Monotone-Parent: eeb0eb7dfe8bdbdbc578882769a2fa9f7e9fa5cd

Monotone-Revision: 4fbfd912a641cd3ca09bfdef36a611e41b310316

Monotone-Date: 2006-08-18T22:33:33
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
Wolfgang Sourdeau 2006-08-18 22:33:33 +00:00
parent d486d6c223
commit 5dd50f6db8
4 changed files with 0 additions and 350 deletions

View File

@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
Title: Tigra Calendar
Description: See the demo at url
Version: 3.1
Date: 08-08-2002 (mm-dd-yyyy)
Feedback: (specify product title in the subject)
Note: Permission given to use this script in ANY kind of applications if
header lines are left unchanged.
Note: Script consists of two files: calendar?.js and calendar.html
About us: Our company provides offshore IT consulting services.
Contact us at if you have any programming task you
want to be handled by professionals. Our typical hourly rate is $20.
modified by Martin Hoerning,, 2002-12-05
<title>Select Date, Please.</title>
td {font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;}
<script language="JavaScript">
// months as they appear in the calendar's title
var ARR_MONTHS = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
// week day titles as they appear on the calendar
var ARR_WEEKDAYS = ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"];
// day week starts from (normally 0-Mo or 1-Su)
// path to the directory where calendar images are stored. trailing slash req.
var STR_ICONPATH = '';
var re_url = new RegExp('datetime=(\\-?\\d+)');
var dt_current = (re_url.exec(String(window.location))
? new Date(new Number(RegExp.$1)) : new Date());
var re_id = new RegExp('id=(\\d+)');
var num_id = (re_id.exec(String(window.location))
? new Number(RegExp.$1) : 0);
var obj_caller = (window.opener ? window.opener.calendars[num_id] : null);
if (obj_caller && obj_caller.year_scroll) {
// get same date in the previous year
var dt_prev_year = new Date(dt_current);
dt_prev_year.setFullYear(dt_prev_year.getFullYear() - 1);
if (dt_prev_year.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
// get same date in the next year
var dt_next_year = new Date(dt_current);
dt_next_year.setFullYear(dt_next_year.getFullYear() + 1);
if (dt_next_year.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
// get same date in the previous month
var dt_prev_month = new Date(dt_current);
dt_prev_month.setMonth(dt_prev_month.getMonth() - 1);
if (dt_prev_month.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
// get same date in the next month
var dt_next_month = new Date(dt_current);
dt_next_month.setMonth(dt_next_month.getMonth() + 1);
if (dt_next_month.getDate() != dt_current.getDate())
// get first day to display in the grid for current month
var dt_firstday = new Date(dt_current);
dt_firstday.setDate(1 - (7 + dt_firstday.getDay() - NUM_WEEKSTART) % 7);
// function passing selected date to calling window
function set_datetime(n_datetime, b_close) {
if (!obj_caller) return;
var dt_datetime = new Date(n_datetime);
if (!dt_datetime) {
alert('failed to generate date string');
if (b_close) { // only set value when closing window = (
? obj_caller.gen_tsmp(dt_datetime)
: obj_caller.gen_date(dt_datetime)
if (b_close) window.close();
else obj_caller.popup(dt_datetime.valueOf());
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" marginheight="5" marginwidth="5" topmargin="5" leftmargin="5" rightmargin="5">
<table class="clsOTable" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<tr><td bgcolor="#E8E8E0">
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" width="100%">
<tr><td colspan="7" bgcolor="#D0D0D0"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
<script language="JavaScript">
'<td>'+(obj_caller&&obj_caller.year_scroll?'<a href="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_prev_year.valueOf()+')"><img src="'+STR_ICONPATH+'first.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="previous year" title="previous year"></a>&nbsp;':'')+'<a href="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_prev_month.valueOf()+')"><img src="'+STR_ICONPATH+'previous.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="previous month" title="previous month"></a></td>'+
'<td align="center" width="100%"><font color="#000000">'+ARR_MONTHS[dt_current.getMonth()]+' '+dt_current.getFullYear() + '</font></td>'+
'<td><a href="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_next_month.valueOf()+')"><img src="'+STR_ICONPATH+'next.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="next month" title="next month"></a>'+(obj_caller && obj_caller.year_scroll?'&nbsp;<a href="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_next_year.valueOf()+')"><img src="'+STR_ICONPATH+'last.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0" alt="next year" title="next year"></a>':'')+'</td>'
<script language="JavaScript">
// print weekdays titles
for (var n=0; n<7; n++)
document.write('<td bgcolor="#D0D0D0" align="center"><font color="#000000">'+ARR_WEEKDAYS[(NUM_WEEKSTART+n)%7]+'</font></td>');
// print calendar table
var dt_current_day = new Date(dt_firstday);
while (dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_current.getMonth() ||
dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_firstday.getMonth()) {
// print row heder
for (var n_current_wday=0; n_current_wday<7; n_current_wday++) {
if (dt_current_day.getDate() == dt_current.getDate() &&
dt_current_day.getMonth() == dt_current.getMonth())
// print current date
document.write('<td bgcolor="#F18D39" align="center" width="14%">');
//else if (dt_current_day.getDay() == 0 || dt_current_day.getDay() == 6)
else if (dt_current_day.getMonth() != dt_current.getMonth())
// old: weekend days // new: other month
document.write('<td bgcolor="#D0D0D0" align="center" width="14%">');
// print working days of current month
document.write('<td bgcolor="#E0E0E0" align="center" width="14%">');
document.write('<a href="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_current_day.valueOf() +', true);">');
if (dt_current_day.getMonth() == this.dt_current.getMonth())
// print days of current month
document.write('<font color="#000000">');
// print days of other months
document.write('<font color="#555555">');
// print row footer
//if (obj_caller && obj_caller.time_comp)
// document.write('<form onsubmit="javascript:set_datetime('+dt_current.valueOf()+', true)" name="cal"><tr><td colspan="7" bgcolor="#87CEFA"><font color="White" face="tahoma, verdana" size="2">Time: <input type="text" name="time" value="'+obj_caller.gen_time(this.dt_current)+'" size="8" maxlength="8"></font></td></tr></form>');

View File

@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
// Title: Tigra Calendar
// Description: See the demo at url
// URL:
// Version: 3.1 (European date format)
// Date: 08-08-2002 (mm-dd-yyyy)
// Feedback: (specify product title in the subject)
// Note: Permission given to use this script in ANY kind of applications if
// header lines are left unchanged.
// Note: Script consists of two files: calendar?.js and calendar.html
// About us: Our company provides offshore IT consulting services.
// Contact us at if you have any programming task you
// want to be handled by professionals. Our typical hourly rate is $20.
// modified by Martin Hoerning,, 2002-12-05
// 2003-01-23 added date format support (Martin Hoerning)
// if two digit year input dates after this year considered 20 century.
var NUM_CENTYEAR = 30;
// are year scrolling buttons required by default
var BUL_YEARSCROLL = true;
var DEF_CALPAGE = 'skycalendar.html';
var calendars = [];
var RE_NUM = /^\-?\d+$/;
var dateFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd";
function skycalendar(obj_target) {
// assing methods
this.gen_date = cal_gen_date1;
this.gen_tsmp = cal_gen_tsmp1;
this.prs_date = cal_prs_date1;
this.prs_tsmp = cal_prs_tsmp1;
this.popup = cal_popup1;
this.setCalendarPage = cal_setcalpage1;
this.setDateFormat = cal_setdateformat1;
// validate input parameters
if (!obj_target)
return cal_error("Error calling the calendar: no target control specified");
if (obj_target.value == null)
return cal_error("Error calling the calendar: parameter specified is not valid tardet control"); = obj_target;
this.year_scroll = BUL_YEARSCROLL;
this.calpage = DEF_CALPAGE;
// register in global collections = calendars.length;
calendars[] = this;
function cal_setcalpage1(str_page) {
this.calpage = str_page;
function cal_setdateformat1(str_dateformat) {
this.dateFormat = str_dateformat;
function cal_popup1(str_datetime) {
this.dt_current = this.prs_tsmp(str_datetime ? str_datetime :;
if (!this.dt_current) return;
var obj_calwindow =
this.calpage+'?datetime=' + this.dt_current.valueOf()+ '&id=' +,
'Calendar', 'width=200,height=190'+
obj_calwindow.opener = window;
// timestamp generating function
function cal_gen_tsmp1(dt_datetime) {
return this.gen_date(dt_datetime);
// date generating function
function cal_gen_date1(dt_datetime) {
var out = this.dateFormat;
var idx;
if (out.indexOf("yyyy") != 1) {
t = out.split("yyyy");
out = t.join(dt_datetime.getFullYear());
else {
return cal_error("Missing year-part 'yyyy' in format: '"+this.dateFormat);
if (out.indexOf("mm") != 1) {
t = out.split("mm");
out = t.join((dt_datetime.getMonth() < 9 ? '0' : '')+
else {
return cal_error("Missing month-part 'mm' in format: '"+this.dateFormat);
if (out.indexOf("dd") != 1) {
t = out.split("dd");
out = t.join((dt_datetime.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '')+
else {
return cal_error("Missing day-part 'dd' in format: '"+this.dateFormat);
return out;
// timestamp parsing function
function cal_prs_tsmp1(str_datetime) {
// if no parameter specified return current timestamp
if (!str_datetime)
return (new Date());
// if positive integer treat as milliseconds from epoch
if (RE_NUM.exec(str_datetime))
return new Date(str_datetime);
return this.prs_date(str_datetime);
// date parsing function
function cal_prs_date1(str_date) {
var idx;
var year = null;
var month = null;
var day = null;
if (str_date.length != this.dateFormat.length) {
return cal_error ("Invalid date format: '"+str_date+
"'.\nFormat accepted is '"+this.dateFormat+"'.");
if ((idx = this.dateFormat.indexOf("yyyy")) != 1) {
year = str_date.substring(idx, idx+4);
else {
return cal_error("Missing year-part 'yyyy' in format: '"+this.dateFormat);
if ((idx = this.dateFormat.indexOf("mm")) != 1) {
month = str_date.substring(idx, idx+2);
else {
return cal_error("Missing month-part 'mm' in format: '"+this.dateFormat);
if ((idx = this.dateFormat.indexOf("dd")) != 1) {
day = str_date.substring(idx, idx+2);
else {
return cal_error("Missing day-part 'dd' in format: '"+this.dateFormat);
if (!day) return cal_error("Invalid date format: '"+str_date+
"'.\nNo day of month value can be found.");
if (!RE_NUM.exec(day))
return cal_error("Invalid day of month value: '"+day+
"'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
if (!month) return cal_error("Invalid date format: '"+str_date+
"'.\nNo month of year value can be found.");
if (!RE_NUM.exec(month))
return cal_error("Invalid month of year value: '"+month+
"'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
if (!year) return cal_error("Invalid date format: '"+str_date+
"'.\nNo year value can be found.");
if (!RE_NUM.exec(year))
return cal_error("Invalid year value: '"+year+
"'.\nAllowed values are unsigned integers.");
var dt_date = new Date();
if (month < 1 || month > 12)
return cal_error("Invalid month value: '"+month+
"'.\nAllowed range is 01-12.");
if (year < 100) year = Number(year)+(year < NUM_CENTYEAR ? 2000 : 1900);
var dt_numdays = new Date(year, month, 0);
if (dt_date.getMonth() != (month-1))
return cal_error("Invalid day of month value: '"+day+
"'.\nAllowed range is 01-"+dt_numdays.getDate()+".");
return (dt_date);
function cal_error(str_message) {
alert (str_message);
return null;