Monotone-Parent: e6ad80e24c1ede734b861d9072dacbb1338a2067

Monotone-Revision: b59394ce41ababb200762bb693096a12e31ce9e1

Monotone-Date: 2007-03-07T22:31:34
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
Wolfgang Sourdeau 2007-03-07 22:31:34 +00:00
parent 18cef1e7c2
commit fad9d1945f
1 changed files with 95 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -21,6 +21,92 @@
#include <NGObjWeb/SoApplication.h>
// @interface classtree : NSObject
// {
// Class topClass;
// int indentLevel;
// }
// - (id) initWithTopClass: (Class) newTopClass;
// - (void) dumpSiblings: (Class) node;
// @end
// @implementation classtree
// + (id) newWithTopClass: (Class) newTopClass
// {
// id newTree;
// newTree = [[self alloc] initWithTopClass: newTopClass];
// [newTree autorelease];
// return newTree;
// }
// - (id) initWithTopClass: (Class) newTopClass
// {
// if ((self = [self init]))
// topClass = newTopClass;
// return self;
// }
// #define indentGap 2
// - (NSString *) indentSpaces
// {
// char *spaceString;
// spaceString = malloc(sizeof (char *) * indentGap * indentLevel + 1);
// *(spaceString + indentGap * indentLevel) = 0;
// memset (spaceString, ' ', indentGap * indentLevel);
// return [[NSString alloc] initWithCStringNoCopy: spaceString
// length: indentGap * indentLevel
// freeWhenDone: YES];
// }
// - (void) dumpNode: (Class) node
// {
// Class currentSubclass;
// unsigned int count;
// count = 0;
// currentSubclass = node->subclass_list;
// if (currentSubclass)
// {
// NSLog(@"%@%@:",
// [[self indentSpaces] autorelease], NSStringFromClass(node));
// indentLevel++;
// [self dumpSiblings: currentSubclass];
// indentLevel--;
// }
// else
// NSLog(@"%@%@", [self indentSpaces], NSStringFromClass(node));
// }
// - (void) dumpSiblings: (Class) node
// {
// Class currentNode;
// currentNode = node;
// while (currentNode && currentNode->instance_size)
// {
// [self dumpNode: currentNode];
// currentNode = currentNode->sibling_class;
// }
// }
// - (void) dumpTree
// {
// indentLevel = 0;
// [self dumpSiblings: topClass];
// }
// @end
@interface SOGo : SoApplication
NSMutableDictionary *localeLUT;
@ -189,6 +275,14 @@ static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate = NO;
/* runtime maintenance */
// - (void) _dumpClassAllocation
// {
// classtree *ct;
// ct = [classtree newWithTopClass: [NSObject class]];
// [ct dumpTree];
// }
- (void)checkIfDaemonHasToBeShutdown {
unsigned int limit, vmem;
@ -202,6 +296,7 @@ static BOOL doCrashOnSessionCreate = NO;
@"terminating app, vMem size limit (%d MB) has been reached"
@" (currently %d MB)",
limit, vmem];
// [self _dumpClassAllocation];
[self terminate];