
static SOGoIMAPAclStyle aclStyle = undefined;
static BOOL aclUsernamesAreQuoted = NO;
/* */
static BOOL aclConformsToIMAPExt = NO;
static NSString *spoolFolder = nil;
@interface NGImap4Connection (PrivateMethods)
- (NSString *) imap4FolderNameForURL: (NSURL *) url;
@implementation SOGoMailFolder
+ (void) initialize
NSUserDefaults *ud;
NSString *aclStyleStr;
if (aclStyle == undefined)
ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
aclStyleStr = [ud stringForKey: @"SOGoIMAPAclStyle"];
if ([aclStyleStr isEqualToString: @"rfc2086"])
aclStyle = rfc2086;
aclStyle = rfc4314;
= [ud boolForKey: @"SOGoIMAPAclUsernamesAreQuoted"];
= [ud boolForKey: @"SOGoIMAPAclConformsToIMAPExt"];
if (!spoolFolder)
spoolFolder = [ud stringForKey:@"SOGoMailSpoolPath"];
if (![spoolFolder length])
spoolFolder = @"/tmp/";
[spoolFolder retain];
NSLog(@"Note: using SOGo mail spool folder: %@", spoolFolder);
+ (SOGoIMAPAclStyle) imapAclStyle
return aclStyle;
- (void) _adjustOwner
SOGoMailAccount *mailAccount;
NSString *path, *folder;
NSArray *names;
mailAccount = [self mailAccountFolder];
path = [[self imap4Connection] imap4FolderNameForURL: [self imap4URL]];
folder = [mailAccount sharedFolderName];
if (folder && [path hasPrefix: folder])
[self setOwner: @"nobody"];
folder = [mailAccount otherUsersFolderName];
if (folder && [path hasPrefix: folder])
names = [path componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"];
if ([names count] > 1)
[self setOwner: [names objectAtIndex: 1]];
[self setOwner: @"nobody"];
- (id) initWithName: (NSString *) newName
inContainer: (id) newContainer
if ((self = [super initWithName: newName
inContainer: newContainer]))
[self _adjustOwner];
mailboxACL = nil;
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[filenames release];
[folderType release];
[mailboxACL release];
[super dealloc];
/* IMAP4 */
- (NSString *) relativeImap4Name
return [nameInContainer substringFromIndex: 6];
- (NSString *) absoluteImap4Name
NSString *name;
name = [[self imap4URL] path];
if (![name hasSuffix: @"/"])
name = [name stringByAppendingString: @"/"];
return name;
- (NSMutableString *) imap4URLString
NSMutableString *urlString;
urlString = [super imap4URLString];
[urlString appendString: @"/"];
return urlString;
/* listing the available folders */
- (NSArray *) toManyRelationshipKeys
return [self subfolders];
- (NSArray *) subfolders
return [[self imap4Connection] subfoldersForURL: [self imap4URL]];
- (BOOL) isSpecialFolder
return NO;
- (NSArray *) allFolderPaths
NSMutableArray *deepSubfolders;
NSEnumerator *folderNames;
NSArray *result;
NSString *currentFolderName, *prefix;
deepSubfolders = [NSMutableArray new];
[deepSubfolders autorelease];
prefix = [self absoluteImap4Name];
result = [[self mailAccountFolder] allFolderPaths];
folderNames = [result objectEnumerator];
while ((currentFolderName = [folderNames nextObject]))
if ([currentFolderName hasPrefix: prefix])
[deepSubfolders addObject: currentFolderName];
[deepSubfolders sortUsingSelector: @selector (compare:)];
return deepSubfolders;
- (NSArray *) allFolderURLs
NSURL *selfURL, *currentURL;
NSMutableArray *subfoldersURL;
NSEnumerator *subfolders;
NSString *currentFolder;
subfoldersURL = [NSMutableArray array];
selfURL = [self imap4URL];
subfolders = [[self allFolderPaths] objectEnumerator];
currentFolder = [subfolders nextObject];
while (currentFolder)
currentURL = [[NSURL alloc]
initWithScheme: [selfURL scheme]
host: [selfURL host]
path: currentFolder];
[currentURL autorelease];
[subfoldersURL addObject: currentURL];
currentFolder = [subfolders nextObject];
return subfoldersURL;
- (NSString *) davContentType
return @"httpd/unix-directory";
- (NSArray *) toOneRelationshipKeys
NSArray *uids;
unsigned int count, max;
NSString *filename;
if (!filenames)
filenames = [NSMutableArray new];
uids = [self fetchUIDsMatchingQualifier: nil sortOrdering: @"DATE"];
if (![uids isKindOfClass: [NSException class]])
max = [uids count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
filename = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.eml",
[uids objectAtIndex: count]];
[filenames addObject: filename];
return filenames;
/* messages */
- (NSException *) deleteUIDs: (NSArray *) uids
inContext: (id) localContext
SOGoMailFolder *trashFolder;
id result;
NSException *error;
NSString *folderName;
NGImap4Client *client;
trashFolder = [[self mailAccountFolder] trashFolderInContext: localContext];
if ([trashFolder isNotNull])
if ([trashFolder isKindOfClass: [NSException class]])
error = (NSException *) trashFolder;
client = [[self imap4Connection] client];
[imap4 selectFolder: [self imap4URL]];
folderName = [imap4 imap4FolderNameForURL: [trashFolder imap4URL]];
// If our Trash folder doesn't exist when we try to copy messages
// to it, we create it.
result = [[client status: folderName flags: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"UIDVALIDITY"]]
objectForKey: @"result"];
if (![result boolValue])
result = [[self imap4Connection] createMailbox: folderName atURL: [[self mailAccountFolder] imap4URL]];
if (!result || [result boolValue])
result = [client copyUids: uids toFolder: folderName];
if ([[result valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
result = [client storeFlags: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"Deleted"]
forUIDs: uids addOrRemove: YES];
if ([[result valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
[self markForExpunge];
[trashFolder flushMailCaches];
error = nil;
= [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:500
reason: @"Could not mark UIDs as Deleted"];
error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:500
reason: @"Could not copy UIDs"];
error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 500
reason: @"Did not find Trash folder!"];
return error;
- (WOResponse *) archiveUIDs: (NSArray *) uids
inContext: (id) localContext
NSException *error;
NSFileManager *fm;
NSString *spoolPath, *fileName, *zipPath;
NSDictionary *msgs;
NSArray *messages;
NSData *content, *zipContent;
NSTask *zipTask;
NSMutableArray *zipTaskArguments;
WOResponse *response;
int i;
spoolPath = [self userSpoolFolderPath];
if ( ![self ensureSpoolFolderPath] ) {
error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 500
reason: @"spoolFolderPath doesn't exist"];
return (WOResponse *)error;
zipPath = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey: @"SOGoZipPath"];
if (![zipPath length])
zipPath = [NSString stringWithString: @"/usr/bin/zip"];
fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if ( ![fm fileExistsAtPath: zipPath] ) {
error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 500
reason: @"zip not available"];
return (WOResponse *)error;
zipTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
[zipTask setCurrentDirectoryPath: spoolPath];
[zipTask setLaunchPath: zipPath];
zipTaskArguments = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: nil];
[zipTaskArguments addObject: @""];
msgs = (NSDictionary *)[self fetchUIDs: uids
parts: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"RFC822"]];
messages = [msgs objectForKey: @"fetch"];
for (i = 0; i < [messages count]; i++) {
content = [[messages objectAtIndex: i] objectForKey: @"message"];
[content writeToFile:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%d.eml", spoolPath, [uids objectAtIndex: i]]
atomically: YES];
[zipTaskArguments addObject:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d.eml", [uids objectAtIndex: i]]];
[zipTask setArguments: zipTaskArguments];
[zipTask launch];
[zipTask waitUntilExit];
[zipTask release];
zipContent = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/", spoolPath]];
for(i = 0; i < [zipTaskArguments count]; i++) {
fileName = [zipTaskArguments objectAtIndex: i];
[fm removeFileAtPath:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@", spoolPath, fileName] handler: nil];
response = [[WOResponse alloc] init];
[response autorelease];
[response setHeader: @"application/zip" forKey:@"content-type"];
[response setHeader: @"attachment;" forKey: @"Content-Disposition"];
[response setContent: zipContent];
[zipContent release];
return response;
- (WOResponse *) copyUIDs: (NSArray *) uids
toFolder: (NSString *) destinationFolder
inContext: (id) localContext
NSEnumerator *folders;
NSString *currentFolderName;
NSMutableString *imapDestinationFolder;
NGImap4Client *client;
id result;
imapDestinationFolder = [NSMutableString string];
folders = [[destinationFolder componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"] objectEnumerator];
currentFolderName = [folders nextObject];
while (currentFolderName)
if ([currentFolderName hasPrefix: @"folder"])
[imapDestinationFolder appendString: @"/"];
[imapDestinationFolder appendString: [currentFolderName substringFromIndex: 6]];
currentFolderName = [folders nextObject];
client = [[self imap4Connection] client];
[imap4 selectFolder: [self imap4URL]];
// We make sure the destination IMAP folder exist, if not, we create it.
result = [[client status: imapDestinationFolder flags: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"UIDVALIDITY"]]
objectForKey: @"result"];
if (![result boolValue])
result = [[self imap4Connection] createMailbox: imapDestinationFolder atURL: [[self mailAccountFolder] imap4URL]];
if (!result || [result boolValue])
result = [client copyUids: uids toFolder: imapDestinationFolder];
if ([[result valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
result = nil;
result = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 500 reason: @"Couldn't copy UIDs."];
return result;
- (WOResponse *) moveUIDs: (NSArray *) uids
toFolder: (NSString *) destinationFolder
inContext: (id) localContext
id result;
NGImap4Client *client;
client = [[self imap4Connection] client];
result = [self copyUIDs: uids toFolder: destinationFolder inContext: localContext];
if ( ![result isNotNull] ) {
result = [client storeFlags: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"Deleted"]
forUIDs: uids addOrRemove: YES];
if ([[result valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
[self markForExpunge];
result = nil;
return result;
- (NSArray *) fetchUIDsMatchingQualifier: (id) _q
sortOrdering: (id) _so
/* seems to return an NSArray of NSNumber's */
return [[self imap4Connection] fetchUIDsInURL: [self imap4URL]
qualifier: _q sortOrdering: _so];
- (NSArray *) fetchUIDs: (NSArray *) _uids
parts: (NSArray *) _parts
return [[self imap4Connection] fetchUIDs: _uids inURL: [self imap4URL]
parts: _parts];
- (NSException *) postData: (NSData *) _data
flags: (id) _flags
// We check for the existence of the IMAP folder (likely to be the
// Sent mailbox) prior to appending messages to it.
if ([[self imap4Connection] doesMailboxExistAtURL: [self imap4URL]] ||
![[self imap4Connection] createMailbox: [[self imap4Connection] imap4FolderNameForURL: [self imap4URL]]
atURL: [[self mailAccountFolder] imap4URL]])
return [[self imap4Connection] postData: _data flags: _flags
toFolderURL: [self imap4URL]];
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 502 /* Bad Gateway */
reason: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ is not an IMAP4 folder", [self relativeImap4Name]]];
- (NSException *) expunge
return [[self imap4Connection] expungeAtURL: [self imap4URL]];
- (void) markForExpunge
NSUserDefaults *ud;
NSMutableDictionary *mailSettings;
NSString *urlString;
ud = [[context activeUser] userSettings];
mailSettings = [ud objectForKey: @"Mail"];
if (!mailSettings)
mailSettings = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 1];
[ud setObject: mailSettings forKey: @"Mail"];
urlString = [self imap4URLString];
if (![[mailSettings objectForKey: @"folderForExpunge"]
isEqualToString: urlString])
[mailSettings setObject: [self imap4URLString]
forKey: @"folderForExpunge"];
[ud synchronize];
- (void) expungeLastMarkedFolder
NSUserDefaults *ud;
NSMutableDictionary *mailSettings;
NSString *expungeURL;
NSURL *folderURL;
ud = [[context activeUser] userSettings];
mailSettings = [ud objectForKey: @"Mail"];
if (mailSettings)
expungeURL = [mailSettings objectForKey: @"folderForExpunge"];
if (expungeURL
&& ![expungeURL isEqualToString: [self imap4URLString]])
folderURL = [NSURL URLWithString: expungeURL];
if (![[self imap4Connection] expungeAtURL: folderURL])
[mailSettings removeObjectForKey: @"folderForExpunge"];
[ud synchronize];
/* flags */
- (NSException *) addFlagsToAllMessages: (id) _f
return [[self imap4Connection] addFlags:_f
toAllMessagesInURL: [self imap4URL]];
/* name lookup */
- (id) lookupName: (NSString *) _key
inContext: (id)_ctx
acquire: (BOOL) _acquire
NSString *folderName, *className;
SOGoMailAccount *mailAccount;
id obj;
if ([_key hasPrefix: @"folder"])
mailAccount = [self mailAccountFolder];
folderName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@",
[self traversalFromMailAccount],
[_key substringFromIndex: 6]];
if ([folderName
isEqualToString: [mailAccount sentFolderNameInContext: _ctx]])
className = @"SOGoSentFolder";
else if ([folderName isEqualToString:
[mailAccount draftsFolderNameInContext: _ctx]])
className = @"SOGoDraftsFolder";
else if ([folderName isEqualToString:
[mailAccount trashFolderNameInContext: _ctx]])
className = @"SOGoTrashFolder";
/* else if ([folderName isEqualToString:
[mailAccount sieveFolderNameInContext: _ctx]])
obj = [self lookupFiltersFolder: _key inContext: _ctx]; */
className = @"SOGoMailFolder";
obj = [NSClassFromString (className)
objectWithName: _key inContainer: self];
// We automatically create mailboxes that don't exist but that we're
// trying to open. This shouldn't happen unless a mailbox has been
// deleted "behind our back" or if we're trying to open a special
// mailbox that doesn't yet exist.
if ([[self imap4Connection] doesMailboxExistAtURL: [self imap4URL]] ||
![[self imap4Connection] createMailbox: [self relativeImap4Name] atURL: [[self mailAccountFolder] imap4URL]])
if (isdigit ([_key characterAtIndex: 0]))
obj = [SOGoMailObject objectWithName: _key inContainer: self];
obj = [super lookupName: _key inContext: _ctx acquire: NO];
obj = nil;
if (!obj && _acquire)
obj = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 404 /* Not Found */];
return obj;
/* WebDAV */
- (BOOL) davIsCollection
return YES;
- (NSException *) davCreateCollection: (NSString *) _name
inContext: (id) _ctx
return [[self imap4Connection] createMailbox:_name atURL:[self imap4URL]];
- (NSException *) delete
/* Note: overrides SOGoObject -delete */
return [[self imap4Connection] deleteMailboxAtURL:[self imap4URL]];
- (NSException *) davMoveToTargetObject: (id) _target
newName: (NSString *) _name
inContext: (id)_ctx
NSURL *destImapURL;
if ([_name length] == 0) { /* target already exists! */
// TODO: check the overwrite request field (should be done by dispatcher)
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:412 /* Precondition Failed */
reason:@"target already exists"];
if (![_target respondsToSelector:@selector(imap4URL)]) {
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:502 /* Bad Gateway */
reason:@"target is not an IMAP4 folder"];
/* build IMAP4 URL for target */
destImapURL = [_target imap4URL];
// - destImapURL = [NSURL URLWithString:[[destImapURL path]
// - stringByAppendingPathComponent:_name]
// - relativeToURL:destImapURL];
destImapURL = [NSURL URLWithString: _name
relativeToURL: destImapURL];
[self logWithFormat:@"TODO: should move collection as '%@' to: %@",
[[self imap4URL] absoluteString],
[destImapURL absoluteString]];
return [[self imap4Connection] moveMailboxAtURL:[self imap4URL]
- (NSException *) davCopyToTargetObject: (id) _target
newName: (NSString *) _name
inContext: (id) _ctx
[self logWithFormat:@"TODO: should copy collection as '%@' to: %@",
_name, _target];
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:501 /* Not Implemented */
reason:@"not implemented"];
/* folder type */
- (NSString *) folderType
return @"Mail";
- (NSString *) outlookFolderClass
// TODO: detect Trash/Sent/Drafts folders
SOGoMailAccount *account;
NSString *name;
if (!folderType)
account = [self mailAccountFolder];
name = [self traversalFromMailAccount];
if ([name isEqualToString: [account trashFolderNameInContext: nil]])
folderType = @"IPF.Trash";
else if ([name
isEqualToString: [account inboxFolderNameInContext: nil]])
folderType = @"IPF.Inbox";
else if ([name
isEqualToString: [account sentFolderNameInContext: nil]])
folderType = @"IPF.Sent";
folderType = @"IPF.Folder";
return folderType;
/* acls */
- (NSArray *) _imapAclsToSOGoAcls: (NSString *) imapAcls
unsigned int count, max;
NSMutableArray *SOGoAcls;
SOGoAcls = [NSMutableArray array];
max = [imapAcls length];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
switch ([imapAcls characterAtIndex: count])
case 'l':
case 'r':
[SOGoAcls addObjectUniquely: SOGoRole_ObjectViewer];
case 's':
[SOGoAcls addObjectUniquely: SOGoMailRole_SeenKeeper];
case 'w':
[SOGoAcls addObjectUniquely: SOGoMailRole_Writer];
case 'i':
[SOGoAcls addObjectUniquely: SOGoRole_ObjectCreator];
case 'p':
[SOGoAcls addObjectUniquely: SOGoMailRole_Poster];
case 'c':
case 'k':
[SOGoAcls addObjectUniquely: SOGoRole_FolderCreator];
case 'x':
[SOGoAcls addObjectUniquely: SOGoRole_FolderEraser];
case 'd':
case 't':
[SOGoAcls addObjectUniquely: SOGoRole_ObjectEraser];
case 'e':
[SOGoAcls addObjectUniquely: SOGoMailRole_Expunger];
case 'a':
[SOGoAcls addObjectUniquely: SOGoMailRole_Administrator];
return SOGoAcls;
- (char) _rfc2086StyleRight: (NSString *) sogoRight
char character;
if ([sogoRight isEqualToString: SOGoRole_FolderCreator])
character = 'c';
else if ([sogoRight isEqualToString: SOGoRole_ObjectEraser])
character = 'd';
character = 0;
return character;
- (char) _rfc4314StyleRight: (NSString *) sogoRight
char character;
if ([sogoRight isEqualToString: SOGoRole_FolderCreator])
character = 'k';
else if ([sogoRight isEqualToString: SOGoRole_FolderEraser])
character = 'x';
else if ([sogoRight isEqualToString: SOGoRole_ObjectEraser])
character = 't';
else if ([sogoRight isEqualToString: SOGoMailRole_Expunger])
character = 'e';
character = 0;
return character;
- (NSString *) _sogoAclsToImapAcls: (NSArray *) sogoAcls
NSMutableString *imapAcls;
NSEnumerator *acls;
NSString *currentAcl;
char character;
imapAcls = [NSMutableString string];
acls = [sogoAcls objectEnumerator];
while ((currentAcl = [acls nextObject]))
if ([currentAcl isEqualToString: SOGoRole_ObjectViewer])
[imapAcls appendFormat: @"lr"];
character = 0;
else if ([currentAcl isEqualToString: SOGoMailRole_SeenKeeper])
character = 's';
else if ([currentAcl isEqualToString: SOGoMailRole_Writer])
character = 'w';
else if ([currentAcl isEqualToString: SOGoRole_ObjectCreator])
character = 'i';
else if ([currentAcl isEqualToString: SOGoMailRole_Poster])
character = 'p';
else if ([currentAcl isEqualToString: SOGoMailRole_Administrator])
character = 'a';
if (aclStyle == rfc2086)
character = [self _rfc2086StyleRight: currentAcl];
else if (aclStyle == rfc4314)
character = [self _rfc4314StyleRight: currentAcl];
character = 0;
if (character)
[imapAcls appendFormat: @"%c", character];
return imapAcls;
- (void) _unquoteACLUsernames
NSMutableDictionary *newIMAPAcls;
NSEnumerator *usernames;
NSString *username, *unquoted;
newIMAPAcls = [NSMutableDictionary new];
usernames = [[mailboxACL allKeys] objectEnumerator];
while ((username = [usernames nextObject]))
unquoted = [username substringFromRange:
NSMakeRange(1, [username length] - 2)];
[newIMAPAcls setObject: [mailboxACL objectForKey: username]
forKey: unquoted];
[mailboxACL release];
mailboxACL = newIMAPAcls;
- (void) _removeIMAPExtUsernames
NSMutableDictionary *newIMAPAcls;
NSEnumerator *usernames;
NSString *username;
newIMAPAcls = [NSMutableDictionary new];
usernames = [[mailboxACL allKeys] objectEnumerator];
while ((username = [usernames nextObject]))
if (!([username isEqualToString: @"administrators"]
|| [username isEqualToString: @"owner"]
|| [username isEqualToString: @"anonymous"]
|| [username isEqualToString: @"authuser"]))
[newIMAPAcls setObject: [mailboxACL objectForKey: username]
forKey: username];
[mailboxACL release];
mailboxACL = newIMAPAcls;
- (void) _readMailboxACL
[mailboxACL release];
mailboxACL = [[self imap4Connection] aclForMailboxAtURL: [self imap4URL]];
[mailboxACL retain];
if (aclUsernamesAreQuoted)
[self _unquoteACLUsernames];
if (aclConformsToIMAPExt)
[self _removeIMAPExtUsernames];
- (NSArray *) subscriptionRoles
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: SOGoRole_ObjectViewer,
SOGoMailRole_SeenKeeper, SOGoMailRole_Writer,
SOGoRole_ObjectCreator, SOGoMailRole_Poster,
SOGoRole_FolderCreator, SOGoRole_FolderEraser,
SOGoRole_ObjectEraser, SOGoMailRole_Expunger,
SOGoMailRole_Administrator, nil];
- (NSArray *) aclUsers
NSArray *users;
if (!mailboxACL)
[self _readMailboxACL];
if ([mailboxACL isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]])
users = [mailboxACL allKeys];
users = nil;
return users;
- (NSMutableArray *) _sharesACLs
NSMutableArray *acls;
SOGoMailAccount *mailAccount;
NSString *path, *folder;
// NSArray *names;
// unsigned int count;
acls = [NSMutableArray array];
mailAccount = [self mailAccountFolder];
path = [[self imap4Connection] imap4FolderNameForURL: [self imap4URL]];
// names = [path componentsSeparatedByString: @"/"];
// count = [names count];
folder = [mailAccount sharedFolderName];
if (folder && [path hasPrefix: folder])
[acls addObject: SOGoRole_ObjectViewer];
folder = [mailAccount otherUsersFolderName];
if (folder && [path hasPrefix: folder])
[acls addObject: SOGoRole_ObjectViewer];
[acls addObject: SoRole_Owner];
return acls;
- (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid
NSMutableArray *acls;
NSString *userAcls;
acls = [self _sharesACLs];
if (!mailboxACL)
[self _readMailboxACL];
if ([mailboxACL isKindOfClass: [NSDictionary class]])
userAcls = [mailboxACL objectForKey: uid];
if (!([userAcls length] || [uid isEqualToString: defaultUserID]))
userAcls = [mailboxACL objectForKey: defaultUserID];
if ([userAcls length])
[acls addObjectsFromArray: [self _imapAclsToSOGoAcls: userAcls]];
return acls;
- (void) removeAclsForUsers: (NSArray *) users
NSEnumerator *uids;
NSString *currentUID, *folderName;
NGImap4Client *client;
folderName = [[self imap4Connection] imap4FolderNameForURL: [self imap4URL]];
client = [imap4 client];
uids = [users objectEnumerator];
while ((currentUID = [uids nextObject]))
[client deleteACL: folderName uid: currentUID];
[mailboxACL release];
mailboxACL = nil;
- (void) setRoles: (NSArray *) roles
forUser: (NSString *) uid
NSString *acls, *folderName;
acls = [self _sogoAclsToImapAcls: roles];
folderName = [[self imap4Connection] imap4FolderNameForURL: [self imap4URL]];
[[imap4 client] setACL: folderName rights: acls uid: uid];
[mailboxACL release];
mailboxACL = nil;
- (NSString *) defaultUserID
return defaultUserID;
- (NSString *) otherUsersPathToFolder
NSString *userPath, *selfPath, *otherUsers, *sharedFolders;
SOGoMailAccount *account;
account = [self mailAccountFolder];
otherUsers = [account otherUsersFolderName];
sharedFolders = [account sharedFolderName];
selfPath = [[self imap4URL] path];
if ((otherUsers
&& [selfPath hasPrefix:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@", otherUsers]])
|| (sharedFolders
&& [selfPath hasPrefix:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@", sharedFolders]]))
userPath = selfPath;
if (otherUsers)
userPath = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@/%@%@",
[otherUsers stringByEscapingURL],
owner, selfPath];
userPath = nil;
return userPath;
- (NSString *) httpURLForAdvisoryToUser: (NSString *) uid
SOGoUser *user;
NSString *otherUsersPath, *url;
SOGoMailAccount *thisAccount;
NSDictionary *mailAccount;
user = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: uid roles: nil];
otherUsersPath = [self otherUsersPathToFolder];
if (otherUsersPath)
thisAccount = [self mailAccountFolder];
mailAccount = [[user mailAccounts] objectAtIndex: 0];
url = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@%@",
[self soURLToBaseContainerForUser: uid],
[mailAccount objectForKey: @"name"],
url = nil;
return url;
- (NSString *) resourceURLForAdvisoryToUser: (NSString *) uid
NSURL *selfURL, *userURL;
selfURL = [self imap4URL];
userURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithScheme: [selfURL scheme]
host: [selfURL host]
path: [self otherUsersPathToFolder]];
[userURL autorelease];
return [userURL absoluteString];
- (NSString *) userSpoolFolderPath
NSString *login;
login = [[context activeUser] login];
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@",
spoolFolder, login];
- (BOOL) ensureSpoolFolderPath
NSFileManager *fm;
fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
return ([fm createDirectoriesAtPath: [self userSpoolFolderPath] attributes:nil]);
- (NSString *) displayName
return [self nameInContainer];
// For DAV PUT
- (NSException *) _appendMessageData: (NSData *) data
usingId: (int *) imap4id;
NGImap4Client *client;
NSString *folderName;
NSException *error;
id result;
error = nil;
client = [imap4 client];
folderName = [imap4 imap4FolderNameForURL: [self imap4URL]];
result = [client append: data toFolder: folderName withFlags: nil];
if ([[result objectForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
*imap4id = [self IMAP4IDFromAppendResult: result];
error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 500 /* Server Error */
reason: @"Failed to store message"];
return error;
- (id) appendMessage: (NSData *) message
inContext: (WOContext *) _ctx
usingId: (int *) imap4id
NSException *error;
WOResponse *response;
NSString *location;
id msg;
error = [self _appendMessageData: message
usingId: imap4id];
if (error)
response = (WOResponse *) error;
response = [_ctx response];
[response setStatus: 201];
msg = [SOGoMailObject objectWithName:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", *imap4id]
inContainer: self];
if (msg && [msg doesMailExist])
location = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%d.eml",
[self davURL], *imap4id];
[response setHeader: location forKey: @"location"];
response = (WOResponse *)
[NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 500
reason: @"Failed to store message"];
return response;
- (id) PUTAction: (WOContext *) _ctx
WORequest *rq;
NSException *error;
WOResponse *response;
int imap4id;
error = [self matchesRequestConditionInContext: _ctx];
if (error)
response = (WOResponse *) error;
rq = [_ctx request];
response = [self appendMessage: [rq content]
inContext: _ctx
usingId: &imap4id];
return response;
@end /* SOGoMailFolder */
@implementation SOGoSpecialMailFolder
- (BOOL) isSpecialFolder
return YES;