(fix) avoid truncating XML entities

Ludovic Marcotte 2016-02-19 09:07:53 -05:00
parent 10729b9a5f
commit 95d0a18c08
1 changed files with 44 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -605,6 +605,35 @@ struct GlobalObjectId {
- (NSString *) _truncateContent: (NSString *) theContent
limit: (int) theLimit
truncated: (int *) wasTruncated
if ([theContent length] > theLimit)
int i, len;
theContent = [theContent substringToIndex: theLimit];
*wasTruncated = 1;
// We search for the first "space" character starting from the
// end and we truncate the string once more. We do this to avoid
// truncating the content in the middle of a XML entity
len = theLimit-1;
for (i = len; i >= 0; i--)
if (isspace([theContent characterAtIndex: i]))
return [theContent substringToIndex: i];
*wasTruncated = 0;
return theContent;
@ -1016,57 +1045,36 @@ struct GlobalObjectId {
case 0:
content = @"";
len = 0;
len = 0; truncated = 1;
case 1:
if ([content length] > 4096)
content = [content substringToIndex: 4096];
len = 4096; truncated = 1;
content = [self _truncateContent: content limit: 4096 truncated: &truncated];
len = [content length];
case 2:
if ([content length] > 5120)
content = [content substringToIndex: 5120];
len = 5120; truncated = 1;
content = [self _truncateContent: content limit: 5120 truncated: &truncated];
len = [content length];
case 3:
if ([content length] > 7168)
content = [content substringToIndex: 7168];
len = 7168; truncated = 1;
content = [self _truncateContent: content limit: 7168 truncated: &truncated];
len = [content length];
case 4:
if ([content length] > 10240)
content = [content substringToIndex: 10240];
len = 10240; truncated = 1;
content = [self _truncateContent: content limit: 10240 truncated: &truncated];
len = [content length];
case 5:
if ([content length] > 20480)
content = [content substringToIndex: 20480];
len = 20480; truncated = 1;
content = [self _truncateContent: content limit: 20480 truncated: &truncated];
len = [content length];
case 6:
if ([content length] > 51200)
content = [content substringToIndex: 51200];
len = 51200; truncated = 1;
content = [self _truncateContent: content limit: 51200 truncated: &truncated];
len = [content length];
case 7:
if ([content length] > 102400)
content = [content substringToIndex: 102400];
len = 102400; truncated = 1;
content = [self _truncateContent: content limit: 102400 truncated: &truncated];
len = [content length];
case 8: