Monotone-Parent: 4a0075d77198c329e5e471528db155313b163846

Monotone-Revision: baff79ac3da07f610290a1d61e142dace0bb02a4

Monotone-Date: 2008-06-13T19:59:22
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
Wolfgang Sourdeau 2008-06-13 19:59:22 +00:00
parent 22a6e527e0
commit 40e2a71a0e
3 changed files with 94 additions and 123 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
2008-06-13 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoContentObject.m ([SOGoContentObject
+objectWithRecord:objectRecordinContainer:newContainer]): new
constructor that instantiate an object based on the data found in
the corresponding database record.
([SOGoContentObject -setOCSPath:newOCSPath]): removed this method and
other OCS related ones, since we no longer fetch the record data
from here. Indeed, the object is now built from within its
container, so that caches can be created and queries avoided.
* SoObjects/SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.m ([NSArray
-asPointersOfObjects]): new method that transforms an NSArray into
an array of ptr**;

View File

@ -25,25 +25,24 @@
#import <SOGo/SOGoObject.h>
@class NSArray;
@class NSCalendarDate;
@class NSException;
@class NSString;
@class SOGoGCSFolder;
@interface SOGoContentObject : SOGoObject
NSString *ocsPath;
NSDictionary *record;
BOOL isNew;
NSString *content;
unsigned int version;
NSCalendarDate *creationDate;
NSCalendarDate *lastModified;
/* accessors */
- (void) setOCSPath: (NSString *) _path;
- (NSString *) ocsPath;
/* folder */
- (NSString *) ocsPathOfContainer;
- (GCSFolder *) ocsFolder;
+ (SOGoContentObject *) objectWithRecord: (NSDictionary *) objectRecord
inContainer: (SOGoGCSFolder *) newContainer;
- (id) initWithRecord: (NSDictionary *) objectRecord
inContainer: (id) newContainer;
/* content */
@ -57,6 +56,9 @@
/* etag support */
- (id) davEntityTag;
- (NSString *) davCreationDate;
- (NSString *) davLastModified;
- (NSString *) davContentLength;
/* message type */

View File

@ -41,17 +41,64 @@
@implementation SOGoContentObject
+ (SOGoContentObject *) objectWithRecord: (NSDictionary *) objectRecord
inContainer: (SOGoGCSFolder *) newContainer
SOGoContentObject *newObject;
newObject = [[self alloc] initWithRecord: objectRecord
inContainer: newContainer];
[newObject autorelease];
return newObject;
// TODO: check superclass version
- (id) initWithName: (NSString *) newName
inContainer: (id) newContainer
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
isNew = YES;
content = nil;
version = 0;
lastModified = nil;
creationDate = nil;
return self;
- (void) _setRecord: (NSDictionary *) objectRecord
NSString *newContent;
int intValue;
newContent = [objectRecord objectForKey: @"c_content"];
if (newContent)
isNew = NO;
ASSIGN (content, newContent);
version = [[objectRecord objectForKey: @"c_version"] unsignedIntValue];
intValue = [[objectRecord objectForKey: @"c_creationdate"] intValue];
ASSIGN (creationDate,
[NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: intValue]);
intValue = [[objectRecord objectForKey: @"c_lastmodified"] intValue];
ASSIGN (lastModified,
[NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: intValue]);
- (id) initWithRecord: (NSDictionary *) objectRecord
inContainer: (id) newContainer
NSString *newName;
newName = [objectRecord objectForKey: @"c_name"];
if ((self = [super initWithName: newName inContainer: newContainer]))
ocsPath = nil;
record = [[self ocsFolder] recordOfEntryWithName: newName];
[record retain];
isNew = (!record);
[self _setRecord: objectRecord];
return self;
@ -59,8 +106,9 @@
- (void) dealloc
[record release];
[ocsPath release];
[content release];
[creationDate release];
[lastModified release];
[super dealloc];
@ -71,54 +119,6 @@
return NO;
- (void) setOCSPath: (NSString *) newOCSPath
if (![ocsPath isEqualToString: newOCSPath])
if (ocsPath)
[self warnWithFormat:@"GCS path is already set! '%@'", newOCSPath];
ASSIGNCOPY (ocsPath, newOCSPath);
- (NSString *) ocsPath
NSMutableString *newOCSPath;
if (!ocsPath)
newOCSPath = [NSMutableString new];
[newOCSPath appendString: [self ocsPathOfContainer]];
if ([newOCSPath length] > 0)
if (![newOCSPath hasSuffix:@"/"])
[newOCSPath appendString: @"/"];
[newOCSPath appendString: nameInContainer];
ocsPath = newOCSPath;
return ocsPath;
- (NSString *) ocsPathOfContainer
NSString *ocsPathOfContainer;
if ([container respondsToSelector: @selector (ocsPath)])
ocsPathOfContainer = [container ocsPath];
ocsPathOfContainer = nil;
return ocsPathOfContainer;
- (GCSFolder *) ocsFolder
return [container ocsFolder];
/* content */
- (BOOL) isNew
@ -128,31 +128,32 @@
- (NSString *) contentAsString
return [record objectForKey: @"c_content"];
return content;
- (NSException *) saveContentString: (NSString *) newContent
baseVersion: (unsigned int) newBaseVersion
baseVersion: (unsigned int) newVersion
/* Note: "iCal multifolder saves" are implemented in the apt subclass! */
GCSFolder *folder;
NSException *ex;
NSMutableDictionary *newRecord;
NSCalendarDate *now;
ex = nil;
if (record)
newRecord = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary: record];
newRecord = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[newRecord setObject: newContent forKey: @"c_content"];
ASSIGN (record, newRecord);
now = [NSCalendarDate calendarDate];
if (!content)
ASSIGN (creationDate, now);
ASSIGN (lastModified, now);
ASSIGN (content, newContent);
version = newVersion;
folder = [container ocsFolder];
if (folder)
ex = [folder writeContent: newContent toName: nameInContainer
baseVersion: newBaseVersion];
ex = [folder writeContent: newContent
toName: nameInContainer
baseVersion: newVersion];
if (ex)
[self errorWithFormat:@"write failed: %@", ex];
@ -175,7 +176,7 @@
// TODO: add precondition check? (or add DELETEAction?)
if ((folder = [self ocsFolder]) == nil) {
if ((folder = [container ocsFolder]) == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"Did not find folder of content object."];
return nil;
@ -238,7 +239,6 @@
/* kinda dangerous */
ASSIGNCOPY(nameInContainer, tmp);
ASSIGN(ocsPath, nil);
/* determine base version from etag in if-match header */
@ -296,53 +296,22 @@
- (id) davEntityTag
// TODO: cache tag in ivar? => if you do, remember to flush after PUT
GCSFolder *folder;
char buf[64];
NSString *entityTag;
NSNumber *versionValue;
folder = [self ocsFolder];
if (folder)
versionValue = [record objectForKey: @"c_version"];
sprintf (buf, "\"gcs%08d\"", [versionValue unsignedIntValue]);
entityTag = [NSString stringWithCString: buf];
[self errorWithFormat:@"Did not find folder of content object."];
entityTag = nil;
return entityTag;
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"\"gcs%.8d\"", version];
/* WebDAV */
- (NSString *) davCreationDate
NSCalendarDate *date;
date = [record objectForKey: @"c_creationdate"];
return [date rfc822DateString];
return [creationDate rfc822DateString];
- (NSString *) davLastModified
NSCalendarDate *date;
date = [record objectForKey: @"c_lastmodified"];
return [date rfc822DateString];
return [lastModified rfc822DateString];
- (NSString *) davContentLength
NSString *content;
content = [record objectForKey: @"c_content"];
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%u",
[content lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
@ -441,13 +410,4 @@
return nil;
/* description */
- (void) appendAttributesToDescription: (NSMutableString *) _ms
[super appendAttributesToDescription:_ms];
[_ms appendFormat:@" ocs=%@", [self ocsPath]];
@end /* SOGoContentObject */