Fixed globalobjid so it doesn't contain \n characters!

Ludovic Marcotte 2014-02-07 16:17:11 -05:00
parent c94595ea7f
commit 8225f76279
1 changed files with 26 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ struct GlobalObjectId {
- (NSData *) _computeGlobalObjectIdFromEvent: (iCalEvent *) event
NSData *binPrefix, *globalObjectId;
NSData *binPrefix, *globalObjectId, *uidAsASCII;
NSString *prefix, *uid;
struct GlobalObjectId newGlobalId;
const char *uidAsUTF8;
const char *bytes;
prefix = @"040000008200e00074c5b7101a82e008";
@ -115,13 +115,14 @@ struct GlobalObjectId {
[binPrefix getBytes: &newGlobalId.ByteArrayID];
[self _setInstanceDate: &newGlobalId
fromDate: [event recurrenceId]];
uidAsUTF8 = [uid UTF8String];
uidAsASCII = [uid dataUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];
bytes = [uidAsASCII bytes];
// 0x0c is the size of our dataPrefix
newGlobalId.Size = 0x0c + strlen(uidAsUTF8);
newGlobalId.Size = 0x0c + [uidAsASCII length];
newGlobalId.Data = malloc(newGlobalId.Size * sizeof(uint8_t));
memcpy(newGlobalId.Data, dataPrefix, 0x0c);
memcpy(newGlobalId.Data + 0x0c, uidAsUTF8, newGlobalId.Size - 0x0c);
memcpy(newGlobalId.Data + 0x0c, bytes, newGlobalId.Size - 0x0c);
globalObjectId = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes: &newGlobalId length: 40 + newGlobalId.Size*sizeof(uint8_t)];
@ -144,12 +145,12 @@ struct GlobalObjectId {
// uid = nil;
// bytes = malloc(length*sizeof(uint8_t));
// [objectId getBytes: bytes length: length];
// [objectId getBytes: bytes length: length];
// newGlobalId = bytes;
// newGlobalId = (struct GlobalObjectId *)bytes;
// // We must take the offset (dataPrefix) into account
// uid = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: newGlobalId->Data+12 length: newGlobalId->Size-12 encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// uid = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: newGlobalId->Data+12 length: newGlobalId->Size-12 encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding];
// free(bytes);
// return AUTORELEASE(uid);
@ -389,10 +390,13 @@ struct GlobalObjectId {
iCalTimeZone *tz;
iCalEvent *event;
int v;
event = [[calendar events] lastObject];
[s appendString: @"<MeetingRequest xmlns=\"Email:\">"];
[s appendFormat: @"<AllDayEvent xmlns=\"Email:\">%d</AllDayEvent>", ([event isAllDay] ? 1 : 0)];
if ([event timeStampAsDate])
[s appendFormat: @"<DTStamp xmlns=\"Email:\">%@</DTStamp>", [[event timeStampAsDate] activeSyncRepresentationWithoutSeparators]];
@ -419,11 +423,21 @@ struct GlobalObjectId {
[s appendFormat: @"<Organizer xmlns=\"Email:\">%@</Organizer>", [[event organizer] rfc822Email]];
[s appendFormat: @"<ResponseRequested xmlns=\"Email:\">%d</ResponseRequested>", 1];
// Sensitivity
if ([[event accessClass] isEqualToString: @"PRIVATE"])
v = 2;
if ([[event accessClass] isEqualToString: @"CONFIDENTIAL"])
v = 3;
v = 0;
[s appendFormat: @"<Sensitivity xmlns=\"Email:\">%d</Sensitivity>", v];
// We disallow new time proposals
[s appendFormat: @"<DisallowNewTimeProposal xmlns=\"Email:\">%d</DisallowNewTimeProposal>", 1];
// We set the right message type
[s appendFormat: @"<MeetingMessageType xmlns=\"Email2:\">%d</MeetingMessageType>", 1];
// We set the right message type - we must set AS version to 14.1 for this
//[s appendFormat: @"<MeetingMessageType xmlns=\"Email2:\">%d</MeetingMessageType>", 1];
// From
@ -431,13 +445,12 @@ struct GlobalObjectId {
// object in the Calendar folder have to convert the GlobalObjId element value to a UID element value to make the comparison."
globalObjId = [self _computeGlobalObjectIdFromEvent: event];
[s appendFormat: @"<GlobalObjId xmlns=\"Email:\">%@</GlobalObjId>", [globalObjId stringByEncodingBase64]];
[s appendFormat: @"<GlobalObjId xmlns=\"Email:\">%@</GlobalObjId>", [[globalObjId stringByEncodingBase64] stringByReplacingString: @"\n" withString: @""]];
[s appendString: @"</MeetingRequest>"];
// MesssageClass and ContentClass
[s appendFormat: @"<MessageClass xmlns=\"Email:\">%@</MessageClass>", @"IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request"];
[s appendFormat: @"<ContentClass xmlns=\"Email:\">%@</ContentClass>", @"urn:content-classes:calendarmessage"];