Monotone-Parent: 8fda9dc133b4eae440b311a371fc6bfced15fb8e

Monotone-Revision: bc04349963643b17ba24dc6863c1b5ef72b326a0

Monotone-Date: 2006-11-02T21:50:12
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
Wolfgang Sourdeau 2006-11-02 21:50:12 +00:00
parent 3557c83592
commit 6f248c20b6
3 changed files with 399 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
2006-11-02 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMonthView.[hm]: rewritten module entirely to
imitate the look of Sunbird/Lightning's monthly view.
* UI/Scheduler/UIxCalMonthView.[hm]: renamed to

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* UIxCalMonthView.h - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2006 Inverse groupe conseil
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import "UIxCalView.h"
@class NSArray;
@class NSCalendarDate;
@class NSDictionary;
@class NSMutableDictionary;
@class SOGoAptFormatter;
@class SOGoDateFormatter;
@protocol WOActionResults;
@interface UIxCalMonthView : UIxCalView
SOGoAptFormatter *monthAptFormatter;
SOGoDateFormatter *dateFormatter;
NSMutableDictionary *sortedAppointments;
NSCalendarDate *currentTableDay;
// NSArray *rangesOf7Days;
NSArray *currentRangeOf7Days;
- (id <WOActionResults>) defaultAction;
- (NSDictionary *) monthBeforePrevMonthQueryParameters;
- (NSDictionary *) prevMonthQueryParameters;
- (NSDictionary *) nextMonthQueryParameters;
- (NSDictionary *) monthAfterNextMonthQueryParameters;
- (NSString *) monthNameOfTwoMonthAgo;
- (NSString *) monthNameOfOneMonthAgo;
- (NSString *) monthNameOfThisMonth;
- (NSString *) monthNameOfNextMonth;
- (NSString *) monthNameOfTheMonthAfterNextMonth;
- (NSArray *) daysToDisplay;
- (NSString *) labelForCurrentDayToDisplay;
- (NSString *) dayCellClasses;
- (void) setCurrentTableDay: (NSCalendarDate *) newCurrentTableDay;
- (NSCalendarDate *) currentTableDay;
- (NSString *) labelForCurrentDayCell;
- (NSArray *) rangesOf7Days;
- (void) setCurrentRangeOf7Days: (NSArray *) newCurrentRangeOf7Days;
- (NSArray *) currentRangeOf7Days;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
/* UIxCalMonthView.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2006 Inverse groupe conseil
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSCalendarDate.h>
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSCalendarDate+misc.h>
#import <SoObjects/SOGo/NSCalendarDate+SOGo.h>
#import <SOGoUI/SOGoAptFormatter.h>
#import <SOGoUI/SOGoDateFormatter.h>
#import "UIxCalMonthView.h"
@implementation UIxCalMonthView
- (id) init
NSTimeZone *tz;
if ((self = [super init]))
tz = [[self clientObject] userTimeZone];
= [[SOGoAptFormatter alloc] initWithDisplayTimeZone: tz];
[monthAptFormatter setShortMonthTitleOnly];
dateFormatter = [[SOGoDateFormatter alloc]
initWithLocale: [self locale]];
sortedAppointments = [NSMutableDictionary new];
return self;
- (SOGoAptFormatter *) monthAptFormatter
return monthAptFormatter;
- (void) dealloc
[monthAptFormatter release];
[dateFormatter release];
[sortedAppointments release];
[super dealloc];
- (void) _addEventToSortedEvents: (NSDictionary *) newEvent
NSMutableArray *eventArray;
NSString *dayId;
dayId = [[newEvent objectForKey: @"startDate"] shortDateString];
eventArray = [sortedAppointments objectForKey: dayId];
if (!eventArray)
eventArray = [NSMutableArray new];
[eventArray autorelease];
[sortedAppointments setObject: eventArray forKey: dayId];
[eventArray addObject: newEvent];
- (id <WOActionResults>) defaultAction
NSEnumerator *events;
NSDictionary *currentEvent;
events = [[self fetchCoreAppointmentsInfos] objectEnumerator];
currentEvent = [events nextObject];
while (currentEvent)
[self _addEventToSortedEvents: currentEvent];
currentEvent = [events nextObject];
NSLog (@"event:\n'%@'", currentEvent);
return self;
- (NSArray *) daysToDisplay
NSMutableArray *daysToDisplay;
NSCalendarDate *currentDayToDisplay;
unsigned int day;
daysToDisplay = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 7];
currentDayToDisplay = [[NSCalendarDate calendarDate] mondayOfWeek];
for (day = 0; day < 7; day++)
[daysToDisplay addObject: currentDayToDisplay];
= [currentDayToDisplay dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 1];
return daysToDisplay;
- (NSString *) labelForCurrentDayToDisplay
return [dateFormatter fullDayOfWeek: [currentTableDay dayOfWeek]];
- (NSDictionary *) _dateQueryParametersWithOffset: (int) monthsOffset
NSCalendarDate *date;
date = [[self selectedDate] dateByAddingYears: 0 months: monthsOffset
days: 0 hours: 0 minutes: 0 seconds: 0];
return [self queryParametersBySettingSelectedDate: date];
- (NSDictionary *) monthBeforePrevMonthQueryParameters
return [self _dateQueryParametersWithOffset: -2];
- (NSDictionary *) prevMonthQueryParameters
return [self _dateQueryParametersWithOffset: -1];
- (NSDictionary *) nextMonthQueryParameters
return [self _dateQueryParametersWithOffset: 1];
- (NSDictionary *) monthAfterNextMonthQueryParameters
return [self _dateQueryParametersWithOffset: 2];
- (NSString *) _monthNameWithOffsetFromThisMonth: (int) offset
NSCalendarDate *date;
date = [[self selectedDate] dateByAddingYears: 0 months: offset days: 0];
return [self localizedNameForMonthOfYear: [date monthOfYear]];
- (NSString *) monthNameOfTwoMonthAgo
return [self _monthNameWithOffsetFromThisMonth: -2];
- (NSString *) monthNameOfOneMonthAgo
return [self _monthNameWithOffsetFromThisMonth: -1];
- (NSString *) monthNameOfThisMonth
return [self _monthNameWithOffsetFromThisMonth: 0];
- (NSString *) monthNameOfNextMonth
return [self _monthNameWithOffsetFromThisMonth: 1];
- (NSString *) monthNameOfTheMonthAfterNextMonth
return [self _monthNameWithOffsetFromThisMonth: 2];
/* template accessors */
- (void) setCurrentTableDay: (NSCalendarDate *) newCurrentTableDay
currentTableDay = newCurrentTableDay;
- (NSCalendarDate *) currentTableDay
return currentTableDay;
- (void) setCurrentRangeOf7Days: (NSArray *) newCurrentRangeOf7Days
currentRangeOf7Days = newCurrentRangeOf7Days;
- (NSArray *) currentRangeOf7Days
return currentRangeOf7Days;
- (NSString *) labelForCurrentDayCell
NSCalendarDate *lastDayOfMonth;
NSString *label, *monthOfYear;
int dayOfMonth;
dayOfMonth = [currentTableDay dayOfMonth];
lastDayOfMonth = [currentTableDay lastDayOfMonth];
if (dayOfMonth == 1
|| [currentTableDay isDateOnSameDay: lastDayOfMonth])
= [dateFormatter shortMonthOfYear: [currentTableDay monthOfYear]];
label = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d %@", dayOfMonth, monthOfYear];
label = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", dayOfMonth];
return label;
- (NSString *) dayCellClasses
NSMutableString *classes;
NSCalendarDate *selectedDate;
int dayOfWeek;
classes = [NSMutableString new];
[classes autorelease];
[classes appendString: @"contentOfDay"];
dayOfWeek = [currentTableDay dayOfWeek];
if (dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6)
[classes appendString: @" weekEndDay"];
selectedDate = [self selectedDate];
if (![[currentTableDay firstDayOfMonth]
isDateOnSameDay: [selectedDate firstDayOfMonth]])
[classes appendString: @" dayOfAnotherMonth"];
if ([currentTableDay isToday])
[classes appendString: @" dayOfToday"];
if ([selectedDate isDateOnSameDay: currentTableDay])
[classes appendString: @" selectedDay"];
return classes;
- (NSArray *) _rangeOf7DaysForWeekStartingOn: (NSCalendarDate *) weekStart
unsigned int count;
NSMutableArray *range;
NSCalendarDate *currentDate;
range = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 7];
currentDate = weekStart;
for (count = 0; count < 7; count++)
[range addObject: currentDate];
currentDate = [currentDate dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 1];
return range;
- (NSCalendarDate *) startDate
NSCalendarDate *firstDayOfMonth;
firstDayOfMonth = [[self selectedDate] firstDayOfMonth];
return [firstDayOfMonth mondayOfWeek];
- (NSCalendarDate *) endDate
NSCalendarDate *lastDayOfMonth;
lastDayOfMonth = [[self selectedDate] lastDayOfMonth];
return [[lastDayOfMonth mondayOfWeek] dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 6];
- (NSArray *) rangesOf7Days
NSCalendarDate *currentDate, *firstDayOfMonth, *lastDayOfMonth;
NSMutableArray *rangesOf7Days;
NSArray *currentRange;
rangesOf7Days = [NSMutableArray new];
[rangesOf7Days autorelease];
firstDayOfMonth = [[self selectedDate] firstDayOfMonth];
lastDayOfMonth = [firstDayOfMonth lastDayOfMonth];
currentDate = [firstDayOfMonth mondayOfWeek];
while ([currentDate earlierDate: lastDayOfMonth] == currentDate)
currentRange = [self _rangeOf7DaysForWeekStartingOn: currentDate];
[rangesOf7Days addObject: currentRange];
currentDate = [[currentRange objectAtIndex: 6] dateByAddingYears: 0
months: 0 days: 1];
return rangesOf7Days;
- (NSArray *) aptsForCurrentDate
return [sortedAppointments objectForKey: [currentTableDay shortDateString]];