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Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
This file is part of
OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
#include "UIxAppointmentView.h"
#include <NGiCal/NGiCal.h>
#include <SOGo/SOGoAppointment.h>
#include <SOGo/WOContext+Agenor.h>
#include <Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.h>
#include <SOGoUI/SOGoDateFormatter.h>
#include "UIxComponent+Agenor.h"
#include "common.h"
@interface UIxAppointmentView (PrivateAPI)
- (BOOL)isAttendeeActiveUser;
@implementation UIxAppointmentView
- (void)dealloc {
[self->appointment release];
[self->attendee release];
[self->dateFormatter release];
[self->item release];
[super dealloc];
/* accessors */
- (NSString *)tabSelection {
NSString *selection;
selection = [self queryParameterForKey:@"tab"];
if (selection == nil)
selection = @"attributes";
return selection;
- (void)setAttendee:(id)_attendee {
ASSIGN(self->attendee, _attendee);
- (id)attendee {
return self->attendee;
- (BOOL)isAttendeeActiveUser {
NSString *email, *attEmail;
email = [[[self context] activeUser] email];
attEmail = [[self attendee] rfc822Email];
return [email isEqualToString:attEmail];
- (BOOL)showAcceptButton {
return [[self attendee] participationStatus] != iCalPersonPartStatAccepted;
- (BOOL)showRejectButton {
return [[self attendee] participationStatus] != iCalPersonPartStatDeclined;
- (NSString *)attendeeStatusColspan {
return [self isAttendeeActiveUser] ? @"1" : @"2";
- (void)setItem:(id)_item {
ASSIGN(self->item, _item);
- (id)item {
return self->item;
- (SOGoDateFormatter *)dateFormatter {
if (self->dateFormatter == nil) {
self->dateFormatter =
[[SOGoDateFormatter alloc] initWithLocale:[self locale]];
[self->dateFormatter setFullWeekdayNameAndDetails];
return self->dateFormatter;
- (NSCalendarDate *)startTime {
NSCalendarDate *date;
date = [[self appointment] startDate];
[date setTimeZone:[[self clientObject] userTimeZone]];
return date;
- (NSCalendarDate *)endTime {
NSCalendarDate *date;
date = [[self appointment] endDate];
[date setTimeZone:[[self clientObject] userTimeZone]];
return date;
- (NSString *)resourcesAsString {
NSArray *resources, *cns;
resources = [[self appointment] resources];
cns = [resources valueForKey:@"cnForDisplay"];
return [cns componentsJoinedByString:@"<br />"];
- (NSString *)categoriesAsString {
unsigned i, count;
NSArray *cats;
NSMutableString *s;
s = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:32];
cats = [((SOGoAppointment *)self->appointment) categories];
count = [cats count];
for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NSString *cat, *label;
cat = [cats objectAtIndex:i];
label = [self labelForKey:cat];
[s appendString:label];
if(i != (count - 1))
[s appendString:@", "];
return s;
/* backend */
- (SOGoAppointment *)appointment {
NSString *iCalString;
if (self->appointment != nil)
return self->appointment;
iCalString = [[self clientObject] valueForKey:@"iCalString"];
if (![iCalString isNotNull] || [iCalString length] == 0) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"(%s): missing iCal string!",
return nil;
self->appointment = [[SOGoAppointment alloc] initWithICalString:iCalString];
return self->appointment;
/* hrefs */
- (NSString *)attributesTabLink {
return [self completeHrefForMethod:[self ownMethodName]
- (NSString *)participantsTabLink {
return [self completeHrefForMethod:[self ownMethodName]
- (NSString *)debugTabLink {
return [self completeHrefForMethod:[self ownMethodName]
- (NSString *)completeHrefForMethod:(NSString *)_method
withParameter:(NSString *)_param
forKey:(NSString *)_key
NSString *href;
[self setQueryParameter:_param forKey:_key];
href = [self completeHrefForMethod:[self ownMethodName]];
[self setQueryParameter:nil forKey:_key];
return href;
/* access */
- (BOOL)isMyApt {
NSString *email;
iCalPerson *organizer;
email = [[[self context] activeUser] email];
organizer = [[self appointment] organizer];
if (!organizer) return YES; // assume this is correct to do, right?
return [[organizer rfc822Email] isEqualToString:email];
- (BOOL)canAccessApt {
NSString *email;
NSArray *partMails;
if ([self isMyApt])
return YES;
/* not my apt - can access if it's public */
if ([[self appointment] isPublic])
return YES;
/* can access it if I'm invited :-) */
email = [[[self context] activeUser] email];
partMails = [[[self appointment] participants] valueForKey:@"rfc822Email"];
return [partMails containsObject:email];
- (BOOL)canEditApt {
return [self isMyApt];
/* action */
- (id<WOActionResults>)defaultAction {
if ([self appointment] == nil) {
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:404 /* Not Found */
reason:@"could not locate appointment"];
return self;
- (BOOL)isDeletableClientObject {
return [[self clientObject] respondsToSelector:@selector(delete)];
- (id)deleteAction {
NSException *ex;
id url;
if ([self appointment] == nil) {
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:404 /* Not Found */
reason:@"could not locate appointment"];
if (![self isDeletableClientObject]) {
/* return 400 == Bad Request */
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:400
reason:@"method cannot be invoked on "
@"the specified object"];
if ((ex = [[self clientObject] delete]) != nil) {
// TODO: improve error handling
[self debugWithFormat:@"failed to delete: %@", ex];
return ex;
url = [[[self clientObject] container] baseURLInContext:[self context]];
return [self redirectToLocation:url];
@end /* UIxAppointmentView */