Fix auto-acceptation of resources as attendees

Fixes #2541
Francis Lachapelle 2014-02-24 16:07:55 -05:00
parent 2b6428efd0
commit 9ed1d57ec2
1 changed files with 54 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -545,51 +545,64 @@
[fbInfo removeObjectAtIndex: i];
if ([fbInfo count])
// If we always force the auto-accept if numberOfSimultaneousBookings == 0 (ie., no limit
// is imposed) or if numberOfSimultaneousBookings is greater than the number of
// overlapping events
if ([user numberOfSimultaneousBookings] == 0 ||
[user numberOfSimultaneousBookings] > [fbInfo count])
// Find the attendee associated to the current UID
for (i = 0; i < [theAttendees count]; i++)
currentAttendee = [theAttendees objectAtIndex: i];
if ([[currentAttendee uid] isEqualToString: currentUID])
currentAttendee = nil;
if (currentAttendee)
if ([fbInfo count])
// If we always force the auto-accept if numberOfSimultaneousBookings == 0 (ie., no limit
// is imposed) or if numberOfSimultaneousBookings is greater than the number of
// overlapping events
if ([user numberOfSimultaneousBookings] == 0 ||
[user numberOfSimultaneousBookings] > [fbInfo count])
[[currentAttendee attributes] removeObjectForKey: @"RSVP"];
[currentAttendee setParticipationStatus: iCalPersonPartStatAccepted];
iCalCalendar *calendar;
NSDictionary *values;
NSString *reason;
iCalEvent *event;
calendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: [[fbInfo objectAtIndex: 0] objectForKey: @"c_content"]];
event = [[calendar events] lastObject];
values = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", [user numberOfSimultaneousBookings]], @"NumberOfSimultaneousBookings",
[user cn], @"Cn",
[user systemEmail], @"SystemEmail",
([event summary] ? [event summary] : @""), @"EventTitle",
[[fbInfo objectAtIndex: 0] objectForKey: @"startDate"], @"StartDate",
reason = [values keysWithFormat: [self labelForKey: @"Maximum number of simultaneous bookings (%{NumberOfSimultaneousBookings}) reached for resource \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\". The conflicting event is \"%{EventTitle}\", and starts on %{StartDate}."]];
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:403
reason: reason];
// No conflict, we auto-accept. We do this for resources automatically if no
// double-booking is observed. If it's not the desired behavior, just don't
// set the resource as one!
[[currentAttendee attributes] removeObjectForKey: @"RSVP"];
[currentAttendee setParticipationStatus: iCalPersonPartStatAccepted];
iCalCalendar *calendar;
NSDictionary *values;
NSString *reason;
iCalEvent *event;
calendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: [[fbInfo objectAtIndex: 0] objectForKey: @"c_content"]];
event = [[calendar events] lastObject];
values = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d", [user numberOfSimultaneousBookings]], @"NumberOfSimultaneousBookings",
[user cn], @"Cn",
[user systemEmail], @"SystemEmail",
([event summary] ? [event summary] : @""), @"EventTitle",
[[fbInfo objectAtIndex: 0] objectForKey: @"startDate"], @"StartDate",
reason = [values keysWithFormat: [self labelForKey: @"Maximum number of simultaneous bookings (%{NumberOfSimultaneousBookings}) reached for resource \"%{Cn} %{SystemEmail}\". The conflicting event is \"%{EventTitle}\", and starts on %{StartDate}."]];
return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:403
reason: reason];
// No conflict, we auto-accept. We do this for resources automatically if no
// double-booking is observed. If it's not the desired behavior, just don't
// set the resource as one!
[[currentAttendee attributes] removeObjectForKey: @"RSVP"];
[currentAttendee setParticipationStatus: iCalPersonPartStatAccepted];
return nil;