
584 lines
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/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* JavaScript for SOGoPreferences */
(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngInject
PreferencesController.$inject = ['$q', '$window', '$state', '$mdConstant', '$mdMedia', '$mdSidenav', '$mdDialog', '$mdToast', 'sgSettings', 'sgFocus', 'Dialog', 'User', 'Account', 'Preferences', 'Authentication'];
function PreferencesController($q, $window, $state, $mdConstant, $mdMedia, $mdSidenav, $mdDialog, $mdToast, sgSettings, focus, Dialog, User, Account, Preferences, Authentication) {
var vm = this, mailboxes = [], today = new Date().beginOfDay();
this.$onInit = function() {
this.preferences = Preferences;
this.passwords = { newPassword: null, newPasswordConfirmation: null };
this.timeZonesList = $window.timeZonesList;
this.timeZonesSearchText = '';
this.sieveVariablesCapability = ($window.sieveCapabilities.indexOf('variables') >= 0);
this.addressesSearchText = '';
this.mailLabelKeyRE = new RegExp(/^(?!^_\$)[^(){} %*\"\\\\]*?$/);
this.emailSeparatorKeys = [
// Set alternate avatar in User service
if (Preferences.defaults.SOGoAlternateAvatar)
User.$alternateAvatar = Preferences.defaults.SOGoAlternateAvatar;
this.go = function(module, form) {
if (form.$valid) {
// Close sidenav on small devices
if (!$mdMedia('gt-md'))
$state.go('preferences.' + module);
this.onLanguageChange = function(form) {
if (form.$valid)
l('Save preferences and reload page now?'),
{ok: l('Yes'), cancel: l('No')})
.then(function() {, { quick: true }).then(function() {
this.resetContactsCategories = function(form) {
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoContactsCategories = $window.defaultContactsCategories;
this.resetCalendarCategories = function(form) {
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategories = _.keys($window.defaultCalendarCategories);
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColorsValues = _.values($window.defaultCalendarCategories);
this.addCalendarCategory = function(form) {
var i = _.indexOf(this.preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategories, l('New category'));
if (i < 0) {
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategories.push(l('New category'));
i = this.preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategories.length - 1;
focus('calendarCategory_' + i);
this.resetCalendarCategoryValidity = function(index, form) {
form['calendarCategory_' + index].$setValidity('duplicate', true);
this.removeCalendarCategory = function(index, form) {
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategories.splice(index, 1);
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategoriesColorsValues.splice(index, 1);
this.addContactCategory = function(form) {
var i = _.indexOf(this.preferences.defaults.SOGoContactsCategories, "");
if (i < 0) {
i = this.preferences.defaults.SOGoContactsCategories.length - 1;
focus('contactCategory_' + i);
this.removeContactCategory = function(index, form) {
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoContactsCategories.splice(index, 1);
this.addMailAccount = function(ev, form) {
var account, index;
index = this.preferences.defaults.AuxiliaryMailAccounts.length;
account = new Account({
id: index,
isNew: true,
name: "",
identities: [
fullName: "",
email: ""
receipts: {
receiptAction: "ignore",
receiptNonRecipientAction: "ignore",
receiptOutsideDomainAction: "ignore",
receiptAnyAction: "ignore"
controller: 'AccountDialogController',
controllerAs: '$AccountDialogController',
templateUrl: 'editAccount?account=new',
targetEvent: ev,
locals: {
defaults: this.preferences.defaults,
account: account,
accountId: index,
mailCustomFromEnabled: $window.mailCustomFromEnabled
}).then(function() {
// Automatically expand the new mail account
if (!angular.isArray(vm.preferences.settings.Mail.ExpandedFolders)) {
vm.preferences.settings.Mail.ExpandedFolders = ['/0'];
vm.preferences.settings.Mail.ExpandedFolders.push('/' + index);
this.editMailAccount = function(event, index, form) {
var data, account;
data = _.assign({ id: index }, _.cloneDeep(this.preferences.defaults.AuxiliaryMailAccounts[index]));
account = new Account(data);
controller: 'AccountDialogController',
controllerAs: '$AccountDialogController',
templateUrl: 'editAccount?account=' + index,
targetEvent: event,
locals: {
defaults: this.preferences.defaults,
account: account,
accountId: index,
mailCustomFromEnabled: $window.mailCustomFromEnabled
}).then(function() {
vm.preferences.defaults.AuxiliaryMailAccounts[index] = account.$omit();
}).catch(_.noop); // Cancel
this.removeMailAccount = function(index, form) {
this.preferences.defaults.AuxiliaryMailAccounts.splice(index, 1);
this.resetMailLabelValidity = function(index, form) {
form['mailIMAPLabel_' + index].$setValidity('duplicate', true);
this.addMailLabel = function(form) {
// See $omit() in the Preferences services for real key generation
var key = '_$$' + guid();
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsValues.push(["New label", "#aaa"]);
focus('mailLabel_' + (_.size(this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsKeys) - 1));
this.removeMailLabel = function(index, form) {
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsKeys.splice(index, 1);
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsValues.splice(index, 1);
function _loadAllMailboxes() {
var account;
if (mailboxes.length) {
if (sgSettings.activeUser('path').mail) {
// Fetch a flatten version of the mailboxes list of the main account (0)
// This list will be forwarded to the Sieve filter controller
account = new Account({ id: 0 });
account.$getMailboxes().then(function() {
var allMailboxes = account.$flattenMailboxes({all: true}),
index = -1,
length = allMailboxes.length;
while (++index < length) {
this.addMailFilter = function(ev, form) {
var filter = { match: 'all', active: 1 };
templateUrl: 'editFilter?filter=new',
controller: 'FiltersDialogController',
controllerAs: 'filterEditor',
targetEvent: ev,
locals: {
filter: filter,
mailboxes: mailboxes,
labels: this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColors,
validateForwardAddress: validateForwardAddress
}).then(function() {
if (!vm.preferences.defaults.SOGoSieveFilters)
vm.preferences.defaults.SOGoSieveFilters = [];
this.editMailFilter = function(ev, index, form) {
var filter = angular.copy(this.preferences.defaults.SOGoSieveFilters[index]);
templateUrl: 'editFilter?filter=' + index,
controller: 'FiltersDialogController',
controllerAs: 'filterEditor',
targetEvent: null,
locals: {
filter: filter,
mailboxes: mailboxes,
labels: this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColors
}).then(function() {
vm.preferences.defaults.SOGoSieveFilters[index] = filter;
_.noop); // Cancel
this.removeMailFilter = function(index, form) {
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoSieveFilters.splice(index, 1);
this.onFiltersOrderChanged = function(form) {
// Return a callback that will affect the form
if (!this._onFiltersOrderChanged) {
this._onFiltersOrderChanged = function(type) {
return this._onFiltersOrderChanged;
this.filterEmailAddresses = function ($query) {
return _.filter(
function (address) {
return address.toLowerCase().indexOf($query.toLowerCase()) >= 0;
this.addDefaultEmailAddresses = function(form) {
var v = [];
if (angular.isDefined(this.preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses)) {
v = this.preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses;
this.preferences.defaults.Vacation.autoReplyEmailAddresses = _.union($window.defaultEmailAddresses, v);
this.userFilter = function(search, excludedUsers) {
if (!search || search.length < sgSettings.minimumSearchLength())
return [];
return User.$filter(search, excludedUsers).then(function(users) {
// Set users avatars
_.forEach(users, function(user) {
if (!user.$$image) {
if (user.image)
user.$$image = user.image;
user.$$image = vm.preferences.avatar(user.c_email, 40, {no_404: true});
return users;
this.manageSieveScript = function(form) {
this.confirmChanges = function($event, form) {
var target;
if (form.$dirty && form.$valid) {
// Stop default action
// Find target link
target = $;
while (target.tagName != 'A')
target = target.parentNode;
Dialog.confirm(l('Unsaved Changes'),
l('Do you want to save your changes made to the configuration?'),
{ ok: l('Save'), cancel: l('Don\'t Save') })
.then(function() {
// Save & follow link, { quick: true }).then(function() {
$window.location = target.href;
}, function() {
// Don't save & follow link
$window.location = target.href;
function validateForwardAddress(address) {
var defaultAddresses, domains, domain;
2015-11-24 21:05:03 +01:00
domains = [];
if ($window.forwardConstraints > 0 &&
angular.isDefined(Preferences.defaults.Forward) &&
Preferences.defaults.Forward.enabled &&
angular.isDefined(Preferences.defaults.Forward.forwardAddress)) {
// We first extract the list of 'known domains' to SOGo
defaultAddresses = $window.defaultEmailAddresses;
_.forEach(defaultAddresses, function(adr) {
var domain = adr.split("@")[1];
if (domain) {
// We check if we're allowed or not to forward based on the domain defaults
domain = address.split("@")[1].toLowerCase();
if (domains.indexOf(domain) < 0 && $window.forwardConstraints == 1) {
throw new Error(l("You are not allowed to forward your messages to an external email address."));
else if (domains.indexOf(domain) >= 0 && $window.forwardConstraints == 2) {
throw new Error(l("You are not allowed to forward your messages to an internal email address."));
else if ($window.forwardConstraints == 2 &&
$window.forwardConstraintsDomains.length > 0 &&
$window.forwardConstraintsDomains.indexOf(domain) < 0) {
throw new Error(l("You are not allowed to forward your messages to this domain:") + " " + domain);
return true;
} = function(form, options) {
var i, sendForm, addresses;
sendForm = true;
// We do some sanity checks
// We check if we're allowed or not to forward based on the domain defaults
if (this.preferences.defaults.Forward && this.preferences.defaults.Forward.forwardAddress) {
addresses = this.preferences.defaults.Forward.forwardAddress;
try {
for (i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
} catch (err) {
Dialog.alert(l('Error'), err);
sendForm = false;
// IMAP labels must be unique
if (this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsKeys.length !=
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsValues.length ||
this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsKeys.length !=
_.uniq(this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsKeys).length) {
Dialog.alert(l('Error'), l("IMAP labels must have unique names."));
_.forEach(this.preferences.defaults.SOGoMailLabelsColorsKeys, function (value, i, keys) {
if (form['mailIMAPLabel_' + i].$dirty &&
(keys.indexOf(value) != i ||
keys.indexOf(value, i+1) > -1)) {
form['mailIMAPLabel_' + i].$setValidity('duplicate', false);
sendForm = false;
// Calendar categories must be unique
if (this.preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategories.length !=
_.uniq(this.preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategories).length) {
Dialog.alert(l('Error'), l("Calendar categories must have unique names."));
_.forEach(this.preferences.defaults.SOGoCalendarCategories, function (value, i, keys) {
if (form['calendarCategory_' + i].$dirty &&
(keys.indexOf(value) != i ||
keys.indexOf(value, i+1) > -1)) {
form['calendarCategory_' + i].$setValidity('duplicate', false);
sendForm = false;
// Contact categories must be unique
if (this.preferences.defaults.SOGoContactsCategories.length !=
_.uniq(this.preferences.defaults.SOGoContactsCategories).length) {
Dialog.alert(l('Error'), l("Contact categories must have unique names."));
_.forEach(this.preferences.defaults.SOGoContactsCategories, function (value, i, keys) {
if (form['contactCategory_' + i].$dirty &&
(keys.indexOf(value) != i ||
keys.indexOf(value, i+1) > -1)) {
form['contactCategory_' + i].$setValidity('duplicate', false);
sendForm = false;
if (sendForm)
return this.preferences.$save().then(function(data) {
if (!options || !options.quick) {
.content(l('Preferences saved'))
.position('bottom right')
2015-11-24 21:05:03 +01:00
return $q.reject('Invalid form');
this.canChangePassword = function() {
if (this.passwords.newPassword && this.passwords.newPassword.length > 0 &&
this.passwords.newPasswordConfirmation && this.passwords.newPasswordConfirmation.length &&
this.passwords.newPassword == this.passwords.newPasswordConfirmation)
return true;
return false;
this.changePassword = function() {
Authentication.changePassword(this.passwords.newPassword).then(function() {
var alert = $mdDialog.alert({
title: l('Password'),
content: l('The password was changed successfully.'),
2015-11-24 21:05:03 +01:00
ok: l('OK')
$ alert )
.finally(function() {
alert = undefined;
}, function(msg) {
var alert = $mdDialog.alert({
title: l('Password'),
content: msg,
2015-11-24 21:05:03 +01:00
ok: l('OK')
$ alert )
.finally(function() {
alert = undefined;
this.timeZonesListFilter = function(filter) {
return _.filter(this.timeZonesList, function(value) {
return value.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter.toUpperCase()) >= 0;
this.updateVacationDates = function() {
var d = this.preferences.defaults;
if (d &&
d.Vacation &&
d.Vacation.enabled) {
this.toggleVacationStartDate = function() {
var v;
v = this.preferences.defaults.Vacation;
if (v.startDateEnabled) {
// Enabling the start date
if (!v.startDate) {
v.startDate = new Date();
if (v.endDateEnabled && v.endDate && v.startDate.getTime() > v.endDate.getTime()) {
v.startDate = new Date(v.endDate.getTime());
this.toggleVacationEndDate = function() {
var v;
v = this.preferences.defaults.Vacation;
if (v.endDateEnabled) {
// Enabling the end date
if (!v.endDate) {
v.endDate = new Date();
if (v.startDateEnabled && v.startDate && v.endDate.getTime() < v.startDate.getTime()) {
v.endDate = new Date(v.startDate.getTime());
this.validateVacationStartDate = function(date) {
var d = vm.preferences.defaults, r = true;
if (d &&
d.Vacation &&
d.Vacation.enabled) {
if (d.Vacation.startDateEnabled) {
r = (!d.Vacation.endDateEnabled ||
!d.Vacation.endDate ||
date.getTime() <= d.Vacation.endDate.getTime());
return r;
this.validateVacationEndDate = function(date) {
var d = vm.preferences.defaults, r = true;
if (d &&
d.Vacation &&
d.Vacation.enabled) {
if (d.Vacation.endDateEnabled) {
r = (!d.Vacation.startDateEnabled ||
!d.Vacation.startDate ||
date.getTime() >= d.Vacation.startDate.getTime());
return r;
.controller('PreferencesController', PreferencesController);