Improve API doc of UIxContactEditor

Francis Lachapelle 2015-01-26 15:42:10 -05:00
parent 794c1999bc
commit c934b3d9c0
1 changed files with 32 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -505,44 +505,43 @@ static Class SOGoContactGCSEntryK = Nil;
* @apiName PostData
* @apiGroup Contacts
* @apiExample {curl} Example usage:
* curl -i http://localhost/SOGo/so/sogo1/Contacts/personal/1BC8-52F53F80-1-38C52040.vcf/view
* curl -i http://localhost/SOGo/so/sogo1/Contacts/personal/1BC8-52F53F80-1-38C52040.vcf/save
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} id Card ID
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} pid Address book ID (card's container)
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} tag Either vcard or vlist
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} givenname Firstname
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} nickname Nickname
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} sn Lastname
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} fn Fullname
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} tz Timezone
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} note Note
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String[]} allCategories All available categories
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Object[]} categories Categories assigned to the card
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} categories.value Category name
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Object[]} addresses Postal addresses
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} addresses.type Type (e.g., home or work)
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} addresses.postoffice Post office box
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} addresses.street Street address
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} addresses.street2 Extended address (e.g., apartment or suite number)
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} addresses.locality Locality (e.g., city)
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} addresses.region Region (e.g., state or province)
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} addresses.postalcode Postal code
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} Country name
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Object[]} emails Email addresses
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} emails.type Type (e.g., home or work)
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} emails.value Email address
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Object[]} phones Phone numbers
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} phones.type Type (e.g., mobile or work)
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} phones.value Phone number
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Object[]} urls URLs
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} urls.type Type (e.g., personal or work)
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} urls.value URL
* @apiParam {String} id Card ID
* @apiParam {String} pid Address book ID (card's container)
* @apiParam {String} tag Either vcard or vlist
* @apiParam {String} givenname Firstname
* @apiParam {String} nickname Nickname
* @apiParam {String} sn Lastname
* @apiParam {String} fn Fullname
* @apiParam {String} tz Timezone
* @apiParam {String} note Note
* @apiParam {String[]} allCategories All available categories
* @apiParam {Object[]} categories Categories assigned to the card
* @apiParam {String} categories.value Category name
* @apiParam {Object[]} addresses Postal addresses
* @apiParam {String} addresses.type Type (e.g., home or work)
* @apiParam {String} addresses.postoffice Post office box
* @apiParam {String} addresses.street Street address
* @apiParam {String} addresses.street2 Extended address (e.g., apartment or suite number)
* @apiParam {String} addresses.locality Locality (e.g., city)
* @apiParam {String} addresses.region Region (e.g., state or province)
* @apiParam {String} addresses.postalcode Postal code
* @apiParam {String} Country name
* @apiParam {Object[]} emails Email addresses
* @apiParam {String} emails.type Type (e.g., home or work)
* @apiParam {String} emails.value Email address
* @apiParam {Object[]} phones Phone numbers
* @apiParam {String} phones.type Type (e.g., mobile or work)
* @apiParam {String} phones.value Phone number
* @apiParam {Object[]} urls URLs
* @apiParam {String} urls.type Type (e.g., personal or work)
* @apiParam {String} urls.value URL
- (id <WOActionResults>) saveAction
SOGoContentObject <SOGoContactObject> *co;
WORequest *request;
WOResponse *response;
NSDictionary *params, *data;
co = [self clientObject];
@ -558,10 +557,8 @@ static Class SOGoContactGCSEntryK = Nil;
[[co container] nameInContainer], @"pid",
[co nameInContainer], @"id",
response = [self responseWithStatus: 200
andString: [data jsonRepresentation]];
return response;
return [self responseWithStatus: 200 andJSONRepresentation: data];
- (id) writeAction