Newly subscribed calendars are excluded from FB

Fixes #3354
Francis Lachapelle 2017-05-30 09:26:30 -04:00
parent 2b90ff70fa
commit af2507a689
3 changed files with 102 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Bug fixes
- [web] respect SOGoLanguage and SOGoSupportedLanguages (#4169)
- [web] fixed adding list members with multiple email addresses
- [web] fixed responsive condition of login page (960px to 1023px)
- [core] newly subscribed calendars are excluded from freebusy (#3354)
3.2.9 (2017-05-09)

View File

@ -420,6 +420,93 @@ static Class iCalEventK = nil;
inCategory: @"FolderShowTasks"];
- (BOOL) subscribeUserOrGroup: (NSString *) theIdentifier
reallyDo: (BOOL) reallyDo
response: (WOResponse *) theResponse
NSMutableDictionary *moduleSettings, *folderShowAlarms, *freeBusyExclusions;
NSString *subscriptionPointer;
NSMutableArray *allUsers;
SOGoUserSettings *us;
NSDictionary *dict;
SOGoUser *sogoUser;
BOOL rc;
int i;
rc = [super subscribeUserOrGroup: theIdentifier reallyDo: reallyDo response: theResponse];
if (rc)
dict = [[SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager] contactInfosForUserWithUIDorEmail: theIdentifier];
if ([[dict objectForKey: @"isGroup"] boolValue])
SOGoGroup *aGroup;
aGroup = [SOGoGroup groupWithIdentifier: theIdentifier
inDomain: [[context activeUser] domain]];
allUsers = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [aGroup members]];
// We remove the active user from the group (if present) in order to
// not subscribe him to their own resource!
[allUsers removeObject: [context activeUser]];
sogoUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: theIdentifier roles: nil];
if (sogoUser)
allUsers = [NSArray arrayWithObject: sogoUser];
allUsers = [NSArray array];
for (i = 0; i < [allUsers count]; i++)
sogoUser = [allUsers objectAtIndex: i];
us = [sogoUser userSettings];
moduleSettings = [us objectForKey: [container nameInContainer]];
if (!(moduleSettings
&& [moduleSettings isKindOfClass: [NSMutableDictionary class]]))
moduleSettings = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[us setObject: moduleSettings forKey: [container nameInContainer]];
subscriptionPointer = [self folderReference];
folderShowAlarms = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"FolderShowAlarms"];
freeBusyExclusions = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"FreeBusyExclusions"];
if (reallyDo)
if (!(folderShowAlarms
&& [folderShowAlarms isKindOfClass: [NSMutableDictionary class]]))
folderShowAlarms = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[moduleSettings setObject: folderShowAlarms
forKey: @"FolderShowAlarms"];
// By default, we disable alarms on subscribed calendars
[folderShowAlarms setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: NO]
forKey: subscriptionPointer];
[folderShowAlarms removeObjectForKey: subscriptionPointer];
[freeBusyExclusions removeObjectForKey: subscriptionPointer];
[us synchronize];
rc = YES;
return rc;
// If the user is the owner of the calendar, by default we include the freebusy information.
@ -447,9 +534,16 @@ static Class iCalEventK = nil;
= [self folderPropertyValueInCategory: @"FreeBusyExclusions"
forUser: [SOGoUser userWithLogin: ownerInContext]];
// We haven't included/excluded freebusy info, let's INCLUDE it.
// User has not setting for freebusy inclusion/exclusion,
// * include it if it's a personal folder;
// * exclude it if it's a subscription.
if (!excludeFromFreeBusy)
return YES;
if ([self isSubscription])
return NO;
return YES;
return ![excludeFromFreeBusy boolValue];

View File

@ -958,8 +958,12 @@ static NSArray *childRecordFields = nil;
folderSubscription = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"SubscribedFolders"];
subscriptionPointer = [self folderReference];
// We used to set "show alarms" for any type of folder, so we remove it
// here and let the subclass handle it (SOGoAppointmentFolder).
folderShowAlarms = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"FolderShowAlarms"];
if (folderShowAlarms)
[folderShowAlarms removeObjectForKey: subscriptionPointer];
if (reallyDo)
@ -971,30 +975,17 @@ static NSArray *childRecordFields = nil;
forKey: @"SubscribedFolders"];
if (!(folderShowAlarms
&& [folderShowAlarms isKindOfClass: [NSMutableDictionary class]]))
folderShowAlarms = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[moduleSettings setObject: folderShowAlarms
forKey: @"FolderShowAlarms"];
[self setFolderPropertyValue: [self _displayNameFromSubscriber]
inCategory: @"FolderDisplayNames"
settings: us];
[folderSubscription addObjectUniquely: subscriptionPointer];
// By default, we disable alarms on subscribed calendars
[folderShowAlarms setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: NO]
forKey: subscriptionPointer];
[self removeFolderSettings: moduleSettings
withReference: subscriptionPointer];
[folderSubscription removeObject: subscriptionPointer];
[folderShowAlarms removeObjectForKey: subscriptionPointer];
[us synchronize];