Monotone-Parent: d7f21bcf753320694e98ee257a3fd00d2ea4f4ad

Monotone-Revision: e5b39af7159de417e83ca1ca334d629ee570f716

Monotone-Date: 2012-03-12T00:06:06
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
This commit is contained in:
Wolfgang Sourdeau 2012-03-12 00:06:06 +00:00
parent 87d47b0c10
commit c529220318
2 changed files with 373 additions and 287 deletions

View file

@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
2012-03-11 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* OpenChange/MAPIStoreCalendarMessage.m
(-getPidLidAppointmentMessageClass:inMemCtx:): returns "IPM.Appointment".
(-getPidLidSideEffects:inMemCtx:): returns the value specified in
OXOCAL, section
(_fixupAppointmentObjectWithUID:): renamed method and made more
generic, in order to handle the case where the response record has
already been deleted.
(-save): handle organizer and attendees more in compliance with
the spec, in order to avoid ending up with an empty event when an
invitation is being replied to. Of course, the documentation
happened to be inexact with regardes to the value of
"PidTagRecipientTrackStatus", which can be 5 even though the user
replied with another value... Also, lowered the priority of
SOGo-specific hacks for setting the organizer.
2012-03-09 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* OpenChange/MAPIStoreMailVolatileMessage.m (-submitWithFlags:):

View file

@ -146,6 +146,14 @@
- (int) getPidLidAppointmentMessageClass: (void **) data
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
*data = talloc_strdup (memCtx, "IPM.Appointment");
- (int) getPidTagOwnerAppointmentId: (void **) data
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
@ -226,6 +234,16 @@
return [[self appointmentWrapper] getPidTagSubject: data inMemCtx: memCtx];
- (int) getPidLidSideEffects: (void **) data // TODO
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
*data = MAPILongValue (memCtx,
seOpenToDelete | seOpenToCopy | seOpenToMove
| seCoerceToInbox | seOpenForCtxMenu);
- (int) getPidLidLocation: (void **) data // LOCATION
inMemCtx: (TALLOC_CTX *) memCtx
@ -542,43 +560,50 @@
return uid;
- (void) _fixupEventWithExistingUID
- (void) _fixupAppointmentObjectWithUID: (NSString *) uid
NSString *uid, *existingCName, *existingURL;
NSString *cname, *url;
MAPIStoreMapping *mapping;
uint64_t objectId;
SOGoAppointmentObject *existingObject;
SOGoAppointmentFolder *folder;
SOGoAppointmentObject *newObject;
WOContext *woContext;
uid = [self _uidFromGlobalObjectId];
existingCName = [[container sogoObject] resourceNameForEventUID: uid];
if (existingCName)
cname = [[container sogoObject] resourceNameForEventUID: uid];
if (cname)
isNew = NO;
cname = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@.ics", uid];
mapping = [self mapping];
url = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", [container url], cname];
folder = [container sogoObject];
/* reinstantiate the old sogo object and attach it to self */
woContext = [[self userContext] woContext];
if (isNew)
newObject = [SOGoAppointmentObject objectWithName: cname
inContainer: folder];
mapping = [self mapping];
/* dissociate the object url from the old object's id */
existingURL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@",
[container url], existingCName];
objectId = [mapping idFromURL: existingURL];
objectId = [mapping idFromURL: url];
[mapping unregisterURLWithID: objectId];
/* dissociate the object url associated with this object, as we want to
discard it */
objectId = [self objectId];
[mapping unregisterURLWithID: objectId];
/* associate the object url with this object id */
[mapping registerURL: existingURL withID: objectId];
/* reinstantiate the old sogo object and attach it to self */
woContext = [[self userContext] woContext];
existingObject = [[container sogoObject] lookupName: existingCName
inContext: woContext
acquire: NO];
[existingObject setContext: woContext];
ASSIGN (sogoObject, existingObject);
isNew = NO;
newObject = [folder lookupName: cname
inContext: woContext
acquire: NO];
/* dissociate the object url associated with this object, as we want to
discard it */
objectId = [self objectId];
[mapping unregisterURLWithID: objectId];
/* associate the new object url with this object id */
[mapping registerURL: url withID: objectId];
[newObject setContext: woContext];
ASSIGN (sogoObject, newObject);
- (void) _setupAlarmDataInEvent: (iCalEvent *) newEvent
@ -657,9 +682,9 @@
iCalDateTime *start, *end;
iCalTimeZone *tz;
NSCalendarDate *now;
NSString *content, *tzName, *priority;
NSString *uid, *content, *tzName, *priority, *newParticipationStatus = nil;
iCalEvent *newEvent;
iCalPerson *userPerson;
// iCalPerson *userPerson;
NSUInteger responseStatus = 0;
NSInteger tzOffset;
SOGoUser *activeUser, *ownerUser;
@ -667,12 +692,18 @@
if (isNew)
/* Hack required because of what's explained in oxocal
basically, Outlook creates a copy of the event and then removes the
old instance. We perform a trickery to avoid performing those
operations in the backend, in a way that enables us to recover the
initial instance and act solely on it. */
[self _fixupEventWithExistingUID];
uid = [self _uidFromGlobalObjectId];
if (uid)
/* Hack required because of what's explained in oxocal
basically, Outlook creates a copy of the event and then removes the
old instance. We perform a trickery to avoid performing those
operations in the backend, in a way that enables us to recover the
initial instance and act solely on it. */
[self _fixupAppointmentObjectWithUID: uid];
uid = [SOGoObject globallyUniqueObjectId];
[self logWithFormat: @"-save, event props:"];
@ -686,286 +717,225 @@
newEvent = [sogoObject component: YES secure: NO];
vCalendar = [newEvent parent];
[vCalendar setProdID: @"-//Inverse inc.//OpenChange+SOGo//EN"];
content = [vCalendar versitString];
[newEvent setCreated: now];
[newEvent setUid: uid];
content = [vCalendar versitString];
vCalendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: content];
newEvent = [[vCalendar events] objectAtIndex: 0];
ownerUser = [[self userContext] sogoUser];
userPerson = [newEvent userAsAttendee: ownerUser];
[newEvent setTimeStampAsDate: now];
[newEvent setLastModified: now];
if (userPerson)
// summary
value = [properties
if (value)
[newEvent setSummary: value];
// Location
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidLocation)];
if (value)
[newEvent setLocation: value];
isAllDay = [newEvent isAllDay];
value = [properties
objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentSubType)];
if (value)
isAllDay = [value boolValue];
if (!isAllDay)
// iCalPersonPartStat newPartStat;
NSString *newPartStat;
= [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidResponseStatus)];
if (value)
responseStatus = [value unsignedLongValue];
/* FIXME: we should provide a data converter between OL partstats and
SOGo */
switch (responseStatus)
tzName = [[self ownerTimeZone] name];
tz = [iCalTimeZone timeZoneForName: tzName];
[vCalendar addTimeZone: tz];
// start
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_START_DATE)];
if (!value)
value = [properties
objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentStartWhole)];
if (value)
start = (iCalDateTime *) [newEvent uniqueChildWithTag: @"dtstart"];
if (isAllDay)
case 0x02: /* respTentative */
// newPartStat = iCalPersonPartStatTentative;
newPartStat = @"TENTATIVE";
case 0x03: /* respAccepted */
// newPartStat = iCalPersonPartStatAccepted;
newPartStat = @"ACCEPTED";
case 0x04: /* respDeclined */
// newPartStat = iCalPersonPartStatDeclined;
newPartStat = @"DECLINED";
newPartStat = nil;
tzOffset = [[value timeZone] secondsFromGMTForDate: value];
value = [value dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: -tzOffset];
[start setTimeZone: nil];
[start setDate: value];
if (newPartStat // != iCalPersonPartStatUndefined
// iCalPerson *participant;
[start setTimeZone: tz];
[start setDateTime: value];
// participant = [newEvent userAsAttendee: ownerUser];
// [participant setParticipationStatus: newPartStat];
// [sogoObject saveComponent: newEvent];
/* end */
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_END_DATE)];
if (!value)
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentEndWhole)];
if (value)
end = (iCalDateTime *) [newEvent uniqueChildWithTag: @"dtend"];
if (isAllDay)
tzOffset = [[value timeZone] secondsFromGMTForDate: value];
value = [value dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: -tzOffset];
[end setTimeZone: nil];
[end setDate: value];
[end setTimeZone: tz];
[end setDateTime: value];
[sogoObject changeParticipationStatus: newPartStat
withDelegate: nil];
// [[self context] tearDownRequest];
/* priority */
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey(PR_IMPORTANCE)];
if (value)
switch ([value intValue])
priority = @"9";
priority = @"1";
priority = @"5";
priority = @"0"; // None
[newEvent setPriority: priority];
/* show time as free/busy/tentative/out of office. Possible values are:
0x00000000 - olFree
0x00000001 - olTentative
0x00000002 - olBusy
0x00000003 - olOutOfOffice */
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey(PidLidBusyStatus)];
if (value)
[newEvent setLastModified: now];
// summary
value = [properties
if (value)
[newEvent setSummary: value];
// Location
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidLocation)];
if (value)
[newEvent setLocation: value];
isAllDay = [newEvent isAllDay];
value = [properties
objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentSubType)];
if (value)
isAllDay = [value boolValue];
if (!isAllDay)
switch ([value intValue])
tzName = [[self ownerTimeZone] name];
tz = [iCalTimeZone timeZoneForName: tzName];
[vCalendar addTimeZone: tz];
case 0:
[newEvent setTransparency: @"TRANSPARENT"];
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
[newEvent setTransparency: @"OPAQUE"];
// start
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_START_DATE)];
if (!value)
value = [properties
objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentStartWhole)];
/* Comment */
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_BODY_UNICODE)];
if (!value)
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_HTML)];
if (value)
start = (iCalDateTime *) [newEvent uniqueChildWithTag: @"dtstart"];
if (isAllDay)
tzOffset = [[value timeZone] secondsFromGMTForDate: value];
value = [value dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: -tzOffset];
[start setTimeZone: nil];
[start setDate: value];
[start setTimeZone: tz];
[start setDateTime: value];
value = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: value
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[value autorelease];
value = [value htmlToText];
/* end */
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_END_DATE)];
if (!value)
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentEndWhole)];
if (value)
end = (iCalDateTime *) [newEvent uniqueChildWithTag: @"dtend"];
if (isAllDay)
tzOffset = [[value timeZone] secondsFromGMTForDate: value];
value = [value dateByAddingYears: 0 months: 0 days: 0
hours: 0 minutes: 0
seconds: -tzOffset];
[end setTimeZone: nil];
[end setDate: value];
[end setTimeZone: tz];
[end setDateTime: value];
/* priority */
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey(PR_IMPORTANCE)];
if (value)
switch ([value intValue])
priority = @"9";
priority = @"1";
priority = @"5";
priority = @"0"; // None
[newEvent setPriority: priority];
/* show time as free/busy/tentative/out of office. Possible values are:
0x00000000 - olFree
0x00000001 - olTentative
0x00000002 - olBusy
0x00000003 - olOutOfOffice */
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey(PidLidBusyStatus)];
if (value)
switch ([value intValue])
case 0:
[newEvent setTransparency: @"TRANSPARENT"];
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
[newEvent setTransparency: @"OPAQUE"];
/* Comment */
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_BODY_UNICODE)];
if (!value)
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_HTML)];
if (value)
value = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: value
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[value autorelease];
value = [value htmlToText];
if (value && [value length] == 0)
value = nil;
[newEvent setComment: value];
if (value && [value length] == 0)
value = nil;
[newEvent setComment: value];
/* recurrence */
value = [properties
/* recurrence */
value = [properties
objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentRecur)];
if (value)
[self _setupRecurrenceInCalendar: vCalendar
withEvent: newEvent
fromData: value];
[newEvent setOrganizer: nil];
[newEvent removeAllAttendees];
/* alarm */
[self _setupAlarmDataInEvent: newEvent];
if ([[properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentStateFlags)] intValue]
!= 0)
// Organizer
value = [properties objectForKey: @"recipients"];
if (value)
[self _setupRecurrenceInCalendar: vCalendar
withEvent: newEvent
fromData: value];
[newEvent setOrganizer: nil];
[newEvent removeAllAttendees];
/* alarm */
[self _setupAlarmDataInEvent: newEvent];
if ([[properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidAppointmentStateFlags)] intValue]
!= 0)
// Organizer
value = [properties objectForKey: @"recipients"];
if (value)
NSArray *recipients;
NSDictionary *dict;
NSString *orgEmail, *sentBy, *attEmail;
iCalPerson *person;
iCalPersonPartStat newPartStat;
NSNumber *flags, *trackStatus;
int i, effective;
NSArray *recipients;
NSDictionary *dict;
NSString *orgEmail, *sentBy, *attEmail;
iCalPerson *person;
iCalPersonPartStat newPartStat;
NSNumber *flags, *trackStatus;
int i, effective;
BOOL organizerIsSet = NO;
/* We must set the organizer preliminarily here because, unlike what
the doc states, Outlook does not always pass the real organizer
in the recipients list. */
dict = [ownerUser primaryIdentity];
recipients = [value objectForKey: @"to"];
effective = 0;
for (i = 0; i < [recipients count]; i++)
dict = [recipients objectAtIndex: i];
person = [iCalPerson new];
[person setCn: [dict objectForKey: @"fullName"]];
orgEmail = [dict objectForKey: @"email"];
[person setEmail: orgEmail];
activeUser = [[self context] activeUser];
if (![activeUser isEqual: ownerUser])
attEmail = [dict objectForKey: @"email"];
[person setEmail: attEmail];
flags = [dict objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS)];
if (!flags)
dict = [activeUser primaryIdentity];
sentBy = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"mailto:%@",
[dict objectForKey: @"email"]];
[person setSentBy: sentBy];
[self logWithFormat:
@"no recipient flags specified: skipping recipient"];
[newEvent setOrganizer: person];
[person release];
recipients = [value objectForKey: @"to"];
effective = 0;
for (i = 0; i < [recipients count]; i++)
if (([flags unsignedIntValue] & 0x0002)) /* recipOrganizer */
dict = [recipients objectAtIndex: i];
[newEvent setOrganizer: person];
organizerIsSet = YES;
[self logWithFormat: @"organizer set via recipient flags"];
BOOL isOrganizer = NO;
flags = [dict objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS)];
if (!flags)
// /* Work-around: it happens that Outlook still passes the
// organizer as a recipient, maybe because of a feature
// documented in a pre-mesozoic PDF still buried in a
// cavern... In that case we remove it, and we keep the
// number of effective recipients in "effective". If the
// total is 0, we remove the "ORGANIZER" too. */
// if ([attEmail isEqualToString: orgEmail])
// {
// [self logWithFormat:
// @"avoiding setting organizer as recipient"];
// continue;
// }
trackStatus = [dict objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidTagRecipientTrackStatus)];
if (trackStatus)
[self logWithFormat:
@"no recipient flags specified: skipping recipient"];
person = [iCalPerson new];
[person setCn: [dict objectForKey: @"fullName"]];
attEmail = [dict objectForKey: @"email"];
[person setEmail: attEmail];
if (([flags unsignedIntValue] & 0x0002)) /* recipOrganizer */
[newEvent setOrganizer: person];
/* Work-around: it happens that Outlook still passes the
organizer as a recipient, maybe because of a feature
documented in a pre-mesozoic PDF still buried in a
cavern... In that case we remove it, and we keep the
number of effective recipients in "effective". If the
total is 0, we remove the "ORGANIZER" too. */
if ([attEmail isEqualToString: orgEmail])
[self logWithFormat:
@"avoiding setting organizer as recipient"];
= [dict
/* FIXME: we should provide a data converter between OL
partstats and SOGo */
switch ([trackStatus unsignedIntValue])
case 0x01: /* respOrganized */
isOrganizer = YES;
case 0x02: /* respTentative */
newPartStat = iCalPersonPartStatTentative;
@ -979,23 +949,122 @@
newPartStat = iCalPersonPartStatNeedsAction;
[person setParticipationStatus: newPartStat];
[person setRsvp: @"TRUE"];
[person setRole: @"REQ-PARTICIPANT"];
[newEvent addToAttendees: person];
if (isOrganizer)
[newEvent setOrganizer: person];
organizerIsSet = YES;
[self logWithFormat: @"organizer set via track status"];
[person setParticipationStatus: newPartStat];
[person setRsvp: @"TRUE"];
[person setRole: @"REQ-PARTICIPANT"];
[newEvent addToAttendees: person];
[person release];
[self errorWithFormat: @"skipped recipient due"
@" to missing track status"];
if (effective == 0) /* See work-around above */
[newEvent setOrganizer: nil];
[person release];
if (effective == 0) /* See work-around above */
[newEvent setOrganizer: nil];
ownerUser = [[self userContext] sogoUser];
if (organizerIsSet)
/* We must reset the participation status to the value
obtained from PidLidResponseStatus as the value in
PidTagRecipientTrackStatus is not correct. Note (hack):
the method used here requires that the user directory
from LDAP and Samba matches perfectly. This can be solved
more appropriately by making use of the sender
properties... */
person = [newEvent userAsAttendee: ownerUser];
if (person)
= [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PidLidResponseStatus)];
if (value)
responseStatus = [value unsignedLongValue];
/* FIXME: we should provide a data converter between OL partstats and
SOGo */
switch (responseStatus)
case 0x02: /* respTentative */
newPartStat = iCalPersonPartStatTentative;
case 0x03: /* respAccepted */
newPartStat = iCalPersonPartStatAccepted;
case 0x04: /* respDeclined */
newPartStat = iCalPersonPartStatDeclined;
newPartStat = iCalPersonPartStatNeedsAction;
[person setParticipationStatus: newPartStat];
newParticipationStatus = [person partStatWithDefault];
// if (newPartStat // != iCalPersonPartStatUndefined
// )
// {
// // iCalPerson *participant;
// // participant = [newEvent userAsAttendee: ownerUser];
// // [participant setParticipationStatus: newPartStat];
// // [sogoObject saveComponent: newEvent];
// [sogoObject changeParticipationStatus: newPartStat
// withDelegate: nil];
// // [[self context] tearDownRequest];
// }
// // }1005
// // else
// // {
[self errorWithFormat: @"organizer was not set although a"
@" recipient list was specified"];
/* We must set the organizer preliminarily here because, unlike what
the doc states, Outlook does not always pass the real organizer
in the recipients list. */
dict = [ownerUser primaryIdentity];
person = [iCalPerson new];
[person setCn: [dict objectForKey: @"fullName"]];
orgEmail = [dict objectForKey: @"email"];
[person setEmail: orgEmail];
activeUser = [[self context] activeUser];
if (![activeUser isEqual: ownerUser])
dict = [activeUser primaryIdentity];
sentBy = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"mailto:%@",
[dict objectForKey: @"email"]];
[person setSentBy: sentBy];
[newEvent setOrganizer: person];
[person release];
[sogoObject saveComponent: newEvent];
[sogoObject saveComponent: newEvent];
if (newParticipationStatus)
[sogoObject changeParticipationStatus: newParticipationStatus
withDelegate: nil];
[(MAPIStoreCalendarFolder *) container synchroniseCache];
value = [properties objectForKey: MAPIPropertyKey (PR_CHANGE_KEY)];
if (value)