(js) Decompose contacts list in attendees editor

This commit is contained in:
Francis Lachapelle 2015-12-22 17:24:16 -05:00
parent 6464e35704
commit d08c490992

View file

@ -31,12 +31,13 @@
* @desc The factory we'll use to register with Angular
* @returns the Component constructor
Component.$factory = ['$q', '$timeout', '$log', 'sgSettings', 'Preferences', 'Gravatar', 'Resource', function($q, $timeout, $log, Settings, Preferences, Gravatar, Resource) {
Component.$factory = ['$q', '$timeout', '$log', 'sgSettings', 'Preferences', 'Card', 'Gravatar', 'Resource', function($q, $timeout, $log, Settings, Preferences, Card, Gravatar, Resource) {
angular.extend(Component, {
$q: $q,
$timeout: $timeout,
$log: $log,
$Preferences: Preferences,
$Card: Card,
$gravatar: Gravatar,
$$resource: new Resource(Settings.baseURL(), Settings.activeUser()),
timeFormat: "%H:%M",
@ -794,24 +795,53 @@
* @param {Object} card - an Card object instance to be added to the attendees list
Component.prototype.addAttendee = function(card) {
var attendee, url, params;
var _this = this, attendee, list, url, params;
if (card) {
attendee = {
name: card.c_cn,
email: card.$preferredEmail(),
role: 'req-participant',
status: 'needs-action',
uid: card.c_uid
if (!_.find(this.attendees, function(o) {
return o.email == attendee.email;
})) {
attendee.image = Component.$gravatar(attendee.email, 32);
if (this.attendees)
this.attendees = [attendee];
if (card.$isList() && card.isGroup !== 1) {
// Decompose list members
list = Component.$Card.$find(card.container, card.c_name);
list.$id().then(function(listId) {
_.forEach(list.refs, function(ref) {
attendee = {
name: ref.c_cn,
email: ref.$preferredEmail(),
role: 'req-participant',
status: 'needs-action',
uid: ref.c_uid
if (!_.find(_this.attendees, function(o) {
return o.email == attendee.email;
})) {
// Contact is not already an attendee, add it
attendee.image = Component.$gravatar(attendee.email, 32);
if (_this.attendees)
_this.attendees = [attendee];
else {
// Single contact
attendee = {
name: card.c_cn,
email: card.$preferredEmail(),
role: 'req-participant',
status: 'needs-action',
uid: card.c_uid
if (!_.find(this.attendees, function(o) {
return o.email == attendee.email;
})) {
attendee.image = Component.$gravatar(attendee.email, 32);
if (this.attendees)
this.attendees = [attendee];