Merge branch 'master' of

Wolfgang Sourdeau 2012-10-18 10:33:30 -04:00
commit ae760a5c97
23 changed files with 74 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
"match any of the following rules:" = "match any of the following rules:"; "match any of the following rules:" = "match any of the following rules:";
"match all messages" = "match all messages"; "match all messages" = "match all messages";
"Perform these actions:" = "Perform these actions:"; "Perform these actions:" = "Perform these actions:";
"Untitled Filter" = "Untitled Filter";
"Subject" = "Subject"; "Subject" = "Subject";
"From" = "From"; "From" = "From";

View File

@ -242,6 +242,7 @@
"match any of the following rules:" = "correspondant à une de ces règles :"; "match any of the following rules:" = "correspondant à une de ces règles :";
"match all messages" = "sans distinction"; "match all messages" = "sans distinction";
"Perform these actions:" = "Effectuez ces opérations :"; "Perform these actions:" = "Effectuez ces opérations :";
"Untitled Filter" = "Nouveau filtre";
"Subject" = "Sujet"; "Subject" = "Sujet";
"From" = "Expéditeur"; "From" = "Expéditeur";

View File

@ -521,3 +521,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tarefa Confidencial)";
"Web Calendar" = "Calendário Web"; "Web Calendar" = "Calendário Web";
"Reload on login" = "Recarregar no login"; "Reload on login" = "Recarregar no login";
"Invalid number." = "Número inválido."; "Invalid number." = "Número inválido.";
"Category" = "Categoria";
"Priority" = "Prioridade";

View File

@ -527,3 +527,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tasca confidencial)";
"Web Calendar" = "Calendari Web"; "Web Calendar" = "Calendari Web";
"Reload on login" = "Actualitzar en connectar-se"; "Reload on login" = "Actualitzar en connectar-se";
"Invalid number." = "Número incorrecte"; "Invalid number." = "Número incorrecte";
"Category" = "Categoria";
"Priority" = "Prioritat";

View File

@ -527,3 +527,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Důvěrný úkol)";
"Web Calendar" = "Vzdálený kalendář na webu"; "Web Calendar" = "Vzdálený kalendář na webu";
"Reload on login" = "Aktualizovat při přihlášení"; "Reload on login" = "Aktualizovat při přihlášení";
"Invalid number." = "Invalid number."; "Invalid number." = "Invalid number.";
"Category" = "Kategorie";
"Priority" = "Priorita";

View File

@ -529,3 +529,6 @@ Fortsæt?";
"Web Calendar" = "Online kalender"; "Web Calendar" = "Online kalender";
"Reload on login" = "Genindlæs ved login"; "Reload on login" = "Genindlæs ved login";
"Invalid number." = "Ugyldigt nummer."; "Invalid number." = "Ugyldigt nummer.";
"Category" = "Kategori";
"Priority" = "Prioritet";

View File

@ -526,3 +526,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Vertrouwelijke taak)";
"Web Calendar" = "Web Agenda"; "Web Calendar" = "Web Agenda";
"Reload on login" = "Herladen bij inloggen"; "Reload on login" = "Herladen bij inloggen";
"Invalid number." = "Ongeldig nummer."; "Invalid number." = "Ongeldig nummer.";
"Category" = "Categorie";
"Priority" = "Prioriteit";

View File

@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ validate_invalid_startdate = "Incorrect startdate field!";
validate_invalid_enddate = "Incorrect enddate field!"; validate_invalid_enddate = "Incorrect enddate field!";
validate_endbeforestart = "The end date that you entered occurs before the start date."; validate_endbeforestart = "The end date that you entered occurs before the start date.";
"Events" = "Events";
"Tasks" = "Tasks"; "Tasks" = "Tasks";
"Show completed tasks" = "Show completed tasks"; "Show completed tasks" = "Show completed tasks";
@ -455,12 +456,16 @@ validate_endbeforestart = "The end date that you entered occurs before the st
"End" = "End"; "End" = "End";
"Due Date" = "Due Date"; "Due Date" = "Due Date";
"Location" = "Location"; "Location" = "Location";
"(Private Event)" = "(Private Event)"; "(Private Event)" = "(Private Event)";
vevent_class0 = "(Public event)"; vevent_class0 = "(Public event)";
vevent_class1 = "(Private event)"; vevent_class1 = "(Private event)";
vevent_class2 = "(Confidential event)"; vevent_class2 = "(Confidential event)";
"Priority" = "Priority";
"Category" = "Category";
vtodo_class0 = "(Public task)"; vtodo_class0 = "(Public task)";
vtodo_class1 = "(Private task)"; vtodo_class1 = "(Private task)";
vtodo_class2 = "(Confidential task)"; vtodo_class2 = "(Confidential task)";

View File

@ -527,3 +527,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tâche confidentielle)";
"Web Calendar" = "Calendrier web"; "Web Calendar" = "Calendrier web";
"Reload on login" = "Rafraîchir à la connexion"; "Reload on login" = "Rafraîchir à la connexion";
"Invalid number." = "Nombre invalide."; "Invalid number." = "Nombre invalide.";
"Category" = "Catégorie";
"Priority" = "Priorité";

View File

@ -527,3 +527,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Vertrauliche Aufgabe)";
"Web Calendar" = "Webkalender"; "Web Calendar" = "Webkalender";
"Reload on login" = "Neu laden beim Anmelden"; "Reload on login" = "Neu laden beim Anmelden";
"Invalid number." = "Ungültige Nummer."; "Invalid number." = "Ungültige Nummer.";
"Category" = "Kategorie";
"Priority" = "Priorität";

View File

@ -527,3 +527,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Bizalmas feladat)";
"Web Calendar" = "Internetes naptár"; "Web Calendar" = "Internetes naptár";
"Reload on login" = "Frissítés bejelentkezéskor"; "Reload on login" = "Frissítés bejelentkezéskor";
"Invalid number." = "Érvénytelen szám"; "Invalid number." = "Érvénytelen szám";
"Category" = "Kategória";
"Priority" = "Prioritás";

View File

@ -521,3 +521,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Verkefni er trúnaðarmál)";
"Web Calendar" = "Vefdagatal"; "Web Calendar" = "Vefdagatal";
"Reload on login" = "Sækja allt aftur við innskráningu"; "Reload on login" = "Sækja allt aftur við innskráningu";
"Invalid number." = "Ógild tala."; "Invalid number." = "Ógild tala.";
"Category" = "Flokkun";
"Priority" = "Mikilvægi";

View File

@ -527,3 +527,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Attività confidenziale)";
"Web Calendar" = "Calendario remoto"; "Web Calendar" = "Calendario remoto";
"Reload on login" = "Ricarica al login"; "Reload on login" = "Ricarica al login";
"Invalid number." = "Numero non valido."; "Invalid number." = "Numero non valido.";
"Category" = "Categoria";
"Priority" = "Priorità";

View File

@ -520,3 +520,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Konfidensiell oppgave)";
"Web Calendar" = "Internett-kalender"; "Web Calendar" = "Internett-kalender";
"Reload on login" = "Last på nytt ved innlogging"; "Reload on login" = "Last på nytt ved innlogging";
"Invalid number." = "Ugyldig tall."; "Invalid number." = "Ugyldig tall.";
"Category" = "Kategori";
"Priority" = "Prioritet";

View File

@ -521,3 +521,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Konfidensiell oppgave)";
"Web Calendar" = "Internett-kalender"; "Web Calendar" = "Internett-kalender";
"Reload on login" = "Last på nytt ved innlogging"; "Reload on login" = "Last på nytt ved innlogging";
"Invalid number." = "Ugyldig tall."; "Invalid number." = "Ugyldig tall.";
"Category" = "Kategori";
"Priority" = "Prioritet";

View File

@ -521,3 +521,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Zadanie poufne)";
"Web Calendar" = "Kalendarz Web"; "Web Calendar" = "Kalendarz Web";
"Reload on login" = "Przeładuj przy logowaniu"; "Reload on login" = "Przeładuj przy logowaniu";
"Invalid number." = "Invalid number."; "Invalid number." = "Invalid number.";
"Category" = "Kategoria";
"Priority" = "Priorytet";

View File

@ -527,3 +527,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Конфиденциальное задание)";
"Web Calendar" = "Web Calendar"; "Web Calendar" = "Web Calendar";
"Reload on login" = "Перезагружать при входе"; "Reload on login" = "Перезагружать при входе";
"Invalid number." = "Число неверно."; "Invalid number." = "Число неверно.";
"Category" = "Категория";
"Priority" = "Приоритет";

View File

@ -527,3 +527,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tarea confidencial)";
"Web Calendar" = "Calendario Web"; "Web Calendar" = "Calendario Web";
"Reload on login" = "Recargar al reconectar"; "Reload on login" = "Recargar al reconectar";
"Invalid number." = "Número invalido."; "Invalid number." = "Número invalido.";
"Category" = "Categoría";
"Priority" = "Prioridad";

View File

@ -527,3 +527,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tarea confidencial)";
"Web Calendar" = "Calendario Web"; "Web Calendar" = "Calendario Web";
"Reload on login" = "Recargar al reconectar"; "Reload on login" = "Recargar al reconectar";
"Invalid number." = "número invalido."; "Invalid number." = "número invalido.";
"Category" = "Categoría";
"Priority" = "Prioridad";

View File

@ -521,3 +521,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Konfidentiell uppgift)";
"Web Calendar" = "Webbkalender"; "Web Calendar" = "Webbkalender";
"Reload on login" = "Ladda om vid login"; "Reload on login" = "Ladda om vid login";
"Invalid number." = "Ogiltigt nummer."; "Invalid number." = "Ogiltigt nummer.";
"Category" = "Kategori";
"Priority" = "Prioritet";

View File

@ -521,3 +521,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Конфіденційне завдання)";
"Web Calendar" = "Веб-календар"; "Web Calendar" = "Веб-календар";
"Reload on login" = "Перевантажувати під час запуску"; "Reload on login" = "Перевантажувати під час запуску";
"Invalid number." = "Неправильний номер."; "Invalid number." = "Неправильний номер.";
"Category" = "Категорія";
"Priority" = "Пріоритет";

View File

@ -518,3 +518,6 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tasg gyhoeddus)";
"Web Calendar" = "Web Calendar"; "Web Calendar" = "Web Calendar";
"Reload on login" = "Reload on login"; "Reload on login" = "Reload on login";
"Invalid number." = "Invalid number."; "Invalid number." = "Invalid number.";
"Category" = "Categori";
"Priority" = "Blaenoriaeth";

View File

@ -830,14 +830,23 @@ dd {
} }
.dl-horizontal dt { .dl-horizontal dt {
float: left; float: left;
width: 150px; width: 225px;
overflow: hidden; overflow: hidden;
clear: left; clear: left;
text-align: right; text-align: right;
text-overflow: ellipsis; text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap; white-space: nowrap;
} }
fieldset .dl-horizontal dt {
width: 150px;
.dl-horizontal dd { .dl-horizontal dd {
margin-left: 235px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
fieldset .dl-horizontal dd {
margin-left: 160px; margin-left: 160px;
} }