Ludovic Marcotte 2013-09-19 16:14:08 -04:00
parent 5b77c2b724
commit 91f1ab6a60
3 changed files with 87 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Enhancements
- Added support for LDAP password change against AD/Samba4
- Added apache configuration for Apple autoconfiguration (#2248)
- The init scripts now start 3 sogod processes by default instead of 1
- SOGo now also sends a plain/text parts when sending HTML mails (#2217)
Bug fixes
- Fixed Finnish mail reply/forward templates (#2401)
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ Bug fixes
- Worked around an issue with chunked encoding of CAS replies (#2408)
- Avoid crash when handling malformed or non-ASCII http credentials (#2358)
- Fixed crontab error (#2372)
- Fixed OpenChange corruption issue regarding predecessors change list
2.0.7 (2013-07-19)

View File

@ -171,12 +171,17 @@ static NSString *headerKeys[] = {@"subject", @"to", @"cc", @"bcc",
@implementation SOGoDraftObject
static NGMimeType *MultiMixedType = nil;
static NGMimeType *MultiAlternativeType = nil;
static NSString *userAgent = nil;
+ (void) initialize
MultiMixedType = [NGMimeType mimeType: @"multipart" subType: @"mixed"];
[MultiMixedType retain];
MultiAlternativeType = [NGMimeType mimeType: @"multipart" subType: @"alternative"];
[MultiAlternativeType retain];
userAgent = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"SOGoMail %@",
[userAgent retain];
@ -981,8 +986,33 @@ static NSString *userAgent = nil;
return error;
/* NGMime representations */
// Only called when converting text/html to text/plain parts
- (NGMimeBodyPart *) plainTextBodyPartForText
NGMutableHashMap *map;
NGMimeBodyPart *bodyPart;
NSString *plainText;
/* prepare header of body part */
map = [[[NGMutableHashMap alloc] initWithCapacity: 1] autorelease];
[map setObject: contentTypeValue forKey: @"content-type"];
/* prepare body content */
bodyPart = [[[NGMimeBodyPart alloc] initWithHeader:map] autorelease];
plainText = [text htmlToText];
[bodyPart setBody: plainText];
return bodyPart;
- (NGMimeBodyPart *) bodyPartForText
@ -992,25 +1022,14 @@ static NSString *userAgent = nil;
NGMimeBodyPart *bodyPart;
/* prepare header of body part */
map = [[[NGMutableHashMap alloc] initWithCapacity: 1] autorelease];
// TODO: set charset in header!
[map setObject: @"text/plain" forKey: @"content-type"];
if (text)
[map setObject: (isHTML ? htmlContentTypeValue : contentTypeValue)
forKey: @"content-type"];
// if ((body = text) != nil) {
// if ([body isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) {
// [map setObject: contentTypeValue
// forKey: @"content-type"];
// // body = [body dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// }
// }
/* prepare body content */
bodyPart = [[[NGMimeBodyPart alloc] initWithHeader:map] autorelease];
[bodyPart setBody: text];
@ -1020,32 +1039,29 @@ static NSString *userAgent = nil;
- (NGMimeMessage *) mimeMessageForContentWithHeaderMap: (NGMutableHashMap *) map
NGMimeMessage *message;
// BOOL addSuffix;
id body;
id body;
[map setObject: @"text/plain" forKey: @"content-type"];
body = text;
if (body)
message = [[[NGMimeMessage alloc] initWithHeader:map] autorelease];
if (!isHTML)
// if ([body isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
/* Note: just 'utf8' is displayed wrong in Mail.app */
[map setObject: (isHTML ? htmlContentTypeValue : contentTypeValue)
forKey: @"content-type"];
// body = [body dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// else if ([body isKindOfClass:[NSData class]] && addSuffix) {
// body = [[body mutableCopy] autorelease];
// }
// else if (addSuffix) {
// [self warnWithFormat: @"Note: cannot add Internet marker to body: %@",
// NSStringFromClass([body class])];
// }
message = [[[NGMimeMessage alloc] initWithHeader:map] autorelease];
[message setBody: body];
[map setObject: contentTypeValue forKey: @"content-type"];
body = text;
message = nil;
body = [[[NGMimeMultipartBody alloc] initWithPart: message] autorelease];
[map addObject: MultiAlternativeType forKey: @"content-type"];
// Add the HTML part
[body addBodyPart: [self bodyPartForText]];
// Get the text part from it and add it too
[body addBodyPart: [self plainTextBodyPartForText]];
[message setBody: body];
return message;
@ -1232,21 +1248,54 @@ static NSString *userAgent = nil;
return bodyParts;
- (NGMimeBodyPart *) mimeMultipartAlternative
NGMimeMultipartBody *textParts;
NGMutableHashMap *header;
NGMimeBodyPart *part;
header = [NGMutableHashMap hashMap];
[header addObject: MultiAlternativeType forKey: @"content-type"];
part = [NGMimeBodyPart bodyPartWithHeader: header];
textParts = [[NGMimeMultipartBody alloc] initWithPart: part];
// Add the HTML part
[textParts addBodyPart: [self bodyPartForText]];
// Get the text part from it and add it too
[textParts addBodyPart: [self plainTextBodyPartForText]];
[part setBody: textParts];
return part;
- (NGMimeMessage *) mimeMultiPartMessageWithHeaderMap: (NGMutableHashMap *) map
andBodyParts: (NSArray *) _bodyParts
NGMimeMessage *message;
NGMimeMultipartBody *mBody;
NGMimeBodyPart *part;
NSEnumerator *e;
id part;
[map addObject: MultiMixedType forKey: @"content-type"];
message = [[NGMimeMessage alloc] initWithHeader: map];
[message autorelease];
mBody = [[NGMimeMultipartBody alloc] initWithPart: message];
if (!isHTML)
part = [self bodyPartForText];
part = [self mimeMultipartAlternative];
part = [self bodyPartForText];
[mBody addBodyPart: part];
e = [_bodyParts objectEnumerator];

View File

@ -567,8 +567,8 @@ static NSArray *infoKeys = nil;
info = [self storeInfo];
[co setHeaders: info];
[co setText: text];
[co setIsHTML: isHTML];
[co setText: (isHTML ? [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<html>%@</html>", text] : text)];;
error = [co storeInfo];
if (error)