Monotone-Parent: b9653967e135693dfb1c77ad808d9a7e8917d7d6

Monotone-Revision: 0133ba09fdcb12876862b0370e13c1921e992700

Monotone-Date: 2006-09-06T22:31:38
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
This commit is contained in:
Wolfgang Sourdeau 2006-09-06 22:31:38 +00:00
parent 1be2dc73f1
commit 4fb13c0f5f

View file

@ -38,19 +38,19 @@
NSCalendarDate *startDate;
NSCalendarDate *endDate;
NSCalendarDate *cycleUntilDate;
NSString *title;
NSString *location;
NSString *comment;
iCalPerson *organizer;
NSArray *participants; /* array of iCalPerson's */
NSArray *resources; /* array of iCalPerson's */
NSString *priority;
NSArray *categories;
NSString *accessClass;
BOOL isPrivate; /* default: NO */
BOOL checkForConflicts; /* default: NO */
NSDictionary *cycle;
NSString *cycleEnd;
NSString *title;
NSString *location;
NSString *comment;
iCalPerson *organizer;
NSArray *participants; /* array of iCalPerson's */
NSArray *resources; /* array of iCalPerson's */
NSString *priority;
NSArray *categories;
NSString *accessClass;
BOOL isPrivate; /* default: NO */
BOOL checkForConflicts; /* default: NO */
NSDictionary *cycle;
NSString *cycleEnd;
- (NSString *)iCalStringTemplate;
@ -129,44 +129,44 @@
- (void)dealloc {
[self->iCalString release];
[self->errorText release];
[self->item release];
[iCalString release];
[errorText release];
[item release];
[self->startDate release];
[self->endDate release];
[self->cycleUntilDate release];
[self->title release];
[self->location release];
[self->organizer release];
[self->comment release];
[self->participants release];
[self->resources release];
[self->priority release];
[self->categories release];
[self->accessClass release];
[self->cycle release];
[self->cycleEnd release];
[startDate release];
[endDate release];
[cycleUntilDate release];
[title release];
[location release];
[organizer release];
[comment release];
[participants release];
[resources release];
[priority release];
[categories release];
[accessClass release];
[cycle release];
[cycleEnd release];
[super dealloc];
/* accessors */
- (void)setItem:(id)_item {
ASSIGN(self->item, _item);
ASSIGN(item, _item);
- (id)item {
return self->item;
return item;
- (void)setErrorText:(NSString *)_txt {
ASSIGNCOPY(self->errorText, _txt);
ASSIGNCOPY(errorText, _txt);
- (NSString *)errorText {
return self->errorText;
return errorText;
- (BOOL)hasErrorText {
return [self->errorText length] > 0 ? YES : NO;
return [errorText length] > 0 ? YES : NO;
- (NSFormatter *)titleDateFormatter {
@ -178,48 +178,48 @@
- (void)setAptStartDate:(NSCalendarDate *)_date {
ASSIGN(self->startDate, _date);
ASSIGN(startDate, _date);
- (NSCalendarDate *)aptStartDate {
return self->startDate;
return startDate;
- (void)setAptEndDate:(NSCalendarDate *)_date {
ASSIGN(self->endDate, _date);
ASSIGN(endDate, _date);
- (NSCalendarDate *)aptEndDate {
return self->endDate;
return endDate;
- (void)setTitle:(NSString *)_value {
ASSIGNCOPY(self->title, _value);
ASSIGNCOPY(title, _value);
- (NSString *)title {
return self->title;
return title;
- (void)setLocation:(NSString *)_value {
ASSIGNCOPY(self->location, _value);
ASSIGNCOPY(location, _value);
- (NSString *)location {
return self->location;
return location;
- (void)setComment:(NSString *)_value {
ASSIGNCOPY(self->comment, _value);
ASSIGNCOPY(comment, _value);
- (NSString *)comment {
return self->comment;
return comment;
- (void)setParticipants:(NSArray *)_parts {
ASSIGN(self->participants, _parts);
ASSIGN(participants, _parts);
- (NSArray *)participants {
return self->participants;
return participants;
- (void)setResources:(NSArray *)_res {
ASSIGN(self->resources, _res);
ASSIGN(resources, _res);
- (NSArray *)resources {
return self->resources;
return resources;
/* priorities */
@ -239,15 +239,15 @@
- (NSString *)itemPriorityText {
NSString *key;
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"prio_%@", self->item];
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"prio_%@", item];
return [self labelForKey:key];
- (void)setPriority:(NSString *)_priority {
ASSIGN(self->priority, _priority);
ASSIGN(priority, _priority);
- (NSString *)priority {
return self->priority;
return priority;
@ -278,15 +278,15 @@
- (NSString *) itemCategoryText {
return [[self labelForKey: self->item] stringByEscapingHTMLString];
return [[self labelForKey: item] stringByEscapingHTMLString];
- (void)setCategories:(NSArray *)_categories {
ASSIGN(self->categories, _categories);
ASSIGN(categories, _categories);
- (NSArray *)categories {
return self->categories;
return categories;
/* class */
@ -303,10 +303,10 @@
- (void)setAccessClass:(NSString *)_class {
ASSIGN(self->accessClass, _class);
ASSIGN(accessClass, _class);
- (NSString *)accessClass {
return self->accessClass;
return accessClass;
- (void)setIsPrivate:(BOOL)_yn {
@ -314,17 +314,17 @@
[self setAccessClass:@"PRIVATE"];
[self setAccessClass:@"PUBLIC"];
self->isPrivate = _yn;
isPrivate = _yn;
- (BOOL)isPrivate {
return self->isPrivate;
return isPrivate;
- (void)setCheckForConflicts:(BOOL)_checkForConflicts {
self->checkForConflicts = _checkForConflicts;
checkForConflicts = _checkForConflicts;
- (BOOL)checkForConflicts {
return self->checkForConflicts;
return checkForConflicts;
- (NSArray *)cycles {
@ -344,21 +344,21 @@
- (void)setCycle:(NSDictionary *)_cycle {
ASSIGN(self->cycle, _cycle);
ASSIGN(cycle, _cycle);
- (NSDictionary *)cycle {
return self->cycle;
return cycle;
- (BOOL)hasCycle {
[self debugWithFormat:@"cycle: %@", self->cycle];
if (![self->cycle objectForKey:@"rule"])
[self debugWithFormat:@"cycle: %@", cycle];
if (![cycle objectForKey:@"rule"])
return NO;
return YES;
- (NSString *)cycleLabel {
NSString *key;
key = [(NSDictionary *)self->item objectForKey:@"label"];
key = [(NSDictionary *)item objectForKey:@"label"];
return [self labelForKey:key];
@ -367,32 +367,32 @@
NSCalendarDate *until;
/* copy hour/minute/second from startDate */
until = [_cycleUntilDate hour:[self->startDate hourOfDay]
minute:[self->startDate minuteOfHour]
second:[self->startDate secondOfMinute]];
[until setTimeZone:[self->startDate timeZone]];
ASSIGN(self->cycleUntilDate, until);
until = [_cycleUntilDate hour:[startDate hourOfDay]
minute:[startDate minuteOfHour]
second:[startDate secondOfMinute]];
[until setTimeZone:[startDate timeZone]];
ASSIGN(cycleUntilDate, until);
- (NSCalendarDate *)cycleUntilDate {
return self->cycleUntilDate;
return cycleUntilDate;
- (iCalRecurrenceRule *)rrule {
NSString *ruleRep;
NSString *ruleRep;
iCalRecurrenceRule *rule;
if (![self hasCycle])
return nil;
ruleRep = [self->cycle objectForKey:@"rule"];
ruleRep = [cycle objectForKey:@"rule"];
rule = [iCalRecurrenceRule recurrenceRuleWithICalRepresentation:ruleRep];
if (self->cycleUntilDate && [self isCycleEndUntil])
[rule setUntilDate:self->cycleUntilDate];
if (cycleUntilDate && [self isCycleEndUntil])
[rule setUntilDate:cycleUntilDate];
return rule;
- (void)adjustCycleControlsForRRule:(iCalRecurrenceRule *)_rrule {
NSDictionary *c;
NSDictionary *c;
NSCalendarDate *until;
c = [self cycleMatchingRRule:_rrule];
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
until = [[[_rrule untilDate] copy] autorelease];
if (!until)
until = self->startDate;
until = startDate;
[self setIsCycleEndUntil];
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
- (NSDictionary *)cycleMatchingRRule:(iCalRecurrenceRule *)_rrule {
NSString *cycleRep;
NSArray *cycles;
NSArray *cycles;
unsigned i, count;
if (!_rrule)
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
count = [cycles count];
for (i = 1; i < count; i++) {
NSDictionary *c;
NSString *cr;
NSString *cr;
c = [cycles objectAtIndex:i];
cr = [c objectForKey:@"rule"];
@ -455,14 +455,14 @@
- (void)setCycleEnd:(NSString *)_cycleEnd {
ASSIGNCOPY(self->cycleEnd, _cycleEnd);
ASSIGNCOPY(cycleEnd, _cycleEnd);
- (NSString *)cycleEnd {
return self->cycleEnd;
return cycleEnd;
- (BOOL)isCycleEndUntil {
return (self->cycleEnd &&
[self->cycleEnd isEqualToString:@"cycle_end_until"]);
return (cycleEnd &&
[cycleEnd isEqualToString:@"cycle_end_until"]);
- (void)setIsCycleEndUntil {
[self setCycleEnd:@"cycle_end_until"];
@ -481,10 +481,10 @@
/* iCal */
- (void)setICalString:(NSString *)_s {
ASSIGNCOPY(self->iCalString, _s);
ASSIGNCOPY(iCalString, _s);
- (NSString *)iCalString {
return self->iCalString;
return iCalString;
- (NSString *)iCalStringTemplate {
@ -509,8 +509,8 @@
NSCalendarDate *lStartDate, *lEndDate;
NSString *template, *s;
unsigned minutes;
NSString *template, *s;
unsigned minutes;
s = [self queryParameterForKey:@"dur"];
if(s && [s length] > 0) {
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@
#if 0
- (iCalPerson *)getOrganizer {
iCalPerson *p;
NSString *emailProp;
NSString *emailProp;
emailProp = [@"mailto:" stringByAppendingString:[self emailForUser]];
p = [[[iCalPerson alloc] init] autorelease];
@ -662,9 +662,9 @@
if (!ps
&& [[self clientObject] respondsToSelector:@selector(calendarUIDs)]) {
AgenorUserManager *um;
NSArray *uids;
NSMutableArray *emails;
unsigned i, count;
NSArray *uids;
NSMutableArray *emails;
unsigned i, count;
/* add all current calendarUIDs as default participants */
@ -708,8 +708,8 @@
count = [_values count];
result = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
NSString *pString, *email, *cn;
NSRange r;
NSString *pString, *email, *cn;
NSRange r;
iCalPerson *p;
pString = [_values objectAtIndex:i];
@ -766,26 +766,28 @@
- (void)loadValuesFromAppointment:(SOGoAppointment *)_appointment {
NSString *s;
NSString *s;
iCalRecurrenceRule *rrule;
if ((self->startDate = [[_appointment startDate] copy]) == nil)
self->startDate = [[[NSCalendarDate date] hour:11 minute:0] copy];
if ((self->endDate = [[_appointment endDate] copy]) == nil) {
self->endDate =
[[self->startDate hour:[self->startDate hourOfDay] + 1 minute:0] copy];
if ((startDate = [[_appointment startDate] copy]) == nil)
startDate = [[[NSCalendarDate date] hour:11 minute:0] copy];
if ((endDate = [[_appointment endDate] copy]) == nil) {
endDate =
[[startDate hour:[startDate hourOfDay] + 1 minute:0] copy];
[self->startDate setTimeZone:[self viewTimeZone]];
[self->endDate setTimeZone:[self viewTimeZone]];
[startDate setTimeZone:[self viewTimeZone]];
[endDate setTimeZone:[self viewTimeZone]];
self->title = [[_appointment summary] copy];
self->location = [[_appointment location] copy];
self->comment = [[_appointment comment] copy];
self->priority = [[_appointment priority] copy];
self->categories = [[_appointment categories] retain];
self->organizer = [[_appointment organizer] retain];
self->participants = [[_appointment participants] retain];
self->resources = [[_appointment resources] retain];
title = [[_appointment summary] copy];
location = [[_appointment location] copy];
comment = [[_appointment comment] copy];
priority = [[_appointment priority] copy];
categories = [[_appointment categories] retain];
organizer = [[_appointment organizer] retain];
participants = [[_appointment participants] retain];
resources = [[_appointment resources] retain];
NSLog (@"summary éàè: '%@'", title);
s = [_appointment accessClass];
if(!s || [s isEqualToString:@"PUBLIC"])
@ -804,10 +806,10 @@
[_appointment setStartDate:[self aptStartDate]];
[_appointment setEndDate:[self aptEndDate]];
[_appointment setSummary:[self title]];
[_appointment setLocation:[self location]];
[_appointment setComment:[self comment]];
[_appointment setSummary: [self title]];
[_appointment setLocation: [self location]];
[_appointment setComment: [self comment]];
[_appointment setPriority:[self priority]];
[_appointment setCategories:[self categories]];
@ -819,7 +821,7 @@
Note: bad, bad, bad!
Organizer is no form value, thus we MUST NOT change it
[_appointment setOrganizer:self->organizer];
[_appointment setOrganizer:organizer];
attendees = [self participants];
lResources = [self resources];
@ -859,11 +861,11 @@
/* access */
- (BOOL)isMyApt {
if (self->organizer == nil)
if (organizer == nil)
return YES; // assume this is safe to do, right?
// TODO: this should check a set of emails against the SoUser
return [[self->organizer rfc822Email] isEqualToString:[self emailForUser]];
return [[organizer rfc822Email] isEqualToString:[self emailForUser]];
- (BOOL)canAccessApt {
@ -878,11 +880,11 @@
/* conflict management */
- (BOOL)containsConflict:(SOGoAppointment *)_apt {
NSArray *attendees, *uids;
NSArray *attendees, *uids;
SOGoAppointmentFolder *groupCalendar;
NSArray *infos;
NSArray *ranges;
id folder;
NSArray *infos;
NSArray *ranges;
id folder;
[self logWithFormat:@"search from %@ to %@",
[_apt startDate], [_apt endDate]];
@ -939,9 +941,9 @@
- (id)testAction {
/* for testing only */
WORequest *req;
WORequest *req;
SOGoAppointment *apt;
NSString *content;
NSString *content;
req = [[self context] request];
apt = [[SOGoAppointment alloc] initWithICalString:[self iCalString]];
@ -976,10 +978,10 @@
- (id)saveAction {
SOGoAppointment *apt;
iCalPerson *p;
NSString *content;
NSException *ex;
iCalPerson *p;
NSString *content;
NSException *ex;
if (![self isWriteableClientObject]) {
/* return 400 == Bad Request */
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:400