Ludovic Marcotte 2014-03-28 15:22:45 -04:00
parent 633723a470
commit 6a39b48a37
2 changed files with 99 additions and 87 deletions

View File

NSString *srcMessageId, *srcFolderId, *dstFolderId, *dstMessageId;
SOGoMicrosoftActiveSyncFolderType srcFolderType, dstFolderType;
id <DOMElement> aMoveOperation;
NSArray *moveOperations;
NSMutableString *s;
NSData *d;
int i;
srcMessageId = [[(id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"SrcMsgId"] lastObject] textValue];
srcFolderId = [[[(id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"SrcFldId"] lastObject] textValue] realCollectionIdWithFolderType: &srcFolderType];
dstFolderId = [[[(id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"DstFldId"] lastObject] textValue] realCollectionIdWithFolderType: &dstFolderType];
moveOperations = (id)[theDocumentElement getElementsByTagName: @"Move"];
s = [NSMutableString string];
if (srcFolderType == ActiveSyncMailFolder && dstFolderType == ActiveSyncMailFolder)
[s appendString: @"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"];
[s appendString: @"<!DOCTYPE ActiveSync PUBLIC \"-//MICROSOFT//DTD ActiveSync//EN\" \"http://www.microsoft.com/\">"];
[s appendString: @"<MoveItems xmlns=\"Move:\">"];
for (i = 0; i < [moveOperations count]; i++)
NGImap4Client *client;
id currentCollection;
NSDictionary *response;
NSString *v;
aMoveOperation = [moveOperations objectAtIndex: i];
currentCollection = [self collectionFromId: srcFolderId type: srcFolderType];
srcMessageId = [[(id)[aMoveOperation getElementsByTagName: @"SrcMsgId"] lastObject] textValue];
srcFolderId = [[[(id)[aMoveOperation getElementsByTagName: @"SrcFldId"] lastObject] textValue] realCollectionIdWithFolderType: &srcFolderType];
dstFolderId = [[[(id)[aMoveOperation getElementsByTagName: @"DstFldId"] lastObject] textValue] realCollectionIdWithFolderType: &dstFolderType];
[s appendString: @"<Response>"];
// [currentFolder lookupName: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"folder%@", srcFolderId]
// inContext: context
// acquire: NO];
client = [[currentCollection imap4Connection] client];
[client select: srcFolderId];
response = [client copyUid: [srcMessageId intValue]
toFolder: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@", dstFolderId]];
// We extract the destionation message id
dstMessageId = nil;
if ([[response objectForKey: @"result"] boolValue]
&& (v = [[[response objectForKey: @"RawResponse"] objectForKey: @"ResponseResult"] objectForKey: @"flag"])
&& [v hasPrefix: @"COPYUID "])
// FIXME - we should support moving events between calendars, for example, or
// or contacts between address books.
if (srcFolderType == ActiveSyncMailFolder && dstFolderType == ActiveSyncMailFolder)
dstMessageId = [[v componentsSeparatedByString: @" "] lastObject];
NGImap4Client *client;
id currentCollection;
NSDictionary *response;
NSString *v;
currentCollection = [self collectionFromId: srcFolderId type: srcFolderType];
client = [[currentCollection imap4Connection] client];
[client select: srcFolderId];
response = [client copyUid: [srcMessageId intValue]
toFolder: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@", dstFolderId]];
// We extract the destionation message id
dstMessageId = nil;
if ([[response objectForKey: @"result"] boolValue]
&& (v = [[[response objectForKey: @"RawResponse"] objectForKey: @"ResponseResult"] objectForKey: @"flag"])
&& [v hasPrefix: @"COPYUID "])
dstMessageId = [[v componentsSeparatedByString: @" "] lastObject];
// We mark the original message as deleted
response = [client storeFlags: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"Deleted"]
forUIDs: [NSArray arrayWithObject: srcMessageId]
addOrRemove: YES];
if ([[response valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
[(SOGoMailFolder *)currentCollection expunge];
if (!dstMessageId)
// FIXME: should we return 1 or 2 here?
[s appendFormat: @"<Status>%d</Status>", 2];
// If the MoveItems operation is initiated by an Outlook client, we save the "deviceType+dstMessageId" to use it later in order to
// modify the Sync command from "add" to "change" (see SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher+Sync.m: -processSyncGetChanges: ...).
// This is to avoid Outlook creating dupes when moving messages across folfers.
if ([[context objectForKey: @"DeviceType"] isEqualToString: @"WindowsOutlook15"])
NSString *key;
// The key must be pretty verbose. We use the <uid>+<DeviceType>+<target folder>+<DstMsgId>
key = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@+%@+%@+%@",
[[context activeUser] login],
[context objectForKey: @"DeviceType"],
[[SOGoCache sharedCache] setValue: @"MovedItem"
forKey: key];
// Everything is alright, lets return the proper response. "Status == 3" means success.
[s appendFormat: @"<SrcMsgId>%@</SrcMsgId>", srcMessageId];
[s appendFormat: @"<DstMsgId>%@</DstMsgId>", dstMessageId];
[s appendFormat: @"<Status>%d</Status>", 3];
// We mark the original message as deleted
response = [client storeFlags: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"Deleted"]
forUIDs: [NSArray arrayWithObject: srcMessageId]
addOrRemove: YES];
if ([[response valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
[(SOGoMailFolder *)currentCollection expunge];
if (!dstMessageId)
[theResponse setStatus: 500];
[theResponse appendContentString: @"Unable to move message"];
NSMutableString *s;
NSData *d;
// If the MoveItems operation is initiated by an Outlook client, we save the "deviceType+dstMessageId" to use it later in order to
// modify the Sync command from "add" to "change" (see SOGoActiveSyncDispatcher+Sync.m: -processSyncGetChanges: ...).
// This is to avoid Outlook creating dupes when moving messages across folfers.
if ([[context objectForKey: @"DeviceType"] isEqualToString: @"WindowsOutlook15"])
NSString *key;
// The key must be pretty verbose. We use the <uid>+<DeviceType>+<target folder>+<DstMsgId>
key = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@+%@+%@+%@",
[[context activeUser] login],
[context objectForKey: @"DeviceType"],
[[SOGoCache sharedCache] setValue: @"MovedItem"
forKey: key];
// Everything is alright, lets return the proper response. "Status == 3" means success.
s = [NSMutableString string];
[s appendString: @"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"];
[s appendString: @"<!DOCTYPE ActiveSync PUBLIC \"-//MICROSOFT//DTD ActiveSync//EN\" \"http://www.microsoft.com/\">"];
[s appendString: @"<MoveItems xmlns=\"Move:\">"];
[s appendString: @"<Response>"];
[s appendFormat: @"<SrcMsgId>%@</SrcMsgId>", srcMessageId];
[s appendFormat: @"<DstMsgId>%@</DstMsgId>", dstMessageId];
[s appendFormat: @"<Status>%d</Status>", 3];
[s appendString: @"</Response>"];
[s appendString: @"</MoveItems>"];
d = [[s dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] xml2wbxml];
[theResponse setContent: d];
// Non-mail move operations - unsupported for now.
[s appendFormat: @"<Status>%d</Status>", 1];
[s appendString: @"</Response>"];
[theResponse setStatus: 500];
[theResponse appendContentString: @"Unsupported move operation"];
[s appendString: @"</MoveItems>"];
d = [[s dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] xml2wbxml];
[theResponse setContent: d];

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Bug fixes
- fixed calling unescapeHTML on null variables to avoid JavaScript exceptions in Contacts module
- fixed detection of IMAP flags support on the client side (#2664)
- fixed the ActiveSync issue marking all mails as read when downloading them
- fixed ActiveSync's move operations not working for multiple selections (#2691)
2.2.2 (2014-03-21)