propagate from branch 'ca.inverse.sogo.1_3_12' (head e13dda2a639bb68b9e67d7b4dd75235d9d98ef1b)

to branch 'ca.inverse.sogo' (head f9d2bf55bd46e8957cdcb8f5fb95a1102244215f)

Monotone-Parent: e13dda2a639bb68b9e67d7b4dd75235d9d98ef1b
Monotone-Parent: f9d2bf55bd46e8957cdcb8f5fb95a1102244215f
Monotone-Revision: f06b5c51d33b49e9e8e5c1bd337b720f3d1f28e0

Monotone-Date: 2012-01-20T16:44:09
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
Wolfgang Sourdeau 2012-01-20 16:44:09 +00:00
commit 11a22d590b
81 changed files with 3481 additions and 1708 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
menu is disabled. When switching to text-based message,
the popup menu is now correctly re-enabled.
2012-01-16 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* SoObjects/SOGo/SQLSource.m (_lookupContactEntry:considerEmail:)
(fetchContactsMatching:): assigned self to the "source" key of the
returned dictionaries.
2012-01-13 Francis Lachapelle <>
* SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.m
@ -76,16 +82,115 @@
when a contact uid is specified. Otherwise, perform the query on
the user instance as usual (/SOGo/so/<contactuser>/freebusy.ifb/ajaxRead).
2012-01-12 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* OpenChange/MAPIStoreCalendarMessage.m (-save): same as below +
ensure that nil fields are removed from non-new instances.
* OpenChange/MAPIStoreAppointmentWrapper.m
(-getPrStartDate:inMemCtx:, -getPrEndDate:inMemCtx:): remove the
tz offset from dates in all-day events.
* OpenChange/MAPIStoreTasksMessage.m (-save): the dates provided
by Outlook for start, due and completed are all-day dates, we thus
need to remove the timezone offset from those dates.
2012-01-11 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* OpenChange/MAPIStoreGCSMessageTable.m
(_fixedDatePropertyRestriction:inMemCtx:): attached the result to
the memCtx passed as parameter to avoid a leak.
2012-01-10 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m
(_requireResponseFromAttendees:): initialize listHasChanged to NO.
* OpenChange/MAPIStoreMailFolder.m (_parseCOPYUID): the uniString
buffer was allocated one byte too short.
2012-01-09 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* OpenChange/NSObject+MAPIStore.m (-getValue:forTag:inMemCtx:):
handle PT_SVREID just as PT_BINARY.
* OpenChange/MAPIStoreCalendarFolder.m (-exchangeRightsForRoles):
add the freebusy read rights when the user has read permission on
calendar objects.
2012-01-05 Francis Lachapelle <>
* SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserManager.m (-_registerSource:inDomain::):
log error when duplicated IDs are found.
2012-01-04 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* UI/WebServerResources/ContactsUI.js
(onAddressBooksMenuPrepareVisibility): the "new list", "sharing" and "import"
options are now greyed out properly, depending on the object type
and the new attributes below.
* UI/Contacts/UIxContactFoldersView.m
(-currentContactFolderListEditing): new attribute accessors.
* SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoFolder.m (-sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate:):
moved method from SOGoGCSFolder in order to make it available to
other folder classes.
* SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPSource.m (-initFromUDSource:inDomain:): use
the new setters for certain ivars + take the new "abOU" key into
(-setListRequiresDot:, -listRequiresDot:, -setSourceID:)
(-setDisplayName, -displayName, -setModifiers:): new accessors.
(-_convertRecordToLDAPAttributes): we now strip object classes that
are not supported by the server prior to remove the related fields.
(-hasUserAddressBooks): new method that returns whether user
addressbooks are supported, i.e. when "abOU" is set.
(-addressBookSourcesForUser:): when "abOU" is set, returns an
array of LDAPSource instances representing the personal
addressbooks of the specified user.
(-removeAddressBookSource:forUser:): new methods with a
self-explicit name.
* SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactSourceFolder.m
(-setIsPersonalSource, -isPersonalSource): new accessors for the
"isPersonalSource ivar".
(-lookupName:inContext:acquire:): setup the object classes of the
new entries to "inetorgperson" and "mozillaabpersonalpha".
(-lookupContactsWithFilter:onCriteria:sortBy:ordering:): check
whether "listRequiresDot" is set on the current source and return
the full listing if not required.
(-compare:): enhanced to treat personal sources as if they were
regular GCS folders, in order to sort them properly.
(-delete, -renameTo:): implemented method, required for the
corresponding web methods.
(-ownerInContext:) adapted method to personal sources.
* SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.m (-appendPersonalSource):
overriden method for returning LDAP-based user addresbook sources.
(-newFolderWithName:andNameInContainer:): idem
(-renameLDAPAddressBook:withDisplayName:): new method that enables
the renaming of LDAP-based user addresbook sources.
(-removeLDAPAddressBook:): new method that enables
the removal of LDAP-based user addresbook sources.
2012-01-03 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoParentFolder.m (-appendPersonalSources): made
method public so that it can be easily overriden in subclasses.
* SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.m (-authenticationSource): new method
that returned the SOGoSource instance that successfully recognized
the user represented by the current instance.
* SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUserManager.m
(_fillContactInfosForUser:withUIDorEmail:inDomain:): we now set
the identifier of the source that authenticated the specified user
as the "SOGoSource" entry of the returned dictionary.
2012-01-03 Francis Lachapelle <>
* SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAptMailNotification.m (-setupValues):
@ -109,6 +214,109 @@
* UI/WebServerResources/UIxFilterEditor.js (ensureFieldValidity):
a field value is always considered invalid when empty.
2011-12-30 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPSourceSchema.[hm]: new class module enabling
schema auto-discovery.
* UI/WebServerResources/UIxContactEditor.js
(validateContactEditor): the birth date is validated slightly
differently, by enabling empty and 2-digit years as well as single
digits months and days.
* UI/Contacts/UIxContactView.m (-defaultAction, -dealloc): retain
and release the "card" ivar.
(_formattedURL:): the url should be displayed only if it is
non-nil AND non-empty.
(-vcardAction): removed useless method.
* UI/Contacts/UIxContactEditor.m (init): removed the "snapshot",
"preferredEmail", "card", "photosURL" and "contactCategories" ivars.
(-ldifRecord): new getter that proxy the invocation to the client
object, but by taking the contactEmail and contactFN url
parameters. Replaces the "-snapshot" getter, since the LDIF record
is now directly edited.
(-addressBooksList): the client object container class is no
longer taken into account when fetching the current user's permissions.
(-supportCategories, -supportPhotos): new getters that enables the
categories and photo tabs.
(-setJsonContactCategories:, -jsonContactCategories): now make
use of the special "vcardcategories" parameter found in the
contact LDIF record.
* SoObjects/SOGo/SQLSource.m (_lookupContactEntry:considerEmail:):
enhanced to copy the "c_XX" fields to unprefixed equivalents.
* SoObjects/Contacts/NSString+LDIF.m (mustEncodeLDIFValue): new
method, replacing "_isLDIFSafe" in a clearly public manner.
* SoObjects/SOGo/LDAPSource.m (-[NGLdapEntry _asDictionary]): new
utility method to convert an entry into a "SOGo LDIF record".
(-[NGLdapAttribute _asArrayOrString]): new utility method to
convert an LDAP attribute into a string or an array of strings
when the attribute has one or more values.
(-initFromUDSource:inDomain:): handle the new "modifiers",
"mapping" and "objectClasses" configuration keys, used when the
source instance is used as an addressbook. All LDAP fields are now
converted to lowercase.
(_searchAttributes): removed method as the special "*" attribute
is not costly enough to justify its existence, thereby reducing
code complexity.
(-lookupContactEntry:, -lookupContactEntryWithUIDorEmail:)
(-lookupLoginByDN:): merged common code in the new
-_lookupLDAPEntry: method, that accepts an EOQualifier as argument.
(--addContactEntry:withID:, -updateContactEntry: and
removeContactEntryWithID:): new methods for editing addressbook
* SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactSourceFolder.m (-source): new
getter for the "source" ivar.
(-lookupName:inContext:acquire:): accept the creation of new LDIF
entries via web methods ending with "AsContact".
(-saveLDIFEntry:, -deleteLDIFEntry:): new proxy methods for the
new SOGoSource -addContactEntry:withID:, -updateContactEntry: and
removeContactEntryWithID: methods, enabling the creation,
modification and deletion of LDAP contacts.
(-aclsForUser:): implemented method based on the array returned by
-[<SOGoSource> modifiers].
* SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactLDIFEntry.m (-vCard): the vcard is
now generated automatically from the LDIF record of the entry,
using the new method provided by NGVCard+SOGo.
(-aclsForUser:): new overriden method similar to the
implementation from SOGoContentObject.
* SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactGCSEntry.m (-setLDIFRecord)
(-ldifRecord, -hasPhoto): new accessors required by the
SOGoContactObject protocol.
(-lookupName:inContext:acquire:): return the only photo element
when the "photo" key is requested, if present in the card.
(-save): now returns an NSException, instead of void.
* SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoContactEntryPhoto.m
(+entryPhotoWithID:inContainer:, -setPhotoID:): removed methods,
since there can only be one PHOTO element per contact.
(-photo): simplified thanks to the constraint mentionned above.
* SoObjects/Contacts/NSDictionary+LDIF.m (-ldifRecordAsString):
new method implementing the code previously found in
SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.m, in order to produce a textual
representation of an LDIF record.
* SoObjects/Contacts/NSDictionary+LDIF.[hm]: new category module.
* SoObjects/Contacts/NGVCard+SOGo.m (-asLDIFRecord): new method
implementing the conversion code previously found in
UIxContactEditor, in order to produce an "LDIF record" in the form
of an NSDictionary matching the inetOrgPerson and
mozillaAbPersonAlpha object classes.
(-updateFromLDIFRecord:) reciprocal method to "-asLDIFRecord",
with conversion code moved from UIxContactEditor.
* SoObjects/Contacts/SOGoFolder+CardDAV.m (_isValidFilter:): make
use of the lowercase instance of the string, which was erroneously
ignored previously.
2011-12-29 Ludovic Marcotte <>
* SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoSQLUserProfile.m (_sqlJsonRepresentation:):

View File

@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ LIBMAPISTORE_CFLAGS = $(shell pkg-config libmapistore --cflags) -DSAMBA_PREFIX="
LIBMAPISTORE_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config libmapistore --libs) -lmapiproxy
-L../SoObjects/SOGo/SOGo.framework/ -lSOGo \
-L../OGoContentStore/$(GNUSTEP_OBJ_DIR)/ -lOGoContentStore \
-L../SoObjects/SOGo/SOGo.framework/ -lSOGo \

View File

@ -638,11 +638,19 @@ static NSCharacterSet *hexCharacterSet = nil;
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
NSCalendarDate *dateValue;
NSInteger offset;
if ([event isRecurrent])
dateValue = [event firstRecurrenceStartDate];
dateValue = [event startDate];
if ([event isAllDay])
offset = -[timeZone secondsFromGMTForDate: dateValue];
dateValue = [dateValue dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: offset];
[dateValue setTimeZone: utcTZ];
*data = [dateValue asFileTimeInMemCtx: memCtx];
@ -882,16 +890,18 @@ static NSCharacterSet *hexCharacterSet = nil;
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
NSCalendarDate *dateValue;
NSInteger offset;
if ([event isRecurrent])
dateValue = [event firstRecurrenceStartDate];
dateValue = [event startDate];
= [dateValue dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: (NSInteger) [event
offset = [event durationAsTimeInterval];
if ([event isAllDay])
offset -= [timeZone secondsFromGMTForDate: dateValue];
dateValue = [dateValue dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: offset];
[dateValue setTimeZone: utcTZ];
*data = [dateValue asFileTimeInMemCtx: memCtx];

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSURL.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext+SoObjects.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <EOControl/EOQualifier.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoPermissions.h>
#import <Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.h>
@ -132,6 +133,8 @@
[roles addObject: SOGoCalendarRole_ConfidentialViewer];
// [self logWithFormat: @"roles for rights %.8x = (%@)", rights, roles];
return roles;
@ -150,9 +153,11 @@
else if ([roles containsObject: SOGoCalendarRole_PublicViewer]
&& [roles containsObject: SOGoCalendarRole_PrivateViewer]
&& [roles containsObject: SOGoCalendarRole_ConfidentialViewer])
rights |= RightsReadItems;
rights |= RightsReadItems | 0x1800;
if (rights != 0)
rights |= RoleNone; /* actually "folder visible" */
// [self logWithFormat: @"rights for roles (%@) = %.8x", roles, rights];
return rights;

View File

@ -207,7 +207,8 @@
- (int) getPidLidAppointmentSubType: (void **) data
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
return [[self appointmentWrapper] getPidLidAppointmentSubType: data inMemCtx: memCtx];
return [[self appointmentWrapper] getPidLidAppointmentSubType: data
inMemCtx: memCtx];
- (int) getPidLidBusyStatus: (void **) data // TODO
@ -653,6 +654,7 @@
iCalEvent *newEvent;
iCalPerson *userPerson;
NSUInteger responseStatus = 0;
NSInteger tzOffset;
SOGoUser *activeUser, *ownerUser;
id value;
@ -747,10 +749,11 @@
if (value)
[newEvent setLocation: value];
isAllDay = [[properties
objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentSubType)]
isAllDay = [newEvent isAllDay];
value = [properties
objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentSubType)];
if (value)
isAllDay = [value boolValue];
if (!isAllDay)
tzName = [[self ownerTimeZone] name];
@ -767,7 +770,14 @@
start = (iCalDateTime *) [newEvent uniqueChildWithTag: @"dtstart"];
if (isAllDay)
[start setDate: value];
tzOffset = [[value timeZone] secondsFromGMTForDate: value];
value = [value dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: -tzOffset];
[start setTimeZone: nil];
[start setDate: value];
[start setTimeZone: tz];
@ -776,14 +786,21 @@
/* end */
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey(PR_END_DATE)];
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_END_DATE)];
if (!value)
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey(PidLidAppointmentEndWhole)];
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentEndWhole)];
if (value)
end = (iCalDateTime *) [newEvent uniqueChildWithTag: @"dtend"];
if (isAllDay)
[end setDate: value];
tzOffset = [[value timeZone] secondsFromGMTForDate: value];
value = [value dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: -tzOffset];
[end setTimeZone: nil];
[end setDate: value];
[end setTimeZone: tz];
@ -840,13 +857,14 @@
if (value)
value = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: value
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[value autorelease];
value = [value htmlToText];
if (value)
[newEvent setComment: value];
if (value && [value length] == 0)
value = nil;
[newEvent setComment: value];
/* recurrence */
value = [properties

View File

@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
#import "MAPIStoreTable.h"
@class NSArray;
@class NSMutableArray;
@class NSNumber;
@ -105,7 +103,7 @@
andFID: (uint64_t) fid;
- (int) deleteFolderWithFID: (uint64_t) fid;
- (int) getChildCount: (uint32_t *) rowCount
ofTableType: (uint8_t) tableType;
ofTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType;
- (int) createMessage: (MAPIStoreMessage **) messagePtr
withMID: (uint64_t) mid
@ -128,12 +126,12 @@
- (int) getDeletedFMIDs: (struct I8Array_r **) fmidsPtr
andCN: (uint64_t *) cnPtr
fromChangeNumber: (uint64_t) changeNum
inTableType: (uint8_t) tableType
inTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) mem_ctx;
- (int) getTable: (MAPIStoreTable **) tablePtr
andRowCount: (uint32_t *) count
tableType: (uint8_t) tableType
tableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType
andHandleId: (uint32_t) handleId;
- (int) modifyPermissions: (struct PermissionData *) permissions
@ -150,7 +148,7 @@
andSortOrderings: (NSArray *) sortOrderings;
- (NSArray *) getDeletedKeysFromChangeNumber: (uint64_t) changeNum
andCN: (NSNumber **) cnNbr
inTableType: (uint8_t) tableType;
inTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType;
- (NSString *) createFolder: (struct SRow *) aRow
withFID: (uint64_t) newFID;

View File

@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ Class NSExceptionK, MAPIStoreFAIMessageK, MAPIStoreMessageTableK, MAPIStoreFAIMe
- (int) getChildCount: (uint32_t *) rowCount
ofTableType: (uint8_t) tableType
ofTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType
NSArray *keys;
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ Class NSExceptionK, MAPIStoreFAIMessageK, MAPIStoreMessageTableK, MAPIStoreFAIMe
- (int) getDeletedFMIDs: (struct I8Array_r **) fmidsPtr
andCN: (uint64_t *) cnPtr
fromChangeNumber: (uint64_t) changeNum
inTableType: (uint8_t) tableType
inTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
int rc;
@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ Class NSExceptionK, MAPIStoreFAIMessageK, MAPIStoreMessageTableK, MAPIStoreFAIMe
- (int) getTable: (MAPIStoreTable **) tablePtr
andRowCount: (uint32_t *) countPtr
tableType: (uint8_t) tableType
tableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType
andHandleId: (uint32_t) handleId
@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ Class NSExceptionK, MAPIStoreFAIMessageK, MAPIStoreMessageTableK, MAPIStoreFAIMe
- (void) _cleanupTableCaches: (uint8_t) tableType
- (void) _cleanupTableCaches: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType
NSArray *tables;
NSUInteger count, max;
@ -1552,7 +1552,7 @@ Class NSExceptionK, MAPIStoreFAIMessageK, MAPIStoreMessageTableK, MAPIStoreFAIMe
- (NSArray *) getDeletedKeysFromChangeNumber: (uint64_t) changeNum
andCN: (NSNumber **) cnNbrs
inTableType: (uint8_t) tableType
inTableType: (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType
return nil;

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
NSCalendarDate *dateValue;
int32_t longDate;
translatedRes = talloc (NULL, struct mapi_SPropertyRestriction);
translatedRes = talloc (memCtx, struct mapi_SPropertyRestriction);
translatedRes->ulPropTag = (res->ulPropTag & 0xffff0000) | PT_LONG;
translatedRes->relop = res->relop;
dateValue = NSObjectFromMAPISPropValue (&res->lpProp);

View File

@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ _parseCOPYUID (NSString *line, NSArray **destUIDsP)
/* sample: 1 OK [COPYUID 1311899334 1:3 11:13] Completed */
max = [line length];
uniString = NSZoneMalloc (NULL, max * sizeof (unichar) + 1);
uniString = NSZoneMalloc (NULL, sizeof (unichar) * (max + 1));
[line getCharacters: uniString];
uniString[max] = 0;
@ -1025,6 +1025,8 @@ _parseCOPYUID (NSString *line, NSArray **destUIDsP)
if (rights & RightsCreateSubfolders)
[roles addObject: SOGoRole_FolderCreator];
// [self logWithFormat: @"roles for rights %.8x = (%@)", rights, roles];
return roles;
@ -1051,6 +1053,8 @@ _parseCOPYUID (NSString *line, NSArray **destUIDsP)
if (rights != 0)
rights |= RoleNone; /* actually "folder visible" */
// [self logWithFormat: @"rights for roles (%@) = %.8x", roles, rights];
return rights;

View File

@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ static Class MAPIStoreMailMessageK, NSDataK, NSStringK;
- (int) getRow: (struct mapistore_property_data **) dataP
withRowID: (uint32_t) rowId
andQueryType: (enum table_query_type) queryType
andQueryType: (enum mapistore_query_type) queryType
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
if (!fetchedCoreInfos)

View File

@ -43,10 +43,6 @@
#import "MAPIStoreTable.h"
#import "NSObject+MAPIStore.h"
#undef DEBUG
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <talloc.h>
#include <gen_ndr/exchange.h>
#include <mapistore/mapistore.h>
#include <mapistore/mapistore_errors.h>
@ -331,7 +327,7 @@ sogo_folder_delete_folder(void *folder_object, uint64_t fid)
static enum mapistore_error
sogo_folder_get_child_count(void *folder_object, uint8_t table_type, uint32_t *child_count)
sogo_folder_get_child_count(void *folder_object, enum mapistore_table_type table_type, uint32_t *child_count)
struct MAPIStoreTallocWrapper *wrapper;
NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
@ -494,7 +490,7 @@ sogo_folder_move_copy_messages(void *folder_object,
static enum mapistore_error
sogo_folder_get_deleted_fmids(void *folder_object, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
uint8_t table_type, uint64_t change_num,
enum mapistore_table_type table_type, uint64_t change_num,
struct I8Array_r **fmidsp, uint64_t *cnp)
struct MAPIStoreTallocWrapper *wrapper;
@ -526,7 +522,7 @@ sogo_folder_get_deleted_fmids(void *folder_object, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
static enum mapistore_error
sogo_folder_open_table(void *folder_object, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
uint8_t table_type, uint32_t handle_id,
enum mapistore_table_type table_type, uint32_t handle_id,
void **table_object, uint32_t *row_count)
struct MAPIStoreTallocWrapper *wrapper;
@ -974,7 +970,7 @@ sogo_table_set_sort_order (void *table_object, struct SSortOrderSet *sort_order,
static enum mapistore_error
sogo_table_get_row (void *table_object, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
enum table_query_type query_type, uint32_t row_id,
enum mapistore_query_type query_type, uint32_t row_id,
struct mapistore_property_data **data)
struct MAPIStoreTallocWrapper *wrapper;
@ -1003,7 +999,7 @@ sogo_table_get_row (void *table_object, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
static enum mapistore_error
sogo_table_get_row_count (void *table_object,
enum table_query_type query_type,
enum mapistore_query_type query_type,
uint32_t *row_countp)
struct MAPIStoreTallocWrapper *wrapper;

View File

@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
#undef DEBUG
#include <mapistore/mapistore.h>
@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ typedef enum {
uint32_t currentRow;
MAPIStoreObject *currentChild;
uint8_t tableType; /* mapistore */
enum mapistore_table_type tableType; /* mapistore */
/* proof of concept */
uint16_t columnsCount;
@ -75,13 +78,13 @@ typedef enum {
- (id) initForContainer: (MAPIStoreObject *) newContainer;
- (id) container;
- (uint8_t) tableType;
- (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType;
- (void) setHandleId: (uint32_t) newHandleId;
- (void) destroyHandle: (uint32_t) handleId;
- (id) childAtRowID: (uint32_t) rowId
forQueryType: (enum table_query_type) queryType;
forQueryType: (enum mapistore_query_type) queryType;
- (void) cleanupCaches;
@ -92,10 +95,10 @@ typedef enum {
withCount: (uint16_t) newColumCount;
- (int) getRow: (struct mapistore_property_data **) dataP
withRowID: (uint32_t) rowId
andQueryType: (enum table_query_type) queryType
andQueryType: (enum mapistore_query_type) queryType
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx;
- (int) getRowCount: (uint32_t *) countP
withQueryType: (enum table_query_type) queryType;
withQueryType: (enum mapistore_query_type) queryType;
- (void) notifyChangesForChild: (MAPIStoreObject *) child;

View File

@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ static Class NSDataK, NSStringK;
return container;
- (uint8_t) tableType
- (enum mapistore_table_type) tableType
return tableType;
@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ static Class NSDataK, NSStringK;
- (id) childAtRowID: (uint32_t) rowId
forQueryType: (enum table_query_type) queryType
forQueryType: (enum mapistore_query_type) queryType
id child;
NSArray *children, *restrictedChildren;
@ -833,7 +833,7 @@ static Class NSDataK, NSStringK;
- (int) getRow: (struct mapistore_property_data **) dataP
withRowID: (uint32_t) rowId
andQueryType: (enum table_query_type) queryType
andQueryType: (enum mapistore_query_type) queryType
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
NSUInteger count;
@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ static Class NSDataK, NSStringK;
- (int) getRowCount: (uint32_t *) countP
withQueryType: (enum table_query_type) queryType
withQueryType: (enum mapistore_query_type) queryType
NSArray *children;

View File

@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSTimeZone.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext+SoObjects.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalCalendar.h>
@ -325,13 +327,11 @@
iCalCalendar *vCalendar;
iCalToDo *vToDo;
id value;
SOGoUserDefaults *ud;
iCalTimeZone *tz;
iCalDateTime *date;
NSString *owner, *status, *priority;
NSString *status, *priority;
NSCalendarDate *now;
NSInteger tzOffset;
owner = [sogoObject ownerInContext: nil];
vToDo = [sogoObject component: YES secure: NO];
vCalendar = [vToDo parent];
[vCalendar setProdID: @"-//Inverse inc.//OpenChange+SOGo//EN"];
@ -366,17 +366,16 @@
[vToDo setTimeStampAsDate: value];
ud = [[SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner] userDefaults];
tz = [iCalTimeZone timeZoneForName: [ud timeZoneName]];
[vCalendar addTimeZone: tz];
// start
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidTaskStartDate)];
if (value)
date = (iCalDateTime *) [vToDo uniqueChildWithTag: @"dtstart"];
[date setTimeZone: tz];
[date setDateTime: value];
tzOffset = [[value timeZone] secondsFromGMTForDate: value];
value = [value dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: -tzOffset];
[date setDate: value];
@ -388,8 +387,11 @@
if (value)
date = (iCalDateTime *) [vToDo uniqueChildWithTag: @"due"];
[date setTimeZone: tz];
[date setDateTime: value];
tzOffset = [[value timeZone] secondsFromGMTForDate: value];
value = [value dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: -tzOffset];
[date setDate: value];
@ -401,8 +403,11 @@
if (value)
date = (iCalDateTime *) [vToDo uniqueChildWithTag: @"completed"];
[date setTimeZone: tz];
[date setDateTime: value];
tzOffset = [[value timeZone] secondsFromGMTForDate: value];
value = [value dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: -tzOffset];
[date setDate: value];

View File

@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ NSObjectFromMAPISPropValue (const struct mapi_SPropValue *value)
// #define PT_ERROR 0xa
// #define PT_OBJECT 0xd
// #define PT_I8 0x14
// #define PT_SVREID 0xFB
// #define PT_SRESTRICT 0xFD
// #define PT_ACTIONS 0xFE
result = [NSNull null];
@ -244,7 +243,6 @@ NSObjectFromSPropValue (const struct SPropValue *value)
// #define PT_ERROR 0xa
// #define PT_OBJECT 0xd
// #define PT_I8 0x14
// #define PT_SVREID 0xFB
// #define PT_SRESTRICT 0xFD
// #define PT_ACTIONS 0xFE
result = [NSNull null];

View File

@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ static int MAPIStoreTallocWrapperDestroy (void *data)
*data = [(NSCalendarDate * ) self asFileTimeInMemCtx: memCtx];
*data = [(NSData *) self asBinaryInMemCtx: memCtx];
case PT_CLSID:

View File

@ -460,8 +460,6 @@ _orderedValuesAreVoid (NSArray *orderedValues)
NSMutableArray *orderedValues;
NSUInteger count, max;
result = YES;
keys = [values allKeys];
max = [keys count];
for (count = 0; result && count < max; count++)

View File

@ -46,12 +46,15 @@
- (CardElement *) uniqueChildWithTag: (NSString *) aTag;
- (void) setUniqueChild: (CardElement *) aChild;
- (NSMutableArray *) children;
- (void) addChild: (CardElement *) aChild;
- (void) addChildren: (NSArray *) someChildren;
- (void) removeChild: (CardElement *) aChild;
- (void) removeChildren: (NSArray *) someChildren;
- (NSMutableArray *) children;
- (void) cleanupEmptyChildren;
- (CardElement *) firstChildWithTag: (NSString *) aTag;
- (NSArray *) childrenWithTag: (NSString *) aTag;
- (NSArray *) childrenWithAttribute: (NSString *) anAttribute

View File

@ -142,6 +142,19 @@ static NGCardsSaxHandler *sax = nil;
return nil;
- (BOOL) isVoid
BOOL isVoid = YES;
NSUInteger count, max;
max = [children count];
for (count = 0; isVoid && count < max; count++)
if (![[children objectAtIndex: count] isVoid])
isVoid = NO;
return isVoid;
- (void) addChild: (CardElement *) aChild
Class mappedClass;
@ -366,6 +379,23 @@ static NGCardsSaxHandler *sax = nil;
[self addChild: newChild];
- (void) cleanupEmptyChildren
NSUInteger max;
NSInteger count;
CardElement *child;
max = [children count];
for (count = max - 1; count > -1; count--)
child = [children objectAtIndex: count];
if ([child isKindOfClass: [CardGroup class]])
[(CardGroup *) child cleanupEmptyChildren];
if ([child isVoid])
[children removeObjectAtIndex: count];
- (NSString *) description
NSMutableString *str;

View File

@ -8,6 +8,14 @@
* NSString+NGCards.m (-vCardSubvalues): fixed allocation of
parsing buffer to avoid a buffer overflow.
2011-12-30 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* NGVCard.m (-initWithUid:): initialize "CLASS" and "PROFILE".
* CardGroup.m (-isVoid): overriden method.
(-cleanupEmptyChildren): make use of "isVoid" to detect and remove
empty children.
2011-11-21 Francis Lachapelle <>
* iCalTimeZone.m (+knownTimeZoneNames): ignore files that don't

View File

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
[self setTag: @"vcard"];
[self setUid: _uid];
[self setVersion: @"3.0"];
[self setVClass: @"PUBLIC"];
[self setProfile: @"VCARD"];
return self;

View File

@ -9,17 +9,20 @@ Contacts_PRINCIPAL_CLASS = SOGoContactsProduct
Contacts_OBJC_FILES = \
Product.m \
NGVCard+SOGo.m \
NGVList+SOGo.m \
NGVCard+SOGo.m \
NGVList+SOGo.m \
SOGoFolder+CardDAV.m \
SOGoContactFolders.m \
SOGoContactGCSEntry.m \
SOGoContactGCSList.m \
SOGoContactGCSFolder.m \
SOGoContactLDIFEntry.m \
SOGoContactSourceFolder.m \
SOGoUserFolder+Contacts.m \
SOGoContactSourceFolder.m \
SOGoUserFolder+Contacts.m \
SOGoContactEntryPhoto.m \
NSDictionary+LDIF.m \
Contacts_RESOURCE_FILES += \
product.plist \

View File

@ -25,9 +25,13 @@
#import <NGCards/NGVCard.h>
@class NSDictionary;
@class NSMutableDictionary;
@interface NGVCard (SOGoExtensions)
- (NSString *) ldifString;
- (void) updateFromLDIFRecord: (NSDictionary *) ldifRecord;
- (NSMutableDictionary *) asLDIFRecord;

View File

@ -21,153 +21,610 @@
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSEnumerator.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.h>
#import <NGCards/NSArray+NGCards.h>
#import <NGCards/NSString+NGCards.h>
#import "NSDictionary+LDIF.h"
#import "NGVCard+SOGo.h"
objectclass ( NAME 'person'
DESC 'RFC2256: a person'
MUST ( sn $ cn )
MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description ) )
objectclass ( NAME 'organizationalPerson'
DESC 'RFC2256: an organizational person'
MAY ( title $ x121Address $ registeredAddress $ destinationIndicator $
preferredDeliveryMethod $ telexNumber $ teletexTerminalIdentifier $
telephoneNumber $ internationaliSDNNumber $
facsimileTelephoneNumber $ street $ postOfficeBox $ postalCode $
postalAddress $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ ou $ st $ l ) )
objectclass ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2
NAME 'inetOrgPerson'
DESC 'RFC2798: Internet Organizational Person'
SUP organizationalPerson
audio $ businessCategory $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $
displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ givenName $
homePhone $ homePostalAddress $ initials $ jpegPhoto $
labeledURI $ mail $ manager $ mobile $ o $ pager $
photo $ roomNumber $ secretary $ uid $ userCertificate $
x500uniqueIdentifier $ preferredLanguage $
userSMIMECertificate $ userPKCS12 )
objectclass ( NAME 'mozillaAbPersonAlpha'
MUST ( cn )
MAY( c $
description $
displayName $
facsimileTelephoneNumber $
givenName $
homePhone $
l $
mail $
mobile $
mozillaCustom1 $
mozillaCustom2 $
mozillaCustom3 $
mozillaCustom4 $
mozillaHomeCountryName $
mozillaHomeLocalityName $
mozillaHomePostalCode $
mozillaHomeState $
mozillaHomeStreet $
mozillaHomeStreet2 $
mozillaHomeUrl $
mozillaNickname $
mozillaSecondEmail $
mozillaUseHtmlMail $
mozillaWorkStreet2 $
mozillaWorkUrl $
nsAIMid $
o $
ou $
pager $
postalCode $
postOfficeBox $
sn $
st $
street $
telephoneNumber $
title ) )
additional vcard fields:
test contact (export from tb):
dn:: Y249UHLDqW5vbSBOb20sbWFpbD1hZHIxQGVsZS5jb20=
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: mozillaAbPersonAlpha
givenName:: UHLDqW5vbQ==
sn: Nom
cn:: UHLDqW5vbSBOb20=
mozillaNickname: Surnom
nsAIMid: pseudo aim
modifytimestamp: 1324509379
telephoneNumber: travail
homePhone: dom
facsimiletelephonenumber: fax
pager: pager
mobile: port
mozillaHomeStreet:: YWRyMSBwcml2w6ll
mozillaHomeStreet2:: YWRyMiBwcml2w6ll
mozillaHomeLocalityName: ville/locallite
mozillaHomeState:: w6l0YXQvcHJvdg==
mozillaHomePostalCode: codepos
mozillaHomeCountryName: pays
street: adr1 pro
mozillaWorkStreet2: adr2 pro
l: ville pro
st: etat pro
postalCode: codepro
c: payspro
title: fonction pro
ou: service pro
o: soc pro
mozillaWorkUrl: webpro
mozillaHomeUrl: web
birthyear: 1946
birthmonth: 12
birthday: 04
mozillaCustom1: d1
mozillaCustom2: d2
mozillaCustom3: d3
mozillaCustom4: d4
description: notes
- our "LDIF records" are inetOrgPerson + mozillaAbPersonAlpha + a few custom
fields (categories)
- all keys are lowercase
@implementation NGVCard (SOGoExtensions)
- (NSString *) ldifString
/* LDIF -> VCARD */
- (CardElement *) _elementWithTag: (NSString *) elementTag
ofType: (NSString *) type
NSMutableString *rc;
NSString *buffer;
NSArray *array;
NSMutableArray *marray;
NSMutableDictionary *entry;
NSArray *elements;
CardElement *element;
id tmp;
entry = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
elements = [self childrenWithTag: elementTag
andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: type];
if ([elements count] > 0)
element = [elements objectAtIndex: 0];
element = [CardElement elementWithTag: elementTag];
[element addType: type];
[self addChild: element];
[entry setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"cn=%@,mail=%@",
[self fn], [self preferredEMail]]
forKey: @"dn"];
[entry setObject: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"top", @"person",
@"organizationalPerson", @"inetOrgPerson",
@"mozillaAbPersonObsolete", nil]
forKey: @"objectclass"];
return element;
- (void) _setPhoneValues: (NSDictionary *) ldifRecord
CardElement *phone;
phone = [self _elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"work"];
[phone setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"telephonenumber"] forKey: @""];
phone = [self _elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"home"];
[phone setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"homephone"] forKey: @""];
phone = [self _elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"cell"];
[phone setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mobile"] forKey: @""];
phone = [self _elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"fax"];
[phone setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"facsimiletelephonenumber"]
forKey: @""];
phone = [self _elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"pager"];
[phone setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"pager"] forKey: @""];
- (void) _setEmails: (NSDictionary *) ldifRecord
CardElement *mail, *homeMail;
mail = [self _elementWithTag: @"email" ofType: @"work"];
[mail setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mail"] forKey: @""];
homeMail = [self _elementWithTag: @"email" ofType: @"home"];
[homeMail setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillasecondemail"] forKey: @""];
[[self uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-mozilla-html"]
setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillausehtmlmail"]
forKey: @""];
- (void) updateFromLDIFRecord: (NSDictionary *) ldifRecord
CardElement *element;
NSArray *units;
NSInteger year, yearOfToday, month, day;
NSCalendarDate *now;
NSString *ou;
[self setNWithFamily: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"sn"]
given: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"givenname"]
additional: nil prefixes: nil suffixes: nil];
[self setNickname: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillanickname"]];
[self setFn: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"displayname"]];
[self setTitle: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"title"]];
element = [self _elementWithTag: @"adr" ofType: @"home"];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillahomestreet2"]
atIndex: 1 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillahomestreet"]
atIndex: 2 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillahomelocalityname"]
atIndex: 3 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillahomestate"]
atIndex: 4 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillahomepostalcode"]
atIndex: 5 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillahomecountryname"]
atIndex: 6 forKey: @""];
element = [self _elementWithTag: @"adr" ofType: @"work"];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillaworkstreet2"]
atIndex: 1 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"street"]
atIndex: 2 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"l"]
atIndex: 3 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"st"]
atIndex: 4 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"postalcode"]
atIndex: 5 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"c"]
atIndex: 6 forKey: @""];
ou = [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"ou"];
if (ou)
units = [NSArray arrayWithObject: ou];
units = nil;
[self setOrg: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"o"]
units: units];
[self _setPhoneValues: ldifRecord];
[self _setEmails: ldifRecord];
[[self _elementWithTag: @"url" ofType: @"home"]
setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillahomeurl"] forKey: @""];
[[self _elementWithTag: @"url" ofType: @"work"]
setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillaworkurl"] forKey: @""];
[[self uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-aim"]
setSingleValue: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"nsaimid"]
forKey: @""];
now = [NSCalendarDate date];
year = [[ldifRecord objectForKey: @"birthyear"] intValue];
if (year < 100)
yearOfToday = [now yearOfCommonEra];
if (year == 0)
year = yearOfToday;
else if (yearOfToday < (year + 2000))
year += 1900;
year += 2000;
month = [[ldifRecord objectForKey: @"birthmonth"] intValue];
day = [[ldifRecord objectForKey: @"birthday"] intValue];
if (year && month && day)
[self setBday: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.4d-%.2d-%.2d",
year, month, day]];
[self setBday: @""];
[self setNote: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"description"]];
[self setCategories: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"vcardcategories"]];
[self cleanupEmptyChildren];
/* VCARD -> LDIF */
- (NSString *) _simpleValueForType: (NSString *) aType
inArray: (NSArray *) anArray
excluding: (NSString *) aTypeToExclude
NSArray *elements;
NSString *value;
elements = [anArray cardElementsWithAttribute: @"type"
havingValue: aType];
value = nil;
if ([elements count] > 0)
CardElement *ce;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [elements count]; i++)
ce = [elements objectAtIndex: i];
value = [ce flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
if (!aTypeToExclude)
if (![ce hasAttribute: @"type" havingValue: aTypeToExclude])
value = nil;
return value;
- (void) _setValue: (NSString *) key
to: (NSString *) aValue
inLDIFRecord: (NSMutableDictionary *) ldifRecord
if (!aValue)
aValue = @"";
[ldifRecord setObject: aValue forKey: key];
- (void) _setupEmailFieldsInLDIFRecord: (NSMutableDictionary *) ldifRecord
NSArray *elements;
NSString *workMail, *homeMail, *potential;
unsigned int max;
elements = [self childrenWithTag: @"email"];
max = [elements count];
workMail = [self _simpleValueForType: @"work"
inArray: elements excluding: nil];
homeMail = [self _simpleValueForType: @"home"
inArray: elements excluding: nil];
if (max > 0)
potential = [[elements objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
if (!workMail)
if (homeMail && homeMail == potential)
if (max > 1)
workMail = [[elements objectAtIndex: 1] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
workMail = potential;
if (!homeMail && max > 1)
if (workMail && workMail == potential)
homeMail = [[elements objectAtIndex: 1] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
homeMail = potential;
[self _setValue: @"mail" to: workMail inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"mozillasecondemail" to: homeMail inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"mozillausehtmlmail"
to: [[self uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-mozilla-html"]
flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
- (void) _setupOrgFieldsInLDIFRecord: (NSMutableDictionary *) ldifRecord
NSMutableArray *orgServices;
CardElement *org;
NSString *service;
NSUInteger count, max;
org = [self org];
[self _setValue: @"o"
to: [org flattenedValueAtIndex: 0 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
max = [[org valuesForKey: @""] count];
if (max > 1)
orgServices = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 1; count < max; count++)
service = [org flattenedValueAtIndex: count forKey: @""];
if ([service length] > 0)
[orgServices addObject: service];
[self _setValue: @"ou"
to: [orgServices componentsJoinedByString: @", "]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
- (NSMutableDictionary *) asLDIFRecord
NSArray *elements, *categories;
CardElement *element;
NSMutableDictionary *ldifRecord;
NSCalendarDate *birthDay;
NSString *dn, *stringValue, *stringValue2;
ldifRecord = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 32];
[ldifRecord setObject: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"top", @"inetOrgPerson",
@"mozillaAbPersonAlpha", nil]
forKey: @"objectClass"];
element = [self n];
tmp = [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""];
if ([tmp length] > 0)
[entry setObject: tmp forKey: @"givenName"];
tmp = [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 0 forKey: @""];
if ([tmp length] > 0)
[entry setObject: tmp forKey: @"sn"];
[self _setValue: @"sn"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 0 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"givenname"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"displayname" to: [self fn]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"mozillanickname" to: [self nickname]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
tmp = [self fn];
if (tmp)
[entry setObject: tmp forKey: @"cn"];
tmp = [self preferredEMail];
if (tmp)
[entry setObject: tmp forKey: @"mail"];
[entry setObject: @"0Z" forKey: @"modifytimestamp"];
elements = [self childrenWithTag: @"tel"];
// We do this (exclude FAX) in order to avoid setting the WORK number as the FAX
// one if we do see the FAX field BEFORE the WORK number.
[self _setValue: @"telephonenumber"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"work" inArray: elements
excluding: @"fax"]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"homephone"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"home" inArray: elements
excluding: @"fax"]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"mobile"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"cell" inArray: elements
excluding: nil]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"facsimiletelephonenumber"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"fax" inArray: elements
excluding: nil]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"pager"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"pager" inArray: elements
excluding: nil]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
buffer = [self nickname];
if (buffer && [buffer length] > 0)
[entry setObject: buffer forKey: @"mozillaNickname"];
// If we don't have a "home" and "work" phone number but
// we have a "voice" one defined, we set it to the "work" value
// This can happen when we have :
// VERSION:2.1
// N:name;surname;;;;
// TEL;CELL:514 123 1234
// TEL;VOICE:450 456 6789
// ADR;HOME:;;;;;;
// ADR;WORK:;;;;;;
// ADR:;;;;;;
if ([[ldifRecord objectForKey: @"telephonenumber"] length] == 0 &&
[[ldifRecord objectForKey: @"homephone"] length] == 0 &&
[elements count] > 0)
[self _setValue: @"telephonenumber"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"voice" inArray: elements
excluding: nil]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
marray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [self childrenWithTag: @"email"]];
[marray removeObjectsInArray: [self childrenWithTag: @"email"
andAttribute: @"type"
havingValue: @"pref"]];
if ([marray count])
[self _setupEmailFieldsInLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"nsaimid"
to: [[self uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-aim"]
flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
elements = [self childrenWithTag: @"adr"
andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"work"];
if (elements && [elements count] > 0)
buffer = [[marray objectAtIndex: [marray count]-1]
flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
if ([buffer caseInsensitiveCompare: [self preferredEMail]] != NSOrderedSame)
[entry setObject: buffer forKey: @"mozillaSecondEmail"];
element = [elements objectAtIndex: 0];
[self _setValue: @"mozillaworkstreet2"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"street"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 2 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"l"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 3 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"st"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 4 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"postalcode"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 5 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"c"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 6 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
array = [self childrenWithTag: @"tel" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"home"];
if ([array count])
[entry setObject: [[array objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
forKey: @"homePhone"];
array = [self childrenWithTag: @"tel" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"fax"];
if ([array count])
[entry setObject: [[array objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
forKey: @"fax"];
array = [self childrenWithTag: @"tel" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"cell"];
if ([array count])
[entry setObject: [[array objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
forKey: @"mobile"];
array = [self childrenWithTag: @"tel" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"pager"];
if ([array count])
[entry setObject: [[array objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
forKey: @"pager"];
array = [self childrenWithTag: @"adr" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"home"];
if ([array count])
elements = [self childrenWithTag: @"adr"
andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"home"];
if (elements && [elements count] > 0)
tmp = [array objectAtIndex: 0];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"mozillaHomeStreet2"];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 2 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"homeStreet"];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 3 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"mozillaHomeLocalityName"];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 4 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"mozillaHomeState"];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 5 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"mozillaHomePostalCode"];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 6 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"mozillaHomeCountryName"];
element = [elements objectAtIndex: 0];
[self _setValue: @"mozillahomestreet2"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"mozillahomestreet"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 2 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"mozillahomelocalityname"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 3 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"mozillahomestate"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 4 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"mozillahomepostalcode"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 5 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"mozillahomecountryname"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 6 forKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
element = [self org];
tmp = [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 0 forKey: @""];
if ([tmp length] > 0)
[entry setObject: tmp forKey: @"o"];
array = [self childrenWithTag: @"adr" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"work"];
if ([array count])
elements = [self childrenWithTag: @"url"];
[self _setValue: @"mozillaworkurl"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"work" inArray: elements
excluding: nil]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"mozillahomeurl"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"home" inArray: elements
excluding: nil]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
// If we don't have a "work" or "home" URL but we still have
// an URL field present, let's add it to the "home" value
if ([[ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillaworkurl"] length] == 0 &&
[[ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillahomeurl"] length] == 0 &&
[elements count] > 0)
[self _setValue: @"mozillahomeurl"
to: [[elements objectAtIndex: 0]
flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
// If we do have a "work" URL but no "home" URL but two
// values URLs present, let's add the second one as the home URL
else if ([[ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillaworkurl"] length] > 0 &&
[[ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillahomeurl"] length] == 0 &&
[elements count] > 1)
tmp = [array objectAtIndex: 0];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"mozillaWorkStreet2"];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 2 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"street"];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 3 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"l"];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 4 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"st"];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 5 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"postalCode"];
[entry setObject: [tmp flattenedValueAtIndex: 6 forKey: @""]
forKey: @"c"];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [elements count]; i++)
if ([[[elements objectAtIndex: i] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
caseInsensitiveCompare: [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillaworkurl"]] != NSOrderedSame)
[self _setValue: @"mozillahomeurl"
to: [[elements objectAtIndex: i]
flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"title" to: [self title] inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setupOrgFieldsInLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
array = [self childrenWithTag: @"tel" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"work"];
if ([array count])
[entry setObject: [[array objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
forKey: @"telephoneNumber"];
categories = [self categories];
if ([categories count] > 0)
[ldifRecord setValue: categories forKey: @"vcardcategories"];
array = [self childrenWithTag: @"url" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"work"];
if ([array count])
[entry setObject: [[array objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
forKey: @"workurl"];
birthDay = [[self bday] asCalendarDate];
if (birthDay)
stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.4d", [birthDay yearOfCommonEra]];
[self _setValue: @"birthyear" to: stringValue inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.2d", [birthDay monthOfYear]];
[self _setValue: @"birthmonth" to: stringValue inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.2d", [birthDay dayOfMonth]];
[self _setValue: @"birthday" to: stringValue inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _setValue: @"description" to: [self note] inLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
array = [self childrenWithTag: @"url" andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"home"];
if ([array count])
[entry setObject: [[array objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
forKey: @"homeurl"];
stringValue = [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"displayname"];
stringValue2 = [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mail"];
if ([stringValue length] > 0)
if ([stringValue2 length] > 0)
dn = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"cn=%@,mail=%@",
stringValue, stringValue2];
dn = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"cn=%@", stringValue];
else if ([stringValue2 length] > 0)
dn = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"mail=%@", stringValue2];
dn = @"";
[ldifRecord setObject: dn forKey: @"dn"];
tmp = [self note];
if (tmp && [tmp length])
[entry setObject: tmp forKey: @"description"];
rc = [NSMutableString stringWithString: [entry userRecordAsLDIFEntry]];
[rc appendFormat: @"\n"];
return rc;
return ldifRecord;
@end /* NGVCard */

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#import <NGCards/NGVCardReference.h>
#import <SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.h>
#import "NSDictionary+LDIF.h"
#import "NGVList+SOGo.h"
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
[entry setObject: members forKey: @"member"];
rc = [NSMutableString stringWithString: [entry userRecordAsLDIFEntry]];
rc = [NSMutableString stringWithString: [entry ldifRecordAsString]];
[rc appendFormat: @"\n"];
return rc;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
/* NSDictionary+LDIF.h - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2011 Inverse inc
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
@interface NSDictionary (SOGoLDIF)
- (NSString *) ldifRecordAsString;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
/* NSDictionary+LDIF.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2011 Inverse inc
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NGBase64Coding.h>
#import "NSString+LDIF.h"
#import "NSDictionary+LDIF.h"
@implementation NSDictionary (SOGoLDIF)
- (void) _appendLDIFKey: (NSString *) key
value: (NSString *) value
toString: (NSMutableString *) ldifString
if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] && [value length] > 0)
if ([value mustEncodeLDIFValue])
[ldifString appendFormat: @"%@:: %@\n",
key, [value stringByEncodingBase64]];
[ldifString appendFormat: @"%@: %@\n", key, value];
- (void) _appendLDIFKey: (NSString *) key
toString: (NSMutableString *) ldifString
id value;
int count, max;
value = [self objectForKey: key];
if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
max = [value count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
[self _appendLDIFKey: key value: [value objectAtIndex: count]
toString: ldifString];
[self _appendLDIFKey: key value: [self objectForKey: key]
toString: ldifString];
- (void) _appendObjectClassesToString: (NSMutableString *) ldifString
NSEnumerator *classes;
NSString *currentClass;
NSArray *objectClass;
objectClass = [self objectForKey: @"objectClass"];
if ([objectClass isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
[self _appendLDIFKey: @"objectClass" value: (NSString *) objectClass
toString: ldifString];
classes = [objectClass objectEnumerator];
while ((currentClass = [classes nextObject]))
[self _appendLDIFKey: @"objectClass" value: currentClass
toString: ldifString];
- (NSString *) ldifRecordAsString
NSArray *keys;
NSMutableString *ldifString;
NSUInteger count, max;
NSString *currentKey;
// {CalendarAccess = YES; MailAccess = YES; c_cn = "Wolfgang Sourdeau"; c_emails = (""); c_name = ""; c_uid = ""; cn = ""; displayName = "Wolfgang Sourdeau"; dn = ",ou=evariste,"; givenName = Wolfgang; mail = ""; objectClass = organizationalPerson; sn = Sourdeau; }
ldifString = [NSMutableString string];
[self _appendLDIFKey: @"dn" toString: ldifString];
[self _appendObjectClassesToString: ldifString];
keys = [self allKeys];
max = [keys count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
currentKey = [keys objectAtIndex: count];
if (!([currentKey hasPrefix: @"objectClass"]
|| [currentKey isEqualToString: @"dn"]))
[self _appendLDIFKey: currentKey toString: ldifString];
return ldifString;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
/* NSString+LDIF.h - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2011 Inverse inc
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
@interface NSString (SOGoLDIF)
- (BOOL) mustEncodeLDIFValue;
#endif /* NSSTRING_LDIF_H */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
/* NSString+LDIF.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2011 Inverse inc
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSCharacterSet.h>
#import "NSString+LDIF.h"
@implementation NSString (SOGoLDIF)
static NSMutableCharacterSet *safeLDIFChars = nil;
static NSMutableCharacterSet *safeLDIFStartChars = nil;
- (void) _initSafeLDIFChars
safeLDIFChars = [NSMutableCharacterSet new];
[safeLDIFChars addCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (0x01, 9)];
[safeLDIFChars addCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (0x0b, 2)];
[safeLDIFChars addCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (0x0e, 114)];
safeLDIFStartChars = [safeLDIFChars mutableCopy];
[safeLDIFStartChars removeCharactersInString: @" :<"];
- (BOOL) mustEncodeLDIFValue
int count, max;
BOOL rc;
if (!safeLDIFChars)
[self _initSafeLDIFChars];
rc = NO;
max = [self length];
if (max > 0)
if ([safeLDIFStartChars characterIsMember: [self characterAtIndex: 0]])
for (count = 1; !rc && count < max; count++)
rc = ![safeLDIFChars
characterIsMember: [self characterAtIndex: count]];
rc = YES;
return rc;

View File

@ -30,11 +30,6 @@
int photoID;
+ (id) entryPhotoWithID: (int) photoId
inContainer: (id) container;
- (void) setPhotoID: (int) newPhotoID;
- (NSString *) davContentType;

View File

@ -35,36 +35,9 @@
@implementation SOGoContactEntryPhoto
+ (id) entryPhotoWithID: (int) photoID
inContainer: (id) container
id photo;
= [super objectWithName: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"photo%d", photoID]
inContainer: container];
[photo setPhotoID: photoID];
return photo;
- (void) setPhotoID: (int) newPhotoID
photoID = newPhotoID;
- (NGVCardPhoto *) photo
NGVCardPhoto *photo;
NSArray *photoElements;
photoElements = [[container vCard] childrenWithTag: @"photo"];
if ([photoElements count] > photoID)
photo = [photoElements objectAtIndex: photoID];
photo = nil;
return photo;
return (NGVCardPhoto *) [[container vCard] firstChildWithTag: @"photo"];
- (id) GETAction: (WOContext *) localContext

View File

@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
@interface SOGoContactFolders : SOGoParentFolder
- (NSException *) renameLDAPAddressBook: (NSString *) sourceID
withDisplayName: (NSString *) newDisplayName;
- (NSException *) removeLDAPAddressBook: (NSString *) sourceID;

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#import <Foundation/NSEnumerator.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext+SoObjects.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/NSException+HTTP.h>
#import <DOM/DOMElement.h>
#import <DOM/DOMProtocols.h>
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@
#import "SOGoContactGCSFolder.h"
#import "SOGoContactSourceFolder.h"
#import "SOGoContactFolders.h"
#define XMLNS_INVERSEDAV @"urn:inverse:params:xml:ns:inverse-dav"
@ -60,6 +62,62 @@
return [SOGoContactGCSFolder class];
- (void) _fetchLDAPAddressBooks: (id <SOGoSource>) source
id <SOGoSource> abSource;
SOGoContactSourceFolder *folder;
NSArray *abSources;
NSUInteger count, max;
NSString *name;
abSources = [source addressBookSourcesForUser: owner];
max = [abSources count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
abSource = [abSources objectAtIndex: count];
name = [abSource sourceID];
folder = [SOGoContactSourceFolder folderWithName: name
andDisplayName: [abSource displayName]
inContainer: self];
[folder setSource: abSource];
[folder setIsPersonalSource: YES];
[subFolders setObject: folder forKey: name];
- (NSException *) appendPersonalSources
SOGoUser *currentUser;
NSException *result;
id <SOGoSource> source;
currentUser = [context activeUser];
source = [currentUser authenticationSource];
if ([source hasUserAddressBooks])
result = nil;
/* We don't handle ACLs for user LDAP addressbooks yet, therefore only
the owner has access to his addressbooks. */
if (activeUserIsOwner
|| [[currentUser login] isEqualToString: owner])
[self _fetchLDAPAddressBooks: source];
if (![subFolders objectForKey: @"personal"])
result = [source addAddressBookSource: @"personal"
withDisplayName: [self defaultFolderName]
forUser: owner];
if (!result)
[self _fetchLDAPAddressBooks: source];
result = [super appendPersonalSources];
return result;
- (NSException *) appendSystemSources
SOGoUserManager *um;
@ -101,6 +159,88 @@
return nil;
- (NSException *) newFolderWithName: (NSString *) name
andNameInContainer: (NSString *) newNameInContainer
SOGoUser *currentUser;
NSException *result;
id <SOGoSource> source;
currentUser = [context activeUser];
source = [currentUser authenticationSource];
if ([source hasUserAddressBooks])
result = nil;
/* We don't handle ACLs for user LDAP addressbooks yet, therefore only
the owner has access to his addressbooks. */
if (activeUserIsOwner
|| [[currentUser login] isEqualToString: owner])
result = [source addAddressBookSource: newNameInContainer
withDisplayName: name
forUser: owner];
if (!result)
[self _fetchLDAPAddressBooks: source];
result = [super newFolderWithName: name
andNameInContainer: newNameInContainer];
return result;
- (NSException *) renameLDAPAddressBook: (NSString *) sourceID
withDisplayName: (NSString *) newDisplayName
NSException *result;
SOGoUser *currentUser;
id <SOGoSource> source;
currentUser = [context activeUser];
source = [currentUser authenticationSource];
/* We don't handle ACLs for user LDAP addressbooks yet, therefore only
the owner has access to his addressbooks. */
if (activeUserIsOwner
|| [[currentUser login] isEqualToString: owner])
result = [source renameAddressBookSource: sourceID
withDisplayName: newDisplayName
forUser: owner];
result = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 403
reason: @"operation denied"];
return result;
- (NSException *) removeLDAPAddressBook: (NSString *) sourceID
NSException *result;
SOGoUser *currentUser;
id <SOGoSource> source;
if ([sourceID isEqualToString: @"personal"])
result = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 403
reason: @"folder 'personal' cannot be deleted"];
result = nil;
currentUser = [context activeUser];
source = [currentUser authenticationSource];
/* We don't handle ACLs for user LDAP addressbooks yet, therefore only
the owner has access to his addressbooks. */
if (activeUserIsOwner
|| [[currentUser login] isEqualToString: owner])
result = [source removeAddressBookSource: sourceID
forUser: owner];
result = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 403
reason: @"operation denied"];
return result;
- (NSString *) defaultFolderName

View File

@ -19,11 +19,15 @@
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <NGCards/NGVCard.h>
#import <NGCards/NGVCardPhoto.h>
#import "NGVCard+SOGo.h"
#import "SOGoContactEntryPhoto.h"
#import "SOGoContactGCSEntry.h"
@ -62,6 +66,21 @@
return card;
- (void) setLDIFRecord: (NSDictionary *) newLDIFRecord
[[self vCard] updateFromLDIFRecord: newLDIFRecord];
- (NSDictionary *) ldifRecord
return [[self vCard] asLDIFRecord];
- (BOOL) hasPhoto
return ([[self vCard] firstChildWithTag: @"photo"] != nil);
/* actions */
- (id) lookupName: (NSString *) lookupName
@ -69,16 +88,12 @@
acquire: (BOOL) acquire
id obj;
int photoIndex;
NSArray *photoElements;
if ([lookupName hasPrefix: @"photo"])
if ([lookupName isEqualToString: @"photo"])
photoElements = [[self vCard] childrenWithTag: @"photo"];
photoIndex = [[lookupName substringFromIndex: 5] intValue];
if (photoIndex > -1 && photoIndex < [photoElements count])
obj = [SOGoContactEntryPhoto entryPhotoWithID: photoIndex
inContainer: self];
if ([self hasPhoto])
obj = [SOGoContactEntryPhoto objectWithName: lookupName
inContainer: self];
obj = nil;
@ -127,13 +142,16 @@
/* specialized actions */
- (void) save
- (NSException *) save
NGVCard *vcard;
NSException *result;
vcard = [self vCard];
if (card)
result = [self saveContentString: [card versitString]];
result = nil; /* TODO: we should probably return an exception instead */
[self saveContentString: [vcard versitString]];
return result;
- (NSException *) saveContentString: (NSString *) newContent

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#import <SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSObject+DAV.h>
#import <SOGo/WORequest+SOGo.h>
#import "SOGoContactGCSEntry.h"
#import "SOGoContactGCSList.h"

View File

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
@interface SOGoContactLDIFEntry : SOGoObject <SOGoContactObject>
BOOL isNew;
NSDictionary *ldifEntry;
NGVCard *vcard;
+ (SOGoContactLDIFEntry *) contactEntryWithName: (NSString *) newName
@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
withLDIFEntry: (NSDictionary *) newEntry
inContainer: (id) newContainer;
- (BOOL) isNew;
- (void) setIsNew: (BOOL) newIsNew;
- (NSString *) davEntityTag;

View File

@ -29,9 +29,13 @@
#import <NGCards/CardVersitRenderer.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoBuild.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoSource.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoPermissions.h>
#import "NGVCard+SOGo.h"
#import "SOGoContactGCSEntry.h"
#import "SOGoContactLDIFEntry.h"
#import "SOGoContactSourceFolder.h"
@implementation SOGoContactLDIFEntry
@ -42,8 +46,8 @@
SOGoContactLDIFEntry *entry;
entry = [[self alloc] initWithName: newName
withLDIFEntry: newEntry
inContainer: newContainer];
withLDIFEntry: newEntry
inContainer: newContainer];
[entry autorelease];
return entry;
@ -56,7 +60,7 @@
if ((self = [self initWithName: newName inContainer: newContainer]))
ASSIGN (ldifEntry, newEntry);
vcard = nil;
isNew = NO;
return self;
@ -64,169 +68,34 @@
- (void) dealloc
[vcard release];
[ldifEntry release];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) isNew
return isNew;
- (void) setIsNew: (BOOL) newIsNew
isNew = newIsNew;
- (NSString *) contentAsString
return [[self vCard] versitString];
- (void) _setPhonesOfVCard: (NGVCard *) vCard
NSString *info;
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"telephonenumber"];
if (info)
[vCard addTel: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"work", @"voice", @"pref", nil]];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"homephone"];
if (info)
[vCard addTel: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"home", @"voice", nil]];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"fax"];
if (info)
[vCard addTel: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"work", @"fax", nil]];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"pager"];
if (info)
[vCard addTel: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"pager", nil]];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"mobile"];
if (info)
[vCard addTel: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"cell", @"voice", nil]];
// telephoneNumber: work phone
// homePhone: home phone
// fax: fax phone
// pager: page phone
// mobile: mobile phone
- (NGVCard *) vCard
NSString *info, *surname, *streetAddress, *location, *region, *postalCode, *country, *org, *orgunit;
CardElement *element;
unsigned int count;
NGVCard *vcard;
if (!vcard)
vcard = [[NGVCard alloc] initWithUid: [self nameInContainer]];
[vcard setVClass: @"PUBLIC"];
[vcard setProdID: [NSString
stringWithFormat: @"-//Inverse inc./SOGo %@//EN",
[vcard setProfile: @"VCARD"];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"c_cn"];
if (![info length])
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"displayname"];
if (![info length])
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"cn"];
[vcard setFn: info];
surname = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"sn"];
if (!surname)
surname = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"surname"];
[vcard setNWithFamily: surname
given: [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"givenname"]
additional: nil
prefixes: nil
suffixes: nil];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"title"];
if (info)
[vcard setTitle: info];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"mozillanickname"];
if (info)
[vcard setNickname: info];
/* If "c_info" is defined, we set as the NOTE value in order for
Thunderbird (or any other CardDAV client) to display it. */
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"c_info"];
if (![info length])
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"description"];
if ([info length])
[vcard setNote: info];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"mail"];
if (info)
[vcard addEmail: info
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"internet", @"pref", nil]];
[self _setPhonesOfVCard: vcard];
streetAddress = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"street"];
if (!streetAddress)
streetAddress = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"streetaddress"];
location = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"l"];
if (!location)
location = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"locality"];
region = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"st"];
if (!region)
region = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"region"];
postalCode = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"postalcode"];
if (!postalCode)
postalCode = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"zip"];
country = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"c"];
if (!country)
country = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"countryname"];
element = [CardElement elementWithTag: @"adr"];
[element setValue: 0 ofAttribute: @"type" to: @"work"];
if (streetAddress)
[element setSingleValue: streetAddress atIndex: 2 forKey: @""];
if (location)
[element setSingleValue: location atIndex: 3 forKey: @""];
if (region)
[element setSingleValue: region atIndex: 4 forKey: @""];
if (postalCode)
[element setSingleValue: postalCode atIndex: 5 forKey: @""];
if (country)
[element setSingleValue: country atIndex: 6 forKey: @""];
if (streetAddress || location || region || postalCode || country)
[vcard addChild: element];
// We handle the org/orgunit stuff
element = [CardElement elementWithTag: @"org"];
org = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"o"];
orgunit = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"ou"];
if (!orgunit)
orgunit = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"orgunit"];
if (org)
[element setSingleValue: org atIndex: 0 forKey: @""];
if (orgunit)
[element setSingleValue: orgunit atIndex: 1 forKey: @""];
if (org || orgunit)
[vcard addChild: element];
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey: @"calFBURL"];
if (info)
[vcard addChildWithTag: @"FBURL"
types: nil
singleValue: info];
for (count = 1; count < 5; count++)
info = [ldifEntry objectForKey:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"mozillacustom%d",
if (info)
[vcard addChildWithTag: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"CUSTOM%d",
types: nil
singleValue: info];
vcard = [NGVCard cardWithUid: [self nameInContainer]];
[vcard setProdID: [NSString
stringWithFormat: @"-//Inverse inc./SOGo %@//EN",
[vcard updateFromLDIFRecord: [self ldifRecord]];
return vcard;
@ -236,6 +105,21 @@
return NO;
- (void) setLDIFRecord: (NSDictionary *) newLDIFRecord
ASSIGN (ldifEntry, newLDIFRecord);
- (NSDictionary *) ldifRecord
return ldifEntry;
- (BOOL) hasPhoto
return NO;
- (NSString *) davEntityTag
unsigned int hash;
@ -251,13 +135,47 @@
return @"text/x-vcard";
- (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid
- (NSException *) save
return nil;
return [(SOGoContactSourceFolder *) container saveLDIFEntry: self];
- (void) save
- (NSException *) delete
return [(SOGoContactSourceFolder *) container deleteLDIFEntry: self];
/* acl */
- (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid
NSMutableArray *acls;
NSArray *containerAcls;
acls = [NSMutableArray array];
/* this is unused... */
// ownAcls = [container aclsForUser: uid
// forObjectAtPath: [self pathArrayToSOGoObject]];
// [acls addObjectsFromArray: ownAcls];
containerAcls = [container aclsForUser: uid];
if ([containerAcls count] > 0)
[acls addObjectsFromArray: containerAcls];
/* The creation of an object is actually a "modification" to an
unexisting object. When the object is new, we give the
"ObjectCreator" the "ObjectModifier" role temporarily while we
disallow the "ObjectModifier" users to modify them, unless they are
ObjectCreators too. */
if (isNew)
if ([containerAcls containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectCreator])
[acls addObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEditor];
[acls removeObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEditor];
return acls;
/* DAV */

View File

@ -22,25 +22,20 @@
#ifndef __Contacts_SOGoContactObject_H__
#define __Contacts_SOGoContactObject_H__
Represents a single contact. This SOPE controller object manages all the
attendee storages (that is, it might store into multiple folders for meeting
Note: SOGoContactObject do not need to exist yet. They can also be "new"
appointments with an externally generated unique key.
@class NSDictionary;
@class NSString;
@class NGVCard;
@protocol SOGoContactObject
- (NGVCard *) vCard;
- (void) save;
- (BOOL) hasPhoto;
/* web editing */
- (void) setLDIFRecord: (NSDictionary *) newLDIFRecord;
- (NSDictionary *) ldifRecord;
- (NSException *) save;
- (NSException *) delete;

View File

@ -26,14 +26,16 @@
#import "SOGoContactFolder.h"
#import "SOGoFolder+CardDAV.h"
@class NSMutableDictionary;
#import <SOGo/SOGoSource.h>
#import "../SOGo/SOGoSource.h"
@class NSMutableDictionary;
@class SOGoContactLDIFEntry;
@interface SOGoContactSourceFolder : SOGoFolder <SOGoContactFolder>
id source;
id <SOGoSource> source;
NSMutableDictionary *childRecords;
BOOL isPersonalSource;
+ (id) folderWithName: (NSString *) aName
@ -42,7 +44,13 @@
- (id) initWithName: (NSString *) newName
andDisplayName: (NSString *) newDisplayName
inContainer: (id) newContainer;
- (void) setSource: (id) newSource;
- (void) setSource: (id <SOGoSource>) newSource;
- (NSException *) saveLDIFEntry: (SOGoContactLDIFEntry *) ldifEntry;
- (NSException *) deleteLDIFEntry: (SOGoContactLDIFEntry *) ldifEntry;
- (void) setIsPersonalSource: (BOOL) isPersonal;
- (BOOL) isPersonalSource;

View File

@ -38,11 +38,16 @@
#import <EOControl/EOSortOrdering.h>
#import <SaxObjC/XMLNamespaces.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoPermissions.h>
#import <SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoPermissions.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoSource.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserSettings.h>
#import <SOGo/WORequest+SOGo.h>
#import "SOGoContactFolders.h"
#import "SOGoContactGCSFolder.h"
#import "SOGoContactLDIFEntry.h"
#import "SOGoContactSourceFolder.h"
@ -97,11 +102,26 @@
[super dealloc];
- (void) setSource: (id) newSource
- (void) setSource: (id <SOGoSource>) newSource
ASSIGN (source, newSource);
- (id <SOGoSource>) source
return source;
- (void) setIsPersonalSource: (BOOL) isPersonal
isPersonalSource = isPersonal;
- (BOOL) isPersonalSource
return isPersonalSource;
- (NSString *) groupDavResourceType
return @"vcard-collection";
@ -127,7 +147,10 @@
acquire: (BOOL) acquire
NSDictionary *ldifEntry;
id obj;
SOGoContactLDIFEntry *obj;
NSString *url;
BOOL isNew = NO;
NSArray *baseClasses;
/* first check attributes directly bound to the application */
obj = [super lookupName: objectName inContext: lookupContext acquire: NO];
@ -140,11 +163,28 @@
ldifEntry = [source lookupContactEntry: objectName];
if (ldifEntry)
[childRecords setObject: ldifEntry forKey: objectName];
else if ([self isValidContentName: objectName])
url = [[[lookupContext request] uri] urlWithoutParameters];
if ([url hasSuffix: @"AsContact"])
baseClasses = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"inetorgperson",
@"mozillaabpersonalpha", nil];
ldifEntry = [NSMutableDictionary
dictionaryWithObject: baseClasses
forKey: @"objectclass"];
isNew = YES;
if (ldifEntry)
obj = [SOGoContactLDIFEntry contactEntryWithName: objectName
withLDIFEntry: ldifEntry
inContainer: self];
obj = [SOGoContactLDIFEntry contactEntryWithName: objectName
withLDIFEntry: ldifEntry
inContainer: self];
if (isNew)
[obj setIsNew: YES];
obj = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 404];
@ -157,6 +197,19 @@
return [source allEntryIDs];
- (NSException *) saveLDIFEntry: (SOGoContactLDIFEntry *) ldifEntry
return (([ldifEntry isNew])
? [source addContactEntry: [ldifEntry ldifRecord]
withID: [ldifEntry nameInContainer]]
: [source updateContactEntry: [ldifEntry ldifRecord]]);
- (NSException *) deleteLDIFEntry: (SOGoContactLDIFEntry *) ldifEntry
return [source removeContactEntryWithID: [ldifEntry nameInContainer]];
- (NSDictionary *) _flattenedRecord: (NSDictionary *) oldRecord
NSMutableDictionary *newRecord;
@ -267,7 +320,8 @@
result = nil;
if ([filter length] > 0 && [criteria isEqualToString: @"name_or_address"])
if (([filter length] > 0 && [criteria isEqualToString: @"name_or_address"])
|| ![source listRequiresDot])
records = [source fetchContactsMatching: filter];
[childRecords setObjects: records
@ -308,22 +362,88 @@
- (NSComparisonResult) compare: (id) otherFolder
NSComparisonResult comparison;
BOOL otherIsPersonal;
if ([NSStringFromClass([otherFolder class])
isEqualToString: @"SOGoContactGCSFolder"])
comparison = NSOrderedDescending;
otherIsPersonal = ([otherFolder isKindOfClass: [SOGoContactGCSFolder class]]
|| ([otherFolder isKindOfClass: isa] && [otherFolder isPersonalSource]));
if (isPersonalSource)
if (otherIsPersonal && ![nameInContainer isEqualToString: @"personal"])
if ([[otherFolder nameInContainer] isEqualToString: @"personal"])
comparison = NSOrderedDescending;
= [[self displayName]
localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare: [otherFolder displayName]];
comparison = NSOrderedAscending;
= [[self displayName]
localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare: [otherFolder displayName]];
if (otherIsPersonal)
comparison = NSOrderedDescending;
= [[self displayName]
localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare: [otherFolder displayName]];
return comparison;
/* common methods */
- (NSException *) delete
NSException *error;
if (isPersonalSource)
error = [(SOGoContactFolders *) container
removeLDAPAddressBook: nameInContainer];
if (!error && [[context request] handledByDefaultHandler])
[self sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: @"Removal"];
error = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 501 /* not implemented */
reason: @"delete not available on system sources"];
return error;
- (void) renameTo: (NSString *) newName
NSException *error;
if (isPersonalSource)
if (![[source displayName] isEqualToString: newName])
error = [(SOGoContactFolders *) container
renameLDAPAddressBook: nameInContainer
withDisplayName: newName];
if (!error)
[self setDisplayName: newName];
/* If public source then method is ignored, maybe we should return an
NSException instead... */
/* acls */
- (NSString *) ownerInContext: (WOContext *) noContext
return @"nobody";
NSString *sourceOwner;
if (isPersonalSource)
sourceOwner = [[source modifiers] objectAtIndex: 0];
sourceOwner = @"nobody";
return sourceOwner;
- (NSArray *) subscriptionRoles
@ -331,10 +451,26 @@
return [NSArray arrayWithObject: SoRole_Authenticated];
/* TODO: this might change one day when we support LDAP acls */
- (NSArray *) aclsForUser: (NSString *) uid
return nil;
NSArray *acls, *modifiers;
static NSArray *modifierRoles = nil;
if (!modifierRoles)
modifierRoles = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"Owner",
@"ObjectEditor", @"ObjectCreator",
@"ObjectEraser", nil];
modifiers = [source modifiers];
if ([modifiers containsObject: uid])
acls = [modifierRoles copy];
acls = [NSArray new];
[acls autorelease];
return acls;

View File

@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
newString = [theString lowercaseString];
return ([theString isEqualToString: @"sn"]
|| [theString isEqualToString: @"givenname"]
|| [theString isEqualToString: @"mail"]
|| [theString isEqualToString: @"telephonenumber"]);
return ([newString isEqualToString: @"sn"]
|| [newString isEqualToString: @"givenname"]
|| [newString isEqualToString: @"mail"]
|| [newString isEqualToString: @"telephonenumber"]);
- (NSDictionary *) _parseContactFilter: (id <DOMElement>) filterElement

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ SOGo_HEADER_FILES = \
SOGoUserManager.h \
LDAPSource.h \
LDAPSourceSchema.h \
SQLSource.h \
SOGoUserProfile.h \
SOGoDateFormatter.h \
@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ SOGo_OBJC_FILES = \
SOGoStartupLogger.m \
SOGoUserManager.m \
LDAPSource.m \
LDAPSourceSchema.m \
SQLSource.m \
SOGoUserProfile.m \
SOGoSQLUserProfile.m \

View File

@ -30,10 +30,12 @@
#include "SOGoSource.h"
#include "SOGoConstants.h"
@class NSDictionary;
@class NSString;
@class NGLdapConnection;
@class LDAPSourceSchema;
@class NGLdapEntry;
@class NSException;
@class NSMutableArray;
@class NSMutableDictionary;
@class NSString;
@interface LDAPSource : NSObject <SOGoDNSource>
@ -41,6 +43,8 @@
int queryTimeout;
NSString *sourceID;
NSString *displayName;
NSString *bindDN; // The bindDN/password could be either the source's one
NSString *password; // or the current user if _bindAsCurrentUser is set to YES
NSString *sourceBindDN; // while sourceBindDN/sourceBindPassword always belong to the source
@ -49,20 +53,26 @@
unsigned int port;
NSString *encryption;
NSString *_filter;
BOOL _bindAsCurrentUser;
NSString *_scope;
NSString *baseDN;
LDAPSourceSchema *schema;
NSString *IDField; // the first part of a user DN
NSString *CNField;
NSString *UIDField;
NSArray *mailFields, *searchFields;
NSString *IMAPHostField, *IMAPLoginField;
NSArray *bindFields;
BOOL _bindAsCurrentUser;
BOOL listRequiresDot;
NSString *domain;
NSString *contactInfoAttribute;
NSDictionary *contactMapping;
NSArray *contactObjectClasses;
NSDictionary *modulesConstraints;
NSMutableArray *searchAttributes;
@ -76,6 +86,12 @@
NSString *multipleBookingsField;
NSString *MSExchangeHostname;
/* user addressbooks */
NSString *abOU;
/* ACL */
NSArray *modifiers;
- (void) setBindDN: (NSString *) newBindDN
@ -97,6 +113,11 @@
kindField: (NSString *) newKindField
andMultipleBookingsField: (NSString *) newMultipleBookingsField;
/* This enable the convertion of a contact entry with inetOrgPerson and mozillaAbPerson
to and from an LDAP record */
- (void) setContactMapping: (NSDictionary *) newMapping
andObjectClasses: (NSArray *) newObjectClasses;
- (NGLdapEntry *) lookupGroupEntryByUID: (NSString *) theUID;
- (NGLdapEntry *) lookupGroupEntryByEmail: (NSString *) theEmail;
- (NGLdapEntry *) lookupGroupEntryByAttribute: (NSString *) theAttribute

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
/* LDAPSourceSchema.h - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2011 Inverse inc
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
@class NSMutableDictionary;
@class NGLdapConnection;
@interface LDAPSourceSchema : NSObject
NSMutableDictionary *schema;
- (void) readSchemaFromConnection: (NGLdapConnection *) conn;
- (NSArray *) fieldsForClass: (NSString *) className;
/* merged list of attributes with unique names */
- (NSArray *) fieldsForClasses: (NSArray *) className;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
/* LDAPSourceSchema.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2011 Inverse inc
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <EOControl/EOQualifier.h>
#import <NGLdap/NGLdapConnection.h>
#import <NGLdap/NGLdapAttribute.h>
#import <NGLdap/NGLdapEntry.h>
#import "LDAPSourceSchema.h"
#import "NSDictionary+Utilities.h"
static EOQualifier *allOCQualifier = nil;
@implementation LDAPSourceSchema
+ (void) initialize
allOCQualifier = [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc]
initWithKey: @"objectClass"
operatorSelector: EOQualifierOperatorEqual
value: @"*"];
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
schema = nil;
return self;
- (void) dealloc
[schema release];
[super dealloc];
static NSArray *
schemaTokens (NSString *schema)
unichar *characters;
NSUInteger count, max, parenLevel = 0, firstChar = (NSUInteger) -1;
NSMutableArray *arrayString, *parentArray, *currentArray = nil;
NSArray *topArray = nil;
NSString *token;
arrayString = [NSMutableArray array];
max = [schema length];
characters = malloc ((max + 1) * sizeof (unichar));
characters[max] = 0;
[schema getCharacters: characters];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
switch (characters[count])
case '(':
// NSLog (@"increase");
parentArray = currentArray;
currentArray = [NSMutableArray array];
if (parentArray == nil)
topArray = currentArray;
[parentArray addObject: currentArray];
[arrayString addObject: currentArray];
case ')':
// NSLog (@"decrease");
[arrayString removeLastObject];
currentArray = [arrayString lastObject];
case ' ':
if (firstChar != (NSUInteger) -1)
token = [NSString stringWithCharacters: characters + firstChar
length: (count - firstChar)];
if (![token isEqualToString: @"$"])
[currentArray addObject: token];
// NSLog (@"added token: %@", token);
firstChar = (NSUInteger) -1;
if (currentArray && (firstChar == (NSUInteger) -1))
firstChar = count;
free (characters);
return topArray;
static inline id
schemaValue (NSArray *tokens, NSString *key)
NSUInteger idx;
id value;
idx = [tokens indexOfObject: key];
if (idx != NSNotFound)
value = [tokens objectAtIndex: (idx + 1)];
value = nil;
return value;
static NSMutableDictionary *
parseSchema (NSString *schema)
NSArray *tokens;
NSMutableDictionary *schemaDict;
NSMutableArray *fields;
id value;
schemaDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 6];
tokens = schemaTokens (schema);
// [schemaDict setObject: [tokens objectAtIndex: 0]
// forKey: @"oid"];
value = schemaValue (tokens, @"NAME");
if (value)
/* sometimes, objectClasses can have two names */
if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
value = [NSArray arrayWithObject: value];
[schemaDict setObject: value forKey: @"names"];
value = schemaValue (tokens, @"SUP");
if (value)
[schemaDict setObject: value forKey: @"sup"];
fields = [NSMutableArray new];
[schemaDict setObject: fields forKey: @"fields"];
[fields release];
value = schemaValue (tokens, @"MUST");
if (value)
if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
[fields addObjectsFromArray: value];
[fields addObject: value];
value = schemaValue (tokens, @"MAY");
if (value)
if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
[fields addObjectsFromArray: value];
[fields addObject: value];
return schemaDict;
static void
fillSchemaFromEntry (NSMutableDictionary *schema, NGLdapEntry *entry)
NSEnumerator *strings;
NGLdapAttribute *attr;
NSMutableDictionary *schemaDict;
NSArray *names;
NSString *string, *name;
NSUInteger count, max;
attr = [entry attributeWithName: @"objectclasses"];
strings = [attr stringValueEnumerator];
while ((string = [strings nextObject]))
schemaDict = parseSchema (string);
names = [schemaDict objectForKey: @"names"];
max = [names count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
name = [[names objectAtIndex: count] lowercaseString];
if ([name hasPrefix: @"'"] && [name hasSuffix: @"'"])
= [name substringWithRange: NSMakeRange (1, [name length] - 2)];
[schema setObject: schemaDict forKey: name];
/* the list of names is no longer required from the schema itself */
[schemaDict removeObjectForKey: @"names"];
- (void) readSchemaFromConnection: (NGLdapConnection *) conn
NSEnumerator *entries;
NGLdapEntry *entry;
NSString *dn;
ASSIGN (schema, [NSMutableDictionary new]);
[schema release];
entries = [conn baseSearchAtBaseDN: @""
qualifier: allOCQualifier
attributes: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"subschemaSubentry"]];
entry = [entries nextObject];
if (entry)
dn = [[entry attributeWithName: @"subschemaSubentry"]
stringValueAtIndex: 0];
if (dn)
entries = [conn baseSearchAtBaseDN: dn
qualifier: allOCQualifier
attributes: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"objectclasses"]];
entry = [entries nextObject];
if (entry)
fillSchemaFromEntry (schema, entry);
static void
fillFieldsForClass (NSMutableDictionary *schema, NSString *schemaName,
NSMutableArray *fields)
NSDictionary *schemaDict;
NSString *sup;
NSArray *schemaFields;
schemaDict = [schema objectForKey: [schemaName lowercaseString]];
if (schemaDict)
schemaFields = [schemaDict objectForKey: @"fields"];
if ([schemaFields count] > 0)
[fields addObjectsFromArray: schemaFields];
sup = [schemaDict objectForKey: @"sup"];
if ([sup length] > 0)
fillFieldsForClass (schema, sup, fields);
- (NSArray *) fieldsForClass: (NSString *) className
NSMutableArray *fields;
fields = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 128];
fillFieldsForClass (schema, className, fields);
return fields;
- (NSArray *) fieldsForClasses: (NSArray *) classNames
NSMutableDictionary *fieldHash;
NSNumber *yesValue;
NSString *name;
NSUInteger count, max;
yesValue = [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES];
fieldHash = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
max = [classNames count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
name = [classNames objectAtIndex: count];
[fieldHash setObject: yesValue forKeys: [self fieldsForClass: name]];
return [fieldHash allKeys];

View File

@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
- (NSString *) jsonRepresentation;
- (NSString *) keysWithFormat: (NSString *) keyFormat;
// LDIF methods
- (NSString *) userRecordAsLDIFEntry;
- (NSComparisonResult) caseInsensitiveDisplayNameCompare: (NSDictionary *) theDictionary;

View File

@ -26,12 +26,8 @@
#import <Foundation/NSException.h>
#import <Foundation/NSNull.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSCharacterSet.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NGBase64Coding.h>
#import "NSArray+Utilities.h"
#import "NSObject+Utilities.h"
#import "NSString+Utilities.h"
#import "NSDictionary+Utilities.h"
@ -109,84 +105,6 @@
return [[self objectForKey: @"cn"] caseInsensitiveCompare: [theDictionary objectForKey: @"cn"]];
// LDIF Methods
#warning We might want to support more than just strings here
- (void) _appendLDIFKey: (NSString *) key
value: (NSString *) value
toString: (NSMutableString *) ldifString
if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSString class]])
if ([value _isLDIFSafe])
[ldifString appendFormat: @"%@: %@\n", key, value];
[ldifString appendFormat: @"%@:: %@\n",
key, [value stringByEncodingBase64]];
- (void) _appendLDIFKey: (NSString *) key
toString: (NSMutableString *) ldifString
id value;
int count, max;
value = [self objectForKey: key];
if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
max = [value count];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
[self _appendLDIFKey: key value: [value objectAtIndex: count]
toString: ldifString];
[self _appendLDIFKey: key value: [self objectForKey: key]
toString: ldifString];
- (void) _appendObjectClassesToString: (NSMutableString *) ldifString
NSEnumerator *classes;
NSString *currentClass;
classes = [[self objectForKey: @"objectClasses"] objectEnumerator];
while ((currentClass = [classes nextObject]))
[self _appendLDIFKey: @"objectClass" value: currentClass
toString: ldifString];
- (NSString *) userRecordAsLDIFEntry
NSMutableString *ldifString;
NSEnumerator *keys;
NSString *currentKey;
// {CalendarAccess = YES; MailAccess = YES; c_cn = "Wolfgang Sourdeau"; c_emails = (""); c_name = ""; c_uid = ""; cn = ""; displayName = "Wolfgang Sourdeau"; dn = ",ou=evariste,"; givenName = Wolfgang; mail = ""; objectClass = organizationalPerson; sn = Sourdeau; }
ldifString = [NSMutableString string];
[self _appendLDIFKey: @"dn" toString: ldifString];
[self _appendObjectClassesToString: ldifString];
keys = [[self allKeys] objectEnumerator];
while ((currentKey = [keys nextObject]))
if (!([currentKey isEqualToString: @"CalendarAccess"]
|| [currentKey isEqualToString: @"MailAccess"]
|| [currentKey isEqualToString: @"ContactAccess"]
|| [currentKey hasPrefix: @"objectClass"]
|| [currentKey hasPrefix: @"c_"]
|| [currentKey isEqualToString: @"dn"]
|| [currentKey isEqualToString: @"isGroup"]
|| [currentKey isEqualToString: @"isResource"]
|| [currentKey isEqualToString: @"numberOfSimultaneousBookings"]
|| [currentKey isEqualToString: @"canAuthenticate"]))
[self _appendLDIFKey: currentKey toString: ldifString];
return ldifString;
@implementation NSMutableDictionary (SOGoDictionaryUtilities)

View File

@ -62,8 +62,6 @@
- (int) timeValue;
- (BOOL) _isLDIFSafe;
- (BOOL) isJSONString;
- (id) objectFromJSONString;

View File

@ -486,44 +486,6 @@ static int cssEscapingCount;
return time;
static NSMutableCharacterSet *safeLDIFChars = nil;
static NSMutableCharacterSet *safeLDIFStartChars = nil;
- (void) _initSafeLDIFChars
safeLDIFChars = [NSMutableCharacterSet new];
[safeLDIFChars addCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (0x01, 9)];
[safeLDIFChars addCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (0x0b, 2)];
[safeLDIFChars addCharactersInRange: NSMakeRange (0x0e, 114)];
safeLDIFStartChars = [safeLDIFChars mutableCopy];
[safeLDIFStartChars removeCharactersInString: @" :<"];
- (BOOL) _isLDIFSafe
int count, max;
BOOL rc;
if (!safeLDIFChars)
[self _initSafeLDIFChars];
rc = YES;
max = [self length];
if (max > 0)
if ([safeLDIFStartChars characterIsMember: [self characterAtIndex: 0]])
for (count = 1; rc && count < max; count++)
rc = [safeLDIFChars
characterIsMember: [self characterAtIndex: count]];
rc = NO;
return rc;
- (BOOL) isJSONString
NSDictionary *jsonData;

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
#import "SOGoObject.h"
@class NSString;
@interface SOGoFolder : SOGoObject
NSMutableString *displayName;
@ -55,6 +57,9 @@
/* outlook */
- (NSString *) outlookFolderClass;
/* email advisories */
- (void) sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: (NSString *) template;
@interface SOGoFolder (GroupDAVExtensions)

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#import <Foundation/NSURL.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOApplication.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WORequest.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/SoWebDAVValue.h>
@ -37,12 +38,16 @@
#import <SaxObjC/XMLNamespaces.h>
#import <SOGoUI/SOGoFolderAdvisory.h>
#import "DOMNode+SOGo.h"
#import "NSArray+Utilities.h"
#import "NSObject+DAV.h"
#import "NSString+DAV.h"
#import "NSString+Utilities.h"
#import "SOGoPermissions.h"
#import "SOGoUser.h"
#import "SOGoDomainDefaults.h"
#import "SOGoWebDAVAclManager.h"
#import "WORequest+SOGo.h"
#import "WOResponse+SOGo.h"
@ -248,6 +253,30 @@
return comparison;
/* email advisories */
- (void) sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: (NSString *) template
NSString *pageName;
SOGoUser *user;
SOGoFolderAdvisory *page;
NSString *language;
user = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: [self ownerInContext: context]];
if ([[user domainDefaults] foldersSendEMailNotifications])
language = [[user userDefaults] language];
pageName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SOGoFolder%@%@Advisory",
language, template];
page = [[WOApplication application] pageWithName: pageName
inContext: context];
[page setFolderObject: self];
[page setRecipientUID: [user login]];
[page send];
/* WebDAV */
- (NSString *) davEntityTag

View File

@ -118,9 +118,6 @@
- (void) removeAclsForUsers: (NSArray *) users
forObjectAtPath: (NSArray *) objectPathArray;
/* advisories */
- (void) sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: (NSString *) template;
/* DAV */
- (NSURL *) publicDavURL;
- (NSURL *) realDavURL;

View File

@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
#import <GDLContentStore/GCSFolder.h>
#import <GDLContentStore/NSURL+GCS.h>
#import <SaxObjC/XMLNamespaces.h>
#import <SOGoUI/SOGoFolderAdvisory.h>
#import "NSDictionary+Utilities.h"
#import "NSArray+Utilities.h"
@ -500,28 +499,6 @@ static NSArray *childRecordFields = nil;
return folder;
- (void) sendFolderAdvisoryTemplate: (NSString *) template
NSString *pageName;
SOGoUser *user;
SOGoFolderAdvisory *page;
NSString *language;
user = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: [self ownerInContext: context]];
if ([[user domainDefaults] foldersSendEMailNotifications])
language = [[user userDefaults] language];
pageName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SOGoFolder%@%@Advisory",
language, template];
page = [[WOApplication application] pageWithName: pageName
inContext: context];
[page setFolderObject: self];
[page setRecipientUID: [user login]];
[page send];
- (BOOL) create
NSException *result;

View File

@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
- (NSString *) defaultFolderName;
- (NSException *) appendPersonalSources;
- (void) setBaseOCSPath: (NSString *) newOCSPath;
- (NSArray *) toManyRelationshipKeys;

View File

@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ static SoSecurityManager *sm = nil;
SOGoGCSFolder *folder;
NSString *key;
NSException *error;
SOGoUser *currentUser;
if (!subFolderClass)
subFolderClass = [[self class] subFolderClass];
@ -191,8 +190,6 @@ static SoSecurityManager *sm = nil;
error = [fc evaluateExpressionX: sql];
if (!error)
currentUser = [context activeUser];
attrs = [fc describeResults: NO];
while ((row = [fc fetchAttributes: attrs withZone: NULL]))

View File

@ -28,9 +28,10 @@
#import "SOGoConstants.h"
@class NSDictionary;
@class NSException;
@class NSString;
@protocol SOGoSource
@protocol SOGoSource <NSObject>
+ (id) sourceFromUDSource: (NSDictionary *) udSource
inDomain: (NSString *) domain;
@ -40,6 +41,10 @@
- (NSString *) domain;
/* requires a "." to obtain the full list of contacts */
- (void) setListRequiresDot: (BOOL) aBool;
- (BOOL) listRequiresDot;
- (BOOL) checkLogin: (NSString *) _login
password: (NSString *) _pwd
perr: (SOGoPasswordPolicyError *) _perr
@ -56,8 +61,36 @@
- (NSArray *) allEntryIDs;
- (NSArray *) fetchContactsMatching: (NSString *) filter;
- (void) setSourceID: (NSString *) newSourceID;
- (NSString *) sourceID;
- (void) setDisplayName: (NSString *) newDisplayName;
- (NSString *) displayName;
- (void) setModifiers: (NSArray *) newModifiers;
- (NSArray *) modifiers;
- (BOOL) hasUserAddressBooks;
- (NSArray *) addressBookSourcesForUser: (NSString *) user;
- (NSException *) addContactEntry: (NSDictionary *) roLdifRecord
withID: (NSString *) aId;
- (NSException *) updateContactEntry: (NSDictionary *) ldifRecord;
- (NSException *) removeContactEntryWithID: (NSString *) aId;
/* user address books */
- (NSArray *) addressBookSourcesForUser: (NSString *) user;
- (NSException *) addAddressBookSource: (NSString *) newId
withDisplayName: (NSString *) newDisplayName
forUser: (NSString *) user;
- (NSException *) renameAddressBookSource: (NSString *) newId
withDisplayName: (NSString *) newDisplayName
forUser: (NSString *) user;
- (NSException *) removeAddressBookSource: (NSString *) newId
forUser: (NSString *) user;
@protocol SOGoDNSource <SOGoSource>

View File

@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
@class SOGoUserProfile;
@class SOGoUserSettings;
@protocol SOGoSource;
@interface SOGoUser : SoUser
SOGoUserDefaults *_defaults;
@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
/* properties */
- (NSString *) domain;
- (id <SOGoSource>) authenticationSource;
- (NSArray *) allEmails;
- (BOOL) hasEmail: (NSString *) email;

View File

@ -287,6 +287,17 @@
return [self _fetchFieldForUser: @"c_domain"];
- (id <SOGoSource>) authenticationSource
NSString *sourceID;
SOGoUserManager *um;
sourceID = [self _fetchFieldForUser: @"SOGoSource"];
um = [SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager];
return [um sourceWithID: sourceID];
- (NSArray *) allEmails
if (!allEmails)

View File

@ -586,7 +586,7 @@
NSMutableArray *emails;
NSDictionary *userEntry;
NSEnumerator *sogoSources;
NSObject <SOGoDNSource> *currentSource;
NSObject <SOGoSource> *currentSource;
NSString *sourceID, *cn, *c_domain, *c_uid, *c_imaphostname, *c_imaplogin;
NSArray *c_emails;
BOOL access;
@ -605,12 +605,14 @@
sogoSources = [[self authenticationSourceIDsInDomain: domain]
while ((sourceID = [sogoSources nextObject]))
userEntry = nil;
while (!userEntry && (sourceID = [sogoSources nextObject]))
currentSource = [_sources objectForKey: sourceID];
userEntry = [currentSource lookupContactEntryWithUIDorEmail: uid];
if (userEntry)
[currentUser setObject: sourceID forKey: @"SOGoSource"];
if (!cn)
cn = [userEntry objectForKey: @"c_cn"];
if (!c_uid)

View File

@ -22,8 +22,9 @@
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSException.h>
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <Foundation/NSURL.h>
@ -379,6 +380,7 @@
NSMutableDictionary *response;
NSMutableArray *qualifiers;
NSArray *fieldNames;
EOAdaptorChannel *channel;
EOQualifier *loginQualifier, *qualifier;
GCSChannelManager *cm;
@ -463,6 +465,16 @@
[response autorelease];
[channel cancelFetch];
/* Convert all c_ fields to obtain their ldif equivalent */
fieldNames = [response allKeys];
for (i = 0; i < [fieldNames count]; i++)
field = [fieldNames objectAtIndex: i];
if ([field hasPrefix: @"c_"])
[response setObject: [response objectForKey: field]
forKey: [field substringFromIndex: 2]];
// We have to do this here since we do not manage modules
// constraints right now over a SQL backend.
[response setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES] forKey: @"CalendarAccess"];
@ -560,6 +572,8 @@
forKey: @"numberOfSimultaneousBookings"];
[response setObject: self forKey: @"source"];
[self errorWithFormat: @"could not run SQL '%@': %@", sql, ex];
@ -666,7 +680,12 @@
attrs = [channel describeResults: NO];
while ((row = [channel fetchAttributes: attrs withZone: NULL]))
[results addObject: row];
row = [row mutableCopy];
[(NSMutableDictionary *) row setObject: self forKey: @"source"];
[results addObject: row];
[row release];
[self errorWithFormat: @"could not run SQL '%@': %@", sql, ex];
@ -679,9 +698,142 @@
return results;
- (void) setSourceID: (NSString *) newSourceID
- (NSString *) sourceID
return _sourceID;
- (void) setDisplayName: (NSString *) newDisplayName
- (NSString *) displayName
/* This method is only used when supporting user "source" addressbooks,
which is only supported by the LDAP backend for now. */
return _sourceID;
- (void) setListRequiresDot: (BOOL) newListRequiresDot
- (BOOL) listRequiresDot
/* This method is not implemented for SQLSource. It must enable a mechanism
where using "." is not required to list the content of addressbooks. */
return YES;
/* card editing */
- (void) setModifiers: (NSArray *) newModifiers
- (NSArray *) modifiers
/* This method is only used when supporting card editing,
which is only supported by the LDAP backend for now. */
return nil;
- (NSException *) addContactEntry: (NSDictionary *) roLdifRecord
withID: (NSString *) aId
NSString *reason;
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"method '%@' is not available"
@" for class '%@'", NSStringFromSelector (_cmd),
NSStringFromClass (isa)];
return [NSException exceptionWithName: @"SQLSourceIOException"
reason: reason
userInfo: nil];
- (NSException *) updateContactEntry: (NSDictionary *) roLdifRecord
NSString *reason;
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"method '%@' is not available"
@" for class '%@'", NSStringFromSelector (_cmd),
NSStringFromClass (isa)];
return [NSException exceptionWithName: @"SQLSourceIOException"
reason: reason
userInfo: nil];
- (NSException *) removeContactEntryWithID: (NSString *) aId
NSString *reason;
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"method '%@' is not available"
@" for class '%@'", NSStringFromSelector (_cmd),
NSStringFromClass (isa)];
return [NSException exceptionWithName: @"SQLSourceIOException"
reason: reason
userInfo: nil];
/* user addressbooks */
- (BOOL) hasUserAddressBooks
return NO;
- (NSArray *) addressBookSourcesForUser: (NSString *) user
return nil;
- (NSException *) addAddressBookSource: (NSString *) newId
withDisplayName: (NSString *) newDisplayName
forUser: (NSString *) user
NSString *reason;
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"method '%@' is not available"
@" for class '%@'", NSStringFromSelector (_cmd),
NSStringFromClass (isa)];
return [NSException exceptionWithName: @"SQLSourceIOException"
reason: reason
userInfo: nil];
- (NSException *) renameAddressBookSource: (NSString *) newId
withDisplayName: (NSString *) newDisplayName
forUser: (NSString *) user
NSString *reason;
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"method '%@' is not available"
@" for class '%@'", NSStringFromSelector (_cmd),
NSStringFromClass (isa)];
return [NSException exceptionWithName: @"SQLSourceIOException"
reason: reason
userInfo: nil];
- (NSException *) removeAddressBookSource: (NSString *) newId
forUser: (NSString *) user
NSString *reason;
reason = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"method '%@' is not available"
@" for class '%@'", NSStringFromSelector (_cmd),
NSStringFromClass (isa)];
return [NSException exceptionWithName: @"SQLSourceIOException"
reason: reason
userInfo: nil];

View File

@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ ADDITIONAL_LIB_DIRS += \
-L../../SOPE/GDLContentStore/$(GNUSTEP_OBJ_DIR)/ -lGDLContentStore \
-L../../SOPE/NGCards/$(GNUSTEP_OBJ_DIR)/ -lNGCards \
-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib -lEOControl -lNGStreams -lNGMime -lNGExtensions
ADDITIONAL_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--no-as-needed

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(you need "python-simplejson", "python-xml", "python-vobject" and "python-m2crypto"
(you need "python-simplejson", "python-xml", "python-vobject", "python-dateutil" and "python-m2crypto"
in order to run the scripts on Debian)
1) copy to (make sure to never EVER add it to monotone)

View File

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ from config import hostname, port, username, password, \
resource_no_overbook, resource_can_overbook
import datetime
import sogotests
import sys
import time
import pytz
import unittest
import utilities
import vobject
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class CalDAVITIPDelegationTest(unittest.TestCase):
vevent.add('summary').value = summary
vevent.add('transp').value = transparency[transp]
now ="America/Montreal"))
now ="America/Montreal"))
startdate = vevent.add('dtstart')
startdate.value = now
enddate = vevent.add('dtend')

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import sys
xmlns_dav = "DAV:"
xmlns_caldav = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"
xmlns_carddav = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav"
xmlns_inversedav = "urn:inverse:params:xml:ns:inverse-dav"
url_re = None
@ -401,6 +402,25 @@ class CalDAVCalendarQuery(WebDAVREPORT):
class CardDAVAddressBookQuery(WebDAVREPORT):
def __init__(self, url, properties, searchProperty = None, searchValue = None):
WebDAVQuery.__init__(self, url)
query_tag = self.ns_mgr.register("addressbook-query", xmlns_carddav)
ns_key = self.ns_mgr.xmlns[xmlns_carddav]
self.top_node = _WD_XMLTreeElement(query_tag)
if properties is not None and len(properties) > 0:
if searchProperty is not None:
filter_node = _WD_XMLTreeElement("%s:filter" % ns_key)
propfilter_node = _WD_XMLTreeElement("%s:prop-filter" % ns_key, { "name": searchProperty })
match_node = _WD_XMLTreeElement("%s:text-match" % ns_key,
{ "collation": "i;unicasemap", "match-type": "starts-with" })
match_node.appendSubtree(None, searchValue)
class MailDAVMailQuery(WebDAVREPORT):
def __init__(self, url, properties, filters = None,
sort = None, ascending = True):

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ include ../config.make
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make
include ../Version
SOGO_TOOL = sogo-tool
@ -18,7 +19,9 @@ $(SOGO_TOOL)_OBJC_FILES += \
SOGoToolRenameUser.m \
SOGoToolUserPreferences.m \
SOGO_SLAPD_SOCKD = sogo-slapd-sockd
@ -26,16 +29,18 @@ $(SOGO_SLAPD_SOCKD)_OBJC_FILES += \
SOGoSockD.m \
SOGoSockDScanner.m \
SOGoSockDOperation.m \
SOGO_EALARMS_NOTIFY = sogo-ealarms-notify
sogo-ealarms-notify.m \
-include GNUmakefile.preamble
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#import <NGStreams/NGActiveSocket.h>
#import <Contacts/SOGoContactFolder.h>
#import <Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.h>
#import <Contacts/NSString+LDIF.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoProductLoader.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserFolder.h>
#import <SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.h>
@ -120,13 +121,13 @@ Class SOGoContactSourceFolderKlass = Nil;
value = [entry objectForKey: key];
if ([value isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] && [value length] > 0)
if ([value _isLDIFSafe])
[result appendFormat: @"%@: %@\n",
[key substringFromIndex: 2], value];
if ([value mustEncodeLDIFValue])
[result appendFormat: @"%@:: %@\n",
[key substringFromIndex: 2],
[value stringByEncodingBase64]];
[result appendFormat: @"%@: %@\n",
[key substringFromIndex: 2], value];
[result appendString: @"\n"];

View File

@ -37,11 +37,12 @@
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserManager.h>
#import <SOGo/LDAPSource.h>
#import <SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoProductLoader.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserDefaults.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserProfile.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserSettings.h>
#import <Contacts/NSDictionary+LDIF.h>
#import "SOGoTool.h"
@ -61,6 +62,12 @@
@implementation SOGoToolBackup
+ (void) initialize
[[SOGoProductLoader productLoader]
loadProducts: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"Contacts.SOGo"]];
+ (NSString *) command
return @"backup";
@ -376,7 +383,7 @@
userEntry = [currentSource lookupContactEntry: uid];
if (userEntry)
[userRecord setObject: [userEntry userRecordAsLDIFEntry]
[userRecord setObject: [userEntry ldifRecordAsString]
forKey: @"ldif_record"];
done = YES;

View File

@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
categories = [[self categories] mutableCopy];
[categories autorelease];
if (!categories)
categories = [NSMutableArray array];
if (set)
if (![categories containsObject: category])

View File

@ -27,22 +27,18 @@
@class NSString;
@class NSMutableDictionary;
@class NGVCard;
@class SOGoContactFolder;
@interface UIxContactEditor : UIxComponent
id addressBookItem;
NSString *preferredEmail;
NSString *item;
NGVCard *card;
NSMutableArray *photosURL;
NSMutableDictionary *snapshot; /* contains the values for editing */
NSMutableDictionary *ldifRecord; /* contains the values for editing */
SOGoContactFolder *componentAddressBook;
NSArray *contactCategories;
- (NSMutableDictionary *) ldifRecord;
- (void) setAddressBookItem: (id) _item;
- (id) addressBookItem;

View File

@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
#import <NGCards/NGVCard.h>
#import <NGCards/NGVCardPhoto.h>
#import <NGCards/NSArray+NGCards.h>
#import <SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
@ -50,20 +48,23 @@
#import "UIxContactEditor.h"
static Class SOGoContactGCSEntryK = Nil;
@implementation UIxContactEditor
+ (void) initialize
SOGoContactGCSEntryK = [SOGoContactGCSEntry class];
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
snapshot = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 16];
preferredEmail = nil;
photosURL = nil;
ldifRecord = nil;
addressBookItem = nil;
item = nil;
card = nil;
componentAddressBook = nil;
contactCategories = nil;
return self;
@ -71,18 +72,35 @@
- (void) dealloc
[snapshot release];
[preferredEmail release];
[photosURL release];
[ldifRecord release];
[addressBookItem release];
[item release];
[componentAddressBook release];
[contactCategories release];
[super dealloc];
/* accessors */
- (NSMutableDictionary *) ldifRecord
NSDictionary *clientLDIFRecord;
NSString *queryValue;
if (!ldifRecord)
clientLDIFRecord = [[self clientObject] ldifRecord];
ldifRecord = [clientLDIFRecord mutableCopy];
queryValue = [self queryParameterForKey: @"contactEmail"];
if ([queryValue length] > 0)
[ldifRecord setObject: queryValue forKey: @"mail"];
queryValue = [self queryParameterForKey: @"contactFN"];
if ([queryValue length] > 0)
[ldifRecord setObject: queryValue forKey: @"displayname"];
return ldifRecord;
- (void) setAddressBookItem: (id) _item
ASSIGN (addressBookItem, _item);
@ -130,27 +148,6 @@
/* load/store content format */
// - (void) _fixupSnapshot
// {
// NSString *currentKey, *currentString;
// NSMutableString *newString;
// NSArray *keys;
// unsigned int count, max;
// keys = [snapshot allKeys];
// max = [keys count];
// for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
// {
// currentKey = [keys objectAtIndex: count];
// currentString = [snapshot objectForKey: currentKey];
// newString = [currentString mutableCopy];
// [newString autorelease];
// [newString replaceString: @";" withString: @"\\;"];
// if (![newString isEqualToString: currentString])
// [snapshot setObject: newString forKey: currentKey];
// }
// }
/* helper */
- (NSString *) _completeURIForMethod: (NSString *) _method
@ -179,12 +176,7 @@
- (BOOL) isNew
id co;
co = [self clientObject];
return ([co isKindOfClass: [SOGoContentObject class]]
&& [co isNew]);
return ([[self clientObject] isNew]);
- (NSArray *) addressBooksList
@ -205,14 +197,13 @@
while (currentFolder)
if ([currentFolder isEqual: folder] ||
([currentFolder isKindOfClass: [SOGoContactGCSFolder class]] &&
![sm validatePermission: SoPerm_AddDocumentsImagesAndFiles
onObject: currentFolder
inContext: context]))
![sm validatePermission: SoPerm_AddDocumentsImagesAndFiles
onObject: currentFolder
inContext: context])
[addressBooksList addObject: currentFolder];
currentFolder = [folders nextObject];
return addressBooksList;
@ -245,26 +236,30 @@
return fDisplayName;
- (void) setContactCategories: (NSString *) jsonCategories
- (BOOL) supportCategories
return [[self clientObject] isKindOfClass: SOGoContactGCSEntryK];
- (void) setJsonContactCategories: (NSString *) jsonCategories
NSArray *newCategories;
newCategories = [jsonCategories objectFromJSONString];
if ([newCategories isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]])
ASSIGN (contactCategories, newCategories);
[[self ldifRecord] setObject: newCategories
forKey: @"vcardcategories"];
[[self ldifRecord] removeObjectForKey: @"vcardcategories"];
- (NSString *) contactCategories
- (NSString *) jsonContactCategories
NSString *jsonCats;
NSArray *categories;
if (!contactCategories)
ASSIGN (contactCategories, [card categories]);
jsonCats = [contactCategories jsonRepresentation];
if (!jsonCats)
jsonCats = @"[]";
categories = [[self ldifRecord] objectForKey: @"vcardcategories"];
return jsonCats;
return [categories jsonRepresentation];
- (NSArray *) _languageContactsCategories
@ -279,11 +274,11 @@
return [categoryLabels trimmedComponents];
- (NSArray *) _fetchAndCombineCategoriesList: (NSArray *) contactCats
- (NSArray *) _fetchAndCombineCategoriesList
NSString *ownerLogin;
SOGoUserDefaults *ud;
NSArray *cats, *newCats;
NSArray *cats, *newCats, *contactCategories;
ownerLogin = [[self clientObject] ownerInContext: context];
ud = [[SOGoUser userWithLogin: ownerLogin] userDefaults];
@ -291,9 +286,10 @@
if (!cats)
cats = [self _languageContactsCategories];
if (contactCats)
contactCategories = [[self ldifRecord] objectForKey: @"vcardcategories"];
if (contactCategories)
newCats = [cats mergedArrayWithArray: contactCats];
newCats = [cats mergedArrayWithArray: contactCategories];
if ([newCats count] != [cats count])
cats = [newCats sortedArrayUsingSelector:
@ -311,7 +307,7 @@
NSArray *cats;
NSString *list;
cats = [self _fetchAndCombineCategoriesList: [card categories]];
cats = [self _fetchAndCombineCategoriesList];
list = [cats jsonRepresentation];
if (!list)
list = @"[]";
@ -328,311 +324,7 @@
actionName = [[request requestHandlerPath] lastPathComponent];
return ([[self clientObject] isKindOfClass: [SOGoContactGCSEntry class]]
&& [actionName hasPrefix: @"save"]);
- (void) _setSnapshotValue: (NSString *) key
to: (NSString *) aValue
if (!aValue)
aValue = @"";
[snapshot setObject: aValue forKey: key];
- (NSMutableDictionary *) snapshot
return snapshot;
- (NSString *) _simpleValueForType: (NSString *) aType
inArray: (NSArray *) anArray
excluding: (NSString *) aTypeToExclude
NSArray *elements;
NSString *value;
elements = [anArray cardElementsWithAttribute: @"type"
havingValue: aType];
value = nil;
if ([elements count] > 0)
CardElement *ce;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [elements count]; i++)
ce = [elements objectAtIndex: i];
value = [ce flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
if (!aTypeToExclude)
if (![ce hasAttribute: @"type" havingValue: aTypeToExclude])
value = nil;
return value;
- (void) _setupEmailFields
NSArray *elements;
NSString *workMail, *homeMail, *prefMail, *potential;
unsigned int max;
elements = [card childrenWithTag: @"email"];
max = [elements count];
workMail = [self _simpleValueForType: @"work"
inArray: elements excluding: nil];
homeMail = [self _simpleValueForType: @"home"
inArray: elements excluding: nil];
prefMail = [self _simpleValueForType: @"pref"
inArray: elements excluding: nil];
if (max > 0)
potential = [[elements objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
if (!workMail)
if (homeMail && homeMail == potential)
if (max > 1)
workMail = [[elements objectAtIndex: 1] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
workMail = potential;
if (!homeMail && max > 1)
if (workMail && workMail == potential)
homeMail = [[elements objectAtIndex: 1] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
homeMail = potential;
if (prefMail)
if (prefMail == workMail)
preferredEmail = @"work";
else if (prefMail == homeMail)
preferredEmail = @"home";
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"workMail" to: workMail];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homeMail" to: homeMail];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"mozillaUseHtmlMail"
to: [[card uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-mozilla-html"] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]];
- (void) _setupOrgFields
NSMutableArray *orgServices;
CardElement *org;
NSString *service;
NSUInteger count, max;
org = [card org];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"workCompany"
to: [org flattenedValueAtIndex: 0 forKey: @""]];
max = [[org valuesForKey: @""] count];
if (max > 1)
orgServices = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 1; count < max; count++)
service = [org flattenedValueAtIndex: count forKey: @""];
if ([service length] > 0)
[orgServices addObject: service];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"workService"
to: [orgServices componentsJoinedByString: @", "]];
- (NSString *) preferredEmail
return preferredEmail;
- (void) setPreferredEmail: (NSString *) aString
preferredEmail = aString;
- (void) _retrieveQueryParameter: (NSString *) queryKey
intoSnapshotValue: (NSString *) snapshotKey
NSString *queryValue;
queryValue = [self queryParameterForKey: queryKey];
if (queryValue && [queryValue length] > 0)
[self _setSnapshotValue: snapshotKey to: queryValue];
- (void) initSnapshot
NSArray *elements;
CardElement *element;
element = [card n];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"sn"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 0 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"givenName"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"fn" to: [card fn]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"nickname" to: [card nickname]];
elements = [card childrenWithTag: @"tel"];
// We do this (exclude FAX) in order to avoid setting the WORK number as the FAX
// one if we do see the FAX field BEFORE the WORK number.
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"telephoneNumber"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"work" inArray: elements excluding: @"fax"]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homeTelephoneNumber"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"home" inArray: elements excluding: @"fax"]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"mobile"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"cell" inArray: elements excluding: nil]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"facsimileTelephoneNumber"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"fax" inArray: elements excluding: nil]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"pager"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"pager" inArray: elements excluding: nil]];
// If we don't have a "home" and "work" phone number but
// we have a "voice" one defined, we set it to the "work" value
// This can happen when we have :
// VERSION:2.1
// N:name;surname;;;;
// TEL;CELL:514 123 1234
// TEL;VOICE:450 456 6789
// ADR;HOME:;;;;;;
// ADR;WORK:;;;;;;
// ADR:;;;;;;
if ([[snapshot objectForKey: @"telephoneNumber"] length] == 0 &&
[[snapshot objectForKey: @"homeTelephoneNumber"] length] == 0 &&
[elements count] > 0)
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"telephoneNumber"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"voice" inArray: elements excluding: nil]];
[self _setupEmailFields];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"screenName"
to: [[card uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-aim"] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]];
elements = [card childrenWithTag: @"adr"
andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"work"];
if (elements && [elements count] > 0)
element = [elements objectAtIndex: 0];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"workExtendedAddress"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"workStreetAddress"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 2 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"workCity"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 3 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"workState"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 4 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"workPostalCode"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 5 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"workCountry"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 6 forKey: @""]];
elements = [card childrenWithTag: @"adr"
andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: @"home"];
if (elements && [elements count] > 0)
element = [elements objectAtIndex: 0];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homeExtendedAddress"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 1 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homeStreetAddress"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 2 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homeCity"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 3 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homeState"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 4 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homePostalCode"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 5 forKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homeCountry"
to: [element flattenedValueAtIndex: 6 forKey: @""]];
elements = [card childrenWithTag: @"url"];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"workURL"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"work" inArray: elements excluding: nil]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homeURL"
to: [self _simpleValueForType: @"home" inArray: elements excluding: nil]];
// If we don't have a "work" or "home" URL but we still have
// an URL field present, let's add it to the "home" value
if ([[snapshot objectForKey: @"workURL"] length] == 0 &&
[[snapshot objectForKey: @"homeURL"] length] == 0 &&
[elements count] > 0)
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homeURL"
to: [[elements objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]];
// If we do have a "work" URL but no "home" URL but two
// values URLs present, let's add the second one as the home URL
else if ([[snapshot objectForKey: @"workURL"] length] > 0 &&
[[snapshot objectForKey: @"homeURL"] length] == 0 &&
[elements count] > 1)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [elements count]; i++)
if ([[[elements objectAtIndex: i] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
caseInsensitiveCompare: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workURL"]] != NSOrderedSame)
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"homeURL"
to: [[elements objectAtIndex: i] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"calFBURL"
to: [[card uniqueChildWithTag: @"FBURL"] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"title" to: [card title]];
[self _setupOrgFields];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"bday" to: [card bday]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"tz" to: [card tz]];
[self _setSnapshotValue: @"note" to: [card note]];
[self _retrieveQueryParameter: @"contactEmail"
intoSnapshotValue: @"workMail"];
[self _retrieveQueryParameter: @"contactFN"
intoSnapshotValue: @"fn"];
- (id <WOActionResults>) defaultAction
card = [[self clientObject] vCard];
if (card)
[self initSnapshot];
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:404 /* Not Found */
reason: @"could not open contact"];
return self;
return ([actionName hasPrefix: @"save"]);
- (NSString *) viewActionName
@ -647,216 +339,60 @@
return @"editAsContact";
- (BOOL) canCreateOrModify
- (BOOL) supportPhotos
SOGoObject *co;
co = [self clientObject];
return ([co isKindOfClass: [SOGoContentObject class]]
&& [super canCreateOrModify]);
return [[self clientObject] isKindOfClass: SOGoContactGCSEntryK];
- (NSArray *) photosURL
- (BOOL) hasPhoto
return [[self clientObject] hasPhoto];
- (NSString *) photoURL
NSArray *photoElements;
NSString *baseInlineURL, *photoURL;
NGVCardPhoto *photo;
int count, max;
if (!photosURL)
soURL = [[self clientObject] soURL];
baseInlineURL = [soURL absoluteString];
photoElements = [card childrenWithTag: @"photo"];
max = [photoElements count];
photosURL = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: max];
for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
photo = [photoElements objectAtIndex: count];
if ([photo isInline])
photoURL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/photo%d",
baseInlineURL, count];
photoURL = [photo flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
[photosURL addObject: photoURL];
soURL = [[self clientObject] soURL];
return photosURL;
- (CardElement *) _elementWithTag: (NSString *) tag
ofType: (NSString *) type
NSArray *elements;
CardElement *element;
elements = [card childrenWithTag: tag
andAttribute: @"type" havingValue: type];
if ([elements count] > 0)
element = [elements objectAtIndex: 0];
element = [CardElement new];
[element autorelease];
[element setTag: tag];
[element addType: type];
[card addChild: element];
return element;
- (void) _savePhoneValues
CardElement *phone;
phone = [self _elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"work"];
[phone setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"telephoneNumber"] forKey: @""];
phone = [self _elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"home"];
[phone setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"homeTelephoneNumber"] forKey: @""];
phone = [self _elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"cell"];
[phone setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"mobile"] forKey: @""];
phone = [self _elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"fax"];
[phone setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"facsimileTelephoneNumber"]
forKey: @""];
phone = [self _elementWithTag: @"tel" ofType: @"pager"];
[phone setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"pager"] forKey: @""];
- (void) _saveEmails
CardElement *workMail, *homeMail;
workMail = [self _elementWithTag: @"email" ofType: @"work"];
[workMail setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workMail"] forKey: @""];
homeMail = [self _elementWithTag: @"email" ofType: @"home"];
[homeMail setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"homeMail"] forKey: @""];
if (preferredEmail)
if ([preferredEmail isEqualToString: @"work"])
[card setPreferred: workMail];
[card setPreferred: homeMail];
[[card uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-mozilla-html"]
setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"mozillaUseHtmlMail"]
forKey: @""];
- (void) _saveSnapshot
CardElement *element;
NSArray *units;
[card setNWithFamily: [snapshot objectForKey: @"sn"]
given: [snapshot objectForKey: @"givenName"]
additional: nil
prefixes: nil
suffixes: nil];
[card setNickname: [snapshot objectForKey: @"nickname"]];
[card setFn: [snapshot objectForKey: @"fn"]];
[card setTitle: [snapshot objectForKey: @"title"]];
[card setBday: [snapshot objectForKey: @"bday"]];
[card setNote: [snapshot objectForKey: @"note"]];
[card setTz: [snapshot objectForKey: @"tz"]];
element = [self _elementWithTag: @"adr" ofType: @"home"];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"homeExtendedAddress"]
atIndex: 1 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"homeStreetAddress"]
atIndex: 2 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"homeCity"]
atIndex: 3 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"homeState"]
atIndex: 4 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"homePostalCode"]
atIndex: 5 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"homeCountry"]
atIndex: 6 forKey: @""];
element = [self _elementWithTag: @"adr" ofType: @"work"];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workExtendedAddress"]
atIndex: 1 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workStreetAddress"]
atIndex: 2 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workCity"]
atIndex: 3 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workState"]
atIndex: 4 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workPostalCode"]
atIndex: 5 forKey: @""];
[element setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workCountry"]
atIndex: 6 forKey: @""];
element = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: @"fburl"
value: [snapshot objectForKey: @"calFBURL"]];
[card setUniqueChild: element];
units = [NSArray arrayWithObject: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workService"]];
[card setOrg: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workCompany"]
units: units];
[self _savePhoneValues];
[self _saveEmails];
[[self _elementWithTag: @"url" ofType: @"home"]
setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"homeURL"] forKey: @""];
[[self _elementWithTag: @"url" ofType: @"work"]
setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"workURL"] forKey: @""];
[[card uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-aim"]
setSingleValue: [snapshot objectForKey: @"screenName"]
forKey: @""];
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/photo", [soURL absoluteString]];
- (id <WOActionResults>) saveAction
SOGoContactGCSEntry *contact;
SOGoObject <SOGoContactObject> *contact;
id result;
NSString *jsRefreshMethod;
SoSecurityManager *sm;
contact = [self clientObject];
card = [contact vCard];
if (card)
// [self _fixupSnapshot];
[self _saveSnapshot];
[card setCategories: contactCategories];
[self _fetchAndCombineCategoriesList: contactCategories];
[contact save];
[contact setLDIFRecord: ldifRecord];
[self _fetchAndCombineCategoriesList];
[contact save];
if (componentAddressBook && componentAddressBook != [self componentAddressBook])
sm = [SoSecurityManager sharedSecurityManager];
if (![sm validatePermission: SoPerm_DeleteObjects
onObject: componentAddressBook
inContext: context])
if (![sm validatePermission: SoPerm_AddDocumentsImagesAndFiles
onObject: componentAddressBook
inContext: context])
[contact moveToFolder: (SOGoGCSFolder *)componentAddressBook]; // TODO: handle exception
if ([[[[self context] request] formValueForKey: @"nojs"] intValue])
result = [self redirectToLocation: [self modulePath]];
if (componentAddressBook && componentAddressBook != [self componentAddressBook])
sm = [SoSecurityManager sharedSecurityManager];
if (![sm validatePermission: SoPerm_DeleteObjects
onObject: componentAddressBook
inContext: context])
= [NSString stringWithFormat: @"refreshContacts(\"%@\")",
[contact nameInContainer]];
result = [self jsCloseWithRefreshMethod: jsRefreshMethod];
if (![sm validatePermission: SoPerm_AddDocumentsImagesAndFiles
onObject: componentAddressBook
inContext: context])
[contact moveToFolder: (SOGoGCSFolder *)componentAddressBook]; // TODO: handle exception
if ([[[[self context] request] formValueForKey: @"nojs"] intValue])
result = [self redirectToLocation: [self modulePath]];
result = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 400 /* Bad Request */
reason: @"method cannot be invoked on "
@"the specified object"];
= [NSString stringWithFormat: @"refreshContacts(\"%@\")",
[contact nameInContainer]];
result = [self jsCloseWithRefreshMethod: jsRefreshMethod];
return result;
@ -866,17 +402,15 @@
NSString *email, *cn, *url;
NSMutableString *address;
card = [[self clientObject] vCard];
[self initSnapshot];
if ([preferredEmail isEqualToString: @"home"])
email = [snapshot objectForKey: @"homeMail"];
email = [snapshot objectForKey: @"workMail"];
[self ldifRecord];
email = [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mail"];
if ([email length] == 0)
email = [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"mozillasecondemail"];
if (email)
address = [NSMutableString string];
cn = [card fn];
cn = [ldifRecord objectForKey: @"cn"];
if ([cn length] > 0)
[address appendFormat: @"%@ <%@>", cn, email];

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#import <Contacts/SOGoContactObject.h>
#import <Contacts/SOGoContactFolder.h>
#import <Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.h>
#import <Contacts/NSDictionary+LDIF.h>
#import <SoObjects/Contacts/NGVCard+SOGo.h>
#import <SoObjects/Contacts/NGVList+SOGo.h>
@ -76,9 +77,10 @@
inContext: [self context]
acquire: NO];
if ([currentChild respondsToSelector: @selector (vCard)])
[content appendFormat: [[currentChild vCard] ldifString]];
[content appendFormat: [[currentChild ldifRecord] ldifRecordAsString]];
else if ([currentChild respondsToSelector: @selector (vList)])
[content appendFormat: [[currentChild vList] ldifString]];
[content appendString: @"\n"];
response = [context response];

View File

@ -52,8 +52,16 @@
#import "UIxContactFoldersView.h"
Class SOGoContactSourceFolderK, SOGoGCSFolderK;
@implementation UIxContactFoldersView
+ (void) initialize
SOGoContactSourceFolderK = [SOGoContactSourceFolder class];
SOGoGCSFolderK = [SOGoGCSFolder class];
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
@ -110,11 +118,13 @@
folders = [self clientObject];
folder = [folders lookupPersonalFolder: @"personal" ignoringRights: YES];
contactInfos = [folder lookupContactsWithFilter: nil
onCriteria: nil
sortBy: @"c_cn"
ordering: NSOrderedAscending];
if (folder && [folder conformsToProtocol: @protocol (SOGoContactFolder)])
contactInfos = [folder lookupContactsWithFilter: nil
onCriteria: nil
sortBy: @"c_cn"
ordering: NSOrderedAscending];
contactInfos = nil;
return contactInfos;
@ -183,7 +193,7 @@
folder = [folders objectAtIndex: i];
/* We first search in LDAP folders (in case of duplicated entries in GCS folders) */
if ([folder isKindOfClass: [SOGoContactSourceFolder class]])
if ([folder isKindOfClass: SOGoContactSourceFolderK])
[sortedFolders insertObject: folder atIndex: 0];
[sortedFolders addObject: folder];
@ -287,10 +297,23 @@
- (NSString *) currentContactFolderClass
return ([currentFolder isKindOfClass: [SOGoContactSourceFolder class]]
return (([currentFolder isKindOfClass: SOGoContactSourceFolderK]
&& ![currentFolder isPersonalSource])
? @"remote" : @"local");
- (NSString *) currentContactFolderAclEditing
return ([currentFolder isKindOfClass: SOGoGCSFolderK]
? @"available": @"unavailable");
- (NSString *) currentContactFolderListEditing
return ([currentFolder isKindOfClass: SOGoGCSFolderK]
? @"available": @"unavailable");
- (NSString *) verticalDragHandleStyle
NSString *vertical;

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
- (void) dealloc
[card release];
[photosURL release];
[super dealloc];
@ -377,9 +378,7 @@
NSString *data;
data = nil;
if (url)
if ([url length] > 0)
if (![[url lowercaseString] rangeOfString: @"://"].length)
url = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"http://%@", url];
@ -388,6 +387,8 @@
@"<a href=\"%@\" target=\"_blank\">%@</a>",
url, url];
data = nil;
return [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil value: data];
@ -646,30 +647,12 @@
/* action */
- (id <WOActionResults>) vcardAction
#warning this method is unused
WOResponse *response;
card = [[self clientObject] vCard];
if (card)
response = [context response];
[response setHeader: @"text/vcard" forKey: @"Content-type"];
[response appendContentString: [card versitString]];
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 404 /* Not Found */
reason:@"could not locate contact"];
return response;
- (id <WOActionResults>) defaultAction
card = [[self clientObject] vCard];
if (card)
[card retain];
phones = nil;
homeAdr = nil;
workAdr = nil;

View File

@ -139,6 +139,11 @@
pageName = "UIxContactEditor";
actionName = "new";
renameFolder = {
protectedBy = "Change Permissions";
actionClass = "UIxFolderActions";
actionName = "renameFolder";
mailer-contacts = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "UIxContactFoldersView";
@ -234,13 +239,27 @@
SOGoContactLDIFEntry = {
methods = {
view = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
protectedBy = "Access Contents Information";
pageName = "UIxContactView";
edit = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
protectedBy = "Access Contents Information";
pageName = "UIxContactEditor";
editAsContact = {
protectedBy = "Access Contents Information";
pageName = "UIxContactEditor";
save = {
protectedBy = "Change Images And Files";
pageName = "UIxContactEditor";
actionName = "save";
saveAsContact = {
protectedBy = "Change Images And Files";
pageName = "UIxContactEditor";
actionName = "save";
write = {
protectedBy = "<public>";
pageName = "UIxContactEditor";

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE var:component>
@ -30,12 +30,16 @@
<li target="baseInfos">
<span><var:string label:value="Contact" /></span>
<li target="categoryInfos">
<span><var:string label:value="Categories" /></span></li>
<var:if condition="supportCategories"
><li target="categoryInfos">
<span><var:string label:value="Categories" /></span></li
<li target="addressesInfos">
<span><var:string label:value="Address" /></span></li>
<li target="photos">
<span><var:string label:value="Photos" /></span></li>
<var:if condition="supportPhotos"
><li target="photos">
<span><var:string label:value="Photos" /></span></li
<li target="otherInfos">
<span><var:string label:value="Other" /></span></li>
@ -46,34 +50,34 @@
<label><var:string label:value="First:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="givenName"
var:value="snapshot.givenName" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="givenname"
<label><var:string label:value="Last:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="sn" id="sn"
var:value="" />
<label><var:string label:value="Display:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="fn" id="fn"
var:value="snapshot.fn" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="displayname" id="displayname"
<label><var:string label:value="Nickname:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="nickname" id="nickname"
var:value="snapshot.nickname" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mozillanickname" id="mozillanickname"
@ -82,26 +86,26 @@
<label><var:string label:value="Email:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="workMail" id="workMail"
var:value="snapshot.workMail" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mail" id="mail"
<label><var:string label:value="Additional Email:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="homeMail"
id="homeMail" var:value="snapshot.homeMail" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mozillasecondemail"
id="mozillasecondemail" var:value="ldifRecord.mozillasecondemail"
<label><var:string label:value="Screen Name:"
<input type="text" class="textField" name="screenName"
id="screenName" var:value="snapshot.screenName" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="nsaimid"
id="nsaimid" var:value="ldifRecord.nsaimid"
@ -111,9 +115,8 @@
<var:popup list="htmlMailFormatList" item="item"
@ -123,9 +126,9 @@
<label><var:string label:value="Work:" />
<input type="text" class="textField"
@ -133,24 +136,19 @@
<label><var:string label:value="Home:" />
<input type="text" class="textField"
name="homephone" id="homephone"
<label><var:string label:value="Fax:" />
<input type="text" class="textField"
@ -159,38 +157,37 @@
<input type="text" class="textField"
<label><var:string label:value="Mobile:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mobile" id="mobile"
var:value="" />
<div id="categoryInfos" class="tab">
<div id="categoryContainer">
<var:if condition="canCreateOrModify"
><input type="text" class="textField" id="emptyCategory"
<var:if condition="supportCategories"
><div id="categoryInfos" class="tab">
<div id="categoryContainer">
<var:if condition="canCreateOrModify"
><input type="text" class="textField" id="emptyCategory"
const:value="" /></var:if>
<script type="text/javascript">
var gCategories = <var:string value="contactCategoriesList" const:escapeHTML="NO"/>;
<input type="hidden" id="contactCategories"
var:value="contactCategories" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var gCategories = <var:string value="contactCategoriesList" const:escapeHTML="NO"/>;
<input type="hidden" id="jsonContactCategories"
var:value="jsonContactCategories" />
<div id="addressesInfos" class="tab">
<span class="caption"><var:string label:value="Home" /></span>
@ -198,64 +195,64 @@
<td colspan="2">
<label><var:string label:value="Address:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="homeStreetAddress"
var:value="snapshot.homeStreetAddress" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mozillahomestreet"
<td colspan="2">
<input type="text" class="textField" name="homeExtendedAddress"
var:value="snapshot.homeExtendedAddress" />
<input type="text" class="textField" namCe="mozillahomestreet2"
<td colspan="2">
<label><var:string label:value="City:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="homeCity"
var:value="snapshot.homeCity" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mozillahomelocalityname"
<td class="firstColumn">
<label><var:string label:value="State_Province:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="homeState"
var:value="snapshot.homeState" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mozillahomestate"
<td class="secondColumn">
label:value="ZIP_Postal Code:"
<input type="text" class="textField" name="homePostalCode"
var:value="snapshot.homePostalCode" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mozillahomepostalcode"
<td colspan="2">
<label><var:string label:value="Country:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="homeCountry"
var:value="snapshot.homeCountry" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mozillahomecountryname"
<td colspan="2">
<var:string label:value="Web Page:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="homeURL"
var:value="snapshot.homeURL" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mozillahomeurl"
@ -267,128 +264,116 @@
<var:string label:value="Title:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="title"
var:value="snapshot.title" />
<td colspan="2">
<var:string label:value="Department:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="workService"
var:value="snapshot.workService" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="ou"
<td colspan="2">
<label><var:string label:value="Organization:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="workCompany"
var:value="snapshot.workCompany" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="o"
id="o" var:value="ldifRecord.o"
<td colspan="2">
<label><var:string label:value="Address:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="workStreetAddress"
var:value="snapshot.workStreetAddress" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="street"
<td colspan="2">
<input type="text" class="textField" name="workExtendedAddress"
var:value="snapshot.workExtendedAddress" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mozillaworkstreet2"
id="mozillaworkstreet2" var:value="ldifRecord.mozillaworkstreet2"
<td colspan="2">
<label><var:string label:value="City:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="workCity"
var:value="snapshot.workCity" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="l"
id="l" var:value="ldifRecord.l"
<td class="firstColumn">
<label><var:string label:value="State_Province:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="workState"
var:value="snapshot.workState" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="st"
id="st" var:value=""
<td class="secondColumn">
label:value="ZIP_Postal Code:"
<input type="text" class="textField" name="workPostalCode"
var:value="snapshot.workPostalCode" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="postalCode"
id="postalCode" var:value="ldifRecord.postalCode"
<td colspan="2">
<label><var:string label:value="Country:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="workCountry"
var:value="snapshot.workCountry" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="c"
id="c" var:value="ldifRecord.c"
<td colspan="2">
<label><var:string label:value="Web Page:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="workURL"
var:value="snapshot.workURL" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="mozillaworkurl"
<div id="photos" class="tab">
<var:foreach list="photosURL" item="currentPhotoURL">
<img var:src="currentPhotoURL" class="contactPhoto"/><br
<var:if condition="supportPhotos"
><div id="photos" class="tab">
<var:if condition="hasPhoto"
><img var:src="photoURL" class="contactPhoto"
<div id="otherInfos" class="tab">
<table class="framenocaption">
<td class="firstColumn">
<label><var:string label:value="Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd):" />
<label><var:string label:value="Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd):"/>
<input type="text" class="textField" name="birthyear" id="birthyear"
<input type="text" class="textField" name="birthmonth" id="birthmonth"
var:value="ldifRecord.birthmonth" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="birthday" id="birthday"
var:value="snapshot.bday" />
<td class="secondColumn">
<label><var:string label:value="Timezone:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="tz" id="tz"
var:value="" />
<td colspan="2">
<label><var:string label:value="Freebusy URL:" />
<input type="text" class="textField" name="calFBURL" id="calFBURL"
var:value="snapshot.calFBURL" />
<td colspan="2">
<label><var:string label:value="Note:" />
<textarea var:value="snapshot.note" name="note" id="note"></textarea>
<textarea var:value="ldifRecord.description" name="note" id="note"></textarea>

View File

@ -121,6 +121,8 @@
><li var:id="currentContactFolderId"
><var:string value="currentContactFolderName"/></li

View File

@ -258,17 +258,6 @@ function onContactContextMenuHide(event) {
this.stopObserving("contextmenu:hide", onContactContextMenuHide);
function onFolderMenuHide(event) {
var topNode = $('d');
if (topNode.menuSelectedEntry) {
topNode.menuSelectedEntry = null;
if (topNode.selectedEntry)
function _onContactMenuAction(folderItem, action, refresh) {
var selectedFolders = $("contactFolders").getSelectedNodes();
var folderId = $(folderItem).readAttribute("folderId");
@ -308,8 +297,9 @@ function onContactMenuMove(event) {
function onMenuExportContact (event) {
var selectedFolders = $("contactFolders").getSelectedNodes();
var selectedFolderId = $(selectedFolders[0]).readAttribute("id");
if (selectedFolderId != "/shared") {
var canExport = (selectedFolders[0].getAttribute("owner") != "nobody");
if (canExport) {
var selectedFolderId = $(selectedFolders[0]).readAttribute("id");
var contactIds = $(document.menuTarget).collect(function(row) {
return row.getAttribute("id");
@ -512,9 +502,6 @@ function onToolbarDeleteSelectedContactsConfirm(dialogId) {
var contactsList = $('contactsList');
var rows = contactsList.getSelectedRowsId();
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var row = $(rows[i]);
delete cachedContacts[Contact.currentAddressBook + "/" + rows[i]];
var urlstr = (URLForFolderID(Contact.currentAddressBook) + "/"
+ rows[i] + "/delete");
@ -532,6 +519,7 @@ function onContactDeleteEventCallback(http) {
Contact.currentContact = null;
if (Contact.deleteContactsRequestCount == 0) {
var nextRow ="tr");
@ -543,7 +531,10 @@ function onContactDeleteEventCallback(http) {
if (row) {
else if (parseInt(http.status) == 403) {
var row = $(http.callbackData);
@ -598,10 +589,11 @@ function newContact(sender) {
function newList(sender) {
var li = $(Contact.currentAddressBook);
if (li.hasClassName("remote"))
showAlertDialog(_("You cannot create a list in a shared address book."));
var listEditing = li.getAttribute("list-editing");
if (listEditing && listEditing == "available")
openContactWindow(URLForFolderID(Contact.currentAddressBook) + "/newlist");
showAlertDialog(_("You cannot create a list in a shared address book."));
return false;
@ -1068,15 +1060,15 @@ function onMenuSharing(event) {
var folders = $("contactFolders");
var selected = folders.getSelectedNodes()[0];
var owner = selected.getAttribute("owner");
if (owner == "nobody")
showAlertDialog(_("The user rights cannot be edited for this object!"));
else {
var aclEditing = selected.getAttribute("acl-editing");
if (aclEditing && aclEditing == "available") {
var title = this.innerHTML;
var url = URLForFolderID(selected.getAttribute("id"));
openAclWindow(url + "/acls", title);
showAlertDialog(_("The user rights cannot be edited for this object!"));
function onAddressBooksMenuPrepareVisibility() {
@ -1089,30 +1081,55 @@ function onAddressBooksMenuPrepareVisibility() {
var menu = $("contactFoldersMenu").down("ul");;
var listElements = menu.childNodesWithTag("li");
var modifyOption = listElements[0];
var newListOption = listElements[3];
var removeOption = listElements[5];
var exportOption = listElements[7];
var importOption = listElements[8];
var sharingOption = listElements[listElements.length - 1];
// Disable the "Sharing" and "Modify" options when address book
// is not owned by user
if (folderOwner == UserLogin || IsSuperUser) {
modifyOption.removeClassName("disabled"); // WARNING: will fail for super users anyway
modifyOption.removeClassName("disabled"); // WARNING: will fail
// for super users
// anyway
var aclEditing = selected[0].getAttribute("acl-editing");
if (aclEditing && aclEditing == "available") {
else {
else {
var listEditing = selected[0].getAttribute("list-editing");
if (listEditing && listEditing == "available") {
else {
/* Disable the "remove" and "export ab" options when address book is
public */
if (folderOwner == "nobody") {
else {
if (selected[0].getAttribute("id") == "/personal") {
else {
return true;

View File

@ -69,3 +69,9 @@ INPUT.comboBoxField, #emptyCategory
#otherInfos TEXTAREA
{ width: 70%; }
#birthday, #birthmonth
{ width: 18px; }
{ width: 36px; }

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@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
02111-1307, USA.
var dateRegex = /^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/;
var dateRegex = /^(([0-9]{2})?[0-9])?[0-9]-[0-9]?[0-9]-[0-9]?[0-9]$/;
var displayNameChanged = false;
var displaynameChanged = false;
var tabIndex = 0;
@ -37,43 +37,43 @@ function unescapeCallbackParameter(s) {
function copyContact(type, email, uid, sn,
cn, givenName, telephoneNumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber,
mobile, postalAddress, homePostalAddress,
departmentNumber, l)
displayname, givenname, telephonenumber, facsimiletelephonenumber,
mobile, postalAddress, homePostalAddress,
departmentnumber, l)
// var type = arguments[0];
// var email = arguments[1];
// var uid = arguments[2];
// var sn = arguments[3];
// var givenName = arguments[4];
// var telephoneNumber = arguments[5];
// var facsimileTelephoneNumber = arguments[6];
// var givenname = arguments[4];
// var telephonenumber = arguments[5];
// var facsimiletelephonenumber = arguments[6];
// var mobile = arguments[7];
// var postalAddress = arguments[8];
// var homePostalAddress = arguments[9];
// var departmentNumber = arguments[10];
// var postaladdress = arguments[8];
// var homepostaladdress = arguments[9];
// var departmentnumber = arguments[10];
// var l = arguments[11];
var e;
e = $('cn');
e.setAttribute('value', unescapeCallbackParameter(cn));
e = $('displayname');
e.setAttribute('value', unescapeCallbackParameter(displayname));
e = $('email');
e.setAttribute('value', email);
e = $('sn');
e.setAttribute('value', unescapeCallbackParameter(sn));
e = $('givenName');
e.setAttribute('value', unescapeCallbackParameter(givenName));
e = $('telephoneNumber');
e.setAttribute('value', telephoneNumber);
e = $('facsimileTelephoneNumber');
e.setAttribute('value', facsimileTelephoneNumber);
e = $('givenname');
e.setAttribute('value', unescapeCallbackParameter(givenname));
e = $('telephonenumber');
e.setAttribute('value', telephonenumber);
e = $('facsimiletelephonenumber');
e.setAttribute('value', facsimileTelephonenumber);
e = $('mobile');
e.setAttribute('value', mobile);
e = $('postalAddress');
e = $('postaladdress');
e.setAttribute('value', unescapeCallbackParameter(postalAddress));
e = $('homePostalAddress');
e = $('homepostaladdress');
e.setAttribute('value', unescapeCallbackParameter(homePostalAddress));
e = $('departmentNumber');
e.setAttribute('value', unescapeCallbackParameter(departmentNumber));
e = $('departmentnumber');
e.setAttribute('value', unescapeCallbackParameter(departmentnumber));
e = $('l');
e.setAttribute('value', unescapeCallbackParameter(l));
@ -81,23 +81,25 @@ function copyContact(type, email, uid, sn,
function validateContactEditor() {
var rc = true;
var e = $('workMail');
var e = $('mail');
if (e.value.length > 0
&& !emailRE.test(e.value)) {
rc = false;
e = $('homeMail');
e = $('mozillasecondemail');
if (e.value.length > 0
&& !emailRE.test(e.value)) {
rc = false;
e = $('birthday');
if (e.value.length > 0
&& !dateRegex.test(e.value)) {
var byear = $('birthyear');
var bmonth = $('birthmonth');
var bday = $('birthday');
var bdayValue = byear.value + "-" + bmonth.value + "-" + bday.value;
if (bdayValue != "--" && !dateRegex.test(bdayValue)) {
rc = false;
@ -105,25 +107,25 @@ function validateContactEditor() {
return rc;
function onFnKeyDown() {
var fn = $("fn");
function onDisplaynameKeyDown() {
var fn = $("displayname");
fn.onkeydown = null;
displayNameChanged = true;
displaynameChanged = true;
return true;
function onFnNewValue(event) {
if (!displayNameChanged) {
function onDisplaynameNewValue(event) {
if (!displaynameChanged) {
var sn = $("sn").value.trim();
var givenName = $("givenName").value.trim();
var givenname = $("givenname").value.trim();
var fullName = givenName;
if (fullName && sn)
fullName += ' ';
fullName += sn;
var fullname = givenname;
if (fullname && sn)
fullname += ' ';
fullname += sn;
$("fn").value = fullName;
$("displayname").value = fullname;
return true;
@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ function onEditorSubmitClick(event) {
function saveCategories() {
var container = $("categoryContainer");
var catsInput = $("contactCategories");
var catsInput = $("jsonContactCategories");
if (container && catsInput) {
var newCategories = $([]);
var inputs ="INPUT");
@ -164,8 +166,8 @@ function onDocumentKeydown(event) {
var target = Event.element(event);
if (target.tagName == "INPUT" || target.tagName == "SELECT") {
if (event.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) {
var fcn = onEditorSubmitClick.bind($("submitButton"));
var fdisplayname = onEditorSubmitClick.bind($("submitButton"));
@ -267,10 +269,10 @@ function initEditorForm() {
var controller = new SOGoTabsController();
displayNameChanged = ($("fn").value.length > 0);
$("fn").onkeydown = onFnKeyDown;
$("sn").onkeyup = onFnNewValue;
$("givenName").onkeyup = onFnNewValue;
displaynameChanged = ($("displayname").value.length > 0);
$("displayname").onkeydown = onDisplaynameKeyDown;
$("sn").onkeyup = onDisplaynameNewValue;
$("givenname").onkeyup = onDisplaynameNewValue;
$("cancelButton").observe("click", onEditorCancelClick);
var submitButton = $("submitButton");
@ -280,8 +282,10 @@ function initEditorForm() {
Event.observe(document, "keydown", onDocumentKeydown);
var catsInput = $("contactCategories");
if (typeof(gCategories) != "undefined") {
var catsInput = $("jsonContactCategories");
if (catsInput && catsInput.value.length > 0) {
var contactCats = $(catsInput.value.evalJSON(false));
for (var i = 0; i < contactCats.length; i++) {
@ -294,6 +298,6 @@ function initEditorForm() {
emptyCategory.tabIndex = 10000;
emptyCategory.observe("click", onEmptyCategoryClick);
document.observe("dom:loaded", initEditorForm);

View File

@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
# This file is included by library makefiles to set the version information
# of the executable.