Monotone-Parent: 0d19e885a7f8be171d1439b137c806b999725da7

Monotone-Revision: b7149a366c94f57bf67d221e26b33ecf51930a27

Monotone-Date: 2011-10-03T23:13:00
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
Wolfgang Sourdeau 2011-10-03 23:13:00 +00:00
parent 6fb8f7c6a0
commit 3d678542e6
1 changed files with 11 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -478,24 +478,23 @@
existingCName = [[container sogoObject] resourceNameForEventUID: uid];
if (existingCName)
/* Steps:
unregister self'url mapping
unregister old object's url mapping to discard further delete operation
set new object nameInContainer
register new url mapping */
mapping = [[self context] mapping];
/* dissociate the object url from the old object's id */
existingURL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@",
[container url], existingCName];
objectId = [mapping idFromURL: existingURL];
[mapping unregisterURLWithID: objectId];
/* dissociate the object url associated with this object, as we want to
discard it */
objectId = [self objectId];
[mapping unregisterURLWithID: objectId];
/* associate the object url with this object id */
[mapping registerURL: existingURL withID: objectId];
/* reinstantiate the old sogo object and attach it to self */
woContext = [[self context] woContext];
existingObject = [[container sogoObject] lookupName: existingCName
inContext: woContext
@ -521,12 +520,11 @@
if (isNew)
/* big response hack:
- if isNew:
- deduce UID from GlobalObjectId
- if UID already exist in db:
- invoke setNameInContainer on sogoObject with proper cname */
/* Hack required because of what's explained in oxocal
basically, Outlook creates a copy of the event and then removes the
old instance. We perform a trickery to avoid performing those
operations in the backend, in a way that enables us to recover the
initial instance and act solely on it. */
[self _fixupEventWithExistingUID];