
This is now usable again.

  - Don't delete password files in mapistoreCleanup()
  - reworked the ldb cleanup and enabled it
  - sql cleanup should now be able to figure out the db info from the config
    regardless of the format used (xml, plist, sogo.conf or GNUstepDefaults)
    (We really need a python plist parser.. the current solution is not elegant)
  - Inform user of missing python packages
Jean Raby 2013-03-22 15:13:39 -04:00
parent 9c4b7d8481
commit 95dc134ca6
1 changed files with 65 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import getopt
import imaplib
#import ldb
import ldb
import plistlib
import os
import re
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ imapport = 143
sambaprivate = '/var/lib/samba/private'
mapistorefolder = "%s/mapistore" % (sambaprivate)
sogoSysDefaultsFile = "/etc/sogo/sogo.conf"
sogoUserDefaultsFile = "/home/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults"
sogoUserDefaultsFile = os.path.expanduser("~sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults")
# - takes a username and optionally its password
# - removes the entry in samba's ldap tree via ldbedit (NOTYET)
@ -79,13 +79,15 @@ def main():
except (shutil.Error, OSError) as e:
print "Error during mapistoreCleanup, continuing: %s" % str(e)
# try:
# pass
# #ldbCleanup(sambaprivate, username)
# except ldb.LdbError as e:
# print "Error during ldbCleanup, continuing: %s" % str(e)
ldbCleanup(sambaprivate, username)
except ldb.LdbError as e:
print "Error during ldbCleanup, continuing: %s" % str(e)
except Exception as e:
print "Error during sqlCleanup, continuing: %s" % str(e)
def extractmb(si):
inparen = False
@ -135,6 +137,7 @@ def cleanupmb(mb, client):
print "mailbox '%s' coult NOT be deleted (code = '%s')" % (mb, code)
def imapCleanup(imaphost, imapport, username, userpass):
print "Starting IMAP cleanup"
client = imaplib.IMAP4(imaphost, imapport)
(code, data) = client.login(username, userpass)
if code != "OK":
@ -152,24 +155,43 @@ def imapCleanup(imaphost, imapport, username, userpass):
def mapistoreCleanup(mapistorefolder, username):
print "Starting MAPIstore cleanup"
# delete the user's folder under the mapistore and under mapistore/SOGo
shutil.rmtree("%s/%s" % (mapistorefolder, username), ignore_errors=True)
mapistoreUserDir = "%s/%s" % (mapistorefolder, username)
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(mapistoreUserDir):
for f in filenames:
if f != "password":
os.unlink("%s/%s" % (dirpath,f))
break #one level only
shutil.rmtree("%s/SOGo/%s" % (mapistorefolder, username), ignore_errors=True)
#def ldbCleanup(sambaprivate, username):
# conn = ldb.Ldb("%s/openchange.ldb" % (sambaprivate))
#### entries =, expression="(|(cn=%s)(MAPIStoreURI=sogo://%s:*)(MAPIStoreURI=sogo://%s@*))" % (username,username,username),
# entries =, expression="cn=%s" % (username),
# scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE)
# for entry in entries:
# print "Deleting %s" % (entry.dn)
# conn.delete(entry.dn)
def ldbCleanup(sambaprivate, username):
conn = ldb.Ldb("%s/openchange.ldb" % (sambaprivate))
# find the DN of the user
entries =, expression="(cn=%s)" % (username), scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE)
if not entries:
print "cn = %s not found in openchange.ldb" %(username)
for entry in entries:
# search again, but with the user's DN as a base
subentries =, expression="(distinguishedName=*)", scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE)
for subentry in subentries:
print "Deleting %s" % (subentry.dn)
def mysqlCleanup(dbhost, dbport, dbuser, dbpass, dbname, username):
import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb
except ImportError:
msg ="""The python 'MySQLdb' module is not available
On Debian based distro, install it using 'apt-get install python-mysqlbd'
On RHEL, install it using 'yum install MySQL-python'"""
raise Exception(msg)
conn= MySQLdb.connect(host=dbhost, port=int(dbport), user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass, db=dbname)
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=dbhost, port=int(dbport), user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass, db=dbname)
tablename="socfs_%s" % (username)
c.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE %s" % tablename)
@ -177,28 +199,33 @@ def mysqlCleanup(dbhost, dbport, dbuser, dbpass, dbname, username):
def postgresqlCleanup(dbhost, dbport, dbuser, dbpass, dbname, username):
import pg
import pg
except ImportError:
msg ="""The python 'pg' module is not available
On Debian based distro, install it using 'apt-get install python-pygresql'
On RHEL, install it using 'yum install python-pgsql'"""
raise Exception(msg)
conn = pg.connect(host=dbhost, port=int(dbport), user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass, dbname=dbname)
tablename = "socfs_%s" % username
conn.query("DELETE FROM %s" % tablename)
print "table '%s' emptied" % tablename
print "Table '%s' emptied" % tablename
def getOCSFolderInfoURL():
global sogoSysDefaultsFile, sogoUserDefaultsFile
OCSFolderInfoURL = ""
# read defaults from /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
if os.path.exists(sogoSysDefaultsFile):
sogoDefaults = plistlib.readPlist(sogoSysDefaultsFile)
if "OCSFolderInfoURL" in sogoDefaults:
OCSFolderInfoURL = sogoDefaults["OCSFolderInfoURL"]
# defaults from user directory must have precedence
if os.path.exists(sogoUserDefaultsFile):
sogoDefaults = plistlib.readPlist(sogoUserDefaultsFile)
if "sogod" in sogoDefaults and "OCSFolderInfoURL" in sogoDefaults["sogod"]:
OCSFolderInfoURL = sogoDefaults['sogod']['OCSFolderInfoURL']
# read defaults from defaults files
# order is important, user defaults must have precedence
for f in [sogoSysDefaultsFile, sogoUserDefaultsFile]:
if os.path.exists(f):
# FIXME: this is ugly, we should have a python plist parser
# plistlib only supports XML plists.
pipeline = """sogo-tool dump-defaults -f %s | grep -w OCSFolderInfoURL | awk -F\\" '{print $2}'""" % f
tmp = subprocess.check_output(pipeline, shell=True)
if tmp: OCSFolderInfoURL = tmp
return OCSFolderInfoURL
@ -226,6 +253,7 @@ def asCSSIdentifier(inputString):
return "".join(newChars)
def sqlCleanup(username):
print "Starting SQL cleanup"
OCSFolderInfoURL = getOCSFolderInfoURL()
if OCSFolderInfoURL is None:
raise Exception("Couldn't fetch OCSFolderInfoURL or it is not set. the socfs_%s table should be truncated manually" % (username))
@ -233,6 +261,9 @@ def sqlCleanup(username):
# postgresql://sogo:sogo@
m ="(.+)://(.+):(.+)@(.+):(\d+)/(.+)/(.+)", OCSFolderInfoURL)
if not m:
raise Exception("Unable to parse OCSFolderInfoURL: %s" % OCSFolderInfoURL)
proto =
dbuser =
dbpass =
@ -248,7 +279,7 @@ def sqlCleanup(username):
elif (proto == "mysql"):
mysqlCleanup(dbhost, dbport, dbuser, dbpass, dbname, encodedUserName)
raise Exception("Unknown sql proto: " % (proto))
raise Exception("Unknown sql proto: %s" % (proto))
if __name__ == "__main__":