Monotone-Parent: 4aaa3d89a907d67df8c23bdce5f9fb5be71e663d

Monotone-Revision: 07a28abc844008a513555a2e67b3e7e410b3f355

Monotone-Date: 2007-04-16T17:36:56
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
Wolfgang Sourdeau 2007-04-16 17:36:56 +00:00
parent 4063ec97a6
commit e6ee684ac4
2 changed files with 179 additions and 220 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
2007-04-16 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* Main/SOGo.m ([SOGo +initialize]): on GNUstep, trigger some
debugging facilities when the SOGoDebugObjectAllocation user
default is set.
2007-04-11 Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
* SoObjects/SOGo/NSString+Utilities.m ([NSString -boolValue]): new

View File

@ -21,92 +21,6 @@
#include <NGObjWeb/SoApplication.h>
// @interface classtree : NSObject
// {
// Class topClass;
// int indentLevel;
// }
// - (id) initWithTopClass: (Class) newTopClass;
// - (void) dumpSiblings: (Class) node;
// @end
// @implementation classtree
// + (id) newWithTopClass: (Class) newTopClass
// {
// id newTree;
// newTree = [[self alloc] initWithTopClass: newTopClass];
// [newTree autorelease];
// return newTree;
// }
// - (id) initWithTopClass: (Class) newTopClass
// {
// if ((self = [self init]))
// topClass = newTopClass;
// return self;
// }
// #define indentGap 2
// - (NSString *) indentSpaces
// {
// char *spaceString;
// spaceString = malloc(sizeof (char *) * indentGap * indentLevel + 1);
// *(spaceString + indentGap * indentLevel) = 0;
// memset (spaceString, ' ', indentGap * indentLevel);
// return [[NSString alloc] initWithCStringNoCopy: spaceString
// length: indentGap * indentLevel
// freeWhenDone: YES];
// }
// - (void) dumpNode: (Class) node
// {
// Class currentSubclass;
// unsigned int count;
// count = 0;
// currentSubclass = node->subclass_list;
// if (currentSubclass)
// {
// NSLog(@"%@%@:",
// [[self indentSpaces] autorelease], NSStringFromClass(node));
// indentLevel++;
// [self dumpSiblings: currentSubclass];
// indentLevel--;
// }
// else
// NSLog(@"%@%@", [self indentSpaces], NSStringFromClass(node));
// }
// - (void) dumpSiblings: (Class) node
// {
// Class currentNode;
// currentNode = node;
// while (currentNode && currentNode->instance_size)
// {
// [self dumpNode: currentNode];
// currentNode = currentNode->sibling_class;
// }
// }
// - (void) dumpTree
// {
// indentLevel = 0;
// [self dumpSiblings: topClass];
// }
// @end
@interface SOGo : SoApplication
NSMutableDictionary *localeLUT;
@ -129,27 +43,37 @@
static unsigned int vMemSizeLimit = 0;
static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate = NO;
+ (void)initialize {
static BOOL debugObjectAllocation = NO;
+ (void) initialize
NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
SoClassSecurityInfo *sInfo;
NSArray *basicRoles;
id tmp;
doCrashOnSessionCreate = [ud boolForKey:@"SOGoCrashOnSessionCreate"];
debugObjectAllocation = [ud boolForKey: @"SOGoDebugObjectAllocation"];
if (debugObjectAllocation)
NSLog (@"activating stats on object allocation");
GSDebugAllocationActive (YES);
/* vMem size check - default is 200MB */
tmp = [ud objectForKey:@"SxVMemLimit"];
vMemSizeLimit = (tmp != nil)
? [tmp intValue]
: 200;
if (vMemSizeLimit > 0) {
tmp = [ud objectForKey: @"SxVMemLimit"];
vMemSizeLimit = ((tmp != nil) ? [tmp intValue] : 200);
if (vMemSizeLimit > 0)
NSLog(@"Note: vmem size check enabled: shutting down app when "
@"vmem > %d MB", vMemSizeLimit);
if ([ud boolForKey:@"SOGoEnableDoubleReleaseCheck"])
[NSAutoreleasePool enableDoubleReleaseCheck:YES];
[NSAutoreleasePool enableDoubleReleaseCheck: YES];
/* SoClass security declarations */
@ -168,8 +92,10 @@ static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate = NO;
[sInfo declareRoles: basicRoles asDefaultForPermission: SoPerm_WebDAVAccess];
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
WOResourceManager *rm;
/* ensure core SoClass'es are setup */
@ -178,7 +104,7 @@ static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate = NO;
[$(@"SOGoFolder") soClass];
/* setup locale cache */
self->localeLUT = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:2];
localeLUT = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:2];
/* load products */
[[SOGoProductLoader productLoader] loadProducts];
@ -187,23 +113,28 @@ static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate = NO;
rm = [[WEResourceManager alloc] init];
[self setResourceManager:rm];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[self->localeLUT release];
- (void) dealloc
[localeLUT release];
[super dealloc];
/* authenticator */
- (id)authenticatorInContext:(id)_ctx {
- (id) authenticatorInContext: (id) _ctx
return [$(@"SOGoAuthenticator") sharedSOGoAuthenticator];
/* name lookup */
- (BOOL)isUserName:(NSString *)_key inContext:(id)_ctx {
- (BOOL) isUserName: (NSString *) _key
inContext: (id) _ctx
if ([_key length] < 1)
return NO;
@ -218,21 +149,29 @@ static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate = NO;
initWithName:_key inContainer:self] autorelease];
- (void)_setupLocaleInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx {
- (void) _setupLocaleInContext: (WOContext *) _ctx
NSArray *langs;
NSDictionary *locale;
if ([[_ctx valueForKey:@"locale"] isNotNull])
langs = [[(WOContext *)_ctx request] browserLanguages];
langs = [[_ctx request] browserLanguages];
locale = [self currentLocaleConsideringLanguages:langs];
[_ctx takeValue:locale forKey:@"locale"];
- (id)lookupName:(NSString *)_key inContext:(id)_ctx acquire:(BOOL)_flag {
- (id) lookupName: (NSString *) _key
inContext: (id) _ctx
acquire: (BOOL) _flag
id obj;
if (debugObjectAllocation)
NSLog(@"objects allocated\n%s", GSDebugAllocationList (YES));
/* put locale info into the context in case it's not there */
[self _setupLocaleInContext:_ctx];
@ -259,15 +198,16 @@ static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate = NO;
/* WebDAV */
- (NSString *)davDisplayName {
- (NSString *) davDisplayName
/* this is used in the UI, eg in the navigation */
return @"SOGo";
/* exception handling */
- (WOResponse *)handleException:(NSException *)_exc
inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx
- (WOResponse *) handleException: (NSException *) _exc
inContext: (WOContext *) _ctx
printf("EXCEPTION: %s\n", [[_exc description] cString]);
@ -275,56 +215,54 @@ static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate = NO;
/* runtime maintenance */
// - (void) _dumpClassAllocation
// {
// classtree *ct;
// ct = [classtree newWithTopClass: [NSObject class]];
// [ct dumpTree];
// }
- (void)checkIfDaemonHasToBeShutdown {
unsigned int limit, vmem;
if ((limit = vMemSizeLimit) == 0)
- (void) checkIfDaemonHasToBeShutdown
unsigned int vmem;
if (vMemSizeLimit > 0)
vmem = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] virtualMemorySize]/1048576;
if (vmem > limit) {
if (vmem > vMemSizeLimit)
[self logWithFormat:
@"terminating app, vMem size limit (%d MB) has been reached"
@" (currently %d MB)",
limit, vmem];
vMemSizeLimit, vmem];
// if (debugObjectAllocation)
// [self _dumpClassAllocation];
[self terminate];
- (WOResponse *)dispatchRequest:(WORequest *)_request {
- (WOResponse *) dispatchRequest: (WORequest *) _request
static NSArray *runLoopModes = nil;
WOResponse *resp;
resp = [super dispatchRequest:_request];
resp = [super dispatchRequest: _request];
if ([self isTerminating])
return resp;
if (runLoopModes == nil)
runLoopModes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:NSDefaultRunLoopMode, nil];
if (![self isTerminating])
if (!runLoopModes)
runLoopModes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: NSDefaultRunLoopMode, nil];
// TODO: a bit complicated? (-perform:afterDelay: doesn't work?)
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] performSelector:
target:self argument:nil
@selector (checkIfDaemonHasToBeShutdown)
target: self argument: nil
order:1 modes:runLoopModes];
return resp;
/* session management */
- (id)createSessionForRequest:(WORequest *)_request {
[self warnWithFormat:@"session creation requested!"];
- (id) createSessionForRequest: (WORequest *) _request
[self warnWithFormat: @"session creation requested!"];
if (doCrashOnSessionCreate)
return [super createSessionForRequest:_request];
@ -332,87 +270,102 @@ static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate = NO;
/* localization */
- (NSDictionary *)currentLocaleConsideringLanguages:(NSArray *)_langs {
unsigned i, count;
/* assume _langs is ordered by priority */
count = [_langs count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- (NSDictionary *) currentLocaleConsideringLanguages: (NSArray *) langs
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *lname;
NSDictionary *locale;
lname = [_langs objectAtIndex:i];
locale = [self localeForLanguageNamed:lname];
if (locale != nil)
return locale;
enumerator = [langs objectEnumerator];
lname = nil;
locale = nil;
lname = [enumerator nextObject];
while (lname && !locale)
locale = [self localeForLanguageNamed: lname];
lname = [enumerator nextObject];
if (!locale)
locale = [self localeForLanguageNamed: @"English"];
/* no appropriate language, fallback to default */
return [self localeForLanguageNamed:@"English"];
return locale;
- (NSString *)pathToLocaleForLanguageNamed:(NSString *)_name {
- (NSString *) pathToLocaleForLanguageNamed: (NSString *) _name
static Class MainProduct = Nil;
NSString *lpath;
lpath = [[self resourceManager] pathForResourceNamed:@"Locale"
languages:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_name]];
if ([lpath isNotNull])
return lpath;
if (MainProduct == Nil) {
if ((MainProduct = $(@"MainUIProduct")) == Nil)
[self errorWithFormat:@"did not find MainUIProduct class!"];
lpath = [[self resourceManager] pathForResourceNamed: @"Locale"
inFramework: nil
languages: [NSArray arrayWithObject:_name]];
if (![lpath length])
if (!MainProduct)
MainProduct = $(@"MainUIProduct");
if (!MainProduct)
[self errorWithFormat: @"did not find MainUIProduct class!"];
lpath = [(id)MainProduct pathToLocaleForLanguageNamed:_name];
if ([lpath isNotNull])
return lpath;
lpath = [(id) MainProduct pathToLocaleForLanguageNamed: _name];
if (![lpath length])
lpath = nil;
return nil;
return lpath;
- (NSDictionary *)localeForLanguageNamed:(NSString *)_name {
- (NSDictionary *) localeForLanguageNamed: (NSString *) _name
NSString *lpath;
id data;
NSDictionary *locale;
if (![_name isNotNull]) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"%s: name parameter must not be nil!",
return nil;
if ((locale = [self->localeLUT objectForKey:_name]) != nil)
return locale;
if ((lpath = [self pathToLocaleForLanguageNamed:_name]) == nil) {
[self errorWithFormat:@"did not find Locale for language: %@", _name];
return nil;
if ((data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:lpath]) == nil) {
[self logWithFormat:@"%s didn't find locale with name:%@",
return nil;
data = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:data
encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
locale = nil;
if ([_name length] > 0)
locale = [localeLUT objectForKey: _name];
if (!locale)
lpath = [self pathToLocaleForLanguageNamed:_name];
if (lpath)
data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile: lpath];
if (data)
data = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData: data
encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
locale = [data propertyList];
if (locale == nil) {
if (locale)
[localeLUT setObject: locale forKey: _name];
[self logWithFormat:@"%s couldn't load locale with name:%@",
return nil;
[self->localeLUT setObject:locale forKey:_name];
[self logWithFormat:@"%s didn't find locale with name: %@",
[self errorWithFormat:@"did not find Locale for language: %@", _name];
[self errorWithFormat:@"%s: name parameter must not be nil!",
return locale;
/* name (used by the WEResourceManager) */
- (NSString *)name {
- (NSString *) name
return @"SOGo-0.9";