Handle possible jQuery error with DnD of contacts

Francis Lachapelle 2013-07-19 10:43:21 -04:00
parent e24c20c48a
commit 0069a4200b
1 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1502,18 +1502,18 @@ function unsetCategoryOnNode(contactNode, category) {
function configureDraggables() {
if ($("contactFolders")) {
var rows = jQuery("tr.vcard");
try { rows.draggable("destroy"); } catch (e) {}
helper: function (event) { return '<div id="dragDropVisual"></div>'; },
start: startDragging,
drag: whileDragging,
stop: stopDragging,
appendTo: 'body',
cursorAt: { right: 25 },
scroll: false,
distance: 4,
zIndex: 20
helper: function (event) { return '<div id="dragDropVisual"></div>'; },
start: startDragging,
drag: whileDragging,
stop: stopDragging,
appendTo: 'body',
cursorAt: { right: 25 },
scroll: false,
distance: 4,
zIndex: 20