Add support for date extension of Sieve

Fixes #1530, #1949
This commit is contained in:
Francis Lachapelle 2017-01-20 11:08:24 -05:00
parent d38d42b83a
commit 3efe0e8098
2 changed files with 64 additions and 21 deletions

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
3.2.6 (2017-02-DD)
New features
- [web] use "date" extension of Sieve to enable/disable vacation auto-reply (#1530, #1949)
- [web] show locale codes beside language names in Preferences module
- [web] fixed visual glitches in Month view with Firefox

View file

@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ static NSString *sieveScriptName = @"sogo";
SOGoDomainDefaults *dd;
NGSieveClient *client;
NSString *filterScript, *v;
BOOL b, dateCapability;
unsigned int now;
dd = [user domainDefaults];
@ -807,6 +807,8 @@ static NSString *sieveScriptName = @"sogo";
[methodRequirements setObject: @"imap4flags" forKey: @"flag"];
dateCapability = [client hasCapability: @"date"] && [client hasCapability: @"relational"];
// Now let's generate the script
@ -835,8 +837,13 @@ static NSString *sieveScriptName = @"sogo";
now = [[NSCalendarDate calendarDate] timeIntervalSince1970];
if (values && [[values objectForKey: @"enabled"] boolValue] &&
(![values objectForKey: @"startDateEnabled"] || [[values objectForKey: @"startDate"] intValue] < now))
(![values objectForKey: @"startDateEnabled"] ||
dateCapability || [[values objectForKey: @"startDate"] intValue] < now) &&
(![values objectForKey: @"endDateEnabled"] ||
dateCapability || [[values objectForKey: @"endDate"] intValue] > now))
NSCalendarDate *startDate, *endDate;
NSMutableArray *allConditions;
NSMutableString *vacation_script;
NSArray *addresses;
NSString *text, *templateFilePath, *customSubject;
@ -845,6 +852,7 @@ static NSString *sieveScriptName = @"sogo";
BOOL ignore, alwaysSend, useCustomSubject;
int days, i;
allConditions = [NSMutableArray array];
days = [[values objectForKey: @"daysBetweenResponse"] intValue];
addresses = [values objectForKey: @"autoReplyEmailAddresses"];
alwaysSend = [[values objectForKey: @"alwaysSend"] boolValue];
@ -888,7 +896,38 @@ static NSString *sieveScriptName = @"sogo";
// Skip mailing lists
if (ignore)
[vacation_script appendString: @"if allof ( not exists [\"list-help\", \"list-unsubscribe\", \"list-subscribe\", \"list-owner\", \"list-post\", \"list-archive\", \"list-id\", \"Mailing-List\"], not header :comparator \"i;ascii-casemap\" :is \"Precedence\" [\"list\", \"bulk\", \"junk\"], not header :comparator \"i;ascii-casemap\" :matches \"To\" \"Multiple recipients of*\" ) { "];
[allConditions addObject: @"not exists [\"list-help\", \"list-unsubscribe\", \"list-subscribe\", \"list-owner\", \"list-post\", \"list-archive\", \"list-id\", \"Mailing-List\"]"];
[allConditions addObject: @"not header :comparator \"i;ascii-casemap\" :is \"Precedence\" [\"list\", \"bulk\", \"junk\"]"];
[allConditions addObject: @"not header :comparator \"i;ascii-casemap\" :matches \"To\" \"Multiple recipients of*\""];
// Start date of auto-reply
if ([[values objectForKey: @"startDateEnabled"] boolValue] && dateCapability)
[req addObjectUniquely: @"date"];
[req addObjectUniquely: @"relational"];
startDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:
[[values objectForKey: @"startDate"] intValue]];
[allConditions addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"currentdate :value \"ge\" \"date\" \"%@\"",
[startDate descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"]]];
// End date of auto-reply
if ([[values objectForKey: @"endDateEnabled"] boolValue] && dateCapability)
[req addObjectUniquely: @"date"];
[req addObjectUniquely: @"relational"];
endDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:
[[values objectForKey: @"endDate"] intValue]];
[allConditions addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"currentdate :value \"le\" \"date\" \"%@\"",
[endDate descriptionWithCalendarFormat: @"%Y-%m-%d"]]];
// Apply conditions
if ([allConditions count])
[vacation_script appendFormat: @"if allof ( %@ ) { ",
[allConditions componentsJoinedByString: @", "]];
// Custom subject
if (useCustomSubject)
@ -919,11 +958,12 @@ static NSString *sieveScriptName = @"sogo";
[vacation_script appendFormat: @"text:\r\n%@\r\n.\r\n;\r\n", text];
if (ignore)
// Closing bracket of conditions
if ([allConditions count])
[vacation_script appendString: @"}\r\n"];
// See for details
// See for details
if (alwaysSend)
[script insertString: vacation_script atIndex: 0];