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/* SOGoUserDefaults.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Inverse inc.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSTimeZone.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <NGImap4/NSString+Imap4.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOApplication.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext+SoObjects.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WEClientCapabilities.h>
#import "NSString+Utilities.h"
#import "SOGoSystemDefaults.h"
#import "SOGoUserProfile.h"
NSString *SOGoWeekStartJanuary1 = @"January1";
NSString *SOGoWeekStartFirst4DayWeek = @"First4DayWeek";
NSString *SOGoWeekStartFirstFullWeek = @"FirstFullWeek";
@implementation SOGoUserDefaults
+ (NSString *) userProfileClassName
return @"SOGoSQLUserProfile";
+ (SOGoUserDefaults *) defaultsForUser: (NSString *) userId
inDomain: (NSString *) domainId
SOGoUserProfile *up;
SOGoUserDefaults *ud;
SOGoDefaultsSource *parent;
WOContext *context;
WEClientCapabilities *cc;
static Class SOGoUserProfileKlass = Nil;
if (!SOGoUserProfileKlass)
SOGoUserProfileKlass = NSClassFromString ([self userProfileClassName]);
up = [SOGoUserProfileKlass userProfileWithType: SOGoUserProfileTypeDefaults
forUID: userId];
[up fetchProfile];
parent = [SOGoDomainDefaults defaultsForDomain: domainId];
if (!parent)
parent = [SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults];
ud = [self defaultsSourceWithSource: up andParentSource: parent];
// CKEditor (the HTML editor) is no longer compatible with IE7;
// force the user to use the plain text editor with IE7
context = [[WOApplication application] context];
cc = [[context request] clientCapabilities];
if ([cc isInternetExplorer] && [cc majorVersion] < 8)
[ud setObject: @"text" forKey: @"SOGoMailComposeMessageType"];
return ud;
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
userLanguage = nil;
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[userLanguage release];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) _migrateLastModule
BOOL rc;
NSString *loginModule;
loginModule = [source objectForKey: @"SOGoUIxLastModule"];
if ([loginModule length])
rc = YES;
/* we need to use the old key, otherwise the migration will be blocked */
[self setObject: loginModule forKey: @"SOGoUIxDefaultModule"];
[self setRememberLastModule: YES];
[self removeObjectForKey: @"SOGoUIxLastModule"];
rc = NO;
return rc;
- (BOOL) _migrateMailIdentities
BOOL rc;
NSArray *mailIdentities;
NSMutableDictionary *identity;
NSString *fullName, *email, *replyTo, *signature;
mailIdentities = [self mailIdentities];
if (mailIdentities)
rc = NO;
identity = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 4];
fullName = [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailCustomFullName"];
email = [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailCustomEmail"];
replyTo = [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailReplyTo"];
signature = [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailSignature"];
rc = NO;
if ([fullName length])
[identity setObject: fullName forKey: @"fullName"];
if ([email length])
[identity setObject: email forKey: @"email"];
if ([replyTo length])
[identity setObject: replyTo forKey: @"replyTo"];
if ([signature length])
[identity setObject: signature forKey: @"signature"];
if ([identity count])
[identity setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES] forKey: @"isDefault"];
[self setMailIdentities: [NSArray arrayWithObject: identity]];
rc = YES;
* Keep old attributes for now because v2 doesn't handle identities
if (fullName)
[self removeObjectForKey: @"SOGoMailCustomFullName"];
if (email)
[self removeObjectForKey: @"SOGoMailCustomEmail"];
if (replyTo)
[self removeObjectForKey: @"SOGoMailReplyTo"];
if (signature)
[self removeObjectForKey: @"SOGoMailSignature"];
return rc;
- (BOOL) _migrateCalendarCategories
NSArray *categories, *colors;
NSDictionary *newColors;
BOOL rc;
colors = [source objectForKey: @"SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors"];
if ([colors isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
categories = [source objectForKey: @"SOGoCalendarCategories"];
if ([categories count] == [colors count])
newColors = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects: colors
forKeys: categories];
[source setObject: newColors
forKey: @"SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors"];
[source removeObjectForKey: @"SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors"];
rc = YES;
rc = NO;
return rc;
- (BOOL) migrate
static NSDictionary *migratedKeys = nil;
if (!migratedKeys)
= [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"SOGoLoginModule", @"SOGoUIxDefaultModule",
@"SOGoLoginModule", @"SOGoDefaultModule",
@"SOGoTimeFormat", @"TimeFormat",
@"SOGoShortDateFormat", @"ShortDateFormat",
@"SOGoLongDateFormat", @"LongDateFormat",
@"SOGoDayStartTime", @"DayStartTime",
@"SOGoDayEndTime", @"DayEndTime",
@"SOGoFirstDayOfWeek", @"WeekStartDay",
@"SOGoFirstWeekOfYear", @"FirstWeek",
@"SOGoLanguage", @"SOGoDefaultLanguage",
@"SOGoLanguage", @"Language",
@"SOGoMailComposeMessageType", @"ComposeMessagesType",
@"SOGoSelectedAddressBook", @"SelectedAddressBook",
2014-09-04 17:42:46 +02:00
@"SOGoRefreshViewCheck", @"RefreshViewCheck",
@"SOGoMailMessageForwarding", @"MessageForwarding",
@"SOGoMailSignature", @"MailSignature",
@"SOGoMailSignaturePlacement", @"SignaturePlacement",
@"SOGoMailReplyPlacement", @"ReplyPlacement",
@"SOGoTimeZone", @"TimeZone",
@"SOGoCalendarShouldDisplayWeekend", @"SOGoShouldDisplayWeekend",
@"SOGoMailShowSubscribedFoldersOnly", @"showSubscribedFoldersOnly",
@"SOGoReminderEnabled", @"ReminderEnabled",
@"SOGoReminderTime", @"ReminderTime",
@"SOGoRemindWithASound", @"RemindWithASound",
@"SOGoTOTPEnabled", @"SOGoGoogleAuthenticatorEnabled",
[migratedKeys retain];
/* we must not use a boolean operation, otherwise subsequent migrations will
not be invoked in the case where rc = YES. */
return ([self _migrateLastModule]
// | [self _migrateSignature]
| [self _migrateMailIdentities]
| [self _migrateCalendarCategories]
| [self migrateOldDefaultsWithDictionary: migratedKeys]
| [super migrate]);
- (void) setLoginModule: (NSString *) newLoginModule
[self setObject: newLoginModule forKey: @"SOGoLoginModule"];
- (NSString *) loginModule
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoLoginModule"];
- (void) setRememberLastModule: (BOOL) rememberLastModule
[self setBool: rememberLastModule forKey: @"SOGoRememberLastModule"];
- (BOOL) rememberLastModule
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoRememberLastModule"];
- (void) setDefaultCalendar: (NSString *) newDefaultCalendar
[self setObject: newDefaultCalendar forKey: @"SOGoDefaultCalendar"];
- (NSString *) defaultCalendar
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoDefaultCalendar"];
- (void) setDayStartTime: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoDayStartTime"];
- (NSString *) dayStartTime
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoDayStartTime"];
- (unsigned int) dayStartHour
return [[self dayStartTime] timeValue];
- (void) setDayEndTime: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoDayEndTime"];
- (NSString *) dayEndTime
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoDayEndTime"];
- (unsigned int) dayEndHour
return [[self dayEndTime] timeValue];
- (void) setBusyOffHours: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoBusyOffHours"];
- (BOOL) busyOffHours
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoBusyOffHours"];
- (void) setTimeZoneName: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoTimeZone"];
- (NSString *) timeZoneName
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoTimeZone"];
- (void) setTimeZone: (NSTimeZone *) newValue
[self setTimeZoneName: [newValue name]];
- (NSTimeZone *) timeZone
return [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName: [self timeZoneName]];
- (void) setLongDateFormat: (NSString *) newFormat
[self setObject: newFormat forKey: @"SOGoLongDateFormat"];
- (void) unsetLongDateFormat
[self removeObjectForKey: @"SOGoLongDateFormat"];
- (NSString *) longDateFormat
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoLongDateFormat"];
- (void) setShortDateFormat: (NSString *) newFormat;
[self setObject: newFormat forKey: @"SOGoShortDateFormat"];
- (void) unsetShortDateFormat
[self removeObjectForKey: @"SOGoShortDateFormat"];
- (NSString *) shortDateFormat;
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoShortDateFormat"];
- (void) setTimeFormat: (NSString *) newFormat
[self setObject: newFormat forKey: @"SOGoTimeFormat"];
- (void) unsetTimeFormat
[self removeObjectForKey: @"SOGoTimeFormat"];
- (NSString *) timeFormat
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoTimeFormat"];
- (void) setLanguage: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoLanguage"];
- (NSString *) language
NSArray *supportedLanguages;
if (!userLanguage)
/* see SOGoDomainDefaults for the meaning of this */
userLanguage = [source objectForKey: @"SOGoLanguage"];
if (!(userLanguage && [userLanguage isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]))
userLanguage = [(SOGoDomainDefaults *) parentSource language];
supportedLanguages = [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults]
/* make sure the language is part of the supported languages */
if (![supportedLanguages containsObject: userLanguage])
userLanguage = [parentSource stringForKey: @"SOGoLanguage"];
[userLanguage retain];
return userLanguage;
- (void) setMailAddOutgoingAddresses: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailAddOutgoingAddresses"];
- (BOOL) mailAddOutgoingAddresses
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoMailAddOutgoingAddresses"];
- (void) setMailShowSubscribedFoldersOnly: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailShowSubscribedFoldersOnly"];
- (BOOL) mailShowSubscribedFoldersOnly
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoMailShowSubscribedFoldersOnly"];
- (void) setSynchronizeOnlyDefaultMailFolders: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailSynchronizeOnlyDefaultFolders"];
- (BOOL) synchronizeOnlyDefaultMailFolders
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoMailSynchronizeOnlyDefaultFolders"];
- (void) setMailSortByThreads: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailSortByThreads"];
- (BOOL) mailSortByThreads
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoMailSortByThreads"];
- (void) setDraftsFolderName: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoDraftsFolderName"];
- (NSString *) draftsFolderName
return [[self stringForKey: @"SOGoDraftsFolderName"]
- (void) setSentFolderName: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoSentFolderName"];
- (NSString *) sentFolderName
return [[self stringForKey: @"SOGoSentFolderName"]
- (void) setTrashFolderName: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoTrashFolderName"];
- (NSString *) trashFolderName
return [[self stringForKey: @"SOGoTrashFolderName"]
- (void) setJunkFolderName: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoJunkFolderName"];
- (NSString *) junkFolderName
return [[self stringForKey: @"SOGoJunkFolderName"]
- (void) setFirstDayOfWeek: (int) newValue
[self setInteger: newValue forKey: @"SOGoFirstDayOfWeek"];
- (int) firstDayOfWeek
return [self integerForKey: @"SOGoFirstDayOfWeek"];
- (void) setFirstWeekOfYear: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoFirstWeekOfYear"];
- (NSString *) firstWeekOfYear
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoFirstWeekOfYear"];
- (void) setMailListViewColumnsOrder: (NSArray *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailListViewColumnsOrder"];
- (NSArray *) mailListViewColumnsOrder
return [self stringArrayForKey: @"SOGoMailListViewColumnsOrder"];
- (void) setSelectedAddressBook: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoSelectedAddressBook"];
- (NSString *) selectedAddressBook
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoSelectedAddressBook"];
- (void) setRefreshViewCheck: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoRefreshViewCheck"];
- (NSString *) refreshViewCheck
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoRefreshViewCheck"];
- (BOOL) gravatarEnabled
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoGravatarEnabled"];
- (void) setAlternateAvatar: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoAlternateAvatar"];
- (NSString *) alternateAvatar
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoAlternateAvatar"];
- (void) setAnimationMode: (NSString *) newValue
if ([newValue isEqualToString: @"normal"] ||
[newValue isEqualToString: @"limited"] ||
[newValue isEqualToString: @"none"])
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoAnimationMode"];
- (NSString *) animationMode
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoAnimationMode"];
- (BOOL) totpEnabled
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoTOTPEnabled"];
- (void) setTotpEnabled: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoTOTPEnabled"];
2017-09-20 22:50:41 +02:00
- (void) setMailComposeWindow: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailComposeWindow"];
- (NSString *) mailComposeWindow
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailComposeWindow"];
- (void) setMailComposeMessageType: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailComposeMessageType"];
- (NSString *) mailComposeMessageType
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailComposeMessageType"];
- (void) setMailComposeFontSize: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailComposeFontSize"];
- (NSString *) mailComposeFontSize
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailComposeFontSize"];
2014-12-11 19:31:32 +01:00
- (void) setMailDisplayRemoteInlineImages: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailDisplayRemoteInlineImages"];
- (NSString *) mailDisplayRemoteInlineImages;
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailDisplayRemoteInlineImages"];
2014-12-11 19:31:32 +01:00
- (void) setMailAutoSave: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailAutoSave"];
- (NSString *) mailAutoSave
NSString *s;
s = [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailAutoSave"];
if ([s intValue] == 0)
s = @"5";
return s;
- (void) setMailMessageForwarding: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailMessageForwarding"];
- (NSString *) mailMessageForwarding
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailMessageForwarding"];
- (void) setMailReplyPlacement: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailReplyPlacement"];
- (NSString *) mailReplyPlacement
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailReplyPlacement"];
- (void) setMailSignaturePlacement: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailSignaturePlacement"];
- (NSString *) mailSignaturePlacement
NSString *signaturePlacement;
if ([[self mailReplyPlacement] isEqualToString: @"below"])
// When replying to an email, if the reply is below the quoted text,
// the signature must also be below the quoted text.
signaturePlacement = @"below";
signaturePlacement = [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailSignaturePlacement"];
return signaturePlacement;
- (void) setAllowUserReceipt: (BOOL) allow
[self setBool: allow forKey: @"SOGoMailReceiptAllow"];
- (BOOL) allowUserReceipt
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoMailReceiptAllow"];
- (void) setUserReceiptNonRecipientAction: (NSString *) action
[self setObject: action forKey: @"SOGoMailReceiptNonRecipientAction"];
- (NSString *) userReceiptNonRecipientAction
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailReceiptNonRecipientAction"];
- (void) setUserReceiptOutsideDomainAction: (NSString *) action
[self setObject: action forKey: @"SOGoMailReceiptOutsideDomainAction"];
- (NSString *) userReceiptOutsideDomainAction
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailReceiptOutsideDomainAction"];
- (void) setUserReceiptAnyAction: (NSString *) action
[self setObject: action forKey: @"SOGoMailReceiptAnyAction"];
- (NSString *) userReceiptAnyAction
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailReceiptAnyAction"];
- (void) setMailUseOutlookStyleReplies: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailUseOutlookStyleReplies"];
- (BOOL) mailUseOutlookStyleReplies
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoMailUseOutlookStyleReplies"];
- (void) setMailCertificate: (NSData *) newValue
[self setObject: [newValue stringByEncodingBase64] forKey: @"SOGoMailCertificate"];
- (void) unsetMailCertificate
[self removeObjectForKey: @"SOGoMailCertificate"];
- (NSString *) mailCertificate
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoMailCertificate"];
- (void) setMailCertificateAlwaysSign: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailCertificateAlwaysSign"];
- (BOOL) mailCertificateAlwaysSign
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoMailCertificateAlwaysSign"];
- (void) setMailCertificateAlwaysEncrypt: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailCertificateAlwaysEncrypt"];
- (BOOL) mailCertificateAlwaysEncrypt
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoMailCertificateAlwaysEncrypt"];
- (void) setMailIdentities: (NSArray *) newIdentites
[self setObject: newIdentites forKey: @"SOGoMailIdentities"];
- (NSArray *) mailIdentities
return [self arrayForKey: @"SOGoMailIdentities"];
- (void) setMailForceDefaultIdentity: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoMailForceDefaultIdentity"];
- (BOOL) mailForceDefaultIdentity
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoMailForceDefaultIdentity"];
- (void) setAuxiliaryMailAccounts: (NSArray *) newAccounts
[self setObject: newAccounts forKey: @"AuxiliaryMailAccounts"];
- (NSArray *) auxiliaryMailAccounts
return [self arrayForKey: @"AuxiliaryMailAccounts"];
- (void) setCalendarCategories: (NSArray *) newValues
[self setObject: newValues forKey: @"SOGoCalendarCategories"];
- (NSArray *) calendarCategories
return [self stringArrayForKey: @"SOGoCalendarCategories"];
- (void) setCalendarCategoriesColors: (NSDictionary *) newValues
[self setObject: newValues forKey: @"SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors"];
- (NSDictionary *) calendarCategoriesColors
return [self objectForKey: @"SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors"];
- (void) setCalendarWeekdays: (NSArray *) newValues
[self setObject: newValues forKey: @"SOGoCalendarWeekdays"];
- (NSArray *) calendarWeekdays
return [self stringArrayForKey: @"SOGoCalendarWeekdays"];
- (void) setCalendarShouldDisplayWeekend: (BOOL) newValue
[self setBool: newValue forKey: @"SOGoCalendarShouldDisplayWeekend"];
- (BOOL) calendarShouldDisplayWeekend
return [self boolForKey: @"SOGoCalendarShouldDisplayWeekend"];
- (void) setCalendarEventsDefaultClassification: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoCalendarEventsDefaultClassification"];
- (NSString *) calendarEventsDefaultClassification
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoCalendarEventsDefaultClassification"];
- (void) setCalendarTasksDefaultClassification: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoCalendarTasksDefaultClassification"];
- (NSString *) calendarTasksDefaultClassification
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoCalendarTasksDefaultClassification"];
- (void) setCalendarDefaultReminder: (NSString *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoCalendarDefaultReminder"];
- (NSString *) calendarDefaultReminder
return [self stringForKey: @"SOGoCalendarDefaultReminder"];
// Dictionary of arrays. Example:
// {
// label1 => ("Important", "#FF0000");
// label2 => ("Work" "#00FF00");
// foo_bar => ("Foo Bar", "#0000FF");
// }
- (void) setMailLabelsColors: (NSDictionary *) newValues
[self setObject: newValues forKey: @"SOGoMailLabelsColors"];
- (NSDictionary *) mailLabelsColors
return [self objectForKey: @"SOGoMailLabelsColors"];
- (void) setSieveFilters: (NSArray *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"SOGoSieveFilters"];
- (NSArray *) sieveFilters
return [self arrayForKey: @"SOGoSieveFilters"];
- (void) setVacationOptions: (NSDictionary *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"Vacation"];
- (NSDictionary *) vacationOptions
return [self dictionaryForKey: @"Vacation"];
- (void) setForwardOptions: (NSDictionary *) newValue
[self setObject: newValue forKey: @"Forward"];
- (NSDictionary *) forwardOptions
return [self dictionaryForKey: @"Forward"];
- (void) setContactsCategories: (NSArray *) newValues
[self setObject: newValues forKey: @"SOGoContactsCategories"];
- (NSArray *) contactsCategories
return [self stringArrayForKey: @"SOGoContactsCategories"];