See ChangeLog

Monotone-Parent: a8ea4c892d2814713d84f3190401e5d4381c4701
Monotone-Revision: 2be823800b3a3aa4e40219b1fbfa546bd5cc1db3

Monotone-Date: 2010-08-11T14:52:11
Ludovic Marcotte 2010-08-11 14:52:11 +00:00
parent dbe7f83a67
commit cae4fb16bd
10 changed files with 412 additions and 389 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
2010-08-11 Ludovic Marcotte <>
* SoObjects/Appointments/SOGoAppointmentObject.m
Removed all the old calendar-schedule code and
instead, implemented calendar-auto-schedule. The old
code will always succeed and the new code reuses
all the business logic used for the Web interface
of SOGo.
2010-08-03 Ludovic Marcotte <>
* Applied patch for bug #690

View File

@ -2216,7 +2216,8 @@ firstInstanceCalendarDateRange: (NGCalendarDateRange *) fir
if (primaryClasses)
[classes addObjectsFromArray: primaryClasses];
[classes addObject: @"calendar-access"];
[classes addObject: @"calendar-schedule"];
//[classes addObject: @"calendar-schedule"];
[classes addObject: @"calendar-auto-schedule"];
return classes;

View File

@ -380,7 +380,9 @@ static SoSecurityManager *sm = nil;
if (primaryClasses)
[classes addObjectsFromArray: primaryClasses];
[classes addObject: @"calendar-access"];
[classes addObject: @"calendar-schedule"];
//[classes addObject: @"calendar-schedule"];
[classes addObject: @"calendar-auto-schedule"];
return classes;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Inverse inc.
Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Inverse inc.
This file is part of
@ -53,11 +53,10 @@
withDelegate: (iCalPerson *) delegate
forRecurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate *) _recurrenceId;
- (void) takeAttendeeStatus: (iCalPerson *) attendee
withDelegate: (iCalPerson *) delegate
from: (SOGoUser *) originator
withRecurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate*) recurrenceId;
// Old CalDAV scheduling (draft 4 and below) methods. We keep them since we still
// advertise for its support but we do everything within the calendar-auto-scheduling code
- (NSArray *) postCalDAVEventRequestTo: (NSArray *) recipients from: (NSString *) originator;
- (NSArray *) postCalDAVEventReplyTo: (NSArray *) recipients from: (NSString *) originator;
- (NSArray *) postCalDAVEventCancelTo: (NSArray *) recipients from: (NSString *) originator;

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSObject+Logs.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalCalendar.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalDateTime.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalEvent.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalEventChanges.h>
#import <NGCards/iCalPerson.h>
@ -510,6 +511,31 @@
// Workflow : +----------------------+
// | |
// [saveComponent:]---> _handleAddedUsers:fromEvent: <-+ |
// | | v
// +------------> _handleUpdatedEvent:fromOldEvent: ---> _addOrUpdateEvent:forUID:owner: <-----------+
// | | ^ |
// v v | |
// _handleRemoveUsers:withRecurrenceId: _handleSequenceUpdateInEvent:ignoringAttendees:fromOldEvent: |
// | |
// | [DELETEAction:] |
// | | {_handleAdded/Updated...}<--+ |
// | v | |
// | [prepareDeleteOccurence:] [PUTAction:] |
// | | | | |
// v v v v |
// _removeEventFromUID:owner:withRecurrenceId: [changeParticipationStatus:withDelegate:forRecurrenceId:] |
// | | |
// | v |
// +------------------------> _handleAttendee:withDelegate:ownerUser:statusChange:inEvent: ---> [sendResponseToOrganizer:from:]
// |
// v
// _updateAttendee:withDelegate:ownerUser:forEventUID:withRecurrenceId:withSequence:forUID:shouldAddSentBy:
- (void) saveComponent: (iCalEvent *) newEvent
iCalEvent *oldEvent, *oldMasterEvent;
@ -626,8 +652,8 @@
// If no occurence found, create one
event = [eventObject newOccurenceWithID: recurrenceTime];
if ([[event sequence] compare: sequence] == NSOrderedSame)
if ([[event sequence] intValue] <= [sequence intValue])
SOGoUser *currentUser;
@ -809,7 +835,7 @@
NSString *delegatedUID = nil;
NSMutableArray *delegates;
if (removeDelegate)
delegates = [NSMutableArray array];
@ -867,10 +893,14 @@
forObject: event to: delegates];
// We generate the updated iCalendar file and we save it
// in the database.
newContent = [[event parent] versitString];
ex = [self saveContentString: newContent];
// We generate the updated iCalendar file and we save it in the database.
// We do this ONLY when using SOGo from the Web interface. Over DAV, it'll
// be handled directly in PUTAction:
if ([[context request] handledByDefaultHandler])
newContent = [[event parent] versitString];
ex = [self saveContentString: newContent];
// If the current user isn't the organizer of the event
// that has just been updated, we update the event and
@ -950,373 +980,71 @@
// The originator here is the owner of the calendar where
// the event was created. Lightning sends us exactly this
// and handles the SENT-BY itself. We might have to review
// this if the originator ever becomes the user on whom
// the act is performed (ie. Alice creates an event in Bob's
// calendar and invites Thomas).
// Old CalDAV scheduling (draft 4 and below) methods. We keep them since we still
// advertise for its support but we do everything within the calendar-auto-scheduling code
- (NSArray *) postCalDAVEventRequestTo: (NSArray *) recipients
from: (NSString *) originator
NSMutableArray *elements;
NSEnumerator *recipientsEnum;
NSString *recipient, *uid, *ownerUID;
iCalEvent *newEvent, *oldEvent, *emailEvent;
iCalPerson *person, *eventOwner;
BOOL isUpdate, hasChanged;
NSMutableArray *elements;
NSString *recipient;
elements = [NSMutableArray array];
ownerUID = [[SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager]
getUIDForEmail: originator];
eventOwner = [self iCalPersonWithUID: ownerUID];
emailEvent = [self component: NO secure: NO];
newEvent = [self component: NO secure: NO];
[newEvent removeAllAlarms];
[[newEvent parent] setMethod: @""];
recipientsEnum = [recipients objectEnumerator];
while ((recipient = [recipientsEnum nextObject]))
if ([[recipient lowercaseString] hasPrefix: @"mailto:"])
person = [iCalPerson new];
[person setValue: 0 to: recipient];
uid = [person uid];
oldEvent = nil;
hasChanged = YES;
isUpdate = NO;
if (uid)
// We check if we must send an invitation update
// rather than just a normal invitation.
NSCalendarDate *recurrenceId;
NSString *iCalString;
SOGoAppointmentObject *oldEventObject, *ownerEventObject;
iCalCalendar *calendar;
oldEventObject = [self _lookupEvent: [newEvent uid] forUID: uid];
calendar = [oldEventObject calendar: NO secure: NO];
ownerEventObject = nil;
recurrenceId = [newEvent recurrenceId];
if (![oldEventObject isNew])
// We are updating an existing event.
// If the event containts a recurrence-id, replace the proper
// occurrence of the recurrent event.
iCalEvent *currentOccurence;
iCalEventChanges *changes;
NSArray *occurences;
NSCalendarDate *currentId;
NSString *recurrenceTime;
unsigned int i;
if (recurrenceId == nil)
oldEvent = [oldEventObject component: NO secure: NO];
// If recurrenceId is defined, find the specified occurence
// within the repeating vEvent and remove it.
occurences = [calendar events];
for (i = 1; i < [occurences count]; i++)
currentOccurence = [occurences objectAtIndex: i];
currentId = [currentOccurence recurrenceId];
if ([currentId compare: recurrenceId] == NSOrderedSame)
oldEvent = currentOccurence;
[[calendar children] removeObject: currentOccurence];
if (oldEvent == nil)
// If no occurence found, create one.
recurrenceTime = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", [recurrenceId timeIntervalSince1970]];
oldEvent = (iCalEvent *)[oldEventObject newOccurenceWithID: recurrenceTime];
// Add the event as a new occurrence, without the organizer.
[newEvent setOrganizer: nil];
[calendar addChild: newEvent];
// Identify changes in order to send a notification to the attendee
// if necessary and with the proper template.
changes = [newEvent getChangesRelativeToEvent: oldEvent];
if ([[oldEvent sequence] compare: [newEvent sequence]] != NSOrderedSame
&& [changes sequenceShouldBeIncreased])
isUpdate = YES;
hasChanged = NO;
else if (recurrenceId)
NSArray *attendees;
unsigned int i;
BOOL found;
// We must add an occurence to a non-existing event -- simply retrieve
// the event from the organizer's calendar
if (ownerEventObject == nil)
ownerEventObject = [self _lookupEvent: [newEvent uid]
forUID: ownerUID];
newEvent = [ownerEventObject component: NO secure: NO];
attendees = [newEvent attendees];
found = NO;
/* We check if the attendee that was added to a single
occurence is present in the master component. If not, we
add it with a participation status set to "DECLINED" */
for (i = 0; i < [attendees count]; i++)
if ([[attendees objectAtIndex: i] hasSameEmailAddress: person])
found = YES;
if (!found)
[person setParticipationStatus: iCalPersonPartStatDeclined];
[person setRsvp: @"TRUE"];
[person setRole: @"REQ-PARTICIPANT"];
[newEvent addToAttendees: person];
if ([[newEvent organizer] isVoid])
[newEvent setOrganizer: eventOwner];
[ownerEventObject saveContentString: [[newEvent parent] versitString]];
// We generate the updated iCalendar file and we save it
// in the database.
iCalString = [[newEvent parent] versitString];
[oldEventObject saveContentString: iCalString];
#warning fix this when sendEmailUsing blabla has been cleaned up
if (hasChanged)
[self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: (isUpdate ? @"Update" : @"Invitation")
forObject: emailEvent
previousObject: oldEvent
toAttendees: [NSArray arrayWithObject: person]];
[person release];
addObject: [self _caldavSuccessCodeWithRecipient: recipient]];
[elements addObject: [self _caldavSuccessCodeWithRecipient: recipient]];
[self sendReceiptEmailUsingTemplateNamed: (isUpdate
? @"Update" : @"Invitation")
forObject: emailEvent
to: [newEvent attendees]];
return elements;
// See our comment about the originator in the method above.
- (NSArray *) postCalDAVEventCancelTo: (NSArray *) recipients
from: (NSString *) originator
NSMutableArray *elements;
NSEnumerator *recipientsEnum;
NSString *recipient, *ownerUID, *uid;
iCalEvent *event;
iCalPerson *person;
NSMutableArray *elements;
NSString *recipient;
elements = [NSMutableArray array];
ownerUID = [[SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager]
getUIDForEmail: originator];
event = [self component: NO secure: NO];
recipientsEnum = [recipients objectEnumerator];
while ((recipient = [recipientsEnum nextObject]))
if ([[recipient lowercaseString] hasPrefix: @"mailto:"])
person = [iCalPerson new];
[person setValue: 0 to: recipient];
uid = [person uid];
if (uid)
[self _removeEventFromUID: uid
owner: ownerUID
withRecurrenceId: [event recurrenceId]];
#warning fix this when sendEmailUsing blabla has been cleaned up
[self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Deletion"
forObject: event
previousObject: nil
toAttendees: [NSArray arrayWithObject: person]];
[person release];
addObject: [self _caldavSuccessCodeWithRecipient: recipient]];
[elements addObject: [self _caldavSuccessCodeWithRecipient: recipient]];
[self sendReceiptEmailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Deletion"
forObject: event
to: [event attendees]];
return elements;
// This method is invoked by CalDAV clients such as
// Mozilla Lightning. We assume the SENT-BY has
// already been added, if required.
// It is used to update the status of an attendee.
// The originator is the actualy owner of the calendar
// where the update took place. The status must then
// be propagated to the organizer and the other attendees.
- (void) takeAttendeeStatus: (iCalPerson *) attendee
withDelegate: (iCalPerson *) delegate
from: (SOGoUser *) ownerUser
withRecurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate*) recurrenceId
iCalPerson *localAttendee;
iCalEvent *event;
NSString *recurrenceTime;
if (recurrenceId == nil)
// We must update the master event only.
event = [self component: NO secure: NO];
// If recurrenceId is defined, find the specified occurence
// within the repeating vEvent.
recurrenceTime = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f", [recurrenceId timeIntervalSince1970]];
event = (iCalEvent*)[self lookupOccurence: recurrenceTime];
if (event == nil)
// If no occurence found, create one
event = (iCalEvent*)[self newOccurenceWithID: recurrenceTime];
// Find attendee within event
localAttendee = [event findAttendeeWithEmail: [attendee rfc822Email]];
if (localAttendee)
// Update the attendee's status
#warning this code should probably not exist, as a REPLY POST will be followed \
by a PUT
[localAttendee setPartStat: [attendee partStat]];
[localAttendee setDelegatedTo: [attendee delegatedTo]];
[localAttendee setDelegatedFrom: [attendee delegatedFrom]];
[self saveComponent: event];
NSArray *attendees;
iCalPerson *att;
NSString *uid;
int i;
/* We update the copy of the organizer, only if it's a local user. */
uid = [[event organizer] uid];
if (uid)
[self _updateAttendee: attendee
withDelegate: delegate
ownerUser: ownerUser
forEventUID: [event uid]
withRecurrenceId: [event recurrenceId]
withSequence: [event sequence]
forUID: uid
shouldAddSentBy: NO];
attendees = [event attendees];
for (i = 0; i < [attendees count]; i++)
att = [attendees objectAtIndex: i];
uid = [att uid];
if (uid
&& !(att == attendee || att == delegate
/* We skip the update that correspond to the owner since
the CalDAV client will already have updated the actual
event. */
|| [ownerUser hasEmail: [att rfc822Email]]))
[self _updateAttendee: attendee
withDelegate: delegate
ownerUser: ownerUser
forEventUID: [event uid]
withRecurrenceId: [event recurrenceId]
withSequence: [event sequence]
forUID: uid
shouldAddSentBy: NO];
[self errorWithFormat: @"attendee not found: '%@'", attendee];
- (NSArray *) postCalDAVEventReplyTo: (NSArray *) recipients
from: (NSString *) originator
NSMutableArray *elements;
NSEnumerator *recipientsEnum;
NSString *recipient, *uid, *eventUID, *delegateEmail;
iCalEvent *event;
iCalPerson *attendee, *person, *delegate;
SOGoAppointmentObject *recipientEvent;
SOGoUser *ownerUser;
NSMutableArray *elements;
NSString *recipient;
elements = [NSMutableArray array];
event = [self component: NO secure: NO];
[[event parent] setMethod: @""];
ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: [[SOGoUserManager sharedUserManager]
getUIDForEmail: originator]];
attendee = [event userAsAttendee: ownerUser];
eventUID = [event uid];
delegate = nil;
delegateEmail = [attendee delegatedTo];
if ([delegateEmail length])
delegateEmail = [delegateEmail substringFromIndex: 7];
if ([delegateEmail length])
= [event findAttendeeWithEmail: delegateEmail];
recipientsEnum = [recipients objectEnumerator];
while ((recipient = [recipientsEnum nextObject]))
if ([[recipient lowercaseString] hasPrefix: @"mailto:"])
person = [iCalPerson new];
[person setValue: 0 to: recipient];
uid = [person uid];
if (uid)
recipientEvent = [self _lookupEvent: eventUID forUID: uid];
if ([recipientEvent isNew])
[recipientEvent saveComponent: event];
[recipientEvent takeAttendeeStatus: attendee
withDelegate: delegate
from: ownerUser
withRecurrenceId: [event recurrenceId]];
// Send reply to recipient/organizer
[self sendIMIPReplyForEvent: event
from: ownerUser
to: person];
[person release];
addObject: [self _caldavSuccessCodeWithRecipient: recipient]];
[elements addObject: [self _caldavSuccessCodeWithRecipient: recipient]];
return elements;
// This method is invoked only from the SOGo Web interface.
- (NSException *) changeParticipationStatus: (NSString *) status
withDelegate: (iCalPerson *) delegate
@ -1405,59 +1133,59 @@
return ex;
- (void) prepareDeleteOccurence: (iCalEvent *) occurence
iCalEvent *event;
SOGoUser *ownerUser, *currentUser;
NSArray *attendees;
NSCalendarDate *recurrenceId;
if ([[context request] handledByDefaultHandler])
ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];
event = [self component: NO secure: NO];
if (occurence == nil)
ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];
event = [self component: NO secure: NO];
if (occurence == nil)
// No occurence specified; use the master event.
occurence = event;
recurrenceId = nil;
// Retrieve this occurence ID.
recurrenceId = [occurence recurrenceId];
if ([event userIsOrganizer: ownerUser])
// The organizer deletes an occurence.
currentUser = [context activeUser];
attendees = [occurence attendeesWithoutUser: currentUser];
#warning Make sure this is correct ..
if (![attendees count] && event != occurence)
attendees = [event attendeesWithoutUser: currentUser];
if ([attendees count])
// Remove the event from all attendees calendars
// and send them an email.
[self _handleRemovedUsers: attendees
withRecurrenceId: recurrenceId];
[self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Deletion"
forObject: [occurence itipEntryWithMethod: @"cancel"]
previousObject: nil
toAttendees: attendees];
[self sendReceiptEmailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Deletion"
forObject: occurence
to: attendees];
else if ([occurence userIsAttendee: ownerUser])
// The current user deletes the occurence; let the organizer know that
// the user has declined this occurence.
[self changeParticipationStatus: @"DECLINED" withDelegate: nil
forRecurrenceId: recurrenceId];
// No occurence specified; use the master event.
occurence = event;
recurrenceId = nil;
// Retrieve this occurence ID.
recurrenceId = [occurence recurrenceId];
if ([event userIsOrganizer: ownerUser])
// The organizer deletes an occurence.
currentUser = [context activeUser];
attendees = [occurence attendeesWithoutUser: currentUser];
#warning Make sure this is correct ..
if (![attendees count] && event != occurence)
attendees = [event attendeesWithoutUser: currentUser];
if ([attendees count])
// Remove the event from all attendees calendars
// and send them an email.
[self _handleRemovedUsers: attendees
withRecurrenceId: recurrenceId];
[self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Deletion"
forObject: [occurence itipEntryWithMethod: @"cancel"]
previousObject: nil
toAttendees: attendees];
[self sendReceiptEmailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Deletion"
forObject: occurence
to: attendees];
else if ([occurence userIsAttendee: ownerUser])
// The current user deletes the occurence; let the organizer know that
// the user has declined this occurence.
[self changeParticipationStatus: @"DECLINED" withDelegate: nil
forRecurrenceId: recurrenceId];
- (NSException *) prepareDelete
@ -1603,6 +1331,66 @@
[rq setContent: [[calendar versitString] dataUsingEncoding: [rq contentEncoding]]];
// If theRecurrenceId is nil, it returns immediately the
// first event that has a RECURRENCE-ID.
// Otherwise, it return values that matches.
- (iCalEvent *) _eventFromRecurrenceId: (NSCalendarDate *) theRecurrenceId
events: (NSArray *) allEvents
iCalEvent *event;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [allEvents count]; i++)
event = [allEvents objectAtIndex: i];
if ([event recurrenceId] && !theRecurrenceId)
return event;
if ([event recurrenceId] && [[event recurrenceId] compare: theRecurrenceId] == NSOrderedSame)
return event;
return nil;
- (NSCalendarDate *) _addedExDate: (iCalEvent *) oldEvent
newEvent: (iCalEvent *) newEvent
NSArray *oldExDates, *newExDates;
NSMutableArray *dates;
int i;
dates = [NSMutableArray array];
newExDates = [newEvent childrenWithTag: @"exdate"];
for (i = 0; i < [newExDates count]; i++)
[dates addObject: [[newExDates objectAtIndex: i] dateTime]];
oldExDates = [oldEvent childrenWithTag: @"exdate"];
for (i = 0; i < [oldExDates count]; i++)
[dates removeObject: [[oldExDates objectAtIndex: i] dateTime]];
return [dates lastObject];
- (id) DELETEAction: (WOContext *) _ctx
[self prepareDeleteOccurence: nil];
return [super DELETEAction: _ctx];
// If we see "X-SOGo: NoGroupsDecomposition" in the HTTP headers, we
// simply invoke super's PUTAction.
@ -1614,10 +1402,16 @@
NSArray *roles;
WORequest *rq;
id response;
rq = [_ctx request];
roles = [[context activeUser] rolesForObject: self inContext: context];
roles = [[context activeUser] rolesForObject: self inContext: context];
// We check if we gave only the "Respond To" right and someone is actually
// responding to one of our invitation. In this case, _setupResponseCalendarInRequest
// will only take the new attendee status and actually discard any other modifications.
if ([roles containsObject: @"ComponentResponder"]
&& ![roles containsObject: @"ComponentModifier"])
[self _setupResponseCalendarInRequest: rq];
@ -1638,7 +1432,224 @@
return [super PUTAction: _ctx];
// We first check if it's a new event
if ([self isNew])
iCalCalendar *calendar;
iCalEvent *event;
SOGoUser *ownerUser;
calendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: [rq contentAsString]];
event = [[calendar events] objectAtIndex: 0];
ownerUser = [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner];
// New event and we're the organizer -- send invitation to all attendees
if ([event userIsOrganizer: ownerUser])
NSArray *attendees;
attendees = [event attendeesWithoutUser: ownerUser];
if ([attendees count])
[self _handleAddedUsers: attendees fromEvent: event];
[self sendEMailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Invitation"
forObject: [event itipEntryWithMethod: @"request"]
previousObject: nil
toAttendees: attendees];
[self sendReceiptEmailUsingTemplateNamed: @"Invitation"
forObject: event to: attendees];
// We aren't the organizer but we're an attendee. That can happen when
// we receive an external invitation (IMIP/ITIP) and we accept it
// from a CUA - it gets added to a specific CalDAV calendar using a PUT
else if ([event userIsAttendee: ownerUser])
[self sendIMIPReplyForEvent: event
from: ownerUser
to: [event organizer]];
iCalCalendar *oldCalendar, *newCalendar;
iCalEvent *oldEvent, *newEvent;
iCalEventChanges *changes;
NSMutableArray *oldEvents, *newEvents;
NSCalendarDate *recurrenceId;
NSException *error;
BOOL master;
int i;
// We must check for etag changes prior doing anything since an attendee could
// have changed its participation status and the organizer didn't get the
// copy and is trying to do a modification to the event.
error = [self matchesRequestConditionInContext: _ctx];
if (error)
return (WOResponse *)error;
// We check what has changed in the event and react accordingly.
newCalendar = [iCalCalendar parseSingleFromSource: [rq contentAsString]];
newEvents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [newCalendar events]];
oldCalendar = [self calendar: NO secure: NO];
oldEvents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [oldCalendar events]];
recurrenceId = nil;
master = NO;
for (i = [newEvents count]-1; i >= 0; i--)
newEvent = [newEvents objectAtIndex: i];
if ([newEvent recurrenceId])
// Find the corresponding RECURRENCE-ID in the old calendar
// If not present, we assume it was created before the PUT
oldEvent = [self _eventFromRecurrenceId: [newEvent recurrenceId]
events: oldEvents];
// If present, we look for changes
changes = [iCalEventChanges changesFromEvent: oldEvent toEvent: newEvent];
if ([changes sequenceShouldBeIncreased] | [changes hasAttendeeChanges])
// We found a RECURRENCE-ID with changes, we consider it
recurrenceId = [newEvent recurrenceId];
[newEvents removeObject: oldEvent];
[oldEvents removeObject: newEvent];
oldEvent = nil;
newEvent = nil;
// If no changes were observed, let's see if we have any left overs
// in the oldEvents or in the newEvents array
if (!oldEvent && !newEvent)
// We check if we only have to deal with the MASTER event
if ([newEvents count] == [oldEvents count])
oldEvent = [oldEvents objectAtIndex: 0];
newEvent = [newEvents objectAtIndex: 0];
master = YES;
// A RECURRENCE-ID was added
else if ([newEvents count] > [oldEvents count])
oldEvent = nil;
newEvent = [self _eventFromRecurrenceId: nil events: newEvents];
recurrenceId = [newEvent recurrenceId];
// A RECURRENCE-ID was removed
oldEvent = [self _eventFromRecurrenceId: nil events: oldEvents];
newEvent = nil;
recurrenceId = [oldEvent recurrenceId];
// We check if the PUT call is actually an PART-STATE change
// from one of the attendees - here's the logic :
// if owner == organizer
// if [context activeUser] == organizer
// [send the invitation update]
// else
// [react on SENT-BY as someone else is acting for the organizer]
if ([[newEvent attendees] count] || [[oldEvent attendees] count])
if ([[[newEvent organizer] uid] caseInsensitiveCompare: owner] == NSOrderedSame)
[self _handleUpdatedEvent: newEvent fromOldEvent: oldEvent];
// A RECURRENCE-ID was removed so there has to be a change in the master event
// We could also have an EXDATE added in the master component of the attendees
// so we always compare the MASTER event.
if (!master)
newEvent = [newEvents objectAtIndex: 0];
oldEvent = [oldEvents objectAtIndex: 0];
[self _handleUpdatedEvent: newEvent fromOldEvent: oldEvent];
// else => attendee is responding
// if [context activeUser] == attendee
// [we change the PART-STATE]
// else
// [react on SENT-BY as someone else is acting for the attendee]
iCalPerson *attendee, *delegate;
NSString *delegateEmail;
attendee = [newEvent userAsAttendee: [SOGoUser userWithLogin: owner]];
delegate = nil;
delegateEmail = [attendee delegatedTo];
if ([delegateEmail length])
delegateEmail = [delegateEmail substringFromIndex: 7];
if ([delegateEmail length])
delegate = [newEvent findAttendeeWithEmail: delegateEmail];
changes = [iCalEventChanges changesFromEvent: oldEvent toEvent: newEvent];
// The current user deletes the occurence; let the organizer know that
// the user has declined this occurence.
if ([[changes updatedProperties] containsObject: @"exdate"])
[self changeParticipationStatus: @"DECLINED"
withDelegate: nil // (specify delegate?)
forRecurrenceId: [self _addedExDate: oldEvent newEvent: newEvent]];
[self changeParticipationStatus: [attendee partStat]
withDelegate: delegate
forRecurrenceId: recurrenceId];
// A RECURRENCE-ID was removed so there has to be a change in the master event
// We could also have an EXDATE added in the master component of the attendees
// so we always compare the MASTER event.
if (!master)
newEvent = [newEvents objectAtIndex: 0];
oldEvent = [oldEvents objectAtIndex: 0];
[self changeParticipationStatus: [attendee partStat] withDelegate: delegate];
// This will save the event into the database and also handle
// E-Tags properly, as well as content versioning.
response = [super PUTAction: _ctx];
return response;
@end /* SOGoAppointmentObject */

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* SOGoComponentOccurence.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2008 Inverse inc.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Inverse inc.
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* iCalEntityObject+SOGo.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2007 Inverse inc.
* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Inverse inc.
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* iCalEventChanges+SOGo.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2007 Inverse inc.
* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Inverse inc.
* Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
@"due", @"duration",
@"rdate", @"rrule", @"exdate", @"exrule",
@"status", @"location",
//@"summary", @"comment",
NSString **currentProperty;
BOOL updateRequired;

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Inverse inc.
Copyright (C) 2004-2005 SKYRIX Software AG
This file is part of
This file is part of SOGo.
OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
SOGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
SOGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.

View File

@ -115,6 +115,7 @@
/* operations */
- (NSException *)delete;
- (id) DELETEAction: (id) _ctx;
- (id)GETAction:(id)_ctx;
/* etag support */