Monotone-Parent: e67291cb30df49fcf6c20e3c285bfc306157d7c5

Monotone-Revision: 7693a13871fea2b066790d804159529866a7e4c8

Monotone-Date: 2008-12-12T17:32:14
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
Wolfgang Sourdeau 2008-12-12 17:32:14 +00:00
parent b6b1069fb7
commit 5e8f6e38ad
1 changed files with 395 additions and 336 deletions

View File

@ -30,95 +30,105 @@
- implemented pooling
- auto-close channels which are very old?!
(eg missing release due to an exception)
- auto-close channels which are very old?!
(eg missing release due to an exception)
@interface GCSChannelHandle : NSObject
NSURL *url;
NSURL *url;
EOAdaptorChannel *channel;
NSDate *creationTime;
NSDate *lastReleaseTime;
NSDate *lastAcquireTime;
NSDate *creationTime;
NSDate *lastReleaseTime;
NSDate *lastAcquireTime;
- (EOAdaptorChannel *)channel;
- (BOOL)canHandleURL:(NSURL *)_url;
- (NSTimeInterval)age;
- (EOAdaptorChannel *) channel;
- (BOOL) canHandleURL: (NSURL *) _url;
- (NSTimeInterval) age;
@implementation GCSChannelManager
static BOOL debugOn = NO;
static BOOL debugPools = NO;
static int ChannelExpireAge = 180;
static BOOL debugOn = NO;
static BOOL debugPools = NO;
static int ChannelExpireAge = 180;
static NSTimeInterval ChannelCollectionTimer = 5 * 60;
+ (void)initialize {
+ (void) initialize
NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
debugOn = [ud boolForKey:@"GCSChannelManagerDebugEnabled"];
debugPools = [ud boolForKey:@"GCSChannelManagerPoolDebugEnabled"];
ChannelExpireAge = [[ud objectForKey:@"GCSChannelExpireAge"] intValue];
debugOn = [ud boolForKey: @"GCSChannelManagerDebugEnabled"];
debugPools = [ud boolForKey: @"GCSChannelManagerPoolDebugEnabled"];
ChannelExpireAge = [[ud objectForKey: @"GCSChannelExpireAge"] intValue];
if (ChannelExpireAge < 1)
ChannelExpireAge = 180;
ChannelCollectionTimer =
[[ud objectForKey:@"GCSChannelCollectionTimer"] intValue];
ChannelCollectionTimer =
[[ud objectForKey: @"GCSChannelCollectionTimer"] intValue];
if (ChannelCollectionTimer < 1)
ChannelCollectionTimer = 5*60;
+ (NSString *)adaptorNameForURLScheme:(NSString *)_scheme {
// TODO: map scheme to adaptors (eg 'postgresql://' to PostgreSQL
+ (NSString *) adaptorNameForURLScheme: (NSString *) _scheme
// TODO: map scheme to adaptors (eg 'postgresql: //' to PostgreSQL
return @"PostgreSQL";
+ (id)defaultChannelManager {
+ (id) defaultChannelManager
static GCSChannelManager *cm = nil;
if (cm == nil)
cm = [[self alloc] init];
if (!cm)
cm = [self new];
return cm;
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
self->urlToAdaptor = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
self->availableChannels = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:16];
self->busyChannels = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:16];
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
urlToAdaptor = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 4];
availableChannels = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 16];
busyChannels = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 16];
gcTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:
target: self selector: @selector (_garbageCollect: )
userInfo: nil repeats: YES] retain];
self->gcTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:
target:self selector:@selector(_garbageCollect:)
userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
if (self->gcTimer) [self->gcTimer invalidate];
[self->gcTimer release];
- (void) dealloc
if (gcTimer)
[gcTimer invalidate];
[self->busyChannels release];
[self->availableChannels release];
[self->urlToAdaptor release];
[busyChannels release];
[availableChannels release];
[urlToAdaptor release];
[super dealloc];
/* DB key */
- (NSString *)databaseKeyForURL:(NSURL *)_url {
- (NSString *) databaseKeyForURL: (NSURL *) _url
We need to build a proper key that omits passwords and URL path components
which are not required.
NSString *key;
key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@\n%@\n%@",
key = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@\n%@\n%@\n%@",
[_url host], [_url port],
[_url user], [_url gcsDatabaseName]];
return key;
@ -126,307 +136,343 @@ static NSTimeInterval ChannelCollectionTimer = 5 * 60;
/* adaptors */
- (NSDictionary *)connectionDictionaryForURL:(NSURL *)_url {
- (NSDictionary *) connectionDictionaryForURL: (NSURL *) _url
NSMutableDictionary *md;
id tmp;
md = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:4];
if ((tmp = [_url host]) != nil)
[md setObject:tmp forKey:@"hostName"];
if ((tmp = [_url port]) != nil)
[md setObject:tmp forKey:@"port"];
if ((tmp = [_url user]) != nil)
[md setObject:tmp forKey:@"userName"];
if ((tmp = [_url password]) != nil)
[md setObject:tmp forKey:@"password"];
if ((tmp = [_url gcsDatabaseName]) != nil)
[md setObject:tmp forKey:@"databaseName"];
[self debugWithFormat:@"build connection dictionary for URL %@: %@",
md = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 4];
if ((tmp = [_url host]))
[md setObject: tmp forKey: @"hostName"];
if ((tmp = [_url port]))
[md setObject: tmp forKey: @"port"];
if ((tmp = [_url user]))
[md setObject: tmp forKey: @"userName"];
if ((tmp = [_url password]))
[md setObject: tmp forKey: @"password"];
if ((tmp = [_url gcsDatabaseName]))
[md setObject: tmp forKey: @"databaseName"];
[self debugWithFormat: @"build connection dictionary for URL %@: %@",
[_url absoluteString], md];
return md;
- (EOAdaptor *)adaptorForURL:(NSURL *)_url {
- (EOAdaptor *) adaptorForURL: (NSURL *) _url
EOAdaptor *adaptor;
NSString *key;
if (_url == nil)
return nil;
if ((key = [self databaseKeyForURL:_url]) == nil)
return nil;
if ((adaptor = [self->urlToAdaptor objectForKey:key]) != nil) {
[self debugWithFormat:@"using cached adaptor: %@", adaptor];
return adaptor; /* cached :-) */
[self debugWithFormat:@"creating new adaptor for URL: %@", _url];
if ([EOAdaptor respondsToSelector:@selector(adaptorForURL:)]) {
adaptor = [EOAdaptor adaptorForURL:_url];
else {
NSString *adaptorName;
NSDictionary *condict;
adaptorName = [[self class] adaptorNameForURLScheme:[_url scheme]];
if ([adaptorName length] == 0) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"cannot handle URL: %@", _url];
return nil;
NSString *key;
NSString *adaptorName;
NSDictionary *condict;
adaptor = nil;
if (_url)
if ((key = [self databaseKeyForURL: _url]))
adaptor = [urlToAdaptor objectForKey: key];
if (adaptor)
[self debugWithFormat: @"using cached adaptor: %@", adaptor];
[self debugWithFormat: @"creating new adaptor for URL: %@", _url];
if ([EOAdaptor respondsToSelector: @selector (adaptorForURL: )])
adaptor = [EOAdaptor adaptorForURL: _url];
adaptorName = [[self class]
adaptorNameForURLScheme: [_url scheme]];
if ([adaptorName length])
condict = [self connectionDictionaryForURL: _url];
adaptor = [EOAdaptor adaptorWithName: adaptorName];
if (adaptor)
[adaptor setConnectionDictionary: condict];
[self errorWithFormat:
@"did not find adaptor '%@' for URL: %@",
adaptorName, _url];
[self errorWithFormat: @"cannot handle URL: %@", _url];
[urlToAdaptor setObject: adaptor forKey: key];
condict = [self connectionDictionaryForURL:_url];
if ((adaptor = [EOAdaptor adaptorWithName:adaptorName]) == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"did not find adaptor '%@' for URL: %@",
adaptorName, _url];
return nil;
[adaptor setConnectionDictionary:condict];
[self->urlToAdaptor setObject:adaptor forKey:key];
return adaptor;
/* channels */
- (GCSChannelHandle *)findBusyChannelHandleForChannel:(EOAdaptorChannel *)_ch {
- (GCSChannelHandle *)
findBusyChannelHandleForChannel: (EOAdaptorChannel *) _ch
NSEnumerator *e;
GCSChannelHandle *handle;
e = [self->busyChannels objectEnumerator];
while ((handle = [e nextObject])) {
if ([handle channel] == _ch)
return handle;
return nil;
- (GCSChannelHandle *)findAvailChannelHandleForURL:(NSURL *)_url {
NSEnumerator *e;
GCSChannelHandle *handle;
e = [self->availableChannels objectEnumerator];
while ((handle = [e nextObject])) {
if ([handle canHandleURL:_url])
return handle;
if (debugPools) {
[self logWithFormat:@"DBPOOL: cannot use handle (%@ vs %@)",
[_url absoluteString], [handle->url absoluteString]];
return nil;
GCSChannelHandle *handle, *currentHandle;
handle = NULL;
e = [busyChannels objectEnumerator];
while (!handle && (currentHandle = [e nextObject]))
if ([currentHandle channel] == _ch)
handle = currentHandle;
return handle;
- (EOAdaptorChannel *)_createChannelForURL:(NSURL *)_url {
EOAdaptor *adaptor;
- (GCSChannelHandle *) findAvailChannelHandleForURL: (NSURL *) _url
NSEnumerator *e;
GCSChannelHandle *handle, *currentHandle;
handle = nil;
e = [availableChannels objectEnumerator];
while (!handle && (currentHandle = [e nextObject]))
if ([currentHandle canHandleURL: _url])
handle = currentHandle;
else if (debugPools)
[self logWithFormat: @"DBPOOL: cannot use handle (%@ vs %@) ",
[_url absoluteString], [handle->url absoluteString]];
return handle;
- (EOAdaptorChannel *) _createChannelForURL: (NSURL *) _url
EOAdaptor *adaptor;
EOAdaptorContext *adContext;
EOAdaptorChannel *adChannel;
if ((adaptor = [self adaptorForURL:_url]) == nil)
return nil;
if ((adContext = [adaptor createAdaptorContext]) == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"could not create adaptor context!"];
return nil;
if ((adChannel = [adContext createAdaptorChannel]) == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"could not create adaptor channel!"];
return nil;
adChannel = nil;
adaptor = [self adaptorForURL: _url];
if (adaptor)
adContext = [adaptor createAdaptorContext];
if (adContext)
adChannel = [adContext createAdaptorChannel];
if (!adChannel)
[self errorWithFormat: @"could not create adaptor channel!"];
[self errorWithFormat: @"could not create adaptor context!"];
return adChannel;
- (EOAdaptorChannel *)acquireOpenChannelForURL:(NSURL *)_url {
- (EOAdaptorChannel *) acquireOpenChannelForURL: (NSURL *) _url
// TODO: naive implementation, add pooling!
EOAdaptorChannel *channel;
GCSChannelHandle *handle;
NSCalendarDate *now;
NSCalendarDate *now;
channel = nil;
now = [NSCalendarDate date];
/* look for cached handles */
if ((handle = [self findAvailChannelHandleForURL:_url]) != nil) {
// TODO: check age?
[self->busyChannels addObject:handle];
[self->availableChannels removeObject:handle];
ASSIGN(handle->lastAcquireTime, now);
if (debugPools)
[self logWithFormat:@"DBPOOL: reused cached DB channel!"];
return [[handle channel] retain];
if (debugPools) {
[self logWithFormat:@"DBPOOL: create new DB channel for URL: %@",
[_url absoluteString]];
/* create channel */
if ((channel = [self _createChannelForURL:_url]) == nil)
return nil;
if ([channel isOpen])
else if (![channel openChannel]) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"could not open channel %@ for URL: %@",
channel, [_url absoluteString]];
return nil;
/* create handle for channel */
handle = [[GCSChannelHandle alloc] init];
handle->url = [_url retain];
handle->channel = [channel retain];
handle->creationTime = [now retain];
handle->lastAcquireTime = [now retain];
[self->busyChannels addObject:handle];
[handle release];
return [channel retain];
handle = [self findAvailChannelHandleForURL: _url];
if (handle)
// TODO: check age?
[busyChannels addObject: handle];
[availableChannels removeObject: handle];
ASSIGN (handle->lastAcquireTime, now);
channel = [handle channel];
if (debugPools)
[self logWithFormat: @"DBPOOL: reused cached DB channel! (%p)",
if (debugPools)
[self logWithFormat: @"DBPOOL: create new DB channel for URL: %@",
[_url absoluteString]];
/* create channel */
channel = [self _createChannelForURL: _url];
if (channel)
if ([channel isOpen]
|| [channel openChannel])
/* create handle for channel */
handle = [[GCSChannelHandle alloc] init];
handle->url = [_url retain];
handle->channel = [channel retain];
handle->creationTime = [now retain];
handle->lastAcquireTime = [now retain];
[busyChannels addObject: handle];
[handle release];
[self errorWithFormat: @"could not open channel %@ for URL: %@",
channel, [_url absoluteString]];
return channel;
- (void)releaseChannel:(EOAdaptorChannel *)_channel {
- (void) releaseChannel: (EOAdaptorChannel *) _channel
GCSChannelHandle *handle;
if ((handle = [self findBusyChannelHandleForChannel:_channel]) != nil) {
NSCalendarDate *now;
now = [NSCalendarDate date];
handle = [handle retain];
ASSIGN(handle->lastReleaseTime, now);
[self->busyChannels removeObject:handle];
if ([[handle channel] isOpen] && [handle age] < ChannelExpireAge) {
// TODO: consider age
[self->availableChannels addObject:handle];
if (debugPools) {
handle = [self findBusyChannelHandleForChannel: _channel];
if (handle)
handle = [handle retain];
ASSIGN (handle->lastReleaseTime, [NSCalendarDate date]);
[busyChannels removeObject: handle];
if ([_channel isOpen] && [handle age] < ChannelExpireAge)
// TODO: consider age
[availableChannels addObject: handle];
if (debugPools)
[self logWithFormat:
@"DBPOOL: keeping channel (age %ds, #%d, %p) : %@",
[handle age], [availableChannels count],
[handle->url absoluteString],
else if (debugPools)
[self logWithFormat:
@"DBPOOL: keeping channel (age %ds, #%d): %@",
(int)[handle age], [self->availableChannels count],
[handle->url absoluteString]];
[_channel release];
@"DBPOOL: freeing old channel (age %ds, %p) ", (int)
[handle age], _channel];
[handle release];
if ([_channel isOpen])
[_channel closeChannel];
if (debugPools) {
[self logWithFormat:
@"DBPOOL: freeing old channel (age %ds)", (int)[handle age]];
[_channel release];
/* not reusing channel */
[handle release]; handle = nil;
if ([_channel isOpen])
[_channel closeChannel];
[_channel release];
/* checking for tables */
- (BOOL)canConnect:(NSURL *)_url {
this can check for DB connect as well as for table URLs (whether a table
- (BOOL) canConnect: (NSURL *) _url
this can check for DB connect as well as for table URLs (whether a table
EOAdaptorChannel *channel;
NSString *table;
BOOL result;
if ((channel = [self acquireOpenChannelForURL:_url]) == nil) {
if (debugOn) [self debugWithFormat:@"could not acquire channel: %@", _url];
return NO;
if (debugOn) [self debugWithFormat:@"acquired channel: %@", channel];
result = YES; /* could open channel */
/* check whether table exists */
table = [_url gcsTableName];
if ([table length] > 0)
result = [channel tableExistsWithName:table];
/* release channel */
[self releaseChannel:channel]; channel = nil;
BOOL result;
channel = [self acquireOpenChannelForURL: _url];
if (channel)
if (debugOn)
[self debugWithFormat: @"acquired channel: %@", channel];
/* check whether table exists */
table = [_url gcsTableName];
if ([table length] > 0)
result = [channel tableExistsWithName: table];
result = YES; /* could open channel */
/* release channel */
[self releaseChannel: channel];
if (debugOn)
[self debugWithFormat: @"could not acquire channel: %@", _url];
result = NO;
return result;
/* collect old channels */
- (void)_garbageCollect:(NSTimer *)_timer {
- (void) _garbageCollect: (NSTimer *) _timer
NSMutableArray *handlesToRemove;
unsigned i, count;
if ((count = [self->availableChannels count]) == 0)
/* no available channels */
GCSChannelHandle *handle;
/* collect channels to expire */
handlesToRemove = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
GCSChannelHandle *handle;
handle = [self->availableChannels objectAtIndex:i];
if (![[handle channel] isOpen]) {
[handlesToRemove addObject:handle];
count = [availableChannels count];
if (count)
/* collect channels to expire */
handlesToRemove = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
handle = [availableChannels objectAtIndex: i];
if ([[handle channel] isOpen])
if ([handle age] > ChannelExpireAge)
[handlesToRemove addObject: handle];
[handlesToRemove addObject: handle];
/* remove channels */
count = [handlesToRemove count];
if (debugPools)
[self logWithFormat: @"DBPOOL: garbage collecting %d channels.", count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
handle = [handlesToRemove objectAtIndex: i];
[handle retain];
[availableChannels removeObject: handle];
if ([[handle channel] isOpen])
[[handle channel] closeChannel];
[handle release];
[handlesToRemove release];
if ([handle age] > ChannelExpireAge) {
[handlesToRemove addObject:handle];
/* remove channels */
count = [handlesToRemove count];
if (debugPools)
[self logWithFormat:@"DBPOOL: garbage collecting %d channels.", count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
GCSChannelHandle *handle;
handle = [[handlesToRemove objectAtIndex:i] retain];
[self->availableChannels removeObject:handle];
if ([[handle channel] isOpen])
[[handle channel] closeChannel];
[handle release];
[handlesToRemove release];
/* debugging */
- (BOOL)isDebuggingEnabled {
- (BOOL) isDebuggingEnabled
return debugOn;
/* description */
- (NSString *)description {
- (NSString *) description
NSMutableString *ms;
ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:256];
[ms appendFormat:@"<0x%p[%@]:", self, NSStringFromClass([self class])];
[ms appendFormat:@" #adaptors=%d", [self->urlToAdaptor count]];
[ms appendString:@">"];
ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 256];
[ms appendFormat: @"<0x%p[%@]: ", self, NSStringFromClass ([self class])];
[ms appendFormat: @" #adaptors=%d", [urlToAdaptor count]];
[ms appendString: @">"];
return ms;
@ -434,82 +480,95 @@ static NSTimeInterval ChannelCollectionTimer = 5 * 60;
@implementation GCSChannelHandle
- (void)dealloc {
[self->channel release];
[self->creationTime release];
[self->lastReleaseTime release];
[self->lastAcquireTime release];
- (void) dealloc
[channel release];
[creationTime release];
[lastReleaseTime release];
[lastAcquireTime release];
[super dealloc];
/* accessors */
- (EOAdaptorChannel *)channel {
return self->channel;
- (EOAdaptorChannel *) channel
return channel;
- (BOOL)canHandleURL:(NSURL *)_url {
BOOL isSQLite;
if (_url == nil) {
[self logWithFormat:@"MISMATCH: no url .."];
return NO;
if (_url == self->url)
return YES;
- (BOOL) canHandleURL: (NSURL *) _url
BOOL result;
isSQLite = [[_url scheme] isEqualToString:@"sqlite"];
if (!isSQLite && ![[self->url host] isEqual:[_url host]]) {
[self logWithFormat:@"MISMATCH: different host (%@ vs %@)",
[self->url host], [_url host]];
return NO;
if (![[self->url gcsDatabaseName] isEqualToString:[_url gcsDatabaseName]]) {
[self logWithFormat:@"MISMATCH: different db .."];
return NO;
if (!isSQLite) {
if (![[self->url user] isEqual:[_url user]]) {
[self logWithFormat:@"MISMATCH: different user .."];
return NO;
result = NO;
if (_url)
if (_url == url
|| [[_url scheme] isEqualToString: @"sqlite"])
result = YES;
else if ([[url host] isEqual: [_url host]])
if ([[url gcsDatabaseName]
isEqualToString: [_url gcsDatabaseName]])
if ([[url user] isEqual: [_url user]])
if ([[url port] intValue] == [[_url port] intValue])
result = YES;
[self logWithFormat:
@"MISMATCH: different port (%@ vs %@) ..",
[url port], [_url port]];
[self logWithFormat: @"MISMATCH: different user .."];
[self logWithFormat: @"MISMATCH: different db .."];
[self logWithFormat: @"MISMATCH: different host (%@ vs %@) ",
[url host], [_url host]];
if ([[self->url port] intValue] != [[_url port] intValue]) {
[self logWithFormat:@"MISMATCH: different port (%@ vs %@) ..",
[self->url port], [_url port]];
return NO;
return YES;
[self logWithFormat: @"MISMATCH: no url .."];
return result;
- (NSTimeInterval)age {
return [[NSCalendarDate calendarDate]
- (NSTimeInterval) age
return [[NSCalendarDate calendarDate]
timeIntervalSinceDate: creationTime];
/* NSCopying */
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)_zone {
- (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *) _zone
return [self retain];
/* description */
- (NSString *)description {
- (NSString *) description
NSMutableString *ms;
ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:256];
[ms appendFormat:@"<0x%p[%@]:", self, NSStringFromClass([self class])];
[ms appendFormat:@" channel=0x%p", self->channel];
if (self->creationTime) [ms appendFormat:@" created=%@", self->creationTime];
if (self->lastReleaseTime)
[ms appendFormat:@" last-released=%@", self->lastReleaseTime];
if (self->lastAcquireTime)
[ms appendFormat:@" last-acquired=%@", self->lastAcquireTime];
[ms appendString:@">"];
ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 256];
[ms appendFormat: @"<0x%p[%@]: ", self, NSStringFromClass ([self class])];
[ms appendFormat: @" channel=0x%p", channel];
if (creationTime)
[ms appendFormat: @" created=%@", creationTime];
if (lastReleaseTime)
[ms appendFormat: @" last-released=%@", lastReleaseTime];
if (lastAcquireTime)
[ms appendFormat: @" last-acquired=%@", lastAcquireTime];
[ms appendString: @">"];
return ms;