Merge pull request #114 from Zentyal/ejhernandez/fix-interleaving-creating-folder

As it happened with dba17fb if we interleave requests
from different users while creating a folder we can
create the folder in other user's mailbox as latest
activeUser is the one from latest sogo_context_get_root_folder

This is for me a lack of right design and a workaround
only fixing this issue but not the root cause.
Jesús García Sáez 2015-03-25 17:14:02 +01:00
commit 09aed26f10
2 changed files with 7 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Enhancements
- Improve sync speed from Outlook by non-reprocessing already downloaded unread mails
Bug fixes
- Does not create a mail folder in other user's mailbox
- Fix server-side crash with invalid events
- Fix setting permissions for a folder with several users
- Fix reception of calendar event invitations on optional attendees

View File

@ -179,6 +179,12 @@ static Class SOGoMailFolderK, MAPIStoreMailFolderK, MAPIStoreOutboxFolderK;
nameInContainer = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"folder%@",
[[folderName stringByEncodingImap4FolderName] asCSSIdentifier]];
/* it may be the operation is interleaved with operations
from other users having cached information in the thread
with the other user, so it'd better activate the user again here... */
[[self userContext] activateWithUser: [[[self userContext] woContext] activeUser]];
newFolder = [SOGoMailFolderK objectWithName: nameInContainer
inContainer: sogoObject];
if ([newFolder create])