Extend JSON response of calendar properties

Francis Lachapelle 2015-01-26 15:36:55 -05:00
parent bd6a430d3a
commit aaed279c50
1 changed files with 85 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -25,12 +25,14 @@
#import <NGObjWeb/WOResponse.h>
#import <SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoSystemDefaults.h>
#import <SoObjects/SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import <SoObjects/SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import <Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolder.h>
#import <Appointments/SOGoAppointmentFolders.h>
#import <Appointments/SOGoWebAppointmentFolder.h>
#import "UIxCalendarSelector.h"
@ -83,19 +85,26 @@ _intValueFromHex (NSString *hexString)
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) isPublicAccessEnabled
return [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] enablePublicAccess];
- (NSArray *) calendars
NSArray *folders;
NSMutableDictionary *calendar, *notifications, *urls;
NSUInteger count, max;
NSString *userLogin, *folderName, *fDisplayName;
NSNumber *isActive, *fActiveTasks;
SOGoAppointmentFolders *co;
SOGoAppointmentFolder *folder;
NSMutableDictionary *calendar;
unsigned int count, max;
NSString *folderName, *fDisplayName;
NSNumber *isActive, *fActiveTasks;
BOOL mustSynchronize, reloadOnLogin;
if (!calendars)
co = [self clientObject];
userLogin = [[context activeUser] login];
folders = [co subFolders];
max = [folders count];
calendars = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: max];
@ -109,18 +118,65 @@ _intValueFromHex (NSString *hexString)
fDisplayName = @"";
if ([fDisplayName isEqualToString: [co defaultFolderName]])
fDisplayName = [self labelForKey: fDisplayName];
[calendar setObject: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@", folderName]
forKey: @"id"];
fActiveTasks = [folder activeTasks];
mustSynchronize = [[folder nameInContainer] isEqualToString: @"personal"] || [folder synchronizeCalendar];
[calendar setObject: folderName forKey: @"id"];
[calendar setObject: fDisplayName forKey: @"displayName"];
[calendar setObject: folderName forKey: @"folder"];
[calendar setObject: [folder calendarColor] forKey: @"color"];
isActive = [NSNumber numberWithBool: [folder isActive]];
[calendar setObject: isActive forKey: @"active"];
[calendar setObject: [folder ownerInContext: context]
forKey: @"owner"];
fActiveTasks = [folder activeTasks];
[calendar setObject: [folder ownerInContext: context] forKey: @"owner"];
[calendar setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: [folder isWebCalendar]] forKey: @"isWebCalendar"];
if (fActiveTasks > 0)
[calendar setObject: fActiveTasks forKey:@"activeTasks" ];
[calendar setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: [folder includeInFreeBusy]] forKey: @"includeInFreeBusy"];
[calendar setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: [folder synchronizeCalendar]] forKey: @"synchronizeCalendar"];
[calendar setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: mustSynchronize] forKey: @"mustSynchronize"];
[calendar setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: [folder showCalendarAlarms]] forKey: @"showCalendarAlarms"];
[calendar setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: [folder showCalendarTasks]] forKey: @"showCalendarTasks"];
if ([folder isWebCalendar])
urls = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [folder folderPropertyValueInCategory: @"WebCalendars"]
forKey: @"webCalendarURL"];
if ([folder respondsToSelector: @selector (reloadOnLogin)])
reloadOnLogin = [(SOGoWebAppointmentFolder *) calendar reloadOnLogin];
reloadOnLogin = NO;
[calendar setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: reloadOnLogin] forKey: @"reloadOnLogin"];
urls = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[folder calDavURL], @"calDavURL",
[folder webDavICSURL], @"webDavICSURL",
[folder webDavXMLURL], @"webDavXMLURL",
if ([self isPublicAccessEnabled])
[urls setObject: [folder publicCalDavURL] forKey: @"publicCalDavURL"];
[urls setObject: [folder publicWebDavICSURL] forKey: @"publicWebDavICSURL"];
[urls setObject: [folder publicWebDavXMLURL] forKey: @"publicWebDavXMLURL"];
[calendar setObject: urls forKey: @"urls"];
if ([userLogin isEqualToString: [folder ownerInContext: context]])
notifications = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithBool: [folder notifyOnPersonalModifications]],
[NSNumber numberWithBool: [folder notifyOnExternalModifications]],
[NSNumber numberWithBool: [folder notifyUserOnPersonalModifications]],
if ([folder notifiedUserOnPersonalModifications])
[calendar setObject: [folder notifiedUserOnPersonalModifications] forKey: @"notifiedUserOnPersonalModifications"];
[calendar setObject: notifications forKey: @"notifications"];
[calendars addObject: calendar];
@ -174,13 +230,25 @@ _intValueFromHex (NSString *hexString)
* @apiExample {curl} Example usage:
* curl -i http://localhost/SOGo/so/sogo1/Calendar/calendarslist
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Object[]} calendars List of calendars
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} id Calendar ID
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} displayName Human readable name
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} owner User ID of owner
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} color Calendar's hex color code
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} active 1 if the calendar is enabled
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} activeTasks Number of incompleted tasks
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Object[]} calendars List of calendars
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} calendars.id Calendar ID
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} calendars.displayName Human readable name
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} calendars.owner User ID of owner
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} calendars.color Calendar's hex color code
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.active 1 if the calendar is enabled
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} [calendars.activeTasks] Number of incompleted tasks
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.includeInFreeBusy 1 if calendar must be include in freebusy
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.synchronizeCalendar 1 if calendar must be synchronized
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.mustSynchronize 1 if calendar synchronization is mandatory
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.showCalendarAlarms 1 if alarms must be enabled
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.showCalendarTasks 1 if tasks must be enabled
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.isWebCalendar 1 if calendar is a read-only external WebDAV calendar
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.reloadOnLogin 1 if calendar is a Web calendar that must be reload when user logins
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Object} [calendars.notifications] Notification (if active user is the calendar's owner)
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.notifications.notifyOnPersonalModifications 1 if a mail is sent for each modification made by the owner
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.notifications.notifyOnExternalModifications 1 if a mail is sent for each modification made by someone else
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} calendars.notifications.notifyUserOnPersonalModifications 1 if a mail is sent to an external address for modification made by the owner
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} [calendars.notifications.notifiedUserOnPersonalModifications] Email address to notify changes
- (WOResponse *) calendarsListAction