oc: Guess recipients from some properties while importing PST

This is happening when importing a PST file.

From -> PidTagSenderEntryId
To   -> PidTagOriginalDisplayTo
CC   -> PidTagOriginalDisplayCc

The tested EntryID are the local users and OneOffEntries
when the users are not from the directory.

It requires https://github.com/openchange/openchange/pull/175 to work.
Enrique J. Hernández Blasco 2014-12-23 00:54:16 +01:00
parent 12cdc60af7
commit a56fc93a9a
1 changed files with 82 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -537,8 +537,9 @@ FillMessageHeadersFromProperties (NGMutableHashMap *headers,
NSDictionary *mailProperties, BOOL withBcc,
struct mapistore_connection_info *connInfo)
NSData *senderEntryId;
NSMutableString *subject;
NSString *from, *recId, *messageId, *subjectData;
NSString *from, *recId, *messageId, *subjectData, *recipientsStr;
NSArray *list;
NSCalendarDate *date;
NSDictionary *recipients;
@ -575,7 +576,86 @@ FillMessageHeadersFromProperties (NGMutableHashMap *headers,
[headers setObjects: list forKey: @"from"];
NSLog (@"message without recipients");
NSLog (@"Message without recipients."
@"Guessing recipients from PidTagSenderEntryId, PidTagOriginalDisplayTo"
@"and PidTagOriginalCc");
senderEntryId = [mailProperties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_SENDER_ENTRYID)];
if (senderEntryId)
struct Binary_r bin32;
struct AddressBookEntryId *addrBookEntryId;
NSString *username;
NSMutableDictionary *fromRecipient;
fromRecipient = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 2];
bin32.cb = [senderEntryId length];
bin32.lpb = (uint8_t *) [senderEntryId bytes];
addrBookEntryId = get_AddressBookEntryId (connInfo->sam_ctx, &bin32);
if (addrBookEntryId && [[NSString stringWithGUID: &addrBookEntryId->ProviderUID]
hasSuffix: @"08002b2fe182"])
/* TODO: better way to distinguish local and other ones */
username = MAPIStoreSamDBUserAttribute (connInfo->sam_ctx, @"legacyExchangeDN",
[NSString stringWithUTF8String: addrBookEntryId->X500DN], @"sAMAccountName");
if (username)
SOGoUser *fromUser;
fromUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: [username lowercaseString]];
[fromRecipient setObject: [fromUser cn] forKey: @"fullName"];
[fromRecipient setObject: [[fromUser allEmails] objectAtIndex: 0]
forKey: @"email"];
[fromRecipient setObject: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: addrBookEntryId->X500DN]
forKey: @"email"];
/* Try with One-Off EntryId */
struct OneOffEntryId *oneOffEntryId;
oneOffEntryId = get_OneOffEntryId (connInfo->sam_ctx, &bin32);
if (oneOffEntryId && [[NSString stringWithGUID: &oneOffEntryId->ProviderUID]
hasSuffix: @"00dd010f5402"])
[fromRecipient setObject: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: oneOffEntryId->DisplayName.lpszW]
forKey: @"fullName"];
[fromRecipient setObject: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: oneOffEntryId->EmailAddress.lpszW]
forKey: @"email"];
talloc_free (oneOffEntryId);
talloc_free (addrBookEntryId);
if ([[fromRecipient allKeys] count] > 0)
list = MakeRecipientsList ([NSArray arrayWithObjects: fromRecipient, nil]);
if ([list count])
[headers setObjects: list forKey: @"from"];
recipientsStr = [mailProperties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidTagOriginalDisplayTo)];
if (recipientsStr)
list = [recipientsStr componentsSeparatedByString:@", "];
if ([list count])
[headers setObjects: list forKey: @"to"];
recipientsStr = [mailProperties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidTagOriginalDisplayCc)];
if (recipientsStr)
list = [recipientsStr componentsSeparatedByString:@", "];
if ([list count])
[headers setObjects: list forKey: @"cc"];
subject = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 128];
subjectData = [mailProperties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX_UNICODE)];