Improve CSS sanitizer for HTML messages

At-rules are now completely removed. Fixed a possible issue where the
first rule would not be prefixed by our CSS selector.

Fixes #3700
Francis Lachapelle 2016-05-27 13:42:44 -04:00
parent 875a4aca32
commit 45290c6414
2 changed files with 97 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Bug fixes
- [web] fixed display of mailboxes list on mobiles (#3654)
- [web] restored Catalan and Slovak translations (#3687)
- [web] fixed restore of mailboxes expansion state when multiple IMAP accounts are configured
- [web] improved CSS sanitizer for HTML messages (#3700)
- [core] strip X- tags when securing content (#3695)
3.1.0 (2016-05-18)

View File

@ -412,9 +412,35 @@ static NSData* _sanitizeContent(NSData *theData)
* About CSS At-Rules (
* At-Rules follow two possible synthaxes:
* Examples:
* @charset "UTF-8";
* @import 'global.css';
* @namespace svg url(;
* @[KEYWORD] { (Nested Statements) }
* Examples:
* @font-face {
* font-family: 'MyWebFont';
* src: url('myfont.woff2') format('woff2'),
* url('myfont.woff') format('woff');
* }
* @media only screen
* and (min-device-width: 320px)
* and (max-device-width: 480px)
* and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
* .module { width: 100%; }
* }
- (void) _appendStyle: (unichar *) _chars
length: (NSUInteger) _len
NSMutableString *declaration;
NSUInteger count, length;
unichar *start, *currentChar;
@ -428,16 +454,59 @@ static NSData* _sanitizeContent(NSData *theData)
currentChar = _chars + count;
if (inCSSDeclaration)
if (*currentChar == '}')
if (*currentChar < 32)
// Append substring since last valid character and reset start counter
if (currentChar > start)
[declaration appendString: [NSString stringWithCharacters: start
length: (currentChar - start)]];
start = currentChar + 1;
else if (*currentChar == '}')
inCSSDeclaration = NO;
hasEmbeddedCSS = NO;
if (hasEmbeddedCSS)
// End of at-rule definition; remove it from the stylesheet
hasEmbeddedCSS = NO;
start = currentChar + 1;
// Prefix CSS rule
length = (currentChar - start);
[declaration appendString: [NSString stringWithCharacters: start length: length]];
[css appendFormat: @".SOGoHTMLMail-CSS-Delimiter %@\n", declaration];
start = currentChar;
else if (*currentChar == ';')
// Add !important
if ((currentChar < _chars - 10) ||
!((*(currentChar-1) == 't' || *(currentChar-1) == 'T') &&
(*(currentChar-2) == 'n' || *(currentChar-2) == 'N') &&
(*(currentChar-3) == 'a' || *(currentChar-3) == 'A') &&
(*(currentChar-4) == 't' || *(currentChar-4) == 'T') &&
(*(currentChar-5) == 'r' || *(currentChar-5) == 'R') &&
(*(currentChar-6) == 'o' || *(currentChar-6) == 'O') &&
(*(currentChar-7) == 'p' || *(currentChar-7) == 'P') &&
(*(currentChar-8) == 'm' || *(currentChar-8) == 'M') &&
(*(currentChar-9) == 'i' || *(currentChar-9) == 'I') &&
*(currentChar-10) == '!'))
length = (currentChar - start);
[declaration appendFormat: @"%@ !important;",
[NSString stringWithCharacters: start length: length]];
start = currentChar + 1;
if (*currentChar < 32)
// Append substring since last valid character and reset start counter
if (currentChar > start)
[css appendString: [NSString stringWithCharacters: start
length: (currentChar - start)]];
@ -446,26 +515,36 @@ static NSData* _sanitizeContent(NSData *theData)
if (*currentChar == '{')
inCSSDeclaration = YES;
// Start of rule declaration
inCSSDeclaration = YES;
declaration = [NSMutableString string];
if (*currentChar == '}')
// CSS syntax error: ending declaration character while not in a CSS declaration.
// Ignore eveything from last CSS declaration.
start = currentChar + 1;
else if (*currentChar == ',')
hasEmbeddedCSS = NO;
else if (!hasEmbeddedCSS)
else if (hasEmbeddedCSS)
if (*currentChar == '@')
hasEmbeddedCSS = YES;
if (*currentChar > 32)
length = (currentChar - start);
[css appendFormat: @"%@\n.SOGoHTMLMail-CSS-Delimiter ",
[NSString stringWithCharacters: start length: length]];
hasEmbeddedCSS = YES;
start = currentChar;
if (*currentChar == ';')
// End of at-rule definition; remove it from the stylesheet
hasEmbeddedCSS = NO;
start = currentChar + 1;
else if (*currentChar == ',')
// Prefix CSS selector
length = (currentChar - start);
[css appendFormat: @" .SOGoHTMLMail-CSS-Delimiter %@,",
[NSString stringWithCharacters: start length: length]];
start = currentChar + 1;
else if (*currentChar == '@')
// Start of at-rule definition
hasEmbeddedCSS = YES;
@ -619,21 +698,10 @@ static NSData* _sanitizeContent(NSData *theData)
- (void) _finishCSS
NSRange excessiveDelimiter;
[css replaceString: @"<!--" withString: @""];
[css replaceString: @"-->" withString: @""];
[css replaceString: @".SOGoHTMLMail-CSS-Delimiter body"
withString: @".SOGoHTMLMail-CSS-Delimiter"];
[css replaceString: @";" withString: @" !important;"];
excessiveDelimiter = [css rangeOfString: @".SOGoHTMLMail-CSS-Delimiter "
options: NSBackwardsSearch];
if (excessiveDelimiter.location != NSNotFound)
if (NSMaxRange (excessiveDelimiter) == [css length])
[css deleteCharactersInRange: excessiveDelimiter];
- (void) endElement: (NSString *) _localName