Merge branch 'master' of

Wolfgang Sourdeau 2012-09-26 09:35:55 -04:00
commit e837323c2e
8 changed files with 10 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tasca confidencial)";
"The following attendees(s) were removed:" = "Heu suprimit els assistents següents:";
/* IMIP messages */
"calendar_label" = "Calendari:";
"startDate_label" = "Inici:";
"endDate_label" = "Final:";
"due_label" = "Data límit:";

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Vertrouwelijke taak)";
"The following attendees(s) were removed:" = "De volgende deelnemers zijn verwijderd:";
/* IMIP messages */
"calendar_label" = "Agenda:";
"startDate_label" = "Start:";
"endDate_label" = "Einde:";
"due_label" = "Vervaldag:";

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tâche confidentielle)";
"The following attendees(s) were removed:" = "Les invités suivants ont été supprimés :";
/* IMIP messages */
"calendar_label" = "Agenda :";
"startDate_label" = "Début :";
"endDate_label" = "Fin :";
"due_label" = "Fin prévue :";

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Vertrauliche Aufgabe)";
"The following attendees(s) were removed:" = "Die folgenden Teilnehmer wurden entfernt:";
/* IMIP messages */
"calendar_label" = "Kalender:";
"startDate_label" = "Beginn:";
"endDate_label" = "Ende:";
"due_label" = "Fälligkeit:";
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Vertrauliche Aufgabe)";
"%{Organizer} %{SentByText}has cancelled this event: %{Summary}.\n\nStart: %{StartDate}\nEnd: %{EndDate}\nDescription: %{Description}"
= "%{Organizer} %{SentByText} hat den folgenden Termin abgesagt: %{Summary}.\n\nBeginn: %{StartDate}\nEnde: %{EndDate}\nBeschreibung: %{Description}";
"%{Organizer} %{SentByText}has cancelled this event: %{Summary}.\n\nStart: %{StartDate} at %{StartTime}\nEnd: %{EndDate} at %{EndTime}\nDescription: %{Description}"
= "%{Organizer} %{SentByText} hat diesen Termin abgesagt: %{Summary}.\n\nBeginn: %{StartDate} um %{StartTime}\nEnde: %{EndDate} um %{EndTime}\nBeschreibung: %{Description}";
= "%{Organizer} %{SentByText} hat diesen Termin abgesagt: \"%{Summary}\".\n\nBeginn: %{StartDate} um %{StartTime}\nEnde: %{EndDate} um %{EndTime}\nBeschreibung: %{Description}";
/* Update */
"The appointment \"%{Summary}\" for the %{OldStartDate} has changed"
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Vertrauliche Aufgabe)";
= "Bitte akzeptieren Sie diese Änderung oder lehnen Sie ab.";
/* Reply */
"Reply to invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Antwort auf Termineinladung: %{Summary}";
"Reply to invitation: \"%{Summary}\"" = "Antwort auf Termineinladung: \"%{Summary}\"";
"%{Attendee} %{SentByText}has accepted your event invitation."
= "%{Attendee} %{SentByText} hat Ihre Termineinladung akzeptiert.";
"%{Attendee} %{SentByText}has declined your event invitation."

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Bizalmas feladat)";
"The following attendees(s) were removed:" = "Az alábbi résztvevők lettek eltávolítva:";
/* IMIP messages */
"calendar_label" = "Naptár:";
"startDate_label" = "Kezdete:";
"endDate_label" = "Vége:";
"due_label" = "Lejárat napja:";

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Конфиденциальная задача)";
"The following attendees(s) were removed:" = "Следующие люди были исключены из списка приглашенных:";
/* IMIP messages */
"calendar_label" = "Календарь:";
"startDate_label" = "Начало:";
"endDate_label" = "Конец:";
"due_label" = "Должно быть готово к:";

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tarea confidencial)";
"The following attendees(s) were removed:" = "Se removieron los siguientes participantes:";
/* IMIP messages */
"calendar_label" = "Calendario:";
"startDate_label" = "Inicio:";
"endDate_label" = "Fin:";
"due_label" = "Fecha de finalización:";

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ vtodo_class2 = "(Tarea confidencial)";
"The following attendees(s) were removed:" = "Los invitados siguientes han sido quitado:";
/* IMIP messages */
"calendar_label" = "Calendario:";
"startDate_label" = "Inicio:";
"endDate_label" = "Fin:";
"due_label" = "Fecha Fin:";