(feat) initial support for contact import in the address book module

This commit is contained in:
Ludovic Marcotte 2015-08-21 20:56:21 -04:00
parent 0a8834193f
commit 85c8aebbd4
4 changed files with 95 additions and 71 deletions

View file

@ -112,15 +112,11 @@
request = [context request];
rc = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
data = [request formValueForKey: @"contactsFile"];
if ([data respondsToSelector: @selector(isEqualToString:)])
fileContent = (NSString *) data;
data = [[[[[request httpRequest] body] parts] lastObject] body];
fileContent = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: (NSData *) data
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[fileContent autorelease];
if (fileContent && [fileContent length])
@ -132,12 +128,10 @@
imported = 0;
[rc setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: imported]
forKey: @"imported"];
[rc setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: imported] forKey: @"imported"];
response = [self responseWithStatus: 200];
[response setHeader: @"text/html"
forKey: @"content-type"];
[response setHeader: @"text/html" forKey: @"content-type"];
[(WOResponse*)response appendContentString: [rc jsonRepresentation]];
return response;

View file

@ -9,64 +9,11 @@
const:jsFiles="Common.js, Preferences.services.js, Contacts.js, Contacts.services.js">
const:jsFiles="Common.js, Preferences.services.js, Contacts.js, Contacts.services.js, vendor/angular-file-upload.min.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
var contactFolders = <var:string value="contactFolders" const:escapeHTML="NO" />;
<div id="uploadDialog" style="display: none" class="dialog left">
<h3><var:string label:value="Import Cards"/></h3>
<p class="prompt"><var:string label:value="Select a vCard or LDIF file."/></p>
<form const:href="" name="uploadForm" id="uploadForm" method="post"
onsubmit="return AIM.submit(this, {'onStart' : validateUploadForm,
'onComplete' : uploadCompleted})">
<p class="prompt"><input type="file" name="contactsFile" id="contactsFile" class="textField" required="required" />
<a href="#" class="button actionButton" id="uploadSubmit"
onclick="if($('uploadForm').onsubmit()) $('uploadForm').submit()">
<span><var:string label:value="Upload" /></span></a>
<a href="#" class="button" const:id="uploadCancel">
<span><var:string label:value="Cancel" /></span></a></p>
<div id="uploadResults" dropdown-content="dropdown-content" class="f-dropdown">
<h3><var:string label:value="Import Cards"/></h3>
<p id="uploadResultsContent">!- empty -</p>
<p><a href="#" class="button" const:id="uploadOK">
<span><var:string label:value="Done" /></span></a></p>
<ul class="f-dropdown" dropdown-content="dropdown-content" id="contactMenu">
<li><var:string label:value="Properties" /></li>
<li><var:string label:value="Categories" /></li>
<li>!- separator -</li>
<li><var:string label:value="Write" /></li>
<li><var:string label:value="Instant Message" /></li>
<li>!- separator -</li>
<li><var:string label:value="Delete" /></li>
<li>!- separator -</li>
<li><var:string label:value="Move To" /></li>
<li><var:string label:value="Copy To" /></li>
<li><var:string label:value="Export" /></li>
<li><var:string label:value="View Raw Source" /></li>
Content of the application view injected injected in the element bellow
MUST be the first html element after body
SHOULD be a main tag (with role="main")
Templates script tag wrappers goes next
<main class="view md-layout-fill" ui-view="addressbooks" layout="row" ng-controller="navController"><!-- addressbooks list --></main>
@ -125,6 +72,12 @@
<var:string label:value="Delete"/>
<md-menu-divider><!-- divider --></md-menu-divider>
<md-button type="button" ng-click="app.importCards($event, folder)">
<var:string label:value="Import"/>
<md-button type="button" ng-click="app.exportCards()">
<var:string label:value="Export"/>

View file

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
* @ngInject
AddressBooksController.$inject = ['$state', '$scope', '$rootScope', '$stateParams', '$timeout', '$mdDialog', 'sgFocus', 'Card', 'AddressBook', 'Dialog', 'sgSettings', 'User', 'stateAddressbooks'];
function AddressBooksController($state, $scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, $timeout, $mdDialog, focus, Card, AddressBook, Dialog, Settings, User, stateAddressbooks) {
AddressBooksController.$inject = ['$state', '$scope', '$rootScope', '$stateParams', '$timeout', '$mdDialog', '$mdToast', 'FileUploader', 'sgFocus', 'Card', 'AddressBook', 'Dialog', 'sgSettings', 'User', 'stateAddressbooks'];
function AddressBooksController($state, $scope, $rootScope, $stateParams, $timeout, $mdDialog, $mdToast, FileUploader, focus, Card, AddressBook, Dialog, Settings, User, stateAddressbooks) {
var vm = this;
vm.activeUser = Settings.activeUser;
@ -101,8 +101,85 @@
function importCards() {
function importCards($event, folder) {
parent: angular.element(document.body),
targetEvent: $event,
clickOutsideToClose: true,
escapeToClose: true,
template: [
'<md-dialog flex="40" flex-sm="100" aria-label="' + l('Import Cards') + '">',
' <md-toolbar class="sg-padded">',
' <div class="md-toolbar-tools">',
' <md-icon class="material-icons sg-icon-toolbar-bg">import_export</md-icon>',
' <div class="md-flex">',
' <div class="sg-md-title">' + l('Import Cards') + '</div>',
' </div>',
' <md-button class="md-icon-button" ng-click="close()">',
' <md-icon aria-label="Close dialog">close</md-icon>',
' </md-button>',
' </div>',
' </md-toolbar>',
' <md-dialog-content>',
' <div layout="column">',
' <div layout="row" layout-align="start center">',
' <span>' + l('Select a vCard or LDIF file.') + '</span>',
' <label class="md-button" for="file-input">',
' <span>' + l('Choose File') + '</span>',
' </label>',
' <input id="file-input" type="file" nv-file-select="nv-file-select" uploader="uploader" ng-show="false"/>',
' </div>',
' <span ng-show="uploader.queue.length == 0">' + l('No file chosen') + '</span>',
' <span ng-show="uploader.queue.length > 0">{{ uploader.queue[0].file.name }}</span>',
' </div>',
' </md-dialog-content>',
' <div class="md-actions">',
' <md-button ng-disabled="uploader.queue.length == 0" ng-click="upload()">' + l('Upload') + '</md-button>',
' </div>',
controller: CardsImportDialogController,
locals: {
folder: folder
* @ngInject
CardsImportDialogController.$inject = ['scope', '$mdDialog', 'folder'];
function CardsImportDialogController(scope, $mdDialog, folder) {
scope.uploader = new FileUploader({
url: ApplicationBaseURL + '/' + folder.id + '/import',
onProgressItem: function(item, progress) {
console.debug(item); console.debug(progress);
onSuccessItem: function(item, response, status, headers) {
console.debug(item); console.debug('success = ' + JSON.stringify(response, undefined, 2));
.content(l('A total of %{0} cards were imported in the addressbook.', response.imported))
.position('top right')
onCancelItem: function(item, response, status, headers) {
console.debug(item); console.debug('cancel = ' + JSON.stringify(response, undefined, 2));
onErrorItem: function(item, response, status, headers) {
console.debug(item); console.debug('error = ' + JSON.stringify(response, undefined, 2));
scope.close = function() {
scope.upload = function() {
function exportCards() {

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
(function() {
'use strict';
angular.module('SOGo.ContactsUI', ['ngSanitize', 'ui.router', 'SOGo.Common', 'SOGo.PreferencesUI'])
angular.module('SOGo.ContactsUI', ['ngSanitize', 'ui.router', 'angularFileUpload', 'SOGo.Common', 'SOGo.PreferencesUI'])