(fix) really delete mailboxes being deleted from the Trash folder (#595, #1189, #641)

Ludovic Marcotte 2016-02-09 15:46:52 -05:00
parent eff8ab3e0e
commit 3e76de1e6e
2 changed files with 71 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Bug fixes
- [web] safe-guarding against bogus value coming from the quick tables
- [web] apply search filters when automatically reloading current mailbox (#3507)
- [web] fixed virtual repeater when moving up in messages list
- [web] really delete mailboxes being deleted from the Trash folder (#595, #1189, #641)
3.0.1 (2016-02-05)

View File

@ -185,22 +185,23 @@
- (NSURL *) _trashedURLOfFolder: (NSURL *) srcURL
withCO: (SOGoMailFolder *) co
withObject: (SOGoMailFolder *) co
NSString *trashFolderName, *folderName, *path, *testPath;
NGImap4Connection *connection;
int i = 1;
id test;
int i;
connection = [co imap4Connection];
folderName = [[srcURL path] lastPathComponent];
= [[co mailAccountFolder] trashFolderNameInContext: context];
path = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@/%@",
trashFolderName, folderName];
testPath = path;
i = 1;
while ( i < 10 )
test = [[connection client] select: testPath];
@ -216,7 +217,7 @@
destURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithScheme: [srcURL scheme]
host: [srcURL host] path: path];
host: [srcURL host] path: path];
[destURL autorelease];
return destURL;
@ -224,63 +225,79 @@
- (WOResponse *) deleteAction
NSString *currentMailbox, *currentAccount, *keyForMsgUIDs;
NSMutableDictionary *moduleSettings, *threadsCollapsed;
NGImap4Connection *connection;
SOGoMailFolder *co, *inbox;
NSDictionary *jsonResponse;
NSURL *srcURL, *destURL;
SOGoUserSettings *us;
WOResponse *response;
NGImap4Connection *connection;
NSException *error;
NSURL *srcURL, *destURL;
NSDictionary *jsonResponse;
NSMutableDictionary *moduleSettings, *threadsCollapsed;
NSString *currentMailbox, *currentAccount, *keyForMsgUIDs;
BOOL moved;
co = [self clientObject];
if ([co ensureTrashFolder])
connection = [co imap4Connection];
srcURL = [co imap4URL];
destURL = [self _trashedURLOfFolder: srcURL withCO: co];
connection = [co imap4Connection];
inbox = [[co mailAccountFolder] inboxFolderInContext: context];
[[connection client] select: [inbox absoluteImap4Name]];
error = [connection moveMailboxAtURL: srcURL toURL: destURL];
if (error)
jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to move folder." inContext: context]
forKey: @"error"];
response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse];
// We unsubscribe to the old one, and subscribe back to the new one
[[connection client] subscribe: [destURL path]];
[[connection client] unsubscribe: [srcURL path]];
// Verify if the current folder have any collapsed threads save under it name and erase it
us = [[context activeUser] userSettings];
moduleSettings = [us objectForKey: @"Mail"];
threadsCollapsed = [moduleSettings objectForKey:@"threadsCollapsed"];
currentMailbox = [co nameInContainer];
currentAccount = [[co container] nameInContainer];
keyForMsgUIDs = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/%@", currentAccount, currentMailbox];
moved = YES;
if (threadsCollapsed)
if ([threadsCollapsed objectForKey:keyForMsgUIDs])
[threadsCollapsed removeObjectForKey:keyForMsgUIDs];
if ([co ensureTrashFolder])
connection = [co imap4Connection];
srcURL = [co imap4URL];
destURL = [self _trashedURLOfFolder: srcURL withObject: co];
connection = [co imap4Connection];
inbox = [[co mailAccountFolder] inboxFolderInContext: context];
[[connection client] select: [inbox absoluteImap4Name]];
// If srcURL is a prefix of destURL, that means we are deleting
// the folder within the 'Trash' folder, as it's getting renamed
// over and over with an integer suffix (in trashedURLOfFolder:...)
// If that is the case, we simple delete the folder, instead of renaming it
if ([[destURL path] hasPrefix: [srcURL path]])
error = [connection deleteMailboxAtURL: srcURL];
moved = NO;
error = [connection moveMailboxAtURL: srcURL toURL: destURL];
if (error)
jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to move/delete folder." inContext: context]
forKey: @"error"];
response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse];
// We unsubscribe to the old one, and subscribe back to the new one
if (moved)
[[connection client] subscribe: [destURL path]];
[[connection client] unsubscribe: [srcURL path]];
// Verify if the current folder have any collapsed threads save under it name and erase it
us = [[context activeUser] userSettings];
moduleSettings = [us objectForKey: @"Mail"];
threadsCollapsed = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"threadsCollapsed"];
currentMailbox = [co nameInContainer];
currentAccount = [[co container] nameInContainer];
keyForMsgUIDs = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@/%@", currentAccount, currentMailbox];
if (threadsCollapsed)
if ([threadsCollapsed objectForKey: keyForMsgUIDs])
[threadsCollapsed removeObjectForKey: keyForMsgUIDs];
[us synchronize];
response = [self responseWith204];
response = [self responseWith204];
jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to move folder." inContext: context]
forKey: @"message"];
response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse];
jsonResponse = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self labelForKey: @"Unable to move/delete folder." inContext: context]
forKey: @"message"];
response = [self responseWithStatus: 500 andJSONRepresentation: jsonResponse];
return response;