feat(mail): add support for UID MOVE operation

Francis Lachapelle 2021-09-10 14:16:03 -04:00
parent 534bea674b
commit d1fc15b3a4
4 changed files with 57 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ typedef enum {
- (BOOL) hasCapability: (NSString *) capability;
- (BOOL) supportsQuotas;
- (BOOL) supportsQResync;
- (BOOL) supportsMove;
- (id) getInboxQuota;
- (NSException *) updateFilters;

View File

@ -267,6 +267,11 @@ static NSString *inboxFolderName = @"INBOX";
return [self hasCapability: @"qresync"];
- (BOOL) supportsMove
return [self hasCapability: @"move"];
- (id) getInboxQuota
SOGoMailFolder *inbox;

View File

@ -70,6 +70,10 @@
- (NSArray *) fetchUIDs: (NSArray *) _uids parts: (NSArray *) _parts;
- (NSArray *) fetchUIDsOfVanishedItems: (uint64_t) modseq;
- (WOResponse *) moveUIDs: (NSArray *) uids
toFolder: (NSString *) destinationFolder
inContext: (id) localContext
keepCopy: (BOOL) copy;
- (WOResponse *) copyUIDs: (NSArray *) uids
toFolder: (NSString *) destinationFolder
inContext: (id) localContext;

View File

@ -636,6 +636,27 @@ static NSComparisonResult _compareFetchResultsByUID (id entry1, id entry2, NSArr
- (WOResponse *) copyUIDs: (NSArray *) uids
toFolder: (NSString *) destinationFolder
inContext: (id) localContext
return [self moveUIDs: uids
toFolder: destinationFolder
inContext: localContext
keepCopy: YES];
- (WOResponse *) moveUIDs: (NSArray *) uids
toFolder: (NSString *) destinationFolder
inContext: (id) localContext
return [self moveUIDs: uids
toFolder: destinationFolder
inContext: localContext
keepCopy: NO];
- (WOResponse *) moveUIDs: (NSArray *) uids
toFolder: (NSString *) destinationFolder
inContext: (id) localContext
keepCopy: (BOOL) copy
NSArray *folders;
NSString *currentFolderName, *currentAccountName, *destinationAccountName;
@ -673,15 +694,35 @@ static NSComparisonResult _compareFetchResultsByUID (id entry1, id entry2, NSArr
result = [[self imap4Connection] createMailbox: imapDestinationFolder
atURL: [[self mailAccountFolder] imap4URL]];
if (!result || [result boolValue])
result = [client copyUids: uids toFolder: imapDestinationFolder];
if (copy || ![[self mailAccountFolder] supportsMove])
result = [client copyUids: uids toFolder: imapDestinationFolder];
result = [client moveUids: uids toFolder: imapDestinationFolder];
if ([[result valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
result = nil;
result = nil;
if (!copy && ![[self mailAccountFolder] supportsMove])
// Server doesn't support MOVE -- delete messages
result = [client storeFlags: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"Deleted"]
forUIDs: uids addOrRemove: YES];
if ([[result valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
[self markForExpunge];
result = nil;
result = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 500
reason: [[[result objectForKey: @"RawResponse"]
objectForKey: @"ResponseResult"]
objectForKey: @"description"]];
result = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 500
reason: [[[result objectForKey: @"RawResponse"]
objectForKey: @"ResponseResult"]
objectForKey: @"description"]];
@ -759,36 +800,6 @@ static NSComparisonResult _compareFetchResultsByUID (id entry1, id entry2, NSArr
return result;
- (WOResponse *) moveUIDs: (NSArray *) uids
toFolder: (NSString *) destinationFolder
inContext: (id) localContext
id result;
NGImap4Client *client;
client = [[self imap4Connection] client];
if (client)
result = [self copyUIDs: uids toFolder: destinationFolder inContext: localContext];
if (![result isNotNull])
result = [client storeFlags: [NSArray arrayWithObject: @"Deleted"]
forUIDs: uids addOrRemove: YES];
if ([[result valueForKey: @"result"] boolValue])
[self markForExpunge];
result = nil;
result = [NSException exceptionWithName: @"SOGoMailException"
reason: @"IMAP connection is invalid"
userInfo: nil];
return result;
- (WOResponse *) markMessagesAsJunkOrNotJunk: (NSArray *) uids
junk: (BOOL) isJunk