(fix) removed old code

Ludovic Marcotte 2016-12-09 10:32:42 -05:00
parent ec19a1290d
commit b0fcaeef86
1 changed files with 1 additions and 522 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Inverse inc.
Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Inverse inc.
This file is part of SOGo.
@ -62,73 +62,6 @@
[super dealloc];
/* accessors */
// - (NSString *) _cardStringWithLabel: (NSString *) label
// value: (NSString *) value
// byEscapingHTMLString: (BOOL) escapeHTML
// asLinkScheme: (NSString *) scheme
// withLinkAttributes: (NSString *) attrs
// {
// NSMutableString *cardString;
// cardString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 80];
// value = [value stringByReplacingString: @"\r" withString: @""];
// if ([value length] > 0)
// {
// if (escapeHTML)
// value = [value stringByEscapingHTMLString];
// if ([scheme length] > 0)
// value = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<a href=\"%@%@\" %@>%@</a>", scheme, value, attrs, value];
// if (label)
// [cardString appendFormat: @"<dt>%@</dt><dd>%@</dd>\n",
// [self labelForKey: label], value];
// else
// [cardString appendFormat: @"<dt></dt><dd>%@</dd>\n", value];
// }
// return cardString;
// }
// - (NSString *) _cardStringWithLabel: (NSString *) label
// value: (NSString *) value
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: label
// value: value
// byEscapingHTMLString: YES
// asLinkScheme: nil
// withLinkAttributes: nil];
// }
// - (NSString *) _cardStringWithLabel: (NSString *) label
// value: (NSString *) value
// asLinkScheme: (NSString *) scheme
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: label
// value: value
// byEscapingHTMLString: YES
// asLinkScheme: scheme
// withLinkAttributes: nil];
// }
// - (NSString *) displayName
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Display Name:"
// value: [card fn]];
// }
// - (NSString *) nickName
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Nickname:"
// value: [card nickname]];
// }
// - (NSString *) fullName
// {
// return [card fullName];
// }
- (NSArray *) _languageContactsCategories
NSArray *categoryLabels;
@ -168,346 +101,6 @@
return cats;
// - (NSString *) primaryEmail
// {
// NSString *email, *fn, *attrs;
// email = [card preferredEMail];
// if ([email length] > 0)
// {
// fn = [card fn];
// if ([fn length] > 0)
// attrs = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ <%@>", fn, email];
// else
// attrs = email;
// attrs = [attrs stringByReplacingString: @"'" withString: @"\\'"];
// attrs = [attrs stringByReplacingString: @"\"" withString: @"\\\""];
// attrs = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"onclick=\"return openMailTo('%@');\"", attrs];
// }
// else
// {
// attrs = nil;
// }
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Email:"
// value: email
// byEscapingHTMLString: YES
// asLinkScheme: @"mailto:"
// withLinkAttributes: attrs];
// }
// - (NSArray *) secondaryEmails
// {
// NSMutableArray *secondaryEmails;
// NSString *email, *fn, *attrs;
// NSArray *emails;
// emails = [card secondaryEmails];
// secondaryEmails = [NSMutableArray array];
// attrs = nil;
// // We might not have a preferred item but rather something like this:
// // EMAIL;TYPE=work:dd@ee.com
// // EMAIL;TYPE=home:ff@gg.com
// //
// // or:
// //
// //
// // In this case, we always return the entry NOT matching the primaryEmail
// if ([emails count] > 0)
// {
// int i;
// for (i = 0; i < [emails count]; i++)
// {
// email = [[emails objectAtIndex: i] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
// if ([email length])
// {
// fn = [card fn];
// if ([fn length])
// attrs = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ <%@>", fn, email];
// else
// attrs = email;
// attrs = [attrs stringByReplacingString: @"'" withString: @"\\'"];
// attrs = [attrs stringByReplacingString: @"\"" withString: @"\\\""];
// attrs = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"onclick=\"return openMailTo('%@');\"", attrs];
// [secondaryEmails addObject: [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil
// value: email
// byEscapingHTMLString: YES
// asLinkScheme: @"mailto:"
// withLinkAttributes: attrs]];
// }
// }
// }
// else
// {
// [secondaryEmails addObject: [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil
// value: nil]];
// }
// return secondaryEmails;
// }
// - (NSString *) screenName
// {
// NSString *screenName;
// screenName = [[card uniqueChildWithTag: @"x-aim"] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Screen Name:"
// value: screenName
// asLinkScheme: @"aim:goim?screenname="];
// }
// - (NSString *) preferredTel
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Phone Number:"
// value: [card preferredTel] asLinkScheme: @"tel:"];
// }
// - (NSString *) preferredAddress
// {
// return @"";
// }
// - (BOOL) hasTelephones
// {
// if (!phones)
// phones = [card childrenWithTag: @"tel"];
// return ([phones count] > 0);
// }
// - (NSString *) workPhone
// {
// // We do this (exclude FAX) in order to avoid setting the WORK number as the FAX
// // one if we do see the FAX field BEFORE the WORK number.
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Work:" value: [card workPhone] asLinkScheme: @"tel:"];
// }
// - (NSString *) homePhone
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Home:" value: [card homePhone] asLinkScheme: @"tel:"];
// }
// - (NSString *) fax
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Fax:" value: [card fax] asLinkScheme: @"tel:"];
// }
// - (NSString *) mobile
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Mobile:" value: [card mobile] asLinkScheme: @"tel:"];
// }
// - (NSString *) pager
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Pager:" value: [card pager] asLinkScheme: @"tel:"];
// }
// - (BOOL) hasHomeInfos
// {
// BOOL result;
// NSArray *elements;
// elements = [card childrenWithTag: @"adr"
// andAttribute: @"type"
// havingValue: @"home"];
// if ([elements count] > 0)
// {
// result = YES;
// homeAdr = [elements objectAtIndex: 0];
// }
// else
// result = ([[card childrenWithTag: @"url"
// andAttribute: @"type"
// havingValue: @"home"] count] > 0);
// return result;
// }
// - (NSString *) homePobox
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil
// value: [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 0
// forKey: @""]];
// }
// - (NSString *) homeExtendedAddress
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil
// value: [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 1
// forKey: @""]];
// }
// - (NSString *) homeStreetAddress
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil
// value: [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 2
// forKey: @""]];
// }
// - (NSString *) homeCityAndProv
// {
// NSString *city, *prov;
// NSMutableString *data;
// city = [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 3 forKey: @""];
// prov = [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 4 forKey: @""];
// data = [NSMutableString string];
// [data appendString: city];
// if ([city length] > 0 && [prov length] > 0)
// [data appendString: @", "];
// [data appendString: prov];
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil value: data];
// }
// - (NSString *) homePostalCodeAndCountry
// {
// NSString *postalCode, *country;
// NSMutableString *data;
// postalCode = [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 5 forKey: @""];
// country = [homeAdr flattenedValueAtIndex: 6 forKey: @""];
// data = [NSMutableString string];
// [data appendString: postalCode];
// if ([postalCode length] > 0 && [country length] > 0)
// [data appendFormat: @", "];
// [data appendString: country];
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil value: data];
// }
// - (NSString *) _formattedURL: (NSString *) url
// {
// NSRange schemaR;
// NSString *schema, *data;
// if ([url length] > 0)
// {
// schemaR = [url rangeOfString: @"://"];
// if (schemaR.length > 0)
// {
// schema = [url substringToIndex: schemaR.location + schemaR.length];
// data = [url substringFromIndex: schemaR.location + schemaR.length];
// }
// else
// {
// schema = @"http://";
// data = url;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// schema = nil;
// data = nil;
// }
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil
// value: data
// byEscapingHTMLString: YES
// asLinkScheme: schema
// withLinkAttributes: @"target=\"_blank\""];
// }
// - (NSString *) _urlOfType: (NSString *) aType
// {
// NSArray *elements;
// NSString *url;
// elements = [card childrenWithTag: @"url"
// andAttribute: @"type"
// havingValue: aType];
// if ([elements count] > 0)
// url = [[elements objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
// else
// url = nil;
// return [self _formattedURL: url];
// }
// - (NSString *) homeUrl
// {
// NSString *s;
// s = [self _urlOfType: @"home"];
// if (!s || [s length] == 0)
// {
// NSArray *elements;
// NSString *workURL;
// int i;
// elements = [card childrenWithTag: @"url"
// andAttribute: @"type"
// havingValue: @"work"];
// workURL = nil;
// if ([elements count] > 0)
// workURL = [[elements objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
// elements = [card childrenWithTag: @"url"];
// if (workURL && [elements count] > 1)
// {
// for (i = 0; i < [elements count]; i++)
// {
// if ([[[elements objectAtIndex: i] flattenedValuesForKey: @""]
// caseInsensitiveCompare: workURL] != NSOrderedSame)
// {
// s = [[elements objectAtIndex: i] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// else if (!workURL && [elements count] > 0)
// {
// s = [[elements objectAtIndex: 0] flattenedValuesForKey: @""];
// }
// if (s && [s length] > 0)
// s = [self _formattedURL: s];
// }
// return s;
// }
// - (BOOL) hasWorkInfos
// {
// BOOL result;
// NSArray *elements;
// elements = [card childrenWithTag: @"adr"
// andAttribute: @"type"
// havingValue: @"work"];
// if ([elements count] > 0)
// {
// result = YES;
// workAdr = [elements objectAtIndex: 0];
// }
// else
// result = (([[card childrenWithTag: @"url"
// andAttribute: @"type"
// havingValue: @"work"] count] > 0)
// || [[card childrenWithTag: @"org"] count] > 0);
// return result;
// }
// - (NSString *) workTitle
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil value: [card title]];
// }
- (NSArray *) orgUnits
NSMutableArray *orgUnits;
@ -640,120 +233,6 @@
return addresses;
// - (NSString *) workService
// {
// NSMutableArray *orgServices;
// NSArray *values;
// CardElement *org;
// NSString *service, *services;
// NSUInteger count, max;
// org = [card org];
// values = [org valuesForKey: @""];
// max = [values count];
// if (max > 1)
// {
// orgServices = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
// for (count = 1; count < max; count++)
// {
// service = [org flattenedValueAtIndex: count forKey: @""];
// if ([service length] > 0)
// [orgServices addObject: service];
// }
// services = [orgServices componentsJoinedByString: @", "];
// }
// else
// services = nil;
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: nil value: services];
// }
// - (NSString *) workUrl
// {
// return [self _urlOfType: @"work"];
// }
// - (BOOL) hasOtherInfos
// {
// return ([[card note] length] > 0
// || [[card bday] length] > 0
// || [[card tz] length] > 0);
// }
// - (NSString *) bday
// {
// SOGoDateFormatter *dateFormatter;
// NSCalendarDate *date;
// NSString *bday;
// date = [card birthday];
// bday = nil;
// if (date)
// {
// dateFormatter = [[[self context] activeUser] dateFormatterInContext: context];
// bday = [dateFormatter formattedDate: date];
// }
// return bday;
// //return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Birthday:" value: bday];
// }
// - (NSString *) tz
// {
// return [self _cardStringWithLabel: @"Timezone:" value: [card tz]];
// }
// - (NSArray *) notes
// {
// NSMutableArray *notes;
// NSString *note;
// NSUInteger count, max;
// notes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [card notes]];
// max = [notes count];
// for (count = 0; count < max; count++)
// {
// note = [notes objectAtIndex: count];
// note = [note stringByEscapingHTMLString];
// note = [note stringByReplacingString: @"\r\n"
// withString: @"<br />"];
// note = [note stringByReplacingString: @"\n"
// withString: @"<br />"];
// [notes replaceObjectAtIndex: count withObject: note];
// }
// return notes;
// }
/* hrefs */
// - (NSString *) completeHrefForMethod: (NSString *) _method
// withParameter: (NSString *) _param
// forKey: (NSString *) _key
// {
// NSString *href;
// [self setQueryParameter:_param forKey:_key];
// href = [self completeHrefForMethod:[self ownMethodName]];
// [self setQueryParameter:nil forKey:_key];
// return href;
// }
// - (NSString *)attributesTabLink {
// return [self completeHrefForMethod:[self ownMethodName]
// withParameter:@"attributes"
// forKey:@"tab"];
// }
// - (NSString *)debugTabLink {
// return [self completeHrefForMethod:[self ownMethodName]
// withParameter:@"debug"
// forKey:@"tab"];
// }
/* action */
- (id <WOActionResults>) defaultAction