use correct mail attachment elements for EAS 2.5 clients - patch from tfu

Ludovic Marcotte 2015-02-26 17:56:42 -05:00
parent a5672fda52
commit df59b73a22
2 changed files with 24 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -786,24 +786,39 @@ struct GlobalObjectId {
if ([attachmentKeys count])
int i;
[s appendString: @"<Attachments xmlns=\"AirSyncBase:\">"];
if ([[[context request] headerForKey: @"MS-ASProtocolVersion"] isEqualToString: @"2.5"])
[s appendString: @"<Attachments xmlns=\"Email:\">"];
[s appendString: @"<Attachments xmlns=\"AirSyncBase:\">"];
for (i = 0; i < [attachmentKeys count]; i++)
value = [attachmentKeys objectAtIndex: i];
[s appendString: @"<Attachment>"];
[s appendFormat: @"<DisplayName>%@</DisplayName>", [[value objectForKey: @"filename"] activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]];
if ([[[context request] headerForKey: @"MS-ASProtocolVersion"] isEqualToString: @"2.5"])
[s appendFormat: @"<DisplayName>%@</DisplayName>", [[value objectForKey: @"filename"] activeSyncRepresentationInContext: context]];
// FileReference must be a unique identifier across the whole store. We use the following structure:
// mail/<foldername>/<message UID/<pathofpart>
// mail/INBOX/2
[s appendFormat: @"<FileReference>mail/%@/%@/%@</FileReference>", [[[self container] relativeImap4Name] stringByEscapingURL], [self nameInContainer], [value objectForKey: @"path"]];
if ([[[context request] headerForKey: @"MS-ASProtocolVersion"] isEqualToString: @"2.5"])
[s appendFormat: @"<AttName>mail/%@/%@/%@</AttName>", [[[self container] relativeImap4Name] stringByEscapingURL], [self nameInContainer], [value objectForKey: @"path"]];
[s appendFormat: @"<FileReference>mail/%@/%@/%@</FileReference>", [[[self container] relativeImap4Name] stringByEscapingURL], [self nameInContainer], [value objectForKey: @"path"]];
[s appendFormat: @"<Method>%d</Method>", 1]; // See:
[s appendFormat: @"<EstimatedDataSize>%d</EstimatedDataSize>", [[value objectForKey: @"size"] intValue]];
//[s appendFormat: @"<IsInline>%d</IsInline>", 1];
if ([[[context request] headerForKey: @"MS-ASProtocolVersion"] isEqualToString: @"2.5"])
[s appendFormat: @"<AttMethod>%d</AttMethod>", 1];
[s appendFormat: @"<AttSize>%d</AttSize>", [[value objectForKey: @"size"] intValue]];
[s appendFormat: @"<Method>%d</Method>", 1]; // See:
[s appendFormat: @"<EstimatedDataSize>%d</EstimatedDataSize>", [[value objectForKey: @"size"] intValue]];
//[s appendFormat: @"<IsInline>%d</IsInline>", 1];
[s appendString: @"</Attachment>"];

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Bug fixes
- use the correct body element for events for EAS 2.5 clients
- SmartReply improvements for missing body attributes
- do not use syncKey from cache when davCollectionTag = -1
- use correct mail attachment elements for EAS 2.5 clients
2.2.16 (2015-02-12)